Chapter 339: Checking On The Fei Family

Name:The Mirror Legacy Author:
Chapter 339: Checking On The Fei Family

Li Yuanjiao used a spell to clean the dust from his clothes and burned incense before entering the secret chamber to retrieve the mirror. Holding the cold bluish-gray artifact in his hands made his heart race and left him somewhat bewildered.

"To think that the destiny of our clan is tied to this single mirror..." he murmured.

The general family's historical records made no mention of this particular mirror. After Li Yuanjiao had received a talisman seed, Li Tongya retrieved another version titled Internal History from beneath the stone platform in this secret chamber. It was only after reading it with mixed emotions that Li Yuanjiao finally understood more about this mirror.

He read the jade slips repeatedly, committing them to memory before leaving the ancestral hall.

Li Yuanjiao was puzzled that even the Internal History was vague and contradictory about the origins of the bluish-gray mirror.

Aunt Li Jingtian wrote this in the clan's biography—The ancestor obtained a dharma artifact. From it, he received a talisman seed and began to cultivate.

However, in Li Mutian's biography, it was stated that—The old ancestor journeyed north with an immortal, and established the immortal foundation. With the profound mirror in his hands, he traveled across Wu and Yue states before ultimately returning home to establish his clan 219 years ago.

"Obtained a dharma artifact...? What did they mean by 'obtained a dharma artifact'?"

Li Yuanjiao had heard from Li Xuanxuan that Li Mutian was a mere mortal. How could a mortal obtain such a dharma treasure in the first place...?

Lost in thought, Li Yuanjiao descended the mountain, flying north for over ten li before snapping out of his reverie. He then retrieved the mirror from his chest pocket, glancing at it. The complex patterns around its rim glowed faintly, lending the mirror an even more mystical aura.

Gently running his thumb over its patterns, he immersed his spiritual sense into the dharma artifact and whispered quietly but respectfully, "As a disciple of the Li Family, I, Li Yuanjiao, respectfully request the Profound Light to grant me the Supreme Yin Profound Light to vanquish evil, cleanse impurity, and subdue demons!"

As soon as Li Yuanjiao had finished speaking, a brilliant light burst before his eyes. He felt as if he were soaring into the sky, witnessing Lijing Town and the entire Li Residence sprawled below his eyes.

The bustling townsfolk, the clucking of chickens, and the barking of dogs echoed in his ears. From patrolling clan soldiers to dense forests and the deep turquoise ripples of the lake, everything lay vividly before his eyes.


Li Yuanjiao quickly realized that with a mere thought, the dazzling Supreme Yin Profound Light could strike anywhere at the mountain's foot in an instant. He refocused his mind and zoomed in closer toward the direction provided by the jade bracelet.

As his mind traveled through the sky, forests, and dark mountain rocks, a cave finally appeared before his eyes. It was rugged and narrow, with walls marked by deep knife cuts, as if hastily excavated.

Glacial Cloud Peak was shrouded in clouds and fog which was brimming with spiritual qi and covered by pines and cypresses. Snowflakes and scattered paper money[1] fluttered down, covering the mountain like white flowers while courtyards were decorated with white ribbons that swayed gently in the wind.

At the foot of the mountain lay collapsed buildings devoid of people, save for deep sword marks that were etched into the ruins, emitting sharp sword qi that scattered the falling snowflakes.

Li Yuanjiao silently adjusted his field of vision and spotted a handsome young man. He was kneeling in the highest part of the courtyard, all dressed in white and surrounded by elders from his clan, their faces etched with sorrow.

"Tongyu... This grand formation has been running for over half a year. The family can't sustain this anymore..."

"Yes, Tongyu... Although the family head had left behind a vast fortune, it can't support your expenditures like this..."

"All you do is kneel at the ancestral hall all day, yet you don't realize how quickly the Spirit Stones are depleting..."

As the snowflakes continued to fall, Fei Tongyu's handsome features remained composed, masking the grief and worry within.

He clenched his teeth in silence.

Li Yuanjiao recognized him as Fei Tongyu, the young master of the Fei Family. They had met during Li Yuanjiao's wedding and now, he was already a peak Fetal Breath cultivator.

Li Yuanjiao's gaze moved beyond the group to the tablet in front of them.

Here lies the esteemed Ancestor of the Fei Family, whose birth name was Wangbai.

The candle flame flickered, casting an intense glow on the lettering of the golden tablet. In the middle of the snow-covered courtyard lay a black coffin. As Li Yuanjiao peered closer, shock gripped his heart.

"Fei Wangbai... is dead?"

Fei Wangbai's body lay in the coffin, his face looking no different than how it was when he was still alive. His head, however, had been separated from his body. A white cloth covered his neck, concealing a grisly wound.

"Fei Wangbai... He's truly dead."

Fei Wangbai, the only Foundation Establishment Realm Immortal Cultivator of the Fei Family in the recent century—the genius who had quietly elevated the Fei Family to prominence, leading them to stand at the pinnacle of Moongaze Lake—had unexpectedly perished on his own immortal mountain.

1. White colored paper money that is burned during Chinese funerals. ☜