"Dear Stayle... I will prepare your meal if you like...

The column gently hung words on the style sitting beside the bed.

Stayle hasn't moved off the spot since his visit at dawn. Left on top, that expression is not even legible except that it is a dark, sunken one.

When Style said no to the column's words, he mumbled to silence again.

Column allowed to sit next to me, but I still felt caught lining up with my first prince opponent in such a place. Things are completely different from Alan's room. Though I would try to lower my hips, it was time for me to stare at Arthur's side with what words I would hang on the sunken style and if Arthur had any signs of change at all.

The doctor approached Arthur and made the same confirmation again and again with some surprise as he checked his condition, and the column noticed even though he was twisting his neck. Jail, the knight of Squad Seven, who was raising his face, also noticed the column's gaze, changing his complexion and turning his eyes to the doctor.

"... to Arthur, anything...?

No way, and when the column asked Arthur, who was still just breathing, with too much anxiety, Style raised his face to the word as well.

If you wait for words with a terrible heartbeat, the doctor clouds the words once he says "no..." Still unconvinced, the doctor opened his mouth like it would be hard to say if Style now urged him to "say it".

"Normally...... is not strange for something other than an injury to develop if it is this serious...... He's not at all... …………⁇

Naturally, I've never crossed without it, but the doctor who twists his neck again measures Arthur's fever so I don't even know. Instead, Column and Jale frowned this time at the doctor's words saying it was flat fever enough to seem abnormal.

Both the column and Jail, the Knight of the Seventh Squad specializing in emergency response, have that degree of knowledge. If you get injured, the more serious it is, the more screaming your body will be, causing fever and complications. But if you ask me, Arthur, who has lost consciousness, is ill with blood, but doesn't suffer from fever. The columns as well as the doctors lifted their hips to Arthur's condition to make sure that his temperature was falling the other way around. There are no abnormalities in the pulse or breathing. The temperature is also slightly higher than the flat heat, but Arthur's temperature is still flat. What the hell happened when Jail tried to open his mouth to anxiety, even if he was sick?


Boosh, and Style roared something.

Lie down, hold your head forehead, use shoulder-to-shoulder and exhale. Dear Stayle? and as the column hung the words to worry, the slowly raised face, Stayle slightly giraffed his pitch-black eyes, staring at the column and Jayle, and the doctor, in turn. He opened his mouth quietly if everyone accidentally looked back at him without saying a word, as if he were angry somewhere, but also seemed more alive than earlier.

"... it's okay. By making noise, I don't think so. It's nothing else to say. I (...) have (...) decided (...) me (...) and (...) (...). (...)... can I...?

Everyone corrected their posture to a low, somewhere threatening awesome voice color.

If I reply clearly in one word, the style I gave back with a grin to Russia, but its eyes are not laughing. I don't know why. But everyone understood that what was completely now was a silence. I'm sure the cure worked, and Steele opened her eyes and blocked her ears right after that.


All of a sudden, the column called on the style, which, on the contrary, blocked his ears with both hands and made his face irritable. But the style with his ears held still closes his eyes hard so that he can't hear it either.

Do you have a headache or even tinnitus, the steep expressive style shakes your head many times by itself, eating and tying. I was worried about the boulder, and the style opened my eyes softly as the column peeked into my face as I mocked its back. When I noticed the column that cared for me and said a word back, "I'm fine......" I quietly lowered my hands and held my fist on my knees.

With a little suspicion, the column clears my ears but I don't hear anything weird. Doing so, I noticed that it was deliberately a little noisy outside the room. I hear a noise from the knights "... Captain Lan" and "... have you been..." and a single run-in footsteps from the way in.

Style and Jail also noticed, and the column stood up from the chair towards the rising door. The footsteps approached this way in a straight line and finally opened up with the momentum to break the door. It was the knight who knew the column well that jumped in with the annoying noise in his ear.

"Lady Taylor, come here for a moment."

Rarely breathing Alan looked out for the unexpected as he dripped his sweat fluttering over whether he had been running quite a bit.

But soon try to cough up and exhale, and when she sucks it up again, Alan chooses the word within herself. And I said it with one more breath toward the column and the style.

"... disappeared from the example location……………………………………………………"

The intent of Alan's words, which he concealed and conveyed by erasing the subject, was clearly conveyed to the two of them. Stayle knocked down the chair and stood up, understanding before asking what was going on. Why do you always hear the "finger whistle from Pride" from earlier?

I'm calling. Pride, who thought he was calling himself to escape from the tower, was actually after he had already escaped. Then why bother calling yourself? Did Pride escape, or was Adam taking him away?

Style moved momentarily as soon as he could think of it, ravaged inside by a terrible heartbeat. I thought Alan had a voice calling himself, but before that, his voice interrupts and his vision switches.

"... ahh! You're finally here. Hey, Style.

As soon as that happened, the first one thrown was the netty pride voice I got used to hearing.

"I've called you so many times," Style said, momentarily moving in front of her, augmenting her gaze as to whether it was still a trap after she was relieved that Pride was safe. "What can I do for you," he said, on the verge of returning the words,... I felt uncomfortable where I was.

"Master Estelle, please leave the scene now."

Jilbel's scream, rubbed up like a panic, is released from the side.

I still understand that Jill Bale was in the throne room. But if Jill Bale is here, the moment my mother and I look back,

... Gachari.


Suddenly, the weight was added to both hands.

All too suddenly, I turn my gaze back straight into my own hands. Seeing, that wrist had some familiar shackles fitted in it.

Ahahahahahahahahahaha! and a blowing laugh irritated my ears, while Stayle tried to raise those trembling hands to his chest position.

Jalali, with long chains dripping close to his feet to connect the shackles embedded in the wrists of each of his right and left hands. I was dazzled before thinking about the decorated and memorable sensations.

"Dear Stayle………………" he said, turning his face out of focus to Jilbel, who raised his voice, he was similarly shackled. He is holding Radiya's general against the floor with his long cut eyes open toward the style. Shackles with the same embellishment as myself. It's a special tool to seal special abilities, not to seal movements.

"Sister... Jill Bale... is this...?

Style, who couldn't keep up with his head treatment while he was blurry, now looked around the hall.

And many times to the figure of many guards falling from the figure of Gilbert, Vest of Regents, Albert of the King's Mate, and Rosa of the Queen, Style raised his voice, called out his name, took a breath and doubted his eyes. Nitanita and I laughed joyfully into the pride in front of us. What I saw before I turned my gaze back on


From Style's mouth, Adam grinned back with a pleasantly loving, invisible smile at the lowly voice emitted by hatred.

I desperately curb the urge to ask Adam about Arthur right now, and now I choose to prioritize over it.

What did you do to your mother? Why did you help these people? "

I know I don't have to ask. I screamed to exhale fire from my mouth and stuck it in my pride, but the style was so unpleasant in my head that I guessed at all the circumstances. Still, Pride replied with a tranced grin to a style that absurd his voice to refuse to confirm.

"Yeah? That's settled. To make me queen?

The whole body of the style shivered around his right hand. Dokun, dokun, and sounds terribly slow, and loudly from the inside out, as if the heart would stop the movement. He shut his mouth, held his breath, and Style put his strength into his trembling fist to desperately contain it.

Ahaha...... laughing pride touches the shoulder of the style lightly like a stroke and flips herself. He proceeded to the throne ahead of Rosa collapsing in her graceful footsteps as it was.

"Besides, if I end it easily, I won't even have the ending. You can have as many handouts as this, right?

Spinning words that don't make sense, she hips down to the throne to jump in. In that seat where the queen is allowed to sit, as if it were natural.

Elbowed to the handrail, the pride supporting the jaw with aligned fingertips releases and combines long, supple feet.

"The kingdom of Friesia will be mine from this day forward.... Hey? Stayle, you're gonna work with Chan, right? 'Cause you're my assistant.

Style was speechless in his pride inquiring with a voice like Karan Cologne and Guru.

Pride's words are nothing but paranoia. Now that Rosa, the queen, has fallen, whose right to the first throne belongs at this stage? That's something Steele knows very well, too.

Then Adam, who had kept his distance, lined up next to it so that he could be drawn to pride. Originally, he stood in the position of a king's mate who was allowed to line up beside the queen, leaning against the dorsal part of the throne. It's as if you claim to be the person in that position.

"No problem? That doesn't change anything. Just get to know the Radiya Empire better. The wealth of the country has done better than it is now.

It's easy, isn't it? I'm scared to run to pride laughing down, and my whole body is strong.

How terrible and irrevocable is that "only"? Staring at both shackles of his own, Steele distorted his face bitterly. Because deepening relations with Radiya means that the innocent people will be able to wear this shackle slowly.

"If you don't cooperate,... style. You're gonna be like your mothers, aren't you?

With that said, it was Rosa and the others who cramped their bodies while falling down that Pride pointed at them with his jaw. Even Pride, his real parents, laughed thinly so that he felt nothing at all, and further widened his grin when he saw the distorted style of his face.