"... Hey, Arthur. Are you okay...?

Looking back in the voice of Deputy Eric. He's frowning, obviously looking at my complexion and saying.

"I'm sorry, I... I can't sleep right now.

Making excuses, Deputy Eric slaps me on the shoulder like he guessed something for me. "We're going to have a break, right? Sleep tight," he said, heading straight to the exercise.

... I've been thinking about Lord Pride and Prince Leon since last night and it was morning. I rub the bear under my eyes with my fist, knowing that I can't take it off even though it's still on. I thought I'd go to bed once, but I thought I'd head over to Style's Auditorium. It seems Prince Leon has returned home this morning, and maybe he has already advanced himself to the Queen.

With such pale expectations, I head to the gate to flutter and drag my body. Then I heard the hoof just before. I think the carriage is here, avoid it at the end once. Who would come to the Knights in a carriage at this hour? I haven't heard any reports of anyone coming today.


A familiar voice pops up from the carriage at the same time that he bit down the absenteeism. Turning around, Jack the Kingsguard opened the door and as Lord Pride took his hand off the carriage, he was waving at me. Tiara also comes out of the carriage to follow.

"Pu... Dear Pride..."

I thought you were falling asleep and dreaming, but it was him. It's true pride to smile and rush up to me. I see a smile from my heart that I should have been used to seeing, and that's all I'm relieved of.

"Good, don't go wrong. Yesterday, I've been worried sick.

He was worried about me.

That's just awesome. I'm embarrassed, happy, and I keep worrying about the words and tying my mouth together. Master Pride glanced at my face unaware of it and turned his eyes round. "Not a great bear," he said, peeking into my face so that Tiara could line up too.

"No, I've been thinking a lot..."

I'll take one step to delude you, but you both just look at my face worryingly. When I turned my eyes toward Style, wondering what had happened to her prophecy to the Queen, she shook her neck sideways heavily.... Apparently it wasn't fragrant.

That makes my head and stomach unnecessarily heavy again and loose strength. He leaned down in front of Lord Pride by accident.

"Arthur, are you okay?

... Wow, there's a pride face nearby.

They put their faces close together to stare under my eyes, and they put their hands on me to pinch my cheeks. All of a sudden, he jumps away with a "dull" voice. Lord Pride said, "I'm sorry! You were surprised, weren't you?" he raised his voice a little panicked and apologized.

What are you doing? I'm worried about Mr. Pride.

"Ah... no! Excuse me. I'm a little confused...

Apologizing hastily, Master Pride looked even more worried and said, "You should take a rest today than you did in archery." He says. That sucks, that's awesome. No.

Watch Master Pride as he leaps away. Really as usual. All the expressions, the usual pride. So much so that I even think that side of yesterday was a nightmare.

"I'm sorry I couldn't speak up about anything yesterday. You weren't feeling well, but you couldn't, could you?

Master Pride distorts his face worryingly and walks over to me. Shit, I can't get my head around it. Prince Leon's home at the corner, so I don't have to ask you a lot. I don't know why you looked like that, or if there's some kind of prince gripping you for a reason.

"Pup, Dear Pride, you know, what I want to ask you...

Raise only your voice without wrapping it around. Lord Pride twists his neck on it and asks back what happened.

Now it's time to breathe to say it, but... it stopped just before. If you think about it, I'm not in a position to say that. Instead, if Lord Pride was really in love with Prince Leon, my remarks would only be disrespectful to Lord Pride and Prince Leon. As soon as I said it, I couldn't help but be seen with contempt.

I lost my word, and Lord Pride and Tiara looked worried again. I figured I'd better get some sleep, or do you want to call someone from the Knights, or something, and Style's managed to stop me there. No, something, something...


My tongue finally turned. That's right, I'm the one asking the pride the most...

"... and... happy,...?

My face is hot because of nervousness and thoughtfulness.

But I couldn't stop thinking about it the whole time.

Master Pride gave a slightly surprised look at the sudden question. Behind Master Pride, Steele and Tiara are silently comparing me to Master Pride. Wow, I wanted to be nervous and distracted, but more than that, I didn't want to miss Master Pride hesitating or saying it for a moment, so I chewed in my mouth.

Master Pride tipped his neck small after swallowing my words... and laughed.

"Happy. Because Arthur and the others are here.

It was a heartfelt, laugh. I dazzled for a moment because I was too dazzled.

I'm relieved just to see that smile, and I can lose my strength at once. Tiara and Style behind her were also grinning as relieved.

Good, if Master Pride is happy, that's fine.

I exhale long enough to throw up all the pans in my chest as well. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.

I still don't know what that thing with Prince Leon is, but still, if Lord Pride is happy now, I don't need any more.

To Lord Pride, who calls me again worried about my name, the tension is broken and the words are leaking unexpectedly.

"Good... then I guess I can't...



Bad luck. I accidentally got the truth. I open my eyes to apologize for being disrespectful. "Excuse me, that was a silence". And that was when I tried to say it.

... Master Pride's smile was solidifying.

It's like being poked at a picture star... When I noticed my gaze, I said, "That's not true,"... and I fixed my smile again.


At once, my stomach sank heavily like the relief I had just had. Too heavy, I kneel on the spot weakly to be dragged by it.

"Ah... Arthur, it's okay. I'm sorry, I was worried. It's okay, because I'm okay! There's just so much to worry about."

He worries about me, he guesses, he gently touches my shoulder crouched in.

Even that is hard now, unconsciously stretching his arms from himself to Master Pride. To stop Lord Pride from kneeling in the same way to see my face now.

Catch two of your own fingers in those thin hands and grab them.

"Worry... let me...

I can't even look him in the eye, and he leans down and talks crouched. I can't pick words well anymore with a mess in my head. As Master Pride was surprised by what I said, words and movements stopped.

"Why,... why do you look like that in the carriage... why can't you do something... even if Prince Leon is holding you weak... for the sake of the country...... Me, Style and Tiara are all awesome. Master Pride is worried, far away,... far away.

Yay... I said it all.

I can hold my breath that my voice is weirdly weak and I just don't like to cry. Not yet, not a good time to cry.

Master Pride says, "I'm sorry," and he touches my hand I grabbed. Worst case scenario, I'm worried about Lord Pride after all.

"Thank you, Arthur, Style and Tiara. Glad you're worried. But it's really okay.

Oh... I knew it.

No matter how hard this guy is, he tries to hold himself until he's absolutely critical.

It's like, naturally, I see myself that way.

It's as if I was originally determined to be fighting alone.

... of this guy, I want to protect his smile.

If Lord Pride himself was happy, I could bless any man he was dealing with. Because that man's happiness is what makes him happy for me, too.

But if, as I'm really worried, Lord Pride doesn't open his heart to Prince Leon for any reason, and he can't accept his engagement for the good of the country, it sucks. It's the most pride-like marriage I ever wanted.

… but if Lord Pride chooses that path of his own, I will.

"Beside, I'll be there. All the time,... all the time.

Words overflow.

I look straight up and look up at the pride of my astonished expression.

Please pray for this person to reach just these words.

Lord Pride nods, slowly and softly returning a heartfelt grin. Thank you, and yes, give it back to me.

Let's stay next to this guy.

I swear so many times.

If the other man is a good opponent for Master Pride, stay by his side the whole time and keep the two happy.

If the other guy doesn't, … I'll keep protecting Lord Pride from and on behalf of that guy.

It doesn't change, nothing.

A long time ago, I gave all of mine to Lord Pride.