Chapter 45

Zong Jincheng protested unwillingly, correcting: "It's exposing, exposing his fraud! Who wants to witness his charm? What's there to see in fraud?"

Xu Wan chuckled lightly and gave him a sidelong glance.

Zong Jincheng raised his fist, unwilling to back down.

The headmaster didn't get annoyed and laughed, asking someone to call Qin Ye, who was their prized possession, a top talent destined to secure a place in the first division. Of course, he could showcase him!

The little devil waited in the courtyard, his bottom unable to sit still like it had grown nails. He would stand up from time to time, kick the stone bench occasionally, making Xu Wan want to close her eyes.

She held her forehead and complained, "I see you have too much energy; it would be more suitable to go to the Martial Academy and burn off some energy. Old Marquis and Old Madam are also like this; going to the Martial Academy doesn't necessarily mean you'll become a military general in the future. With your attitude of fishing for three days and sunbathing for two days, even as a soldier, you'd be disliked by the military camp."

Zong Jincheng couldn't stand the provocation.

He jumped up directly, shouting to her: "Who wants to go to the Martial Academy? Rolling around in the mud every day, sweating all over, it's so dirty, I don't care about practicing martial arts!"

Xu Wan nodded perfunctorily and said, "Yes, yes, yes, you don't do things that are tiring, you don't do things that are dirty, you don't do things that require persistence, and you also don't do things that are boring and uninteresting. Anyway, you just don't want to do anything, Young Master."

Zong Jincheng wanted to say "yes," but in response to her sarcastic remarks, no matter how he replied, it seemed like admitting defeat.

He ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​‍snorted, continuing to look towards the gate.

"Why hasn't he come yet?" The little devil's patience was gradually wearing off.

Meanwhile, Zong Wenxiu was studying Qin Ye's exam paper, examining each question from start to finish. This person was two years younger than him, but his handwriting was truly neat, and his translation answered word for word, exactly the same as the translations that Madam had organized for her brother.

Flipping through the back of the exam paper, Qin Ye's understanding of the "Meng Qiu" was not only profound but also referenced various texts to strengthen his arguments. "Meng Qiu" was something Zong Wenxiu had only memorized last month, clearly Qin Ye was much stronger than him.

Compared to Zong Jincheng's impatience, Zong Wenxiu's back had already started to feel cold; it was the first time he deeply felt how big the gap was between his own knowledge and that of others.

After a long time, the headmaster finally returned.

Following behind him was a cold-faced young boy, who had no ornaments on him, only wearing a deep blue robe with a plain belt around his waist, simple and neat.

Qin Ye looked up, his gaze extremely cold.

The headmaster smiled and said: "Madam Zong, you've waited for a long time. Just now, Qin Ye was still in class and only came out after the teacher finished. You see, this child is Qin Ye; he personally answered the exam paper."

Zong Jincheng examined him; the other person was about the same height as him, but their personalities were completely opposite, cold enough to freeze the people around them.

Zong Jincheng went around to face him, threatening, "Say it again."

Qin Ye tried to go around him.

But no matter how he tried to get away, the little devil just clung to him and wouldn't let him go.

Qin Ye's gaze grew even colder.

He coldly said, "Say it again a hundred times, it’s still like this, you can’t pass me."

After saying that, he pushed the little devil to the side and strode towards the door.

Zong Jincheng was pushed and almost fell to the ground.

He probably has never encountered someone who could be even more arrogant than himself in this life; the other person was so proud that they didn't even take him seriously.

Qin Ye even...

Even didn't ask what his name was!

Zong Jincheng was about to explode!

Insult! It's simply an insult!

He jumped up and down in both anger and rage, shaking Zong Wenxiu and shouting: "This guy is so arrogant! He doesn't take me seriously at all! What does he mean by 'the first that can't be taken away'? Who told him that the first place belongs to him? The first place is mine! Mine! Where on earth did he get his confidence from!!!"

Xu Wan had also asked the little demon king this question, but the answer was that he was merely blindly confident, with no factual basis.

But Qin Ye was different; his confidence came from his strength.

A child who had never lacked money or love since childhood, and who could always take first place in every exam, his confidence was so strong that no one could compete with him.

Xu Wan watched the little demon king go mad quietly by his side, with no intention of comforting him at all.

On the contrary, Zong Wenxiu kept persuading him: "You just haven't studied for long, you're starting from a later starting line than him. If you study for the same amount of time as he does, you will definitely be able to pass him easily!"

Zong Jincheng's eyes lit up: "That's right, I only studied for two months to get second place. If I study for one more month, he won't stand a chance!"

Xu Wan couldn't help but chuckle.

Zong Jincheng was once again pierced in his fragile little heart by this laughter, and he roared: "What are you laughing at!!!"