Chapter Seventeen - Marriage

Chapter Seventeen - Marriage

I had a few more surprises in the following days. The first, and largest, was that Prince Sut was already married. I have to confess that was a real blow to my determination to live as Princess Hemere, it seems even in my introspection I was naive. What, after all, was I expecting? Father had many wives, concubines, and mistresses. Even if I had been Suts first wife, I was unlikely to be his only one. As it was, if we were married, I would be his second wife.

I was instinctively put off by this, but after I thought about it I realised it was not as much of a big deal as I had initially felt. I wasnt marrying for love after all, so why would it matter if my husband didnt give me his full attention? If anything, this was ideal; the more wives there were, the more time I had to myself, right?

I think that, but I dont really feel it. I wouldnt be happy with having to share a husband, even in this situation. I think I can tolerate it, so long as there arent too many and I keep a certain emotional distance from Sut. Emotionally, I would need to be able to like the man enough to share a bed with him but not be so in love that I became jealous of the others who did as well.

I think that I would find this far more intolerable if this wasnt my third life and there were many more ahead of me supposedly. In that context, Im not making such a big choice, am I? Except, that if I did only have this life, the threat my siblings pose would essentially mean that I could either choose to be the Princes second wife or I could choose to drink poison and end it all.

In the end, the treaty was finished and my marriage to [First Prince] Sut was announced. It was strange to hear news of my marriage from a [Crier] before I had been told, and it worsened my nerves considerably. RaSharon didnt have a practice of marriage ceremonies, which I had always found odd, and as a result - as far as the law was concerned - I was now the second wife of Prince Sut. Just like that.

I had Aj guide me to where Prince Suts quarters and found him on a balcony overlooking SharonAn, with the wind lightly blowing his robes as he stood watching the bustling docks. I wasnt sure what to say now that I was here, and so simply approached him slowly while trying to work out how to greet him. He turned towards me, and I stopped when he met my eyes.

I suppose you have heard the news, Hemere? He asked, as he walked over to me. I still wasnt sure what to say, so I simply nodded and he continued, I must confess, I find RaSharon to be strange in many ways. When we return to Hasa we will have to have a ceremony and a celebration of our marriage.

He walked right up to me, reaching his hand out to brush my hair away and trace his fingers down my face to just under my chin so that he could tilt my face up so that I was looking in his eyes. Sut had a sharp face, somewhat softened by his short, curly beard. His hair was long, but above his shoulders, and fell behind his ears, held back by a golden circlet. His dark eyes seemed to search mine as we stood there.

I am aware that I am probably not your first choice, Sut spoke softly. This is not a match of love - no, it is your fear, my own desire, and your fathers desire for a stable deal. Yet, I hope that you are not unhappy with me.

I am not unhappy, I almost whispered in my reply. I also want this treaty to work and I am not opposed to marrying you As for love, who knows what the future might hold? From what I know of you, I believe I can come to love you as we become closer and I hope that you can come to love me as well.

That got me a smile as Sut let his fingers trail down my neck and I shivered despite the heat. Then, suddenly, he pulled me towards him and kissed me. I was surprised, but as Sut held me my confused feelings melted away. There was more to a relationship than just love and marriage. There were feelings and intimacy before that point, and my confusion over the latter parts didnt need to distract me from the former ones.

So I closed my eyes and leaned in to the kiss, my arms going over his shoulders and his arms going around my back. He guided us back towards the bed and our lips only parted when my calves touched the bed frame so that he could pull my dress off and toss it to the floor. There Sut paused, allowing his eyes to take me in from head to toe and then back up to my own eyes with a look of hunger on his face. A second later he had swept me off my feet and was gently guiding me down onto the bed.

I- Shou- Shouldnt I take off my, I try to gasp out as Sut starts to kiss his way down my neck. My jewelry? Ah!?

He had kissed his way past the nape of my neck and collarbone down to my breasts. When he reached the nipple of my left breast, my thoughts became even more scattered than before. Sut seemed to enjoy causing me to stutter and I could feel his wicked smile against my skin, flicking his tongue over my nipple to make me gasp. Moving from my left breast to my right breast, he paused for only half a second.

That would take far too long, his voice came across as a low growl as he met my eyes from between my breasts. And I am not a patient enough man to wait that long

But I I didnt manage to complete a thought before he began again on my right breast. Suts left hand reached up to my other breast and his right hand trailed down my stomach, taking a moment to trace my belly button, before moving down between my legs.

And he knew what he was doing; stimulating my clitoris before slowly inserting a finger inside me. He had me shuddering under him, panting and moaning. The tingling feelings of pleasure began to build within me as I clung to him. I felt his fingers moving inside me, the fingers on his other hand on my breast and the feeling of his lips on my other breast and I started to breathe faster and faster, my heart pounding in my chest.

Su I The intensity of those feelings continued to build, my breaths coming out in short gasps, my muscles tightening. I- I think

Both, actually. He replied lazily, I am a [General] and a [Champion]. The effort will be worth it when I ascend to the throne and consolidate my Classes. My father and I have been working towards this goal for a long time now.

Oh! I can help with that, I thought, recalling my research from four years ago. When I was younger I did some work into understanding how Classes and Class consolidation worked!

I was excited to explain, but in the end all I got was a chuckle. Sut went on to explain that what I had thought of as a breakthrough was well known by anyone who mattered.

Usually, he said. This kind of knowledge is passed from parent to child in the upper classes. I suppose no one ever brought it up to you because by the time you would have been told, you had already figured it out. That is amazing, to have already understood the mysteries of the System so young.

I was disappointed to learn that my knowledge wasnt as valuable as I thought it was. Father hadnt confiscated it because it was new knowledge, but rather because I had desired to share it freely with everyone. Personally, I doubted he would have ever explained to me if I hadnt figured it out for myself, but that is perhaps just my own cynicism talking.

Well, regardless, I cant say I am entirely happy with that idea, I said, pouting slightly at his amusement at my own disappointment, but then continuing on seriously. A consolidation with a [Champion] Class That will put you on the front line of conflict. It puts you at risk.

True, but it also makes me much harder to kill, he replied. You dont need to worry about me, Hem. I have Endurance and Vitality like you have Charisma.

Besides, the synergy between the Skills of my Classes give me the ability to turn the [Soldiers] around me into warriors without peer. I might be leading the charge, but the weight of it is in the army behind me.

I cant say I know anything about battlefield tactics, so I cannot really argue with him. In the future, that should be something I make sure to learn though because I imagine it will be useful for me in one life or another. Still, the idea of a [General] leading a charge just seems wrong to me.

I let my thoughts wander for a while, just relaxing at Suts side for a time. Eventually, I heaved a sigh, noting that the angle of the sunlight pouring into the room indicated that it was getting later in the day. We had to get up, despite how much I would rather not.

Dont worry my dear Hem, Sut said, noting my reluctance and watching my naked body with renewed hunger as I got up to find my dress. We will have the entire night together as well, and many nights from here on out.

Despite the heat, I shivered at his words. Perhaps this would be far better than I had thought

[Class Consolidation! [Imperial Princess] and [Muse] have Consolidated into [Siren Princess] lvl 15!]

[You have gained the Skill [In the Eye of the Beholder]!]

[Your Skill [Inspiring Voice] has upgraded into [Sirens Song]!]

[Your Skill [Muses Inspiration] has upgraded into [Sirens Inspiration]!]

[In the Eye of the Beholder]: If someone finds you attractive they only are able to use two thirds of their effective Willpower against your Skills.

[Sirens Song]: Your voice - especially when singing - inspires emotions in your audience depending on what you desire to inspire. Allies listening to your voice will gain boosts to their Endurance and Willpower while enemies who hear your voice may experience hallucinations. This Skill is heavily affected by your Charisma and Magic Stats.

[Sirens Inspiration]: You can charge your art with emotion and your art will share that emotion with the audience when experienced. Those who view your art are more likely to have a feeling of awe and friendly viewers may become inspired by your work, boosting their Acuity, Dexterity, Willpower, and Endurance temporarily. Enemies who experience your work may be caught in an illusion or experience hallucinations for a short period of time. The stronger the emotion used to charge this, the greater the effect. This Skill is heavily affected by your Charisma, Willpower, and Magic Stats.