Chapter 2.1: Belgar

Name:The Newt and Demon Author:
Chapter 2.1: Belgar

The battlements on the walls of Broken Tusk sat shrouded in a haze of rain. Each local within the town spoke of the rain with reverence. The Season of Blooms signified the start of a new cycle for them, ushering in a muggy era of muddy boots and unfinished work. Deep into that season saw them cursing those memories they had from childhood. Prayers for the end of the rain and the start of the sweltering heat hung in the minds of them all.

A Drogramath Dronon named Theo Spencer sat atop those battlements, legs hanging over the edge. He kicked lazily, whittling away the day as he had done for the past two weeks. The horns on his head swooped, tracing a line with his hair, matted by the constant drizzle. His black robes were soaked through, moccasins filling with water. The purple tinge of his demonic skin caught what little light there was, setting off the peerless gaze of his violet eyes. Behind those eyes worked a ceaseless search for answers, though none came.

Of the three cores, resting somewhere in his chest, his [Drogramath Alchemy Core] was the most stubborn. While it flooded his mind with unwelcome thoughts, typically related to the art of Drogramathi Alchemy, it failed to whisper the secret to push beyond level 9. What little information he gleaned from passing traders and artisans alike failed to push him beyond that barrier. He had it on good authority that he was the only living Drogramathi alchemist in the mortal realm. His peers were locked away in some demonic dimension, banished by the hand of the Order of the Burning Eye.

Theo pressed his hand against his chest, summoning a description of that core with a thought.

[Drogramath Alchemy Core]


Alchemy Core


2 Slots

Level 9 (99%)

[Alchemy Core] given to the descendants of Drogramath.


Increases the synergy of [Alchemy] abilities.

+3 Wisdom

The descendants of Drogramath. That phrase stuck out in his mind like an iron spike driven through his skull. He traced his demonic name, in the old Drononi script, on the wet stone. Belgar. Even when he thought of it in the low Qavelli tongue, it sounded evil. In old Dronon it whispered of greatness. The sort of name hed expect to hear from some influential leader. It didnt sit well with him either way. The strange world he found himself in hinted at neither of those things. While his alchemy helped the people of this town, something else was brewing. The death of Earth flashed through his mind in a series of horrific images.

Theos daily ascension of the mighty battlements wasnt for self pity, though. It was an exercise meant to break that barrier. Over the past two weeks, hed gotten closer to the truth of the barrier, but no closer to breaking it. His experiments proved his theories on essences and their volatility. Basic Drogramathi Alchemy remained useless, but the strange poems were coming into focus. Recipes under level 10 held a Drogramath alchemists hand. It removed the complexities of advanced alchemy to give the user a chance to adapt to distillation.

When he first arrived at Broken Tusk, he assumed the distillation process extracted exactly 1 property from reagents. His theory contradicted that knowledge. The system was the biggest player in this, creating that safe environment and designating an essence as a single property concoction. This brought him to the core of the issue. His high [Wisdom] score let him know this was the right path. He just needed to prove it.

In the time hed spent experimenting, his [Drogramath Herbalism] core caught up to his alchemy core. He pressed his hand against his chest to inspect his herbalism core.

[Drogramath Herbalist Core]The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.


Herbalist Core


2 Slots

Level 9 (15%)

[Herbalist Core] given to the descendants of Drogramath.


+3 Vigor

It was almost on the cusp, and his wisdom once again informed him it would be vital to level this to 10 as well. Theo rose to his feet, letting the gentle patter of rain play over his face. He had a meeting to attend as mayor of Broken Tusk. It was a position that he didnt know he wanted and knew less about how he got. That was a mystery that begged answering, although like his barrier problem, nothing came. The previous mayor was thrust into the position, although she wouldnt explain the exact circumstances. Someone was pulling the string behind the scenes, but they remained cloaked in obscurity. No amount of wisdom could produce the answers to unknowable things.

Theo descended the slippery battlements, intent on checking in on a friend before his meeting. He tracked a lazy path through the town, splashing in the puddles along the hard, cobbled roads. The roads were something he fought for under his Lord Administrator position, offering to cover the money owed by the town for the choice. He found his way to the ex-hunters core building, which still needed a name. The door was open and Luras sat inside working on one of his projects.

Can I come in? Theo asked, poking his head inside.

Luras looked up, narrowing his brown eyes and grunting. The Half-Ogres dull ochre skin caught the candlelight inside, his proud features standing out in the gloom. Youre wet.

Theo only had a moment to think about his discovery. The [Flaky Agate] reacted with the 3rd property still present in the [Hallow Ground Essence], causing a violent reaction. This solidified everything he theorized about excess properties in essences, earning him level 10 in the core. The issue was, Sulvan was alerted. The man would be there any moment.

Everything is fine, Theo said to Tresk. Sulvan is going to show up, I think.


The sound of heavy footfalls came from around the corner, falling wetly on the soaked ground. Luras turned the corner with a bow, an arrow nocked and ready. His eyes scanned the area, then he relaxed.

You need to warn people when youre experimenting on Luras started.

A sound like a thunderclap shook the ground under Theo. A mountain of a man appeared at the far end of the gravel yard, sword held aloft and glowing with white fire. His only remaining eye twitched over the scene, a look of relief washing over his face. His pitted face was covered in a sheen of sweat mingling with the falling rain. Another sound filled the gravel yard and another man Theo didnt recognize appeared.

The interloper wore a long, threadbare robe and held aloft something that looked like no more than a tree branch. His features were similarly marred by a series of scars that ran the length of his sharp face. By the alchemists measure, this one was an Elf. A chain hanging from the mans neck betrayed him as a member of the order.

Youre far too fast, Sulvan, the Elf said.

Youre far too slow, you old doddering fool, Sulvan grunted, returning his sword to his hip. The Paladin strode over, lifting Theo off the ground and tugging at his clothes to reveal the tattoo on his chest. What happened?

Theo gave him the short version of the encounter.

Nonsense, the Elf said, gaining a withering gaze from Sulvan.

Your manners are lacking, Sulvan said. This is Uharis, Archmage of the Burning Eye. Hes itching for combat.

As are you, Uharis spat. I nearly soiled myself when the ward alerted us of Drogramath himself. In the middle of the southlands.

Luras stayed at the edge of the building, not daring to interfere in the duties of a level 130 Paladin. He watched as the Archmage waved his hands, muttering something before shrugging.

Its a quirk of his heritage, Uharis said. The more power he gains, the closer to Drogramath he gets. He just hit level 10 with his [Drogramath Alchemy Core]. My, what an interesting turn of events. Id very much like to study

Silence, wizard, Sulvan said, casting another look of daggers at him.

Suddenly, a small form burst from the shadows. Her pale pink body dove for Sulvan, leading with her daggers as the frills on the side of her head bounced.

Get away from Theo! Ill kill ya! Tresk shouted.

Sulvan simply held his hand out, stooping low to keep the enthusiastic Marshling at bay. She swung her daggers wildly, hitting only air.

Tresk, its fine, Theo said. I hit level 10. Drogramath tried to talk to me.

Ill kill him, too! Tresk shouted, growling.

Sulvan let the Marshling go, a smile creeping across his face. Tresk lost the nerve, whatever rage she felt fizzling out in an instant.

Theyre here to help, Luras said from around the building.

Theres nothing to help, Sulvan said, straightening up. He placed his hand on Theos chest, energy swirling in motes of light, before backing away.

Id really like to stay for a while, if you dont mind, Uharis said, eyes bright.

Sulvan rolled his eyes. Fine. A day. No more.

Uharis was giddy with excitement, dancing in place. Sulvan disappeared in a rush of wind, off to find some more demons, no doubt. The Archmage had a wide grin on his face.

He cant teleport, you know, Uharis said, raising his eyebrows. He ran here. From Qavell.

Theo let out a labored groan as the sound of more feet came padding around the corner. The entire town came to investigate the disturbance.

Nothing to see here! Tresk shouted, puffing out her chest and waving at those gathered. Just interdimensional demon business. Move along.

Uharis came to clap a hand over Theos shoulder. Come, tell me how you came to be here.

Theo grimaced. The Elf stank of ale and wet clothes. It was going to be a long day.