Chapter 1824 Reincarnation and Prophecy

Name:The Martial Unity Author:
Chapter 1824 Reincarnation and Prophecy

Of course, it was entirely possible that the Beggar Sage possessed a mind that exceeded even that of his own. While Rui had yet to come across anyone who was clearly superior to him in this regard, he did not think that he was the greatest that the Panama Continent had ever seen.

Partially because it was embarrassingly arrogant to think that his mind was the greatest to grace this world. Aside from that, he especially was not too skeptical because of the revelations that human sages were effectively immortals that could seem to be able to undo death or reincarnate. He knew reincarnation was possible.

He had gone through it himself, after all.

Furthermore, it was the reason that his mind was as powerful as it was. While he had been exceptionally bright even in his previous life, the growth that he gained through this life was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

If the immortal human sages experienced something similar, then he would not have any questions regarding their intellect. It would also explain why they were greatly superior to their contemporaries in their respective fields, massively outstripping anybody in their domain.

It was another reason that Rui looked forward to meeting with the Divine Doctor. Diiscover new stories at

He had questions.

Questions pertaining to their immortality and how they managed to return from death.

For the first time in his entire life, he had found a clue to his magical reincarnation, the greatest miracle he had ever experienced in his life.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't dying of curiosity as to the truth about his reincarnation into the world of Gaia.

It was founded by the Venerable Venator, an extremely powerful Martial Sage, centuries ago and had grown into a behemoth of an organization over the years. The reason that it was in consideration was because it was the most knowledgeable organization when it came to the Beast Domain, and because of how extensively it dealt with that particular region of the Panama Continent.

Martial Artists who chose to register would be designated with the status of 'adventurer,' which was simply an occupation that specifically referred to those who chose to provide Martial Art services pertaining to the Beast Domain.

This was also an avenue that was worth exploring.

The fourth option was going down the same route as his father did. The Silas Clan.

His father had successfully found the Silas Clan and even made a deal with them to get him the Eye of Prophecy technique, which could significantly increase his chances of finding the Divine Doctor.

Unfortunately, he never got to use it. Probably because the technique would have harmed not just the woman he loved but their unborn child in her womb, Rui himself. Rui didn't know the exact principles of the forbidden technique, but it was a logical assumption that a technique that reduced lifespan would harm a fetus if used by the pregnant mother.

His father probably intended to wait until she gave birth and then have her consume the very best of life-prolonging potions before she executed the technique to help him find the Divine Doctor.

Alas, his mother died soon after giving birth to Rui, sealing that option for his father.

The question was whether this option was available to Rui even if his father had lost it. It was something that he needed to discuss with Sage Sayfeel. Otherwise, he highly doubted that he would be able to find the Silas Clan.

On top of that, he bore their blood. He was a descendant of the Silas Clan himself, not an outsider like his father. His ability to harness their power was probably much greater.

Of course, he also wanted to get his hands on the Eye of Prophecy technique. He would be lying if he wasn't deeply curious about this technique. The ability to peer into the future itself was an ability that was deeply important to him. It was the foundation of his pattern recognition system and his very initial solution to fulfilling Project Water itself.
