Chapter 130 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

Name:The Mysterious Art Museum Author:
Chapter 130 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

It's the time of the evening sunset.

I was held up by the journalists for two and a half hours. I've been visited by five different places. Allocating 30 minutes each, it's already this late.

Yona, who returned about an hour ago, is still waiting for me.

After finishing the interviews and returning by taxi, Yona, who was smoking, quickly puts it out and opens the door for me.

"What's this? Why are you doing something you never do?"

Yona scratches his head and laughs.

"Sorry, I didn’t know you were such a famous painter."

"Famous? It's just a temporary buzz."

"Still, not every temporarily buzzed artist gets interviewed by five magazines, Ban."

Hmm, that's true.

Actually, I was also surprised during the interviews. I knew that the store in Milan was a hot topic, but it was my first time hearing that the mural in Roseto Valfortore village was also making news.

According to Isabella, the number of tourists visiting the village will increase after the magazine is published. That's good, I hope it brings some vitality to the village economy.

As we get into the car, Yona asks,

"Where should we go?"

"To a hotel near the airport."

"Great, this ride is on me!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Really, Meloni said she'd kill me if I took money from you. After hearing the journalist say your painting is worth 7,500 euros, she nearly fainted. She took the painting home like a treasure, you know?"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, when I told her to hang it up, she said she was crazy. She said she's going to wrap it in the finest silk and keep it."

"Haha, it's not that big of a deal."

"I agreed with her too. Really, thank you, Ban."

"Paintings gain meaning when they're seen. Don't just keep it, hang it up. That's all I want."

"Got it! I'll tell my wife."

A small episode with someone I met by chance on a trip.

Isn't this precisely the charm of traveling?

I am very happy right now.

More than being covered by five media outlets, the fact that my landlord brought happiness to someone.

I've changed a lot too.

There was a time when my wish was just to have an interview.

After painting the theater ceiling, I've had some interview experience, so now it doesn’t feel as thrilling.


Just a few interviews, and now people recognize me?

Then, a man behind me came up to my side to check my face and suddenly shouted back.

"Van! di questo ragazzo!"

Immediately, people behind him started taking out their phones and began snapping photos wildly.

Confused and standing awkwardly, I awkwardly flashed a 'V' sign as the man suddenly put his arm around me for a photo. What's going on here?

A crowd begins to gather.

I noticed some people didn't seem to know who I was, but they were getting swept up in the crowd mentality, pushing forward to see my face.

As more people crowded around the ticket booth, I made eye contact with the female employee, silently pleading for help.

Fortunately, the quick-witted employee called the security guards, and I, not daring to enter the museum, clutched my ticket and escaped to the back alley to catch my breath.

“What is this?”

What's going on?

A few lines in a magazine and this happens? I'm not even a celebrity.

Then, my phone rings from inside my pocket.

Pulling out my phone, I see Monica's name.

“Hey, Monica.”

-Ban, where are you?

“I'm in Florence right now, and I just had the most bizarre experience. So.......”

I told her about the interviews and the recent incident.

“I heard that there are only a couple of weekly magazines, so it would take some time for the monthly ones to come out. Is the weekly magazine famous or something?”

-Haha, Ban.


-You underestimated Italy, the land of art.

What? I know it's the land of art, but what does that have to do with this?

I can hear Monica's voice over the phone.

-Italians have a great interest in art, and consequently, in artists. It seems you'll have trouble moving around alone now. I'll immediately arrange for a bodyguard through my contacts in Florence.

Wow, a bodyguard?

I'm not Irina, why would I need to walk around with a bodyguard?

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