Chapter 73

Chapter 73

A/N: Lot of talking in this one, and a POV from Nimue that some people wanted. I'm not sure on the time table of the next chapters. It's a bit harder to imagine scenes with politics involved. Sometimes things just fall into place and they come out quickly and sometimes they take more effort. We'll see.


Nimue had cut through the commotion by ordering the duke of Caledor to be captured and interrogated. Afterwards she had invited both Neleh and the grand magus of Saphery to her office for a more private discussion. She was one of the few beings who had any idea about the reasons behind Nelehs actions. She had heard about the impeding threat, and knew Nelehs ultimate goal was to deal with that. Even then she had trouble following Nelehs actions sometimes. She also knew Neleh would not want to harm the elven people, and she also knew that Neleh was aware of the polarized situation and unrest she was creating. Yet there must be some plan at play. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Can you give me a better explanation about your actions? Nimue asked the grand magus. She was more curious about the actions of Neleh, but she knew it would be better to get the grand magus out of the room first.

The grand magus was silent for a while, trying to gather his thoughts and to come up with the best way to explain. We have known for a while that JaoeTinukai, and more specifically Duchess Neleh are at the cutting edge of magical research currently. Not just the cutting edge either. Instead of the snails pace of improvement before her, after she appeared the whole of magical advancement has been done by her and those working with her. For a supposed haven of mages like Saphery, this is both very alluring and a complete disaster.

Its exciting for us to see the boundaries of magic expanded, and JaoeTinukai has certainly done that. We would also like to part of that. On the other hand, the focus of magic and the creation of magical equipment in JaoeTinukai is a massive drain on our wealth, as they have taken our place as the biggest source of magic. This especially caused issues with our late duke, as he was more interested in prestige and wealth that we had lost than the advancement of magic. When Caledor made their move, our duke wanted to take advantage of the situation by joining forces with them, but we managed to stop that. We know our future lies with JaoeTinukai, instead of fighting them, so we had to take action to facilitate that. Our old duke wouldve led us to ruin. The grand magus explained their reasoning.

Even if I will accept your decision of joining with JaoeTinukai, theres still the matter of slaying your liege lord, even if it was necessary. You do realize that there will be an investigation and punishment, right? Nimue asked, already realizing what the result would most likely be.

We know that, and will cooperate. However, we will stick to the decision we have made. Even if you assigned someone else as the duke and rejected our decision, that new duke would meet the same fate. The grand magus said with a level voice.

That sounds dangerously like a threat and rebellion. Nimue said, narrowing her eyes.

Im simply stating the facts. We feel really strongly about this decision, and Im informing you of the consequences of trampling on our conviction. Of course it is not something I would ever repeat in public. The grand magus replied facing Nimues stare.

Nimue was quiet for a moment. Ill take your words into consideration. You can go now. I will have to discuss further with this trouble maker of a Chosen. She finally said, giving a wave of dismissal to the grand magus, who sighed with relief when he left.

After he was gone, Nimue turned to Neleh with a wry grimace. See the kind of trouble you keep causing me? Is this really how you should treat your old teacher? She asked sarcastically.

Oh come now, you hate being bored. Im simply doing my best for your continued entertainment and good health. On the positive side, you have to admit there is a lot less people plotting against you, since theyre so busy plotting against me. Neleh replied with a grin.

Yeah, and instead I have to deal with an empire rapidly being divided into two camps. Being bored is really not a problem Im in danger of facing. Enough of this charade, what are you planning? Are you really trying to form a fourth kingdom? I can make an educated guess as to the reason why, but Id rather hear the proper explanation in your own words. Nimue demanded rather forcefully.

Neleh thought for a small moment. Its not really a case of trying to create a kingdom, but thats not entirely wrong either. I intend to forge the elves into a weapon to be used against the Enemy. We will need the other races, but Im afraid we will be forced into doing the heavy lifting. I started with JaoeTinukai, and now that Ive got my duchy properly started on the path, Im expanding my scope. The faster I get other areas started, the better the effects will be when the storm hits. I cant fight a war with just one duchy.

I have a host of questions, and you arent going anywhere until I get some answers. Lets start with the obvious, why elves? Ive seen enough of you to know that you could try to form another race into a weapon. The dragons would most likely be a stronger option. The demons are also already a powerful and warlike race. Nimue started her questioning.

So you knew? Nimue asked back with a grin of her own. She had been pretty happy with herself, having a smaller revenge with Elune causing trouble with her appearance similar to Neleh. She had intended for Neleh to think that was the whole of her revenge, but apparently not.

Of course I knew. If it makes you feel any better, that result was fairly inevitable even if you had not asked Elune to facilitate that. You only need to hold the fort down for ten more years or so. Then you can retire as you planned. Neleh reassured with a small grin.

Ill try to hold this mess together that long. It really doesnt help that you keep polarizing the empire around two leaders, but I suppose that will provide me with a good excuse to step down when the time comes. It was cruel enough to force me into taking the position in the first place. So whats your plan? Both with Halamshiral and when dealing with the nobles afterwards? Im pretty sure they will make things a mess for you. Nimue asked with a relieved sigh. She always knew she would be a temporary empress to tide things over with the tumultuous end of the previous emperor, and until Neleh got older. Since Neleh had been young, Nimue had suspected that it was only a matter of time until the girls sharp mind would take her to the imperial throne. That suspicion had turned into certainty as time went on.

Well, Im planning on making the matter of Halamshiral into an inheritance dispute. The old duke will face a tragic end and his two sons and his daughter will go into a battle for the succession, I will make sure the three sides will keep a balance of sorts for a while, and then we will step in to protect the people from their familial struggles. Neleh said, calmly confessing her plans to both facilitate murder and cause internal strife.

Thats a little heavy handed. Wont that deplete the wealth and people of the duchy? Not to mention all the dead people. Cant forget all the dead people. Nimue asked with a grimace.

Its not as bad as it sounds. The old duke is already sick and dying, Ill only be hastening things up. The three kids are already drawing battle lines without any help from me. Ill simply make sure there will be no obvious choice. My plan is to force a balance between the three in a way that will force a standoff. They cant make move against one, out of the fear of being stabbed in the back by the other. The hardest part will be to maintain the balance.

As to the other nobles afterwards, it becomes all about politics. The fact will be though, that we will have too much power to oppose effectively. The Order will be too strong for a military solution, unless the rest of the elven race joins forces against us, and we will make sure they have no desire to do so. I have my friends, especially among the Moon Elves that really like it when another Moon Elf is ruling over large swathes of ostensibly Eldarinwe territory. It strengthens their position as well. I already have the support of the common people, and my plan is to keep increasing that support. There are already several bards going around spreading the legend of the Golden Goddess of War that appeared in a battle against Caledor. They will also talk about how we liberated the people of Caledor from the tyrant duke. Neleh finished with a grin.

Nimue gave a disgusted but also a little admiring grunt. Pshaw! Youre paying storytellers. Thats a little vain.

Paying? My dear friend, those bards are part of the Order. They also double as spies and assassins should the situation require that. They just happen to be singing some songs and telling some tales while at it. Nothing wrong with a little propaganda. Another concept that Im introducing that youll thank me for later. Neleh said laughing openly.

Bah! So whats your plan when the others decide its time to stop playing the game of politics, and go to cloak and daggers? Nimue asked.

Theres a reason Ive focused so much on ways to stop spies and assassins. Also, thats a two way street. I have spent quite a bit of time and effort training my own cloak and dagger people. So far Ive been careful with their application, but should they give a reason thats a policy that can change. Ive given ample warnings about that. That said, I would prefer it if you made a strong statement to the people that want to cause me trouble in your name. Some of them only want whats best for you and what they think is best for the empire, and Id rather not be forced into eliminating your people. Neleh said making a small request.

Ill handle that. Speaking of succession problems, with you controlling such a large area, sooner or later it will become a problem if you have no children of your own to be your heir. It makes you and your family too much of a target. Nimue said with small concern.

Neleh grimaced. Lets just say that there is some relief on that front in the future.

Wait, youre pregnant? When did this happen? Nimue asked a little shocked. She had simply wanted Neleh to make some effort to look like she was working towards an heir, like getting engaged. She hadnt exactly expected Neleh to be that far ahead on that plan. Especially considering how little interest she had in guys.

Not me, thank the goddess. I wasnt completely wasting my time during the time I was gone. Elune took very good care of me. Neleh tried hinting at the answer.

It took a moment for Nimue to understand. Wait! You knocked boots with Elune!? I knew you two got along, but not to that extent! The shocked voice of the former head priestess sounded, as she was grabbed by certain theological implications.