Chapter 1978 - Chapter 1978 Two Years of Effort Wasted?

Chapter 1978 Two Years of Effort Wasted?


“Sage Doctor Chu is right, even if there is a new hope, we still have to put that hope into practice before we can do so, although that old gentleman does have internal qi energy present in his body, the prerequisite for using the internal qi energy in his body to treat his injuries is that we have to be able to adjust that internal qi energy before we can do so.”


Everyone nodded their heads.

After all, no one has ever tried to see if the energy in a patient’s body can be mobilized using Chinese medicine.

It’s no use discussing it if you can’t mobilize it.


Sage Doctor Zhuge immediately arranged for someone to invite the old man.

Because it was right inside the hotel, it didn’t take more than a few minutes for the old man to be invited into the conference hall.

The old man came.

Nothing was said, nothing was asked.

Take a seat directly at the table and offer to put your hand out for a pulse.

The four holy doctors were the first to take their pulse.

During the process of taking the pulse, all four holy doctors shook their heads.

They had each thought of ways to mobilize the energy in the old man’s body, but when they actually began to operate, they realized that the methods they had thought of were simply useless.

In the matter of mobilizing the energy in the patient’s body, both the Sacred Healer and the Great Healer are on the same level.


With the four Sacred Doctors all shaking their heads after their attempts, all the great doctors took turns to try to mobilize the internal qi in the old man’s body with the methods that each of them came up with.

All the way to the end, none of them could be mobilized.

All of them took their pulse.

The four holy doctors had the old man sent back to his room to rest again before everyone continued to study in the conference hall.

Although the whole meeting had exceeded the scheduled time, because of the hope and the point that could be broken through, everyone’s enthusiasm had not diminished, and all of them were deeply involved in the old man’s injury.

Of course, three days of insanity had improved everyone’s medical skills to varying degrees.

And as each improves.

In the seminar, people were able to come up with a few more ways than before.

That’s all.

From the beginning, when everyone found it difficult and didn’t want to speak, to now, when everyone is scrambling to speak, scrambling to say what they think of as a cure, everyone’s heart for overcoming difficulties has been revitalized in these three days.

This situation also made Fang Qiu’s heart happy.

It was only when everyone was working together that it was possible to truly overcome the old man’s injuries, this difficult problem!


Later that night.

After the seminar.

Fang Qiu didn’t go back to his room, but quietly came to the room where the old master was.

At this point.

The old man was sitting on the sofa, using his cell phone to check the news on Martial Arts Online.


Fang Qiu came in and shouted.


The old man looked up at Fang Qiu and nodded with a slight smile, then put his cell phone away and asked, “How are the results of your seminars these days?”

“Everyone is working hard.”

Fang Qiu walked forward, sat down on the sofa, and said, “After three days of seminars, we do have some results, and judging from today’s final discussion, it should be able to help you renew your life for four and a half years.”


The old man was a little surprised.

It seemed that he didn’t expect that a group of ordinary Chinese doctors would be able to help him extend his life for so long.

After all, he was a martial artist, and he had a very clear understanding of his injuries, and an ordinary Chinese medicine practitioner who could make it this far was indeed as good as awesome.


Fang Qiu continued, “All the seniors in the Chinese medicine industry, have already discovered the existence of internal qi in your body, and invited you over to take your pulse today in order to try to mobilize your internal qi, if you can then perhaps the effect will be better, and can even fight for you for ten years of life expectancy, just that it may result in the loss of all your cultivation!”

“Four and a half years is pretty good.”

The old man smiled and shook his head, saying, “In less than two years, Nirvana will make a comeback, and by that time the life and death of the entire martial arts world will still be unknown, until then, this cultivation of mine is still of heavy use, and must not be wasted!”

Fang Qiu gritted his teeth.

Although this was indeed a method of treatment, when Sage Doctor Chu proposed this method of treatment, Fang Qiu knew in his heart that the old man was definitely not happy about it.

He spent his whole life toiling to cultivate this cultivation, how could he just say it was ruined?

Not to mention.

The old man had never been the kind of person who was afraid of death.

Compared to living a few more years, the old man could only possibly choose to fight against Nirvana to ensure the peace and stability of the martial arts!

Although it had been expected.

However, when the old master definitely said that it was absolutely impossible for him to discard his cultivation in exchange for living a few more years, Fang Qiu’s heart inevitably still felt a little hard.


Fang Qiu also didn’t feel that the old man’s injuries were necessarily out of the question, anyway, he must come up with a foolproof plan to treat the old man no matter what!

“Don’t worry, old man.”

Knowing the old master’s determination, Fang Qiu also took a deep breath and said, “I can definitely think of a way.”

The old man smiled and nodded.

Although it was difficult for other people to see themselves coming into contact with the old man in the hotel, just in case, Fang Qiu didn’t dare to linger at the old man’s place.

After chatting with the old man for a while, he hurriedly left.

Day two.

It was also the fourth day of the seminar.

Once again, we all came together in the conference hall to workshop.

On this day, everyone’s minds were much more active than before, and all sorts of methods that could be thought of were all thought of.


After a day of exploration.

It was only then that everyone was finally able to find a way to mobilize their internal qi.

With the ability to mobilize internal qi to aid in the treatment, the old man’s injuries could be delayed for ten years.

Renewal of life for ten years.

The first goal set by the four holy doctors in the face of the old man’s injuries finally had a way to be achieved, and after the fourth day of the seminar, everyone showed particular surprise.

Then, with everyone satisfied.

Together, we wrote out these methods and submitted them.

After all, it was the national high level that arranged this seminar, and it is natural that the national high level should be informed of the results in the first instance.


The method of submitting it was sent to the old man.

When he received the treatment methods submitted by these Chinese medicine practitioners, the old man directly opened them up to check them out, only to find that almost every one of them used the method of mobilizing internal qi.

By and large, they mobilize internal chi energy to impact the lesion and reduce it, thus delaying the renewal of life.

Although this treatment was effective, the old man’s internal organs had already received great internal injuries, even with the use of internal qi coupled with the various treatments of traditional Chinese medicine, it could only delay the injuries and prevent them from worsening, it was simply not possible to completely cure them.

See these treatments.

The old man couldn’t help but shake his head and laugh bitterly.


For all the years that he had been injured, he had been using his internal qi to forcefully delay his own injuries, and it was precisely because the old man’s internal qi was strong enough that he had been able to support himself until now.

The old master also knew very well that just using ordinary internal qi to treat the injuries no longer had much effect, and if he insisted on forcing the use of internal qi to treat them, he would inevitably injure his own fundamentals.

That would have a great impact on one’s cultivation.

It was something the old man was determined not to do.


When he saw these treatments, the old man’s heart immediately rejected them all.

With this method of treatment, it would be better to treat yourself.

The fourth day of the workshop ended early.

All the great and holy doctors were particularly satisfied with the proposal that they had worked out together, and they all agreed that the proposal would definitely pass.

After all.

It was already a miracle to be able to renew the life of an injured person who had suffered such serious injuries for ten years.

Except for Huaxia, absolutely no other country can do it.

And this way.

Fang Qiu once again came to the room where the old master was.


When he entered the room, Fang Qiu found the old master sitting on the sofa with his eyes closed, and on the coffee table right in front of the sofa was the treatment method that had been submitted up just now, by all the great and holy doctors together.


The old man opened his eyes and nodded with a smile.

“You’ve already read the treatments submitted up by all the great and holy doctors and seniors, right?”

Fang Qiu asked.

“Well, read it.”

The old man nodded.

“What do you think, what about this method?”

Fang Qiu pursued.

“It doesn’t fit.”

The old man directly shook his head and said, “You should know very well that even if they avoided nullifying my cultivation any longer, they would inevitably end up injuring my fundamentals, my cultivation in this life cannot all be buried just because of this small injury, this body of cultivation still has a great deal of use left in it, it cannot be wasted.”

“But ……”

Fang Qiu eagerly opened his mouth.

“No buts.”

The old man directly interrupted with a voice and said, “I’ve lived long enough, I’ve never been half afraid of death, so you don’t have to worry about me, as long as I can stop Nirvana before I die, and I can ensure that the world is peaceful in the martial arts world, even if I die, what’s the harm?”

Fang Qiu was silent.

He could hear that the old man’s words sounded firm and bland.

The old man indeed did not have half a bit of fear, as if he had already long ago looked at life and death with an incomparable lightness.

“I think that the treatment plan you guys came up with before is just fine.”

Just when Fang Qiu was silent and didn’t know what to say, the old man suddenly smiled and opened his mouth to say, “With the assistance of the Yuan Yang Fruit, being able to help me extend my life for two years is already very good, everything will be carried out in accordance with the program that was proposed before.”

Hear this.

Fang Qiu’s heart ached.

Could it be that he had planned for so many years and paid so much to get such a result?

Two years?

If it’s just two years, then wouldn’t all those years of hard work and dedication be all for naught?

Why is that?

Why is that?

Under the panic, Fang Qiu left from inside the old master’s room and returned to his own room, forcing himself to calm down and began to force his brain to think frantically, putting all the methods he knew that could cure the injury into his head and spinning them around.

He couldn’t believe that he had learned so many ways to treat injuries and illnesses that he would not be able to treat the old man with any of them.

That’s all.

Once you think about it, it’s all in a day’s work!