In the end, Wen Zhecheng couldn’t make it to the concert. Qu Youhe commented, “Cheng ge, your fame is too big. Even if you wrapped yourself as a dumpling, you’d still be recognized.”

Wen Zhecheng replied with a muffled “Oh.”

Qu Youhe consoled him, “Don’t be ungrateful. Your ship has climbed to fifth place on the super topic list.”

Wen Zhecheng didn’t seem any happier, “But Rong Rong hasn’t replied to my messages for five hours.”

Qu Youhe paused, then averted his gaze, “Respect the work of others.”

Qu Youhe chuckled, seeing through him.

The STAR-T boy band’s performance ended perfectly, and they took on several competitive variety shows afterward. At the same time, their album recording was nearing completion, keeping Rong Yuheng busy. Even an invitation to go home from Rong Congyan had to be postponed temporarily.

Among the programs they recorded was a challenging variety show called “Unstoppable,” where guests had to overcome obstacles set by the production team to reach the finish line as quickly as possible.

After STAR-T’s members arrived, they discovered that Zhou Shubai was also participating. They were old friends from their trainee days, and their reunion felt as natural as ever. Especially for Zou Yi, who rushed straight towards Zhou Shubai, trapping him in a bear hug, and exclaimed, “Young Master, it’s been so long!”

Rong Yuheng watched in horror from the side… a few more seconds of that, and there might not be anything left to see.

Zhou Shubai, caught in Zou Yi’s bear hug, struggled and shouted, “Zou Yi, are you trying to smother me to inherit my family fortune?!”

Huang Jianing couldn’t help but comment, “Where would he get the inheritance rights?”

Rong Yuheng smoothly added, “Zou Yi can adopt Shubai as his son, though, kekekeke.”

The focus of the teasing quickly shifted to Rong Yuheng.

After some playful banter, the recording of the show began. When it wasn’t their turn, the members either cheered from the sidelines or watched from the audience.

Rong Yuheng and Zhou Shubai sat together, and Rong Yuheng asked, “What about your Spirit Guide?”

Zhou Shubai hesitated for a moment and then replied, “You mean my brother? After the drama wrapped up, my uncle took him back.”

Rong Yuheng fell silent.

The word “took” seemed quite vivid, and Rong Yuheng had trouble imagining the scene where the imposing CEO was taken back. However, judging by Zhou Shubai’s demeanor, he seemed used to it.

Rong Yuheng asked, “So, he won’t compete with you for roles anymore?”

Zhou Shubai casually replied, “He’ll probably escape again.”

Rong Yuheng remained speechless. He glanced at the obstacle course ahead, where a contestant was repeatedly rolling down a slope and climbing back up.

Rong Yuheng commented, “From the current situation, your brother seems even more determined on his path to becoming a legend.”

Zhou Shubai choked for a second, then shook his head, “This can only be considered as our mutual restraint.”

The topic quickly shifted away from a certain CEO, and Rong Yuheng turned his attention to Zhou Shubai’s drama. He asked, “Did your filming go smoothly? I haven’t heard from you in a while since it wrapped up.”

Zhou Shubai nodded, “It went pretty smoothly. We wrapped up just a few days ago.”

Rong Yuheng nodded in acknowledgment. After a while, it was their turn to participate in the show.

As they entered, the host asked Rong Yuheng, “Rong Rong, when you see these obstacles ahead, what’s going through your mind?”

Rong Yuheng’s clear eyes revealed a hint of nostalgia as he replied, “I’m reminded of Teacher Su Yunyin by the side of the Daming Lake.”

The audience fell silent.

The program wasn’t completely recorded until after dinner. STAR-T members invited Zhou Shubai to join them for a meal. They were chatting animatedly when Rong Yuheng noticed a WeChat message on his phone.

【Xun Guang】: Rong Goose!

Rong Yuheng saw this nickname and raised an eyebrow in confusion: ??

【Xun Guang】: “Everyday I Want to Escape From Here” has finished filming! [Excited emoji]

【Rong Yuheng】: Yay! [Flower emojis]

【Xun Guang】: …

Zhou Shubai, sitting nearby, noticed Rong Yuheng’s “misbehavior” and immediately scolded him, “Rong Xiaoji, what are you doing on your phone during dinner?”

Rong Yuheng maintained a perplexed expression as he turned towards Zhou Shubai, “Your white, soft-screenwriter, doesn’t share the joy of finishing filming with a group message?”

Zhou Shubai shared the same confusion, “Why would they send a group message? Does joy multiply that way?”

Rong Yuheng pondered, “Maybe it spreads happiness…”

While the two engaged in a lively discussion about whether sharing joy in a group message enhanced or transmitted happiness, another WeChat message from Xun Guang arrived.

【Xun Guang】: I wanted to let you know that the next project is in preparation. Get ready.

Rong Yuheng, “…” The subtext here seemed a bit too deep.

【Xun Guang】: I can recommend you to the director, but you must pass the audition. [Staring emoji] The script will be sent to your agent in a few days.

【Xun Guang】: Go for it! You’re the one I picked out from millions of people! [Fist pump emoji]

Rong Yuheng, “…” What exactly is he?

【Rong Yuheng】: Alright, I’ll start preparing seriously once my agent reviews the script. [Otter heart emoji]

【Xun Guang】: [Excited emoji]

A few days later, Shi Qiu received the script. When she handed the thick stack of pages to Rong Yuheng, his face, which had been clouded for days, finally showed a glimmer of light.

“Director Qian Xinlei is preparing a TV drama called “The Journey of the Plain-Clothed Traveler”, and he wants you to audition for the lead male role.”

Rong Yuheng was initially stunned by the serious-sounding title for a moment but then cautiously approached the script. He noticed a name on the writer’s section that left no room for doubt – “Xun Guang.”

Rong Yuheng, “…” Alright, no mistake here.

“The Journey of the Plain-Clothed Traveler” was adapted from a novel set in an ancient alternate world.

The protagonist, Huai Qing, joined the fifth-ranked martial arts sect and became the pet of the group thanks to his quirky behavior. Later, as conflicts escalated in the martial world, the senior members of the sect gradually retired, leaving the sect in Huai Qing’s hands.

Feeling his own lack of martial skill, Huai Qing decided to pass the leadership to his close friend, the most skilled member of the sect, Ju Yan. However, Ju Yan’s indecisiveness and the troublesome antics of the new recruits led to a series of misadventures. Ju Yan hesitated to discipline the new recruits, and he advised Huai Qing to be patient.

Ju Yan’s leniency allowed the new recruits to become even more arrogant, and they began to blame Huai Qing for mismanaging the sect’s funds. Ju Yan knew Huai Qing wasn’t like that, but to avoid further conflict, he remained silent.

This was when Huai Qing’s heart turned cold. He left the sect that he had dedicated eight years to and embarked on a journey to wander the martial world.

Rong Yuheng flipped to the last page of the script, where the story was set ten years in the future.

The martial world, once in turmoil, had now submitted to the imperial court. The various martial sects gathered in the suburbs of the capital city, kneeling before the city gates to receive imperial favor.

A man wearing the attire of a commanding officer stood atop a city tower, gazing down at the vast crowd. His eyes met the gaze of Ju Yan, who had long since disappeared among the crowd. The man was none other than Huai Qing.

However, there was no trace of the proud and cold look in Huai Qing’s eyes. Nor was there any resentment or bitterness from the past.

Instead, his eyes radiated a warm and affectionate gaze as if a gentle spring breeze passed over the crowd. A small, satisfied smile appeared on his lips:

“My silly disciples, let me turn all of you into dorks.”

Rong Yuheng, “…?” 

The sudden change in the ending caught Rong Yuheng off guard. He scoured the script again, particularly the section from Huai Qing’s journey through the martial world to his rise in the imperial court.

Ten minutes later, he put down the script and exclaimed, “So, the ending isn’t a sudden shift in tone. This whole drama is a comedy!”

He had nearly been fooled by the serious title and the brief changes in tone at the beginning and end of the script!

Shi Qiu had read the script in advance, and if she thought it was viable and gave it to Rong Yuheng, it meant she believed in it.

“You haven’t acted in a drama before, so we’re not sure about your acting skills, but luckily… after looking at the character, it seems that your natural self will work just fine.”

Rong Yuheng’s gaze hardened slightly, feeling like Shi Qiu had started to understand him.

It was evident that Xun Guang was eager for Rong Yuheng to play the role of “Huai Qing.” She came over every day to provide some guidance for Rong Yuheng, sharing insights on acting and helping him understand the character.

【Xun Guang】: I believe in my judgment. I can accurately capture the essence of the character in real life!

Rong Yuheng recalled the day when Chu Jianlun threw money into the air and nodded in agreement.

【Rong Yuheng】: I haven’t acted before, and I’m afraid the director will give me a hard time. [Crying otter]

【Xun Guang】: No, the directors I’ve worked with are all very gentle~

Rong Yuheng’s typing paused.

Coming from the mouth of the poet of Zaun, this statement had zero credibility.

With the concert and the team’s variety shows coming to an end, Rong Yuheng locked himself in to focus on honing his acting skills. He intended to thoroughly understand the character before the audition.

After studying the script for half an hour in his room and practicing in front of the mirror for five or six times, he decided to step out of the room to test his progress.

Downstairs in the living room, Zou Yi, Bian Chen, and Tang Ji were playing cards.

Rong Yuheng sneakily approached and stood in front of them, ready to showcase his performance.

He picked up a teacup from the table, tilted his head, and drank the tea in one gulp!

To emphasize the heroic nature of his character, Rong Yuheng even slightly opened the corners of his mouth, allowing the pale yellow tea to flow down his chin.

The trio playing cards, “…”

Rong Yuheng was fully immersed in his performance at this point. He wiped his mouth vigorously with his arm and gazed at them with a look as if he were a brilliant sunrise.

“What a strong boy’s pee…!”

The card-playing trio continued to focus on their game, seemingly unfazed.

Rong Yuheng’s brilliant performance came to an end. Seeing the lack of response from the three, he immediately turned to them with a hint of frustration, “How did I do?”

Zou Yi didn’t even raise his head. “What were you doing?”

Rong Yuheng asked, “I just performed that scene! How was my acting?”

Bian Chen, with cards in hand, furrowed his brows. “What acting? Isn’t this how you usually behave when you’re playing Q?”

Rong Yuheng, “?”

He then turned to the only straightforward person, Tang Ji, for a glimmer of hope. “Tang Tang, what do you think?”

Tang Ji gave him a kind look and replied, “Are you bored and want to play too? I’ll let you after this round. Q of hearts.”

Rong Yuheng was defeated. He turned back and walked into his room, slammed the door, and stuffed the script he had flipped through many times into a drawer.

He didn’t need any more practice.

Of course, as a diligent and obedient hamster, Rong Yuheng didn’t forget to share this mixed news with his caretaker, Wen Zhecheng.

They chatted on the phone, and after Rong Yuheng passionately recounted the story, he heard two almost imperceptible “squeak squeak” sounds from the other end of the line.

Rong Yuheng was instantly alarmed. “Are you making fun of me again?”

Wen Zhecheng quickly concealed his expression and reassured him, “No, no, I’m genuinely happy for you.”

Rong Yuheng scoffed, “Hmph, the owner.”

“…” Wen Zhecheng immediately changed the subject without showing any traces of emotions. “By the way, when is your audition for this role? Who’s the director?”

Rong Yuheng’s attention was diverted by Wen Zhecheng’s question. “It’s next Monday, and the director is Qian Xinlei.”

Wen Zhecheng responded with a simple “Hmm” and said, “Okay, I got it.”

After ending the call with Wen Zhecheng, Rong Yuheng realized that his dear pearl brother had just called him as well.

He quickly called back, and after a few rings, his brother’s voice filled with anticipation came through, “Hello?”

Rong Yuheng pursed his lips feeling a bit guilty, “Brother”

Rong Congyan’s voice was as usual, “Xiao Heng, are you still busy these days? We have a local chicken stew at home on weekends, so come back and make up for it.”

Rong Yuheng did the math, and he really didn’t go back for half a year. If he really wanted to join the group in the future, he would definitely be even busier. It just so happened that he had time this weekend, so he agreed to come home.

“Then i’ll be back on Saturday.”

Saturday morning at 10.40 am.

Inside the Rong family’s mansion, the slightest singing drifted across the lawn through the closed doors and windows to the outside of the gate.

Rong Yuheng stood at the entrance to the garden, lost in thought.

After a while, he dialed his brother’s number, and after a few seconds, it was answered. His brother’s voice was full of anticipation, “Yuheng, are you back?”

Rong Yuheng pursed his lips and asked, “Didn’t you say you were going to play ‘Beijing Welcomes You’? Did you play it?”

There was a brief pause, and then Rong Yuheng heard his brother’s voice through the phone, tinged with a hint of playfulness, “We played a different welcoming song.”

“What song?” Rong Yuheng inquired.

“‘Good Luck,'” replied his brother, his tone warm. “You’re back home, and that’s our good luck.”

“Can I hear it?” Rong Yuheng asked.

“…?” There was a moment of silence at the other end of the line, followed by his brother’s voice, sounding slightly distant, “I’m in the bedroom, so I might not hear it very well. Just a moment, I’ll come to the corridor to play it for you.”

Footsteps and the sound of a door opening followed, and then the joyous and cheerful melody flowed through the phone, harmonizing with the music that had spilled out from the villa’s entrance.

Indeed, it was “Good Luck.”

With his suspicions finally laid to rest, Rong Yuheng said, “I understand, it’s almost time.”

He then unlocked the door with his fingerprint, entered effortlessly, and proceeded through the entrance garden. As he opened the villa’s front door, the exuberant song instantly burst forth.

Rong Yuheng welcomed the music with a satisfied smile. He stepped into the hall, accompanied by the spirited tune of “Good Luck,” and closed the door behind him with practiced ease.

With a satisfying “click,” the door closed, shutting out the noisy outside world and making the song in the living room even clearer.

Rong Yuheng’s motion of changing shoes suddenly halted, and his eyebrows gradually furrowed. The melody was the same, but upon closer listening, the lyrics were completely different.

A clear female voice reverberated throughout the hall:

“Connect a double knot and then tie a big jute sack,

Take out pots, bowls, iron pans, and sticks, everything in the bag.

You said I was a big scallop, and you said he was a little piglet,

You should know that one day, debts must be repaid!”

“Deceive and bring the dog back,

Deceive the dog again and lock it up,

Deceive it back so we can reunite,

Facing the scorching sun, feeling paternal love and filial affection~!”

Rong Yuheng’s pupils slightly contracted, and the shoes in his hand dropped to the floor with a loud “thud.”

He had been deceived!

Author’s note: Rong Yuheng (through gritted teeth): “Born from the same root, yet turned against each other too quickly!”

Rong Yuheng (with a contemplative expression): “The same words for the past you.”