Chapter 6094 The Power of Strong Cognition

Name:The Mech Touch Author:
Chapter 6094 The Power of Strong Cognition

It had been the right decision to hang on to the Elegant Rage for a while!

Ves managed to harvest a lot of useful gains from the Elegant Rage. The most crucial insight that he managed to obtain from his examinations of this mutated mech was the discovery that strong cognition could replace cultivation methods!

It made sense after a bit of thinking. If active cultivation was like trying to self-hypnotize oneself, possessing a very strong mindset was a superior alternative to such a clumsy and artificial method!

This was probably one of the underlying pillars of willpower cultivation. Both swordmasters and high-ranking mech pilots grew stronger not by engaging in any mysterious voodoo, but by developing an extraordinary mindset that was utterly focused and single-minded.

The stronger the ego of the willpower cultivator, the greater his or her ability to distort psychoreactive energies, thereby forcing reality to bend to their unbreakable will!

This explained what made the Elegant Rage so different from other third order living mechs, even those that managed to ride along the breakthroughs of their pilots.

Compared to other expert pilots, Venerable Lanie Larkinson's breakthrough was especially desperate and traumatic. In her dying state, her mentality became extremely unbalanced and probably fixated really hard on thoughts related to revenge, payback, retribution and etcetera.

Lanie became overwhelmed by her unrestrained negative thoughts and emotions!

During the Age of Mechs, an expert pilot that had completely lost her composure and set aside all of her honor and nobility would never be able to earn the blessing of the Kingdom of Mechs.

The current iteration of the Red Kingdom was different!

The breakthrough did nothing to dispel Lanie's negative obsessions. Instead, the process of apotheosis strengthened them, causing them to become extraordinarily more powerful!

Contaminated by the strong aura, presence and wood energy exuded by the Emperor Tree, Venerable Lanie's extraordinary power further mutated by acquiring a wood-based theme.

This was the reason why her willpower manifested in the shape of thorns.

As the mech that formed an active man-machine connection with Lanie at the time of her traumatic breakthrough, it made sense for the Elegant Rage to freeload off her battle partner's dramatic explosion in strength.

If Lanie was a conventional expert pilot, then her mech would probably absorb a bunch of positive or neutral energies.

This transformed the living mech's cognition and not only caused them to develop a closer bond with their high-ranking pilots, but also increase their compatibility with the latter's E energy attributes.

Now that Ves thought about it, these acquired qualities should also be present among old machines that had been with their partners for a long time such as the Dark Zephyr, the Bastion and the C-Man.

However, these special living mechs did not demonstrate noticeably strong capabilities because it was harder to notice the differences produced by their strong cognitions.

For example, the Dark Zephyr's alignment with Tusa's ideas probably made the living mech faster and more evasive, but how could Ves possibly measure this when the machine was already loaded with a powerful flight system and other parts that boosted his mobility?

There was no way to tell whether the Dark Zephyr Mark III produced a certain increase in acceleration or maneuverability because of a specific reason. It could be due to his superior tech, the true resonance amplification from being piloted by Saint Tusa, a favorable E energy environment or the living mech's own strong cognition!

So even if the effect of acquired cognition played a role in strengthening the performance of a third order living mech, who could truly tell?

The Dark Zephyr and all of his other established third order living mechs all possessed a high trust in their progenitor and diligently practiced the Greater Larkinson Metal Guardian Mantra without further question.

At most, they made minor changes to their practice in order to shift a bit of focus towards other E energy attributes, but it was unquestionable that the metal element remained a core feature of this mantra.

It wouldn't have included the word 'metal' in its name if this was not the case!

Ves recalled that he originally created the Lesser and Greater Larkinson Metal Guardian Mantra by using another cultivation method as a base template.

The Atmer Guardian Mantra that Ves managed to learn by ingesting an enlightenment fruit not only possessed a strong defensive focus, but could also be adapted for living mechs as the System processed the method to make it more universal.

The latter was an incredibly important hidden benefit. Ves could gain far more from the Tree of Possibilities than by using his capital and influence to collect ancient cultivation records from various different parties.

According to his current standards, the Larkinson Metal Guardian Mantra had become an outdated piece of trash!

While it was better than nothing, Ves was definitely capable of producing more superior alternatives nowadays, especially after he discovered what made the Elegant Rage special.

The fact that the thorn-covered mech was able to grow faster and more harmoniously by doing nothing was a strong indictment of the Greater Larkinson Metal Guardian Mantra!

As Ves began to think about changing the cultivation strategy of his living mechs, he first tried to think about whether it would be possible to permanently alter the cognitions of his products in a controlled fashion.

There might be a chance.

Unlike humans, mechs were manufactured objects. Ves could exert a lot more control over the properties of the latter.

The reason why humans needed to depend on active cultivation methods was because they were unable to change themselves by relying on their inherent characteristics. Only by distorting their own cognitions through self-hypnosis would they be able to transcend their barriers and become stronger.

Mechs were akin to artifacts. Their designers were able to specify their roles, their forms and even their underlying spiritual foundations to align with a very specific vision.

Ves suddenly understood why high-level artifacts needed to possess a mind of their own. It was because relying on hyper materials and runes to bestow extraordinary properties on objects was not enough to make them powerful.

Only when they were governed by strong and very single-minded spirits would they be able to surpass the boundaries of their physical limitations and increase the power of E energy reactions!

A powerful enough mind and spirit was able to transform an average sword into a god-killing artifact!

Ves began to reevaluate a lot of assumptions about his living mechs.

His latest insights caused him to suspect that he had been going astray.

Third order living mechs were wonderful existences. They most definitely managed to surpass the ordinary and gained traits that helped mech pilots in many ways.

From being able to grow and develop Ascension Runes to being able to cooperate more closely with their mech pilots, third order living mechs undoubtedly proved their usefulness many times over.

However, developing true sapience was a double-edged sword.

Every living mech learned from their mech pilots. The cognition of the former took after the cognition of the latter.

This made it a lot easier for living mechs to get along with their mech pilots, but it also caused the machines to develop far more complicated thoughts and emotions than they should.

This was not necessarily a good development.

Ves made an important realization. While living mechs were capable of acquiring some of the strengths of their mech pilots, they were also capable of inheriting the weaknesses of the latter!

Humans possessed many failings. Their scattered minds, their complex and contradictory thinking and their volatile emotions all produced a lot of chaos in their heads. This was why most of them were inherently unable to grow more powerful by themselves.

When living mechs grew stronger through constant exposure to their mech pilots, their personalities became less single-minded and started to exhibit a lot of complex human characteristics.

The Quint was an extreme example of the effect of human contamination on living mechs!

Multiple mech pilots interfaced with the Quint, causing the very old custom Bright Warrior mech to develop a very complex and deviant personality.

Such a living mech would probably struggle to grow stronger due to the high degree of pollution in his spiritual foundation!

The situation was better for living expert mechs. Their powerful pilots had all managed to develop strong willpower. Each demigod harbored strong obsessions and fixations that reduced their distractions and prevented them from deviating from their true natures.

Even so, expert pilots still retained a lot of their humanity, so it was inevitable that their living expert mechs became afflicted by various complicated ideas.

"All of this is detrimental to their long-term growth and development." Ves frowned. "I think I understand now why the likes of Patriarch Reginald Cross and Venerable Taon Melin killed their own living mechs..."