Chapter 47

“Is it the eight-year-old Qin Ye? I’ve also heard that he recently approached the headmaster to request a transfer to a more advanced class after this exam.”

“He’s really strong, probably aiming to take the child prodigy exam in a couple of years.”

“With him around, we’re sure to have someone make the cut this year!”

Zong Jincheng listened to them chattering away, their conversation constantly revolving around Qin Ye. In the eyes of the students at Qingbo Academy, Qin Ye was practically a savior.

This made Zong Jincheng extremely jealous.

He raised his fist and declared, “This time, I’ll show you all how I’ll beat that Qin Ye kid!”

“You?” The group looked at him, clearly skeptical.

“Never seen him.”

“Don’t know him.”

“Is he bragging?”

“First, you need to make the cut before you can even think about beating Qin Ye. Big talker, do you think you’re Qin Ye or something?”

Zong Jincheng: “!! I’m going to fight you all!!”

Zong Wenxiu was terrified, fearing his brother might get into a fight before the exam. He quickly pulled the little troublemaker aside and explained, “Don’t underestimate him. My brother is also very talented. Last month’s exam, he came in second, right after Qin Ye.”

Zong Jincheng hated being second, but mentioning this rank could prove his abilities, so he gritted his teeth and huffed in agreement.

The group was momentarily stunned, then retorted, “So what? There are thousands of students from the four academies taking this joint exam, and only 120 make the cut. In previous years, the other three academies always dominated, and Qingbo Academy never even had one on the list. Qin Ye might have a shot this year, but you? Forget it.”

Furious, Zong Jincheng shouted at Zong Wenxiu, “Don’t hold me back! Today, I’ll show them just how strong the top student of the joint exam can be!”

Zong Wenxiu: “......”

His brother’s boasts were getting bigger and bigger.

No... his confidence was just growing stronger and stronger.

“Hmph, another crazy one.”

“Let’s go, arguing with a fool is pointless.”

Zong Jincheng yelled at their retreating backs, “Damn it, you bunch of snobs! Open your eyes wide and watch this, this year I, Zong Jincheng, will definitely claim the top spot!”

The bustling academy was too noisy for anyone to take his words seriously, though a few passersby chuckled.

He had seen it several times—Xu Wan often had people bring things to Zong Wenxiu’s courtyard.

Zong Wenxiu grew more and more anxious, his eyes turning red. His voice trembled as he said, “It’s the jade pendant my father gave to my mother. It was through this pendant that my grandmother discovered our existence. My mother gave it to me, and it’s my fault for not keeping it safe...”

Zong Wenxiu was filled with regret. How could he have worn such an important pendant? If he could find it, he would keep it safe and never lose it again!

But ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​​‌​‌‌​​​​‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​‍regret was useless. Finding a lost item was as difficult as reaching for the sky.

Zong Wenxiu mustered his courage and shouted loudly, “Has anyone seen my jade pendant? It’s very important to me. If someone has found it, could you please return it to me? The reward is one tael of silver.”

According to the laws of the Great Chu Dynasty, when returning a lost item, the owner must offer a reward equal to a quarter of the item’s value as a thank-you gift.

One tael of silver was a quarter of the pendant’s value.

Many people were passing through the academy, and while they were briefly tempted by the offer, a quick glance around revealed no sign of the pendant, so they gave up.

A tael of silver was a considerable sum for children of their age, but the tuition at Qingbo Academy was relatively high, and students who could afford to study there weren’t short of money. They wouldn’t care about a single tael.

No one helped Zong Wenxiu look for it.

Even as he continued to shout, no one offered to help.

Shunzi and the others were limited in their efforts, and the search would take a lot of time.

Zong Wenxiu collapsed to the ground, tears welling in his eyes.

“Mother, I’m sorry. It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault...”

Seeing him like this, Zong Jincheng felt bad too. He instructed Shunzi, “Go and announce that the reward is now five hundred taels.”

Shunzi: “!!!!!!”

“Young master, that jade pendant is only worth four taels. Are you sure you want to spend five hundred taels to help Sir Wenxiu find it??”

That's the price of a purebred Akhal-Teke horse!

Zong Jincheng snapped, “Yes! Can’t you see he’s about to cry?”

Shunzi hesitated, “But you only have fifty taels in your private funds...”

That was what he had just received this month.

Zong Jincheng was silent for a few seconds, then looked at Zong Wenxiu and said, “Charge it to him. Ask Xu Wan for the money!”

Shunzi: “............”

Hopefully, Madam Xu will accept such a ridiculous logic.