
Name:The Master Bodyguard Author:
You Meng frowned and asked me: "Zhao Long, what are you laughing about?"

I laughed at her. "You look so virtuous when you eat ice cream!"

Only then did You Meng feel a sense of relief, but after eating a few more mouthfuls of ice cream, her lips were once again covered with cream …

As we walked, we talked, we talked, we talked about marriage again. You Meng took my arm and said: "Anyway, dad and mom will not stop us now. After we finish this mission, we will get engaged, and after we get engaged, we will get married. As for me, I must first tie you up, otherwise what will you do if you lose your love? "

I said, "Why do you have so little confidence in me?"

You Meng replied, "Just in case. Men nowadays, they change really quickly! "

I replied, "Rest assured. My feelings for you will never change for 10,000 years!"

You Meng caressed my arm and said: "Well said, but who knows if I will be able to do so in the future!"

I pointed at the crescent moon in the sky and jokingly said, "Unless the moon explodes, my feelings for you will never change!"

You Meng blurted out a laugh, "So romantic!"

Then he leaned on my shoulder and was infinitely happy.

You Meng and I walked for a long time while the wind blew. It wasn't until ten in the evening that we finally returned to the hotel suite.

Mary Shiya was still awake, she was lying on the sofa watching TV. Seeing that we had returned, she hurriedly put on her shoes and sat up, calling out to them: "Where did the two of you go to play?"

I replied, "I was just strolling around casually."

Mary Shiya said with emotion: "The taste of love is not bad right? Envy, I'm so envious of you all! "

You Meng flanked her and said, "What are you envious of! No one will stop you from falling in love! "

After Mary Shiya heard this, she immediately fell into deep thought. Her eyes seemed to be filled with longing, staring straight at the television screen, her eyes flapping, as though she was praying in her heart.

You Meng and I sat down. You Meng sliced an apple for me, and I just wanted to eat it, when Mary Shiya started to get jealous, she asked You Meng a question of her guilt, "Hmph, using your Chinese word to describe you, why do you only peel apples for Secretary Zhao? You're valuing your beauties over your friends, I'm jealous!"

I was so amused by Mary Shiya's cuteness that I started laughing out loud. I placed the apple next to her mouth and teased, "Come, have a bite!"

Mary Shiya stared at the apple in my hand and pouted: "You think I don't dare to eat it?"

I immediately kept the apple and fiercely took a bite, then said with infinite happiness, "This was sliced for me by my You Meng! If you want to eat it, go cut it yourself! "

Mary Shiya slapped her thigh and still stood up, laughing at herself: "Looks like I have to agree with your country's Chairman Mao Zedong's words!"

I asked, "What?"

Mary Shiya said: "You can do it yourself, it's full of food!"

As he spoke, he went to the fridge to get an apple and began to peel it himself.

It was just that Mary Shiya's ability to peel an apple was not worthy of praise, a good apple had been sliced beyond recognition by her.

But Mary Shiya still ate with relish.

You Meng chuckled as she chewed on the bubble gum, and said complacently: "I am the one who is good at peeling apples!"

I hit her and said, "You're just cutting off the lives of apples to serve the people!"

You Meng glared as she pinched my ear to interrogate me: "What did you say?"

I hastily covered it up and replied, "It's nothing. I said that you're extremely skilled at peeling Apple. You're practically an Apple Superman!"

The three of us talked and laughed on the sofa and watched TV until eleven-thirty.

You Meng stretched her back and yawned. She then said to Mary Shiya and me, "Go rest. We still need to go to the airport to pick up stations tomorrow."

Mary Shiya shook his head: "You go sleep first, I'm going to finish watching this dating show first!"

At this moment, a matchmaking program of Hebei Television was being played on television. There was a top quality guy named Qin Ji who was quite talented. If someone described him in a few years' time, that person would be 'Sister Feng'! Truly, I feel that the reason for Sister Feng's extremely confident talent should be because of this 2006 matchmaking show's Qin Hongcai. His self-confident mode is simply abnormally similar to Sister Feng's in a few years' time, and to a certain extent, Qin Hongcai and Sister Feng are a perfect match. Actually, there were not many dating shows in 2006, but that was enough to show people's fondness for these types of shows, and many people, even foreigners, were very fond of watching that dating show on Hebei Television.

You Meng yawned and returned to her room to rest. I went straight to the bathroom to take a bath, and when I came out it was already 12 o'clock.

At this time, Mary Shiya was still watching the dating show, smiling from time to time.

When she saw that I had finished bathing, she smiled and greeted me, "Quickly, quickly come and look. That Qin Ji is simply too talented!"

I shook my head. "I'm not watching it. I need to go to bed." As he spoke, he yawned.

Mary Shiya looked at me in disappointment and said, "Come over here, I have something to tell you."

I asked, "Why can't you tell me tomorrow?"

Mary Shiya said mysteriously: "It's something very important, about you and You Meng!"

I curiously went over and sat on the sofa. "Tell me, what happened to You Meng and I?"

Mary Shiya glanced around the house, and then suddenly looked at me and said softly, "You and You Meng, right now …." The later words did not come out yet, but the topic of the conversation changed as she asked, "Why don't you and You Meng share a room?"

Hearing this, my face immediately flushed red. I complained about Mary Shiya's meddling in other people's business, and opened my mouth to ask: "What do you mean?"

Mary Shiya said: "The two of you have already been together for so long, and yet you are still separated?"

I embarrassedly raised my hands and hugged Mary Shiya's wrists, saying, "Please, please don't induce me to make a mistake, You Meng and I are not married yet!"

Mary Shiya coldly snorted, and laughed wickedly: "What era is it, why are you still so feudal? Who would wait until they were married? Nowadays, it's popular to live together first before getting married. You have already caught up with the times! "

I immediately told Mary Shiya: "Stop, stop right now!"

Mary Shiya said: "As You Meng's boyfriend, do you have the heart to let him endure the loneliness for the night?"

I casually said, "I've been lonely for over twenty years, so what if I stay lonely for another year or so?"

Although he said that, he felt surprised in his heart. What exactly is Mary Shiya trying to do by persuading us? Was she trying to make us, or was she trying to sabotage us?

There was no answer.

Mary Shiya said: "I never thought that you Chinese soldiers would be so stubborn and feudal. Secretary Zhao, actually, sometimes women are very lonely and need a boyfriend to accompany them. This was the spice of maintaining and consolidating love! You should put aside the traditional Chinese way of thinking, understand? "

I asked, "Why are you telling me this?"

Mary Shiya's eyes flashed: "I don't mean anything, I just hope that you and You Meng will have a good ending. I just thought you were both very conservative, so I told you. A reference suggestion. "

I thanked Mary Shiya with mixed feelings before standing up and walking back to my room.

Tonight, my emotions were a little complicated. Mary Shiya's words hovered by my ear, and I felt a strange feeling in my heart, one that was sincerely strong.

I asked myself: Am I too feudal?

There was no way to judge.

But to be exact, I am also a normal man, and sometimes I have even shamelessly thought of a breakthrough with You Meng, but every time I think of it, I will always blame myself, I cannot reject my conscience, I am simply a contradictory existence, I cannot walk out from this contradictory realm.

A complicated night of imagination, until three in the morning, I did not fall asleep, but had many strange dreams.

A man's heart was in his heart, but it could only become a secret.

The next day at eight in the morning, Mary Shiya and I stayed behind as we drove towards the capital's airport.

At nine o'clock, Miss Ita Finley and the others got off the plane on time.

But what I didn't expect was … the one who would take on this escort mission was actually …


How could it be him?

In that instant, I felt my mind was in a mess. I felt that this was the contempt of State Y for China!

If we had known earlier, You Meng and I would not have taken over this task.

No wonder when he was asking Mary Shiya who the guard accompanying him was, Mary Shiya's words were flickering, as if she was intentionally trying to cover it up. So, this person was actually Katherf!

What kind of drama was this! How ridiculous!

Miss Ita Finley was especially happy to see us. She wore a beautiful white dress with a butterfly knot tied around her head, it had been awhile since they last met, and she seemed to have matured a little, and her height also seemed to have grown quite a bit.

Ita Finley and I have been embracing and greeting each other, and said excitedly: "I'm so happy to see you two again! I really miss you. Master Zhao, how have you been recently? "

I nodded. "I'm fine, thank you Miss Ita Finley for your concern." Afterwards, my gaze fell on Katherf, but because of his appearance, my heart surged with waves of anger.