Chapter 1967 Mindful Advantage

Name:The Martial Unity Author:
Chapter 1967 Mindful Advantage

Rui snorted at Kane's words. "That man figured this out a long time ago."

"What?" Kane stared at him. "Why didn't he say anything?"

"He would have if I was a Martial Master," Rui quietly replied, detached. "His interest in me drastically reduced after I informed him that I was neither a Martial Master nor willing to let him poke around my brain. He did well to hide it and mask it with real fascination about my mind, but he was definitely a little disappointed that I wasn't a Martial Master."

"That's why he didn't tell us what you just figured out?"

"Yes," Rui replied. "Because it is highly likely that to clear this dungeon..."

Rui's dark eyes sharpened chillingly. " needs to be a Martial Master to have a real chance of success."

"How can you possibly know that when you've been here for like fifteen minutes?" Kane stared at him.

"It's based on the fact that the sensory resistance that I am experiencing when I try detecting what is at the center of the dungeon is extremely high. On par with what we experienced in the Master-level belt of the Beast Domain," Rui replied. "Thus, considering that this dungeon is a completely normal part of the Beast Domain warped inside a four-dimensional manifold, I can strongly infer that the relationship between the sensory resistance and level of danger of this dungeon is identical or very similar to that of the rest of the Beast Domain."

"...Makes sense, but doesn't that mean we're screwed?" Kane asked, growing anxious. "Neither of us is a Martial Master!"

"Hah! I've already been through this, remember? The Shionel Dungeon?" "Indeed, but this dungeon is far more powerful than the Shionel Dungeon was..." Rui quietly remarked. "The good news is that so are we."

"Ok, so let's say that we clear the dungeon and break out," Kane began. "We would also be freeing everything in this place from the clutches of the Mellow Dungeon, right?"


"Then, how are you planning to convince the Divine Doctor? He already showed that he doesn't care for your princely status or even what your father can offer him. I don't know what else you could offer him, maybe knowledge from your previous life?"

"...Unfortunately, I don't think that will be enough," Rui heaved a sigh. "This man's medical prowess exceeds anything back on Earth. And I'm not even anywhere remotely close to the pinnacle of medicine or biology in my previous life, so it's a laughable endeavor. If I try schooling him on biology, he'll probably just humiliate me with his greater understanding of material life."

Despite having gained immense enlightenment on the Tree of Life, Rui didn't think he had anything to teach the Divine Doctor based on the medical prowess that the man demonstrated in the memories of the animals and the memories of the Elder Tree. In fact, he knew for a fact that a large proportion of the inheritance that he got from the Elder Tree had directly or indirectly emerged as a result of the Divine Doctor's teachings.

It was a shame, but he was hardly surprised. This was a prodigious genius that had cured death and had roamed all of Gaia for centuries. It would be the height of arrogance for Rui to believe he could compete with such a person in their field of specialty.

"I probably know more about Physics than he does, but..." Rui shook his head. "He probably realized that in our earlier conversation. Clearly, he doesn't care that much. If he truly did, he could talk to some other immortal sage with a specialty in that regard, like the Astromind, for example. So, unfortunately, it's a dead-end."

Rui was not accustomed to being so utterly outclassed in knowledge, but he had to admit that he had been humbled to a certain extent by incredibly knowledgeable monsters like the Elder Tree and the Divine Doctor.

"However, there are still ways I can persuade the stubborn madman." He narrowed his eyes.
