Chapter 2.59: Epilogue

Name:The Newt and Demon Author:
Chapter 2.59: Epilogue

Theo Spencer,

49th Day, Season of Blooms,This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

873rd Year of Balkors Betrayal

Ive switched to English for this one. With Zarali in the town, I cant count on the old Drogramathi script, so this seems like the best idea I have. If theres someone on this planet that can read English, then they can read anything else I write. Whats the point in that?

Things have taken more turns in the past few weeks than I care to write here, but I suppose thats the point. I had a lot of problems dealing with the sudden rush of emotionsemotions that werent minebut Ive dealt with them. The Dreamwalk has been more than a little helpful in healing old wounds, but its slow. Ive raised my stats enough to recognize my failings and now Im working to improve them.

Thats the first thing Id like to write about. Cores are, as far as I can understand, links. You could think of them as pieces of a realm, or house. Some arent aligned, and others are. Resting in my chest are three cores. Two go to Drogramath and one goes to something else entirely. The Tarahek is my single most important core, I realize that now. Without it, Im like a rudderless ship.

Since my last entry, a lot of things have changed. We have several new citizens to start. I lifted a few that already lived here, so thats good. Gridgen is running the mine. Oh, we have a mine and a smelter now. Xolsa is a wizard who has a tower outside of town (hes incredibly important to the town). Nira smelts our metal, and Alise is my new assistant. Theyre all very interesting people, but Zarali stands out among all the new arrivals.

Imagine losing your sibling. Roving the planet to find answers, since he disappeared leaving you nothing to remember him by, and the pop. There he is. Doing alchemy in some podunk town in the southlands. I cant imagine the emotional toll it took on her, but I think shes happy to have anyone. Even if its just an imposter. Thats what I am, after all. Living a stolen life.

Dont worry, mysterious reader. Im already over that. You are very mysterious though, arent you? Im certainly not going to go back and read this crap. That makes me wonder if anyone will ever read this. But thats not important.

Im sure I can break through my next barrier. Something tells me the level 20 barrier relates to infusing things with mana. Another baby step toward real alchemy. The things these alchemists have been doing will pale compared to what Im going to do. Thats right. Im slightly ambitious about my prowess. The other Drogramath Dronon made mistakes. They kept to the shadows when they should have been in the light.

I wrote this a lot faster than last time. Even with a quill and ink, if you can imagine that. This is enough writing for a few weeks. My hand is cramping.

Farewell, strange reader. Until next time