"Very few doctors use acupuncture these days. I never thought that the effects of acupuncture and moxibustion would be so good."
"Acupuncture is a national science, the ancients did not have the developed medicine today, and only relied on these silver needles to treat their illnesses. It can be seen how profound the medicine of acupuncture is. Since acupuncture could be used as a primary medical tool in ancient times, becoming a medical treatment for the sick and saving lives, it has its own unique features. "
"Yeah, this is just like traditional Chinese medicine. Some illnesses that can't be cured by western medicine or surgery can still be cured by magical Chinese medicine. "It's a pity that we are becoming less and less attached to Chinese medicine, and that the doctors have even forgotten about the art of acupuncture."
"Currently, doctors are only able to prescribe and prescribe Western medicine for patients. There are too few doctors who can take pulse and know acupuncture and moxibustion. I don't deny the importance of western medicine. Western medicine also has outstanding experts, but in the field of Chinese medicine, there are also many outstanding medical experts. Traditional Chinese medicine has been passed down for thousands of years, and this must not fail to acknowledge the originality of traditional Chinese medicine. "
"Chu Bei, anyway, in our County Hospital, you are the doctor that I admire the most."
"Why admire me? I'm just a small doctor. For a doctor like me who uses acupuncture and moxibustion to treat a patient, many western doctors look down on me."
"That's because they don't know anything and haven't seen your skill in this area. If you let those doctors in the big hospitals see how you use acupuncture to save people, they will definitely admire you from the bottom of their hearts. "
"Acupuncture is also not my strong point. In fact, what I am most proficient in is Chinese medicine. After all, I was born in a Chinese medicine family. I have been learning Chinese medicine from my grandfather since I was young."
"You are also very good at Chinese medicine. I believe that your attainments in acupuncture will also become stronger."
"Wu Yue, thank you for your encouragement. Both you and Xiao Zheng have worked hard these past few days. "After I finish this patient's operation and help the patient successfully give birth to her child, I will treat you two beauties to a meal."
Wu Yue smiled mysteriously and said.
"You want to treat Xiao Zheng to a meal, right? Then pull me over to be your electric light bulb."
"I truly want to treat you two to a meal. These days, I saw how hard it was for you two. If it weren't for your efforts, the patient I was in charge of would not have recovered so quickly. Among them, there's the contribution of the two of you. "
"Alright then, if you want to treat us to a meal, I will definitely go. Chu Bei, let me ask you, do you have any feelings for Xiao Zheng? "
"Xiao Zheng and I are only pure friends, and the best colleagues."
"You don't like Xiao Zheng at all?"
"I like it, but this kind of liking doesn't mean it's love. Moreover, I haven't even thought about going into a relationship yet. Alright, let's go to the conference room. Today, we are going to perform a childbirth operation on Miss Wang, and you and Xiao Zheng are the nurses who are most familiar with her condition. I hope that the two of you can be the main surgeon's assistant. "
"Chu Bei, are you the one who came for the main blade this time?"
Chu Bei laughed, shook his head and said.
"I don't know. I'll listen to the president and discuss the plan for the operation. I hope the operation will be done by the people involved."
"Yes, you are the patient's clinician. You are the one who is in contact with the patient, and you are the only one who knows about the patient's condition."
"Listen to the arrangement of the institute's leaders. Maybe they will have other considerations. After all, I'm a newcomer. I'm a young doctor who has never had an operation like this. The institute's leaders will still be worried."
"I believe in you. Although this is your first time having a major surgery like this, with your love for medicine and your medical skills, I believe that you are definitely not inferior to the veterans of our hospital."
From the bottom of his heart, Chu Bei really wanted to go to the main surgery himself, but he had never had an official main surgery before. If he really stood in front of the operation table, facing the patient, Chu Bei didn't know whether he would be nervous or not.
Previously, when he was in the Dongzhou City Hospital, he participated in an operation as an assistant, so he could learn from it. It would not be an easy thing to have an operation on the main knife. In addition to the medical requirements, there were also psychological requirements.
If the Leader of the Academy really trusted him and handed over the authority to operate the main blade to him, Chu Bei would also persevere to finish it. He would solidify his courage and confidence.
To Chu Bei, this was the hardest challenge and also a rare opportunity. To be able to complete such an operation with his main blade, this signified a breakthrough in Chu Bei's medical career.
When Chu Bei and Wu Yue arrived at the meeting room, the other excellent doctors who had participated in the meeting room also arrived.
Everyone was waiting for me to arrive so that I could report the patient's condition to them so that they could come up with a feasible plan.
"Chu Bei, come on, introduce the situation to everyone." The dean said.
Chu Bei then stood up and introduced the patient's condition and the risks that the patient would face during the operation.
After Chu Bei reported the patient's condition, all the doctors expressed their opinions.
The cardiologists, the anesthesiologists, and the obstetricians all expressed their views, and finally came up with a common surgical solution.
Next, there was a dispute over the identification of the surgeon, the opinion of the cardiologist and obstetrician, this time led by the obstetrician director, because of the obstetrician's experience in this area.
As for the opinions of the other departments and the Principal, they were for Chu Bei to decide. They felt that Chu Bei had the best understanding of the patient's situation and that he would be the most suitable to make the cut, and would be able to rescue the patient in the event of an abnormal risk.
The most persistent reason was that Chu Bei was still a novice. Without experience from the operation table, what would happen if such a novice operated on his main knife? Would Chu Bei still be able to handle this sudden situation calmly?
Chu Bei was also worried. The clinic may be his strong point, it was his advantage. It could examine the patient's cause, and communicate with him.
However, standing on the operating table was a different state of mind. After all, the operation table could easily determine the life or death of a patient. Many doctors would feel fear and nervousness when they were on the operating table for the first time.
If it was possible, Chu Bei would not mind letting the Director be the main surgeon this time, he was willing to be his assistant. It was just that the Director was not familiar with the patient's condition, which was what Chu Bei was worried about.
Even if the director had a lot of experience with operating tables and had done thousands of operations, those operations were all different from the patients this time. Facing such a patient, as long as he didn't understand the patient's condition, an emergency would occur during the operation.