Chapter 250: Unexpected Situation

Chapter 250: Unexpected Situation

Unexpected Situation

Y-youre here? It seems like it took a bit longer. Did something happen

Shut up.

Frey, stepping onto the carriage prepared for their date, responded with a cold tone as Serena stumbled over her words, watching his reaction.


After a sigh, Frey, who had taken his seat, silently gazed out the window and sighed again.

Why am I acting like this? Why?

An inexplicable impulse had persistently urged him for a while now, an emotion entirely foreign to Frey.

Why do I want to torment others?

For the first time in his life, he genuinely wished to torment others, committing pure acts of malevolence unrelated to the forced actions during the first cycle or the current wickedness to save the world.


The signs of this change appeared when the drunken Isolet had barged into his hideout.

In that moment, Frey, slightly intoxicated, tried to ease her week-long worries, reassuring her that his high position in the Demon Kings army held no issues with lifespan while also emphasizing the difference in their positions.

The decision itself was correct, but insulting her by calling her a doormat or lecherous wretch was never part of his plan.

However, he felt guilty and exhilarated for some reason when saying those words, and the situation spiraled out of control from that point onward.

He passionately kissed Miho his fiancs aide and friend who had already disliked him, intertwining their tongues and displaying possessiveness.

Throwing words he didnt even mean and saying that he wanted to have an affair with Miho left his fiance, Serena, wounded and tearful as she clung to him.

Earlier, he had uttered hurtful words, even insulting and sexually harassing Isolet, the second person he respected the most in the world.

Lulu, always loyal and affectionate, received cold treatment, facing physical punishment through strangulation and even biting, actions that left Frey bewildered as to why he was yielding to such desires.

Could it be I am under a curse?

Guilt and confusion etched Freys expression as he stared out the window.

Perhaps I should contact Kania

After suffering in silence for a while, Freys thoughts led him to seek advice from Kania, an expert on curses, and he turned his gaze to the side.



Simultaneously, Serena, who had somehow attached herself closely to his side, sparkled with anticipation, caught his attention.

I want to torment her

As a result, Freys briefly tranquil mind began to be disturbed, and negative thoughts resurfaced once more.

Go away.


Consequently, Frey pushed Serena aside and spoke coldly.

Behave, Serena.

B-but I should put this on you


Perplexed, Frey tilted his head, and Serena quietly extended something for him to see.

Is this a lens?

What she presented was a lens emitting rainbow colors.

Yes, you should wear this so we can see each others faces

As Serena explained, both of them were currently under special disguise.

To conceal Frey, who was feigning his disappearance and hiding, Serena used the hereditary perception-altering magic passed down through her family, altering both their facial appearances.

Thanks to this, to external observers Frey and Serena appeared entirely different

Of course, their inherent charm from their original appearances remained unchanged despite the altered perception.

I-Im already wearing it. When I look at our altered appearances, it feels like were having an affair F-for me, even if you beat me to death, I still like you the best

Come to think of it Im the only one who can see your true appearance now Hehe.

Serena, who had been mumbling timidly, suddenly spoke with a blissful look as Frey gazed at her.

When Frey stared at her intently, Serena, who was timidly muttering, spoke as if suddenly reminded of something and gazed at him thrilled.

I dont need that.


Id rather see that appearance than your original face, which is nothing to look at.


But as Frey continued with his shocking statement, her previously gleeful smile vanished completely.


Now, move away from my side.


Upon hearing that, Serena looked dejected like a pitiable, drenched puppy. Without arguing, she simply lowered her head in response to Freys cold command and muttered softly.

A-alright then, Ill keep this appearance today

Thats right, now

So she quickly realized that the owner of this drastic action was none other than Isolet, who had recently risen to the top of the file.

I should revise the ranking soon

Serena, who quietly elevated Isolets threat level to the maximum in her mind, gritted her teeth and soon began looking at Frey to shake off her unpleasant feeling.

Are you asleep, Frey?

His eyes remained closed throughout.

Poke, poke.

Lost in contemplation while staring at his doll-like face, Serena delicately prodded Freys cheek with her finger.

Its so squishy

For a while, Serena blushed as she continued to poke Freys soft cheek.


Suddenly, as the carriage began to sway, her expression turned cold in an instant.


However, before she could react, the unexpected happened.


The roar echoed as the carriage teetered as if on the verge of flipping over.

An accident? No, it was a dirt path, so the carriage shook quite a bit, but it wasnt to the extent it would flip over.

In the half-tilted carriage, Serena, lifted slightly into the air, started to contemplate inwardly.

Then there must be an ambush.

Serena, who had wiped away her foolish smile until then, swiftly assumed a cold, ruthless expression reminiscent of an assassin.

Not the Imperial Family, perhaps the Church? Or maybe the Hero Party? Regardless, first

While using her brain to the fullest, Serena clung to Frey, who had also floated into the air with her and took out a fan from her inner chest pocket. Her eyes began to gleam.


Taken aback, she gasped and blushed.


The reason for this was that Frey, who had woken up with a start after dozing off for a moment, unconsciously embraced Serena due to the shock.


Freys bold action, which she hadnt experienced ever since he was young, left Serenas normally sharp mind in a state of disarray.

Crash, thud!

Just like that, the carriage, with Frey tightly embracing Serena, dramatically flipped over.

What should I do, what should I do, what should I do

Buried in Freys warm embrace, Serenas mind turned blank.






Meanwhile, at that moment.


Leaning her chin on her hands at the table, Vener quietly observed the floating projection magical device in the situation room.


The monitor displayed a carriage covered in dust, overturned.

Um, excuse me

In the quiet situation room where no one spoke due to the dismal sight, someone suddenly raised their hand.

I-I I came here because they said Frey Frey is here? I?

The pitiful, worn expression belonged to none other than Roswyn.

Oh, well.

Vener, who was sharply looking at her, had a cold expression and was about to open her mouth to speak.




The door to the situation room swung open suddenly, and someone entered, causing Vener to momentarily pause her words and tilt her head in confusion.

What in the world?

It was Freys younger sister who had become the temporary head of the Starlight family.

What are you all doing?

Aria Raon Starlight appeared in the situation room.

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