A logo with three puppies smiling brightly. The meaning of that drawing wasn’t hard to guess.

Pet food.

“Those kids. Looks like they’ve been living off of this.”

“Seems like it, huh?”

I was surprised to find that even the pet food section was empty while surveying the mart.

Their whereabouts were discovered quite quickly.

“They seemed like kids. It’s a pity…”

One soldier standing beside me remarked.

We’ve been quite fortunate till now and haven’t suffered from such hunger so far.

But on the ground, food is becoming scarcer.

Ironically, the area with the most survivors is that region.

It’s a place teeming with zombies, monsters, and the most food.

From their perspective, even having pet food was fortunate.

“Still, it’s been less than six months since the monsters appeared.”

To think the world has changed this much already.

It’s truly startling.

Judging by the situation, it seemed those kids hadn’t been able to eat proper food and were hiding.

Honestly, it was inevitable to feel a bit sorry, being human and all.


Apart from that, there was something else to consider.

“Sergeant Shin, could you come over here for a moment?”

Corporal Seo Su-hyeok called out to me.

I could guess what he wanted to talk about.

I nodded and followed him to a corner.

The effect of the “keen hearing” I had from cooking had gradually faded.

Corporal Seo Su-hyeok opened his mouth in a low voice.

“What to do you think we should do with those kids?”

The question I was expecting.

The first survivors we encountered on the ground.

We had to decide on how to handle them.

“What are your thoughts?”

“They’re kids and they look pitiful, but…”

He sighed before continuing.

“That aside, I think it’s a separate issue whether we can protect them or not.”


After descending to the ground.

We managed to establish ourselves in a makeshift base called the barracks.


To put it plainly, we didn’t have much leeway.

“Even if we have food, it’s only monster meat. If we can’t supplement it further, it’ll only diminish.”

Even with the barracks, we were still just getting by.

The stability of a proper barrack was frankly nonexistent.

Moreover, the survivors who joined us might not be fully awake yet.

“In terms of protecting survivors. It’s not as good as when we were in the 423rd Battalion.”

At least the 423rd Battalion was sufficient as a barracks.

“Plus. They seem like kids. If they end up moving, it could lead to stamina issues. Especially if they fall ill, it could be a bigger problem.”

“Even healers’ abilities have limits.”

There were priests and healers, but they also had limits.

Powerful healing skills had restrictions on usage.

While they could treat common illnesses without medicine, it wasn’t easy.

Just as I couldn’t fully utilize my cooking abilities without ingredients.

With medicine in short supply, their healing abilities were also limited.

So, if even one person fell ill.

It wouldn’t just be their problem.

One person’s illness could shackle the group’s actions.

Among the survivors we accepted, there were children mixed in.

But as their numbers increased, so did the risks.

“Taking in survivors and increasing our numbers is something we’ll have to do eventually, but it’s not necessarily something we have to do right now.”


They might be manageable without any immediate issues.

But what about the next survivors we meet?

Maybe we can do something once the situation improves.

We can’t protect them all.

“Mhm… I’ll think about it.”

“A wise choice. We’ll be counting on you.”

It wasn’t an easy decision, and I found myself contemplating about it.

I glanced around at other parts of the mart.

I saw soldiers rummaging around, still hoping to find something useful.

“Other soldiers probably share similar opinions like him.”

It’s not that the others are selfish or anything.

It’s just that recent observations suggest that’s likely.

Having fought together, there’s a strong camaraderie among the unit members.

While opinions may differ, the sense of comradeship is solid.

This has its advantages, but also its downsides.

While the emotions towards allies are strong.

Interest in anything else seems to have diminished.

“It’s been several days since we landed. But none of the soldiers have mentioned about rescuing others.”

The same goes for those two.

Though some soldiers seemed genuinely sympathetic, the chances of a soldier wanting to accept them, despite the risks, were low.

“If we consider all that. Leaving them behind might be the right choice.”

Those kids managed to survive somehow before we arrived.

They might have their own ways to endure even without our protection.


There was one thing that bothered me.

“The pet food lying around on the ground.”

It’s definitely not cheap.

Sure, it’s valuable as food for dogs or cats.


“It’s not food meant for humans.”

Taste aside.

We don’t know what impact it might have on health.

Especially at such a crucial age.

If we leave them with the remaining pet food, they’ll have to fill their hunger with it.


I’ve made up my mind.

“Let’s feed them something at least.”


My sudden statement, after saying I’d contemplate, left him puzzled.

“To feed them, what are you talking about?”

“Are you suggesting we take them in under our protection?”

“It’s not that.”

I shrugged.

“Even if we send them away, let’s at least feed them before we do.”


It’s true that ingredients are scarce.

But surely, we have enough to give those kids a meal.

“…Doing something halfway might actually do more harm than good. If we’re going to send them off, it’s probably better to do it decisively.”

“That’s not entirely wrong. But if we’re going to do it anyway, it’s better to do it properly.”

“Then why-.”

“For the satisfaction of being a chef.”


As regrettable as it is.

I also want to help as a human.

“If that were the main focus, I wouldn’t have said this.”

In fact, that’s not the main reason.

The reason I started thinking about feeding someone is simple.

First of all, I’m a chef myself.

“It’s uncomfortable.”

It’s not proper cooking; it’s pet food.

Seeing someone fill their stomach with that made me feel stifled and uncomfortable.

Feeding them isn’t about anything else.

It’s just me feeling uncomfortable.

It’s something I do for my own satisfaction.

“Self-satisfaction, huh…”

Sergeant Seo Su-hyeok’s expression seemed incredulous as he listened to my explanation.

But then.

“Well, I guess there’s no helping it.”


Someone interjected from the side.

It was Sergeant Lee Min-jae.

“It’s not really my place to say, but shouldn’t someone intervene?”

“No, you’re also the guild leader. Food management is your responsibility. I have no right to intervene. You should do as you please.”

Following Min-jae’s words,

Sergeant Seo Su-hyeok bowed his head and took a step back.

“You’ve been through a lot managing the soldiers’ morale, but I was worried because it seemed like you weren’t managing your stress well.”

Currently, Min-jae hyung was in a position to give me advice.

Usually, I listen to his advice attentively.

“If solving your discomfort by feeding two portions of a meal works, it’s not a bad deal. Do as you please, guild leader.”

It seems Min-jae hyung prioritizes me being the guild leader the most.

“It’s somewhat unexpected.”

There may be differences in rank, but

Except for Lieutenant Kim, all of our unit members are former soldiers.

Once we’re out in society, we speak to each other informally.

Naturally, I didn’t think the hierarchy within the unit was strict.

Being the guild leader was no different.

I thought it was just a badge of suffering.

“But maybe it’s not like that.”

Some soldiers seem to respect the authority of the guild leader.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t respect my decision to do something that makes me feel better.

It won’t bother you right, Su-hyeok?

“If that’s your judgment as the guild leader, then yes, I have no room to intervene.”

Well, it doesn’t matter anyway.

Ultimately, they support what I want to do.

“In that case.”

I decided to go and do what makes me feel comfortable.

To prepare the meal.


A while later.

I walked towards a corner of the mart, carrying a large bowl in one hand.

“Guild Leader?”

Someone who noticed me in that state approached me.

It was Squad leader Lee Sang-ah.

And the siblings I met just before.

They were sitting there.

Perhaps she was trying to lighten the mood.

There seemed to be some casual conversation going on.

But as I approached.


“Ha-ha. Kids are tough.”

Despite trying to lighten the mood or whatever.

The children still seemed wary of me.

My delicate heart got a little scratched.

Do I really look that scary?

But well.

It doesn’t matter now.

“This time, I’ve come up with a plan.”

I placed the bowl I brought in front of them.

And when I opened the lid of the bowl.

“Are you hungry?”

A rich meaty scent filled the mart.

“I have brought some food. Let’s eat.”

Fortunately, there was still quite a bit of seasoning left.

It’s a sweet soy sauce stew that kids would like.

No need to reveal what kind of meat it is.

‘It has been said since ancient times that eating is the best way to attract kids.’

And that’s the reason why adults warn not to follow strangers promising candy.

This saying was created by the elders as the temptation to eat is stronger among the kids.


But contrary to my expectations.

The two children didn’t immediately pick up their chopsticks.

Does it look like it’s not tasty? I thought for a moment, but that was just for a moment.


I saw drool flowing from the boy’s mouth as he looked at the food.

His eyes sparkled, too.

He really wanted to eat a lot, but it seems like he’s holding back out of caution.

“It’s not something poisonous. You can eat it.”


“If you don’t eat, I’ll take it away. If there’s no one to eat, I’ll have to throw it away.”


Only then did the children cautiously pick up their chopsticks.

Their wariness is no joke.

They cautiously picked up a piece of meat with their chopsticks and put it in their mouths.

And then.


There were no words, but

It seemed unnecessary to ask whether it was delicious or not.

“I guess they’re just like kids. Seeing their expressions changing dramatically is quite enjoyable.”

The younger brother was surprised after taking a bite of the meat.

Then he started moving his chopsticks continuously.

The sister didn’t say anything, but she looked quite surprised too.

“Well. Who made the food, by the way.”

Of course, it should be delicious.

At last, the meal of the hesitant children started properly.

Confirming their state, I discreetly stepped back to let them eat comfortably.

Seeing that, Squad Leader Lee Sang-ah followed me out.

“How was the atmosphere with the kids?”

A little away from the kids eating their meal.

I asked Squad Leader Sang-ah.

“Well, they’ve reached a point where they can have a conversation. It seems like there was a bit of misunderstanding.”


“I think they thought we were monsters.”


Monsters, huh.

“Do we… I mean, do I look that fierce?”

“Heh. It’s not like that. There could be human-like monsters or monsters that steal other people’s appearances, right?”


“They probably thought there could be such monsters.”

It’s oddly sharp for them to be wary of other humans.

So that’s the reason.

“Why did they think the unit members’ hearing was enhanced like ghosts? They even located the kids by sound. There can’t be humans with such hearing, right? I suppose that’s what they thought.”

“I see.”

Human-like monsters, huh?

I recalled the criminals who had come to our unit.

“Well, those guys have jobs that might make them seem like that, but they’re still humans, for now.”

If such individuals were mixed in as enemies, they could grow into a significant threat.

And to add to that, if there were monsters disguised as humans.

“Team Leader Sang-ah, you’ve never encountered such monsters, have you?”

“No, I haven’t even heard rumors about them.”

In our unit, she and the survivors have the most detailed information on the surface.

But that’s a story from a month ago.

“It’s been a month since we descended the mountain. The information among the survivors has been updated quite a bit during that time.”

Civilization was destroyed in just two months.

That’s half the time of that period.

The information she has is undoubtedly useful.

But we have to understand that some of it might be outdated.

“Anyway, after talking with her, I at least believed that they are not our enemies. It was unreasonable to be completely on guard, but still.”

“That’s something. You did well.”

Glancing over at the kids eating quietly.

“Sis, this is so delicious! Right?”

“Yeah, it is.”

Now I can see the kids eating without a care.

[Chef’s Special Sauce for Peace of Mind]

I added a bit of sauce because I thought the tension might affect their appetite.

It probably made quite an impact.

They were happily chewing their meat and enjoying the dishes.

Among them, my eyes met with the sister.

“How is it? Is it delicious?”

“Yes, it is.”

There’s no point in ignoring it when our eyes meet.

I couldn’t believe she responded to my question.

That’s a significant improvement in our relationship.

“That dish, is it actually cooked by this hyung?”

“The ajeossi?”

“Ah, the ajeossi?”

“This punk…”

As he was saying such trivial things his sister was also looking at me.

“…It’s delicious. Thank you. I’ll enjoy it.”

Although the “I’ll enjoy it” came a little late, still it’s something that I have been waiting for.

I could see a slight redness in the sibling sister’s eyes.

She must have had a hard time.


“If you need more, just let me know. I’m sorry that the ingredients are only meat. But we have plenty of meat for now.”

I said so, feeling a bit awkward.

As long as the two kids eat to their heart’s content, it’s not a problem.

“Plenty of meat…?”

But my sister seemed a bit puzzled by my words.

“You usually struggle to get meat. Are you guys the opposite?”

“Well, it just happened that way.”

The atmosphere relaxed somewhat as I successfully diverted the conversation towards food.

I decided to respond casually.

“To be honest, I came to this mart hoping to find other ingredients or necessary items besides meat.”


“It’s a pity it didn’t work out.”

Shrugging off her shoulder the sibling sister nodded in response to my story.

Perhaps she was considering something after hearing that.

She seemed to be eating slowly, lost in thought.

“My sister seems to be the type who thinks a lot.”

Is this kind of attitude necessary in this world?

Or maybe she’s always been like this, I don’t know.


So, the meal ended without any trouble.

Seeing them eat well made me feel good for no reason.

The discomfort was resolved.

Now it was time for a serious talk.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Lee Suyeon. And that’s my brother Lee Suhyuk.”

“Okay, Lee Suyeon… Let’s talk with this ajeossi for a minute.”

I opened the pocket on my waist and took out its contents to hand them to her.

“Take it.”

“Huh? What’s this…?”

“It’s nothing strange, so don’t worry.”

What I handed her was jerky.

Combat rations that I had prepared.

“Are you just giving me food?”

“As I said before, we have plenty of meat for now.”

I had received a bit from other soldiers, so there was quite a lot of jerky.

As it was produced as combat rations, it had almost no expiration date.

“And from here on is the important part, so listen carefully.”

“Yes? Oh, yes.”

“From here to here. These jerkies are for when you can’t endure eating other things. They’re small but high in calories. Half of one should be enough.”

I pointed to the jerky with special properties for combat.

But since there’s a high chance that these kids won’t benefit from stat increases. Sᴇaʀᴄh the Nʘvᴇl(F)ire.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of nøvels early and in the highest quality.

It’s better for them to eat it when they can’t stand eating just pet food.

“And from here to here. Don’t eat these jerkies regularly. You can even hide them somewhere.”

“When should I eat them then?”

“When you’re leaving here.”

This is separate from increasing abilities or combat power.

These jerkies contained properties that could be helpful to survivors.

Examples include Alahfur’s meat, which increases hearing.

“Stay hidden here and eat them when you can’t hold out anymore and need to move. They’ll be helpful.”

“Can’t the soldiers protect us?”

I expected her to say that.

But the answer was already decided.

“I’m sorry, but that seems a bit difficult.”


“Even though we’re soldiers, we’ve lost all contact with other units. The base we set up on the surface is also unstable. It’s hard to add another uncertain factor there.”


“I’m sorry, but for now, try to endure with those rations as much as possible. Someday when our situation stabilizes, we’ll come back here…”

It’s a bit painful, but it can’t be helped.

Just as I was continuing the conversation.

“I know a place.”

Lee Suyeon, who had been listening quietly, spoke up.

She continued speaking with a determined expression.

“What do you mean?”

“If you came here wanting to get other ingredients, but the result was a failure.”


After hearing that story, I had a feeling about what she was going to say.

“You want to trade?”



To suddenly propose a trade.

I always thought of her as nothing more than a kid.

But it seems like she’s not an ordinary little girl after all.

To suddenly show such boldness.

It’s a bit surprising.

“Well, that’s interesting.”

I decided to engage in the conversation for now.


Translator: One Force

TL Note:

This is the first and also the last regular chapter of the day.

From tomorrow onwards releasing pace will be 1 ch/day (Mon-Sat).

Apart from that I will release one additional chapter for every 3 review/rating on Novelupdates.

All the additional chapters accumulated over the week will be released on Sunday.
