Chapter 5963 Destructive Phasing

Name:The Mech Touch Author:
Chapter 5963 Destructive Phasing

Ves ended his call shortly after he promised to add this exceptionally powerful capability to the Dark Zephyr.

He did not make this promise lightly. He might not be a willpower cultivator, but he still valued his integrity as a mech designer. Ves wanted to make a serious commitment to Venerable Tusa in order to soothe the expert pilot's fears about subsequent delays and scrapping of features.

Managing relationships with high-value clients was part of a mech designer's job. Tusa had clearly been more badly affected by all of the delays than normal. Ves felt responsible for this, so he deliberately subjected himself to a hard deadline to ensure he went all-out into elevating the combat power of the Dark Zephyr.

Of course, the consequences of failure were extremely serious. An irreparable break would form in the relationship between Ves and Tusa. Ves would also have to bear the stain on his professional career for the rest of his life.

It was a lot safer if he kept everything vague and expressed a lot of uncertainty.

Ves did not want to do that. It was a cowardly approach that was helpful in avoiding responsibility, but also pushed him into becoming more complacent.

So long as Ves had sufficient confidence in his ability to complete the job, he believed it was best to be bold and make sure he tried his best!

Even if he fell a little short of his goals, he could at least be satisfied that he had done his absolute best in fulfilling the demands of his client.

Ves was completely satisfied with how he handled his discussion with Tusa.

That was not necessarily the case for other people. When he dropped by the design lab to inform his wife of this latest development, she almost dropped from her seat!


Alexandria reacted with just as much shock!


The news dropped so hard that the Queen Cat interrupted her design network. Gloriana quickly lost her spiritual connection to Hekkel. Her Archglove began to generate friction sounds as she pressed her covered fingers together.

The enslaved arche engineer cowered and quickly took a few steps back in order to distance himself from his Glorious Queen's wrath.

Surprisingly enough, Gloriana did not blow up and unleash a full volume tirade at Ves!

He expected this to happen and had psychologically prepared for this in advance.

Gloriana would grow upset that Ves had introduced a significant deviation from the current design plan and tell him that he was being absolutely stupid for listening to his impulses.

She would eventually cool down and reluctantly accept that Ves would have his way, though she certainly would not sound pleased by this course of events.

Once they completed the project and Ves managed to prove that his inspired idea worked out, Gloriana would forget that she ever objected to Ves in the first place and just accept that this additional change was part of her original master plan all along.

Ves and his wife had repeated this cycle so often that he expected that he would go through the motions for the umpteenth time.

Instead, her justified anger made way for acceptance.

The Tusa of half a decade ago was completely unqualified to pull off an insane stunt like this. The Tusa that was promoted to a high-tier expert pilot with the help of general cultivation elixir was just powerful enough to succeed!

Ves had no confidence he could implement a comparable function in a standard mech. He needed to implement a lot more rigor and precision in his work, which was an impossible demand to meet at this time.

While Ves still had a long way to go before he could fully flesh out the new feature of the Dark Zephyr, his wife tentatively approved of his early efforts.

"I can see that you have a definite plan in mind." She said. "Thematically, this attack ability fits the Dark Zephyr remarkably well. It makes up for the living mech's lackluster attack power in a form that makes sense. Speed is of the essence. Each time Venerable Tusa decides to initiate a destructive phasing attack, he is gambling with his life and the life of his battle partner. If the two of them do not exit a hull in time, they risk phasing back into the main dimensions in advance, causing them to become superimposed with any matter that is already present."

She did not need to explain that this was a fatal outcome.

It seemed that the Dark Zephyr could not escape the common weakness of light mechs.

Their margin of error was much lower compared to other mechs!

Ves never intended for destructive phasing to turn into the Dark Zephyr's first resort. Venerable Tusa needed to show restraint and only pull it off when the Larkinsons became embroiled in a serious battle.

When the continued survival of powerful enemy warships resulted in constant losses to the Larkinson Army, then it was more than worthwhile for Venerable Tusa to employ his trump card to remove an enemy vessel off the board!

However, the consumption and associated risks were much greater at the high-tier expert mech stage.

Venerable Tusa really needed to advance to ace pilot and acquire a powerful Saint Kingdom in order to unlock the full-powered version of this new attack ability.

His latest escapades had given Ves a much greater insight and understanding of domains.

The Saint Kingdoms of ace pilots was truly capable of defying reality to a large extent!

This was especially the case when they acted upon the ace mechs themselves. The sheer willpower of a determined enough ace pilot was already enough to selectively bend and break a few rules!

That was not the extent of what was possible. Saint Kingdoms were mere babies in front of God Kingdoms. Ves could do way more than turn the Dark Zephyr into a debilitating projectile if Tusa had the power of a god pilot!

Unfortunately, his god mech had nothing to do with Ves if that was the case. A Senior Mech Designer was not qualified to work on a genuine god mech!

Though Ves really hoped that Tusa and his battle partner would be able to transcend into godhood as a fused entity, it was too early for him to consider this possibility.

The pair still needed to overcome their latest hurdle, and that was waiting for Ves and Gloriana to succeed in upgrading the Dark Zephyr into a powerful machine!


"Yes, my dear?"

"If you are able to realize this insane ability, then I think that the Dark Zephyr may suddenly turn from one of the weakest to the most powerful expert mechs in our clan!"

"You truly think so, honey?"

"If the Dark Zephyr can 'destructively' phase through a warship, then he should be able to do the same to phase whales, other expert mechs and more. No wall or obstacle is safe anymore. There is no need for him to carry a bandolier of grenades anymore. His own mech frame has become his most threatening weapon."

Ves smiled. "I have high hopes for this as well, but don't forget that the Dark Zephyr actually has to get close before he can initiate an attack run. Once our enemies start to figure out the details of our expert mechs, I think it will become much harder for Tusa to enjoy free reign."