A year ago

"Go ahead, Prince Leon.

Let the door open and invite Prince Leon into the guest room.

Prince Leon stepped into the room with all due respect to my urging. All the knights of the Fourth Guard are ordered to stand by outside the room.

I recommended Prince Leon to the couch, and I sat across the street from the table, too,

"I'm suddenly sorry, Prince Steele, while you're busy preparing for your pre-expedition to the United Kingdom of Hanazoo.

"No, I'm sorry to rush to say Prince Leon is here at the corner.

Yesterday, Prince Cedric confessed to the crisis in the United Kingdom of Hanazoo. For this reason, the entire castle was a strict precautionary system. Among them, Prince Leon, who had made a promise to Pride, visited our castle. After I finished talking to her, it was a sudden nomination to see me for some reason.

Having guided him to a different room than Pride had used, I prompted him to come to the point as soon as possible. Prince Leon told me that he had heard of the reinforcements from Pride to the United Kingdom of Hanazoo and that our country was under deliberation.

"... so I came in and asked Prince Steele to do me a favor.


Ask back at the lack of too abrupt a context.

Why me, not Pride or Mother? When he thought so and kept blinking continuously, Prince Leon laughed smoothly and opened his mouth.

"If this meant the addition of the Kingdom of Friesia to this defensive battle. Please, let me assist my kingdom of Anemone in the provision of weapons and necessary supplies.

Talking with his fingered hands on his knees, those jade eyes were just serious themselves.

Of course, "I will give it to you free of charge because it's provided," and I'm a little confused by Prince Leon, who keeps going. Honestly, there's nothing to wish for. The kingdom of Anemone is now the largest trading country on the continent. Weapons and supplies from that country can be more than adequate in quality and quantity. It is not that we do not have any storage in our country, but I do not even think that the United Kingdom of Hanazoo, a closed country, carries together substances ready for war.

"So why don't you ask His Majesty from Prince Steele then...? Because I'm sure you'll be shy of pride.

At the end of the day, I'm a little convinced by Prince Leon, who talks a little bit bitterly.

Sure, Pride wouldn't hesitate to say no even if he wanted that. That's enough to get her permission from her mothers first, or to send them on the same day. But...

"... it's a story I didn't even wish for. But is it good? If our country were to enter a defensive battle, it would be hostile to the Radiya Empire. To the kingdom of Anemone, which provided supplies, to bathe in firepowder..."

"I'm ready. My father, too, I'm sure he'll snort.... nothing else, for the kingdom of Friesia.

As soon as I return home, my father will also give me a proper formal interview, a little to Prince Leon who will overlap me with... words, clogging.

Disengagement from Pride a year ago. Then I know that he and the king owe me pride. I'm sure if you name your pride, the king will not snort either. But that's why there's no need for them to get themselves involved in the issue of the Kingdom of Friesia every time. Regardless if you have met from our country, the alliance relationship itself will become intransigent one day if you don't even wish but ask all about this complexion and exhaust it. Even while I was thinking about it, Prince Leon wouldn't break his smooth grin unchanged whether he knew what I was thinking or not. And...

"... and. So far is my wish as the first prince of the kingdom of Anemone....... Prince Steele.

Suddenly, the grin glossed.

In response to that grin, which was both beautiful and demonic, Prince Leon rounded his back to the front and put his face closer to me.

"And this is my favor as" me. "

That glowing grin only takes a moment to drink.

Different demons and depths were overflowing from his entire body, as was Jilbel.... really, it's different from a year ago.

What is it, finally returning a word while holding the black edge of the glasses? Then he said clearly with his face close to me.

"Let me help you.... I want to protect my pride.

Somewhere, it was a word to remember a sense of vision.

If you wait for the next word for a sudden throw, and more importantly for a less abstract expression, Prince Leon went on to say even more.

"I can't stay by her side.... itself is what I wanted. To live with my beloved kingdom of Anemone.

That's what I said, once I lowered my gaze to my hands on my knees.

You shake your jade eyes to the point of some distress, and then you turn your back on me again.

"But she shouldn't ask for help herself, even if she has to reach out. This is when she really needs help. I'm in a neighboring country... I'm sure I won't notice and I won't be able to make it.

Even this time... and little zero, Prince Leon put his strength into his knotted hand. At the same time, his shoulders rose to strength, eating and tying his tiny, neat teeth once.

"That's all I don't like. A year ago, she saved me. Yet I can't bear for her to continue to suffer without my knowledge.

I'm sure Prince Steele knows, and Prince Leon's eyes rocked tremendously as he went on.

... well, I know. How much pride he thinks of me.

Prince Leon said that much, once he extended his posture. Sit properly straight on the couch from your forward position and turn your usual calm, smooth grin at me again.

"So, Prince Stayle. I'd like to ask you, one arm of pride. Please use me.

The voice leaked unexpectedly at the words released.

I doubted my ears before the prince of one country could say anything to me. Then Prince Leon went on laughing, not looking to correct him at all.

"I'm definitely on your side of pride. So please, I don't care if Pride hesitates to ask me for help. I believe your words. [M]... trusted by pride, if that's your word.

It's an extra compliment.

Because that's what he tells me, not just in pride, but in trust even with me. Even though I dared to use the word "use", its treatment was complete "credit" itself.

I close my eyes for the first time to Prince Leon, who photographs me with clear eyes. He inhaled deeply and exhaled without sound.

He doesn't even know my nature yet. And I'm not gonna show him either. But he wants to protect his pride.... if you want me to go so far for one thought.

I'm sure he and I want the same thing.

"... ok. Always try to obtain consent from your mother regarding the provision of weapons and supplies. And I'll be sure to inform you of your defensive battles and days as soon as I decide.... and about you, sister. If anything, be sure.

There's no reason not to cooperate.

If I offered my right hand to Prince Leon with the words, my jade eyes glowed with joy. Thank you, and his grin as he shook his hand back as he softly broke his face was a genuine heartfelt grin that I could tell.

After shaking each other's hands and nodding at each other. Then I only pulled off Prince Leon for the last time, who would tell me that as soon as I returned home I would be ready to transport supplies.

I just thought I had to make sure this was properly his readiness.

"Just one thing, … may I confirm?

What is it? and Prince Leon's pale hair rocked as he gently tilted his neck as he rose from the couch.

It could be a negative, disgusting way of saying it. It could be like pushing him away for the sake of corner pride. But still, after I missed him for the first time, I swallowed my mouth inside and caught him with both eyes and asked.

"I'm glad you're thinking that far for your sister. But do you really want to involve your beloved country and people for the sake of only one person you personally admire?

For example, if Anemone is damaged by the Radian Empire because of it. If you come there to harm the people or obstruct trade. He will have swung the kingdom of Anemone with personal affection.

I don't think that he, who loved his country, would want or consider such a result. Because he is the one who mourns and suffers the most when he does.

Even while waiting for his reply, his facial muscles stretched unexpectedly, tying his fists together strongly with his lips. Whatever response comes from Prince Leon, I'm all set. Still, saved by pride, he brings back his beloved country from his younger brothers, and he puts his country at risk for pride.... I want answers, just to convince me of that contradiction.

Prince Leon opened his mouth a little surprised to hear from me. If that's what you're thinking of responding to, he immediately shut his mouth and... laughed.

Couscous, and holding his mouth at his fingertips slightly ridiculously.

Why did laughter come out there? Without knowing it, my eyeglasses will harden while I fix them. Then he said zero "excuse me," and still laughed a little funny again.

"For the sake of one pride.... I'm sure my actions are terribly proprietary. Your father may take me to the throne this time.

No, that's it... and I accidentally return the word.

He's not trying to convey his favor to Pride. Instead, he's trying to get me through and help me secretly so she doesn't know. There is also the great nickname of showing others as allies, giving back their benevolence as kingdoms of Anemone. If, in the unlikely event of damage to the people, it is not framed as an act that would have been necessary in the brackets of the country. It's just not the way he wants to be.... it seems so, it just didn't.

Prince Leon stopped me first when I was stuck in words. Then he closed his eyes once so that he could calm himself down, once again peeking into those jade eyes and turning a very quiet grin at me.

"... you're right, Prince Steele. But at the same time, I..."


"... then let's leave the National Gate to the Fifth Squad first. Don't fail to monitor if enemy soldiers come out of the hole. Squad Four will now confirm the replenishment of recruits and weapons within the national walls.... Dear Stayle, is that okay?

Roderick, the Knight Commander, gives instructions to the knights as they receive confirmation.

The thick national walls of the Kingdom of Friesia are small but also have some security rooms. Weapons and ammunition replenishments are also stored there along with the recruits, who are supply and auxiliary personnel. While also acknowledging the style to Roderick's words, he leaned down holding down the abyss of his glasses as if they were already exhausted.

While I speak to Jilbel about the Knights of the kingdom of Anemone and the way the Vals are placed, I exhale loudly many times as I remember along the way.

"... but Dear Stayle, in this case, there is danger to him.

"No problem. …… naturally, with his permission.

I say a word to Jilbel, who opinions on the stretch of measures.

There was also certainty in the style that meant to give Tiara a good understanding of her intentions to act. I think it is necessary to explain and explain the measures in advance as well as the reasons why just because the way they are handled is the way they are handled, but it also seemed to me to be the most effective method at least at the moment. With that in mind, I still get another big sigh of sigh if I realize that these places have come to resemble Jilbell.

"Nevertheless... I didn't know that delivery guy was that far away. The boulders only survived that cliff crash, Roderick.

Ha ha, and Clark, the deputy chief laughing lightly like the rest of the HR, was only impressed and his eyes weren't laughing much.

Right...... and Roderick looks at the footage from the correspondents again, whining small. As things stand, it is true that Val helped me considerably, but I still can't be happy to let go when I think of what happened seven years ago. Though in a somewhat complex mood, he was only relieved that the knights' burden now subsided below the minimum. Except

"... Dear Tiara, And Prince Leon, where is Prince Cedric now?

If Roderick asks about the existence of three royal men who could be escorted, he immediately receives a reply from a correspondent asking about the status quo from the knights at the national gate. "That's just good," said Jill Bale, who heard it, entering into conversation with Roderick and the knight with a gentle voice. And...

"Then could I join you in explaining the current situation?