As soon as the words fell, even the air fell into silence.

Xi Tao’s trembling body, which had been shivering, stopped shaking and became stiff.

The three men present looked at Rong Yuheng with a strange expression. “Are you straight?”

Rong Yuheng looked bewildered. “Huh?”

Did he just imply something about his sexual orientation?

Su Yuyin tried to enlighten him. “It’s not very appropriate to let a girl crawl… um, crawl on all fours, right?”

Rong Yuheng turned his head and looked at Xi Tao, who was already standing up again, without thinking there was anything wrong. “She’s wearing pants.”


Su Yuyin sighed. “Forget it.”

You can’t attribute this person’s thought process to that of an ordinary person.

Although Xi Tao was scared in her heart, she didn’t back down. She came here this time with the task of promoting a new drama and had to perform well.

Besides, Su Yuyin had reminded her: they are a team and should work together.

Under the nervous gaze of everyone, Xi Tao finally slowly moved to the other side. At the moment when she stepped onto the platform, everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

A row of words was written on the opposite wall:

Everything here is dedicated to my beloved daughter, Jenny.

Xi Tao read it once and didn’t see any information. She leaned closer and looked carefully, suddenly discovering that there was a button in the middle of the word “love.”

“There’s a button here!” she exclaimed, raising her hand to press it.


Two dividers extended from the sides of the water pool, slowly moving towards the center and closing together, forming a piece of land that connected the two platforms.

“We can go over now.” Su Yuyin led the remaining three people across the dividers. The dividers beneath their feet were stable, and it was evident that the production team had spent a lot of money on them.

Chen Shulin sighed, “Even for a trial version, they’ve done it so meticulously. Who knows how much money they’ll spend on the official recording… Thanks to the wealthy sponsors, Daddy.”

Gou Li repeated, “Thanks to the wealthy sponsors, Daddy.”

Su Yuyin followed suit, “Thanks to the wealthy sponsors, Daddy.”

After the three of them finished speaking, they all turned their expectant gazes towards Rong Yuheng.

“…” Rong Yuheng was silent for two seconds and then spoke, “Thanks to the wealthy sponsors, Daddies.”

The key was that those few people were indeed his “daddies”-

The five of them arrived on the other side, and Xi Tao also returned wearing socks and shoes.

Although Rong Yuheng didn’t know what was wrong with the phrase “crawl forward,” he still expressed his apology with good intentions. He patted Xi Tao on the back and said, “You’ve worked hard~”

Xi Tao smiled and pursed her lips. “It’s nothing.”

Su Yuyin, who witnessed this scene, felt relieved.

He felt like he had been taking care of a group of problematic children before, but now the little ones were finally becoming sensible.

Gou Li was completely unaware of the strange atmosphere among the other three. He was fully focused on studying the game clues.

His mind had been brainwashed by Rong Yuheng’s “girl’s treasure theory,” and now he saw every scene as having deep meaning.

“Does this sentence have any hints?”

Chen Shulin said, “I think so. Otherwise, why would we go through all this trouble to come here?”

Su Yuyin analyzed, “This sentence contains two pieces of information: first, everything here belongs to a girl named Jenny. Second, the donor is either her father or mother. So, this ‘treasure’ should be something of significant importance to both of them.”

The others nodded their heads like little chicks pecking at grains.

Mother Hen Su Yuyin flapped his wings. “Let’s go and see where the next scene is.”

Xi Tao said, “But this room is closed, we can’t get out, huh?”

“I think I heard some movement from the previous room,” Chen Shulin said. “Let’s go back and take a look.”

The group returned to the room filled with bubbles and indeed found a crack in the wall on the other side. They hurriedly ran over and pushed against the crack with all their might—

The room behind was revealed before their eyes.

It was pitch black inside, and they could only faintly see some scenery with the light coming in from this room. Five infrared beams were scanning alternately inside, and there was a night light switch on the innermost wall of the room.

“We have to go inside and turn off the infrared beams, right?”

Su Yuyin shrugged, “I really can’t do this, who can go over there?”

No one knew what consequences a mistake could cause. Although Xi Tao had the intention of earning more screen time, she needed to ensure that she didn’t make any mistakes.

Chen Shulin and Gou Li had similar thoughts as her: Chen Shulin knew he wasn’t agile enough, while Gou Li didn’t dare to take the risk.

Besides, there would be another chance to showcase themselves later. For now, this mechanism was truly challenging.

Rong Yuheng didn’t really want to go either. He had severe night blindness and didn’t know if he would bump into anything inside.

Seeing that no one was willing, Su Yuyin could only say, “Then I’ll go.”

He started walking towards the entrance, but before he could enter, he stumbled on the doorstep with a loud “clunk” and nearly rolled inside!

Fortunately, Chen Shulin reacted quickly and grabbed him, preventing a disaster from happening.

Everyone, “…”

Teacher Su seemed to be lacking some intelligence.

Rong Yuheng’s expression was complicated. “Su ge, maybe I should go instead.”

He only had night blindness, but Su Yuyin seemed to be blind.

Rong Yuheng’s T-shirt was all loose-fitting, but now he was afraid that the hem would touch the infrared beams, so he reached out and lifted it, tucking it into his waist.

Instantly, his tight and flexible waistline was revealed. Below the cinched waistline, there was a perky backside; his tight black jeans wrapped around his legs, showing off their symmetry and vitality.

Xi Tao couldn’t help but make an “Oh” shape with her mouth, and the exclamation “damn” was muffled afterwards…

Gou Li’s eyes lit up, and he boldly ran over and playfully slapped Rong Yuheng’s buttocks like a typical straight guy.

“Hey, you have such small figure…!”

Rong Yuheng, “…

As a fluffy dog slapped Gou Li’s face with a “pat,” the former took a deep breath and stepped into the room.

The infrared beams scattered in a chaotic manner, but there was still a pattern to follow.

After pondering for a moment, Rong Yuheng suddenly fell to the ground with a “thud”!

Everyone behind him was startled, and they all stuck their heads out, asking, “What are you doing…!”

Rong Yuheng was persistent in his suggestion, “Crawl forward.”

Everyone, “…”

Then they saw him crawling on the ground like a caterpillar, slowly making his way inside…

It was completely different from the cool and stylish movements of an imagined spy!

Rong Yuheng crawled smoothly, almost like milk flowing—kick with his calves, arch his buttocks, and twist his body to swiftly approach the target!

Yang Wen, behind the night vision camera, was astonished: How could this be happening!

He hadn’t considered that someone would slide across the floor in a slithering manner, so the range of the infrared beams was mostly above the calves.

Who would have expected Rong Yuheng to be so crafty and basically swim past them!

Outside the room, after a few seconds of shock, the group unexpectedly found the plan feasible. They threw away their conscience in unison and cheered, “Rong Rong, go for it!”

Rong Yuheng’s swimming speed instantly increased, and in less than half a minute, he reached the victorious side. He stood up, raised his hand, and pressed the switch—within the next second, the infrared beams were turned off, and the entire room was brightly lit.

Except for the smooth path Rong Yuheng had slithered through, both sides were lined with shoe cabinets filled with beautiful high heels. The walls were recessed, turned into closets full of skirts.

Xi Tao couldn’t resist it at all, her eyes gleaming: These are all treasures! They’re all treasures!

The remaining four people walked to Rong Yuheng’s side and joined him. Su Yuyin extended his arm and gave him a hug. “Well done, well done. The floor must have been cold, right?”

Rong Yuheng didn’t want to exaggerate his efforts and just humbly lowered his head. “It was fine. The friction generated heat, so it balanced out.”

Su Yuyin choked for a moment but then sincerely praised, “Such innovative knowledge of physics!”


In the center of the display cabinet, there was an envelope. Chen Shulin reached out and took it, opening it to find a wedding invitation. The bride was Jenny.

“What does this mean again?”

Gou Li’s imagination went wild, “Could it be that the treasure is a baby?”

Rong Yuheng exclaimed, “Are you saying the production team hid a non-verbal baby here!?”

Everyone, “…”

Su Yuyin felt it was time to provide the correct guidance, so he immediately spoke up to stop the speculation.

“It’s just a wedding, it doesn’t mean they had a baby.”

Gou Li & Rong Yuheng, “Oh.”

It was unclear whether it’s an illusion, but the two of them seemed quite regretful.

Su Yuyin said, “The treasure must be related to marriage.”

Rong Yuheng suddenly realized, “Are you saying there’s a man hidden here?”

Even Gou Li fell silent this time, “…”

Su Yuyin choked for a moment, then spoke earnestly, “Don’t fill your mind with the idea of hiding someone… See how you’re going to coax your future girlfriend when she sees this segment.”

Only then did Rong Yuheng take it seriously. “I’ve learned my lesson.”

This was the entire room, and the group searched the space for a while. After finding nothing, they gathered together again to discuss the results.

Su Yuyin took the lead and spoke first, “Let me summarize. First, this is something the parents gave to their daughter Jenny, indicating that this treasure is meaningful to both parties. Second, Jenny is getting married, which means it’s definitely related to the wedding.”

Chen Shulin and Gou Li had no clues at all. Their minds were filled with Rong Yuheng’s misleading thoughts of “baby” and “man,” and the more they thought about it, the more it made sense!

Xi Tao thought for a moment and raised her hand. “I have an idea. As a girl myself, I would cherish the wedding dress I wore for my wedding.”

Su Yuyin’s eyes lit up as he looked around. “This is a wardrobe, isn’t it? Let’s see if there’s a wedding dress!”

With this suggestion, everyone quickly started searching again. After a round, they suddenly heard Chen Shulin exclaim, “We really found it!”

He stuck his head out of the closet, holding a set of wedding gown. The dress was packed in a gift box, buried among a pile of gift boxes, so it couldn’t be discovered without opening each one.

“It’s hidden so deep, it must be it!”

Chen Shulin raised his hand and opened the dress. He saw a card placed underneath it—

To my beloved daughter Jenny: You will always be Daddy’s little treasure.

Su Yuyin said, “I think this is it. The ‘treasure’ for this episode is the wedding dress the father gave his daughter.”

The voice of the production team timely came through the loudspeaker in the room. “Are you sure?”

Su Yuyin nodded. “We’re sure because this ‘treasure’ is not just a dress, but also a father’s love.”

He continued, “Actually, we can see that this father has created so many ‘paradises for girls’ for his daughter. How much he must love her. But now, his daughter is about to leave him and marry another man… We, the people present here, can’t truly understand that feeling for now. I believe, for Jenny, that feeling is the most precious thing.”

After a while, a helpless sigh from Director Yang came through the loudspeaker. “Teacher Su, even if it’s not accurate, you should still say it’s correct… Moreover, you got it right! Congratulations!”

“Yeah!!” As the director announced the successful completion of the mission, everyone present cheered and embraced each other.

Especially Rong Yuheng, his whole being brightened up, and the feeling of joy was about to overflow from the screen. Upon closer inspection, this joy was mixed with a hint of anticipation for the upcoming meal.

He was really starving. Recording this show took four to five hours, and the physical and mental exhaustion was no joke.

After the recording was finished, everyone returned to the rest area and opened their boxed meals.

Yang Wen stood in front of them and clapped his hands. “Well done, well done. We’ll record some reflections later.” He then turned to Rong Yuheng and said, “Xiao Rong, your phone rang earlier. Do you want to make a call?”

“Okay, thank you, Director Yang.”

Rong Yuheng thought it might be Xu Sun calling, but to his surprise, it was a call invitation from Wen Zhecheng.

He was momentarily stunned, then got up and walked out, making the call.

After two rings, the call was answered, and Wen Zhecheng’s voice sounded like it was on extended standby.

“Hello? Teacher Wen, I was just recording a show and didn’t bring my phone.”

Wen Zhecheng’s voice sounded gentle. “It’s alright, I know.”

Before Rong Yuheng could ask him how he knew, Wen Zhecheng asked, “How did the recording go?”

Rong Yuheng recalled the recording process and immediately brightened up. “It went well! And Su-ge also took good care of me.”

There was a sudden silence on the other end for several seconds.

Just as Rong Yuheng thought the signal was bad, Wen Zhecheng’s voice came through clearly again. “Su… Ge, who is he?”

“Su Yuyin, Teacher Su.”

“You call him ‘Ge’?”

Wen Zhecheng’s tone sounded a bit strange, and Rong Yuheng didn’t understand. “Yes, Su-ge is ten years older than me, so it’s fine to call him ‘Ge’.”

Wen Zhecheng paused for a moment, then, with a hint of awkwardness, he hinted, “I’m about five years older than you.”

A small question mark popped up in Rong Yuheng’s mind, and he probed, “So, do you also call him ‘Ge’…?”

Wen Zhecheng replied, “…”

Giving up one’s dignity could happen either zero times or countless times.

Wen Zhecheng gritted his teeth and decided to go all out. “I mean, what do you call me?”

Rong Yuheng’s blocked thought process suddenly clicked at this moment, and he actually understood Wen Zhecheng’s implication!

He thought: Oh no, Wen Zhecheng’s condition hasn’t improved yet.

But, what does it mean for a condition to be a bit cute?

On the other end of the phone, Wen Zhecheng waited for a while without getting a response. He nervously pursed his lips, but then he heard a crisp laughter of “kekekekeke” coming from the other side.

Rong Yuheng’s voice carried a hint of laughter, light as a feather, and it scratched at his heart through the receiver.

“Then, you are little brother~”

Author’s note: Wen Zhecheng: Some people are alive, while I am already dead.
