4.26 - Goofin' Around

Name:The Newt and Demon Author:
4.26 - Goofin' Around

A crack-like boom echoed through Broken Tusk. Theo unplugged his ears, cheering with the other citizens. The crowd that gathered to see the artificers newest deathtrap had urged the Marshling to put on a display. He obliged, making rapid adjustments that created a supersonic launcher. A dumb fire rail gun. The weapon sent objects spinning off in random directions, breaking the sound barrier and deafening those that had gathered.

This is a noise ordinance violation, Aarok said, digging his elbow into Theos ribs.

The alchemist laughed. This went far behind a noise violation.

Yeah, but it's cool.

The shadows parted to Theos side, and Tresk emerged, wiping the muck from her face. I heard that in the dungeon, dude!

They heard it in Rivers and Daub, Aarok grumbled.

Throk loaded another random object onto the launcher. He hyped the crowd up, encouraging them to plug their ears before he set a chunk of marble into space. The artifice groaned. The rock was gone, and the sled was at its end position. Theo dug the wax out of his ears, trying to clear away the constant ringing. This couldnt have been healthy for anyone.

Tresk jumped up and down, pumping her fist in the air and screaming. Alex honked.

Lets wrap it up, Throk, Aarok said.

Just doing some test fires, Throk said. Just one more.

Aarok groaned. One more. Then were tearing this thing down.

The Half-Ogre walked away without waiting for confirmation. Theo followed, then Tresk and Alex.

Well have some airship killers soon, Aarok said. Theo noticed he raised his voice higher than normal, no doubt battling that same ringing.

Wanna have dinner? Theo asked.

Aarok gave him a flat look at first. Then his hand went to his stomach and he nodded. Yeah. Id like that.

Tresk, Theo, Alex, and Aarok assumed their seats at the private booth. With the sun flagging in the sky, dipping lower by the moment, the Marsh Wolf tavern was filling up. As the commander of Broken Tusks growing army, Aarok wanted to share his concerns. But the alchemist steered the conversation away from those heavy things.

Monorails were never really popular, Theo said, sipping his mead. Alex munched on a plate of bugs and worms. And no one really invested in maglev. Well, what Throk is doing isnt really maglev. Thats magic.

Dunno what that is. Aarok didnt sip his mead from Rivers. He guzzled it.

Magnets. They used magnets to levitate a train. Made it go extremely fast.

Imagine one of my dads trains that ran from here to Qavell, Tresk said, giggling. Youd get there in a day.

Maybe a shorter time, Theo said. Depends on how fast we can get it to go without tearing itself apart. The best use for the train is moving people, right?

Because of [Zorp]. Tresk nodded.

I dont see the value in a railed transport, Aarok said, folding his arms. Azrug is doing fine with his enchanted Karatan.

The entire maglev project had little to do with practicality. Theo wanted to pursue all technology. Especially since he found another use for the general principle. He wondered what other defensive weapons they could make from Throks inventions. There were practical reasons, too. The more the Marshling worked on artificing, the more experience he gained. That resulted in better artifices, which had become vital to the survival of Broken Tusk.

Throk had finally accepted that he should take apprentices. If not that, then at least workers. That had been a point of friction for some time, and the alchemist was glad they worked it out.

This is more about building things for the sake of building them, Theo said. Youve been abroad, Aarok. What kind of things have you seen?

Aarok shifted uncomfortably in his seat, leaning back and sighing. Been to Qavell. And Veosta. Both me and Luras thought we were some hot-shot sell swords.

Tell us about Qavell, Tresk said, bouncing excitedly.

Qavell is a ringed city. The closer you get to the middle, the heavier the defenses. Taking a walk from the outer wall to the inner one would take you a day. Not because of the distance, although that is considerable. The checkpoints. Gods, the checkpoints. Aarok beckoned a server over, gaining another mead for his efforts. Karasan was so paranoid about keeping his kingdom safe that everyone became paranoid. From the ground up, everyone thought someone was coming for them.Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

There must have been good things. Theo shrugged. There was always a silver lining.

The food was great. The military was disciplined.

Tresk blew raspberries. Come on. There had to have been more.

Aarok drank his entire mead in one go, leaving a wet spot on his upper lip. He belched. Well, we could learn from their farming techniques.

Oh? What do they do differently? Theo asked.

They had few farms behind their walls. All the farmers were out there in the open, but thats where the military comes in. There was always someone on watch in the farms. There were little watchtowers spread through the farm, so if they saw something coming they rang bells.

Thats a cool idea, Tresk said with a nod. Assuming we have the adventurers to spare for it.

We do, Aarok said.

How about Veosta? Tresk asked.

Spread out like you wouldnt believe. Small walls, but a lot of highly skilled adventurers protecting the area. Aarok let out a sigh. Luras and I were ready to pledge our lives to those Elves.

No one wants to take a soldier with [Laborers Cores], Theo said, smiling. You know, Id love to get in contact with the Toora north of Qavell. Or those lizard-folk down south.

I dont even know what the lizard people are called. Do they have a [Kingdom Core]? Aarok asked.

Tresk shrugged. No idea. Dad never told me what they were called. Hes never been to the homeland.

He said he knew someone that took the Tarahek, right? Theo asked.

No. Hes a liar if he said that. Tresk cleared her hands off the table as the server came with their food. She mustered the self-control required to not eat the plate of cheesy Zee pasta to continue her story. We have stories about a Bantari Marshling taking the Tarahek, but thats a motherland story. A lizard-person and a Marshling took the bond, then eventually ascended to the heavens together.

Hey, we already did that, Theo said.

Not by a long shot, bud. Tresk took her plate, tilted her head back and dumped the entire thing inside. She swallowed it all. There isnt a name for what we do. All breaking the rules over here.

How do you know that other Tarahek bond didnt do it? Aarok seemed skeptical about the entire thing. But there was a tone of gravity to his voice.

Even with the advantages of the Dreamwalk, Theo spent the entire night fiddling with suffuse potions. He combined every primal ingredient he could think of, making potions that did many things. The alchemist performed side-experiments while he worked, inspired by his visit to the smelter. Tresk informed him it was an hour before dawn by the time he was done. They inspected his creations together.

That is so adorable, Tresk said. She held the vial of semi-viscous liquid up, smiling. You were thinking about Nira when you brewed this.

[Freeze Solution]


[Cooling Agent] [Modified Cooling Agent]


Created by: Belgar

Grade: Perfect Quality

Apply to dramatically lower the temperature of anything.


Apply enough solution to freeze an object, person, monster, etc.

This gel will evaporate over time, delivering a continuous dose of cooling to an object, person, monster, etc.

There was a time where I couldnt have performed a new reaction in the Dreamwalk, Theo said. But Tresk was right, he was thinking about Nira in the smelter for that one. Those conditions were horrible, and no amount of air conditioning would solve that. But a gel the smelters could rub on their skin would work perfectly.

Theo moved on to his next potions. While the [Solidify] modified [Freeze Solution] was a second tier potion, these were all third tier. Hed already destroyed the one he was most worried about, although Tresk had sensed what he was doing. They both vowed not to speak about it and moved on.

So, we have some interesting ones here. I brewed a bunch of useless ones, but these are the winners, Theo said, retrieving the first potion. This one has variations for all the attributes.

[Glantheirs Restore Wisdom]



Created by: Belgar

Grade: Good Quality


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

Imbibing this potion removes all permanent status effects that reduce [Wisdom].

See, thats not a condition I was aware I could get, Tresk said, inspecting the vial of faintly glowing blue liquid.

Yeah, that one made me worried. Anyway, this one is messed up. The Dreamwalk really didnt want to fast-forward on it. It takes something like a year to brew, but it finally relented. Pretty sure we shouldnt have this.

[Wisdom of the Soul]



Created by: Belgar

Grade: Good Quality


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

Removes the meta barrier between your soul and your [Wisdom] attribute. This potion may only be consumed once during your lifetime. You may only drink one soul elixir, including those for other attributes.

What the hell is a meta barrier? Tresk asked.

No clue. Should be powerful, though, Theo held the vial of glittering liquid up to the light. Flecks of color danced inside a murky liquid, as though it contained an entire galaxy within. Next up. I combined [Carapace] with [Limited Foresight].

[Perfect Block]



Created by: Belgar

Grade: Good Quality


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

Imbibing this potion allows the user to absorb 100% damage from a single attack. This potion may only be consumed once per month.

Theo considered this to be the best potion hed ever crafted. Not because it was a potion with practical uses, but that it absorbed all damage from a single attack. It didnt matter how powerful the attacker was, their damage would simply be negated. Someone at level 1 could absorb a blow from a god. That idea sent shivers down his spine.

Maybe I can finally beat the dragon, Tresk said.

The brew time is horrible on that one, too.

While there were more potions with uninteresting effects, most of the reactions Theo tried that night failed. When a primal essence rejected its counterpart in a suffuse reaction, the response was violent.

With thoughts of defeating a dragon in real life, Tresk led Theo into the real world.