Chapter 162 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

Name:The Mysterious Art Museum Author:
Chapter 162 (2) - The Mysterious Art Museum

《Ban Jeong-hoon's First Solo Exhibition, 'Invitation to the Island: VIP Preview' Opens!》

《Google, Microsoft, Apple CEOs Visit in Succession for the Exhibition》

《The Prime Minister of Italy, the President of France Visit Korea》

《Hollywood Top Stars Arrive in Korea One After Another, All for the Exhibition》

《Warsaw Concert Hall Moves Investors to Acquire Ban Jeong-hoon's Works》

《World's Luxury Brands Scramble to Engage Ban Jeong-hoon》

《MG Electronics Executives, Real-Time Movement of W Tree Group Chairpersons》

《Irina Sevanova, Heads to W Tree Hotel Immediately After Arriving at the Airport》

《Italy's Prodigy Girl Lea Finally Sets Foot in Korea!》

《Yong-han Invited to the VIP Exhibition. What Will He Discuss with Ban Jeong-hoon?》

The VIP exhibition has begun.

W Tree Group decorated this exhibition very luxuriously and stylishly, preparing a banquet for the VIPs. They arranged food, drinks, and alcohol, providing ample time for the guests to comfortably and freely enjoy the paintings.

Young-ju sticks close to my side, a tablet PC tucked under her arm, whispering in my ear whenever someone approaches.

"French President Robert Hirsch. Last year, he entrusted the Nantes City Hall design to Artist Company, and he's been coveting your paintings for a while."

I listened to Young-ju and greeted the president with a smile.

"Mr. President, thank you for coming like this."

The typical French flair.

To them, it's polite and well-mannered, but to Koreans, it might seem a bit over the top.

"Ah, Ban! I've heard much about your reputation. You're quite renowned in Italy. I've always wanted to meet you. It's truly a pleasure to do so."

"Thank you, but did you come here just for the exhibition?"

"Oh, not exactly. I was here for a dialogue with the President of Korea and took the opportunity to drop by."

"I see, haha."

Young-ju whispers to me again.

"It's a lie. The presidential dialogue was originally scheduled for two months later. He advanced his schedule specifically to come here. Rumor has it that the president's wife's family is very wealthy and famous collectors, and he was instructed to buy one of your paintings."

I glanced at the president and smiled.

"Then please take your time, Mr. President."

"Thank you, haha. Do visit France sometime."

"I've already been there."

"Oh? Really? Of course! I knew an artist like you couldn't have missed France. Where did you stay?"

"I was in Auvers-sur-Oise, near Paris."

"Oh! You were in Van Gogh's city, truly befitting an artist, haha."

The French President walks away contentedly, his face saying 'I thought as much.' The moment of our conversation is being captured in numerous photos by the carefully selected journalists invited to the event.

Once the French President moves on, Young-ju staggers and holds her forehead.

"Ah, damn, it's nerve-racking. To think I'd be talking to the President of France."

I smile and look back at Young-ju.

"What's with this reaction? You'll have to meet even more famous people once you're my wife."

"Wait, have you met him before?"


"Then who have you met that's more impressive?"

"Of course, someone obvious."


"Seo Young-ju."

"You're joking at a time like this?"

Yong-han, with his head bowed, is walking through the crowd of journalists towards us.

Glossary: ```json


"성당": "cathedral",

"기자": "journalist",

"택시비": "taxi fare",

"화가": "painter",

"편집장": "editor",

"이사벨라": "Isabella",

"클림트": "Klimt",

"몬레알레 대성당": "Monreale Cathedral",

"로마노": "Romano",

"요나": "Yona",

"아내": "wife",

"딸": "daughter",

"원양어선": "deep-sea fishing boat",

"초상화": "portrait",

"모니카": "Monica",

"기사": "article",

"커피": "coffee",

"매출": "turnover",

"순이익": "net profit",

"운영비": "operation costs",

"인플루언서": "influencer",

"지분": "shares",

"생방송": "live broadcast",

"디자이너": "designer",

"인구": "population",

"도시": "city",

"브랜드": "brand",

"패션": "fashion",

"업계": "industry",

"시골 마을": "rural village",

"영주": "Young-ju",

"레아": "Lea",

"반정훈": "Ban Jeong-hoon",

"용한": "Yong-han",

"이리나": "Irina"



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