5.6 - Invaders

Name:The Newt and Demon Author:
5.6 - Invaders

Theos feet barely touched the ground as he dashed forward, propelled by the power of a dexterity potion. The administration interfaces were filled with information. Aaroks messages flooded through the town, banging in the alchemists mind like the repeated clang of the bell. The Wavecrest wasnt alone. According to the reports, they were trailed by ships flying the flags of Tarantham.

The rescuers might have taken his advice too literally and performed a daring escape.

Gael sent Theo an endless string of personal messages. The old elf couldnt keep up with the alchemist, and resorted to dumping paragraphs of protocol into the interface. There was some important information in there. Enough advice to avoid kicking off a war with the elves. That would be disastrous. The alchemist jumped from the wall in the harbor, spun in the air, then downed a [Retreat Potion] imbued with the [Refined Elemental Wind] modifier. One second passed, then he was rocketed backwards by the power of the potion. His coat billowed in the wind, the hood whipping against his ears uncomfortably.

The moment the potions effects wore off, Theo glided to the ground. As his feet hit the solid stones of the pier, he spun around and ran for the towers. He drew sharp breaths on the top of the tower, narrowing his eyes to spot the oncoming fleet of ships.

What do I do? the adventurer manning the post asked.

Theo opened his administration interface and read through the information provided by Gael. The Tarantham Empire was all about protocol. Saving refugees wasnt against their laws, but trespassing in their waters was. So the fleet was pursuing them because they had crossed that line. According to good old Gael, they wouldnt attack the Wavecrest once it was in port. But there was more.

Just wait, Theo said, keeping his eyes on the horizon. His stunted magical senses stretched out, but only made it as far as the edge of the tower.

Long moments rolled by as the Wavecrest crawled across the bay. It was limping into port. Limping. The fleet could have caught up with it at any moment, but it didnt. All part of a posturing threat. Before long, Gaels ragged breaths came from the towers spiral staircase below. He fell onto his back, gasping for air as he looked skyward. Theo gave him enough time to recover from the sprint.

Wait for the Wavecrest to make port. Then fire a warning shot, he said, mopping the sweat from his forehead.

How big of a warning shot?

As large as you can manage.

Theo turned to the adventurer and nodded. The half-ogre swallowed hard, then dug through a dimensional crate on the floor. He withdrew a little present that Throk had created, then seated it in the sled of the rail gun. A few sharp words to the sister-tower had them loading the same shot and taking aim. The alchemist retrieved a Drogramathi Iron slug from the crate, then chanted the [Dragons Antimagic] linked ward. Just in case.

Here it comes, Theo said, looking over the edge of the tower. The Wavecrest had cleared the outer section of the pier, gaining speed from the harbors upgrades.

The fleet had taken a position out in the middle of the bay. According to Gael, they would remain there to blockade the port unless the proper protocols were followed.

Shes snug in port, the adventurer said, giving Theo the thumbs-up.

Fire when ready.

The adventurer gave the signal to the other gun. Theo plugged his ears as the supersonic rounds were launched high into the sky. Throk was a genius artificer. He had created a timing device that would detonate the improvised explosives over an area. Kind of like a nuke.

The blinding light came first. Two balls of fire appeared above the ships. An instant later, those vessels were sent pitching either way. The shockwave slammed into Theos chest, knocking the wind out of him. The adventurer manning the gun was knocked off his feet, clutching his head. Assuming the gunner position, the alchemist loaded his [Dragons Antimagic] round and prepared to fire again. Those defenders that had assembled on the pier were knocked off their feet. Some had fallen over the edge, finding themselves in a churning sea.

Gael, who had been below the towers edge during the explosion, rose to his feet. Look, he said, pointing at the lead ship. Now they shall limp away! Hah!

The ships were turning. Slowly, but they were turning. Time for the elves to tuck their tails between their legs and get the hell out of alliance waters. Theo didnt flinch from his spot on the gun. His eyes were trained on the ship. His round was loaded into the rail gun, ready to fire. But the message he sent was received by the fleet. They plotted a slow course around the barrier islands, then out into the open sea.

Well arent you useful? Theo asked, clapping a hand over Gaels back. So, that was posturing?

Rules. The empire thrives on rules. If we didnt show them we could defend ourselves, they would have stayed there for the season. They will send a delegation, opening up a channel for trade.

Really? After we nuked them?

Thats the way it works. Gael leaned against the wall, looking off into the distance. The emperor will recognize power. He hates weakness.

Theo! Aaroks voice carried from down below. That was a good explosion! Did we win?!

Theo descended the stairs after tipping a [Healing Potion] into the downed adventurers mouth. Gael joined him across the pier, where both the military and administrative branches of the town were waiting. They relayed the story with no fanfare.

Alise took notes, nodding along the entire time. Thankfully, we have Gael. Im guessing it would have been a bad idea to sink them.

That would have been war, Gael said, rolling his shoulders. Ack. Im not meant for running. If anyone needs me, Ill be asleep for a week.

The group rushed off to the harbor, leaving Gael to lick his wounds. The Wavecrest had already docked in the harbor, and was unloading the passengers. They looked horrible. Bloodied, bruised, and malnourished The elves looked like they had been through hell. The captain of the ship, a plucky elven man, cheered as he exited the ship. Theo let the administrators do all the talking, busying himself with the administration of healing potions. Bilgrob and Zarali joined in. The ogre mended wounds that were too great for either of them to handle.The roots of this story extend from novell bìn origin.

As expected, Xam arrived with a feast for the refugees. Sixty elves. All crammed in that tiny merchants ship. Looking over the poor folk, Theo couldnt stop the sensation building in his chest. They had suffered long before being rescued. Living in a cave with nothing to eat but what they could steal from the empire. He couldnt decide if Tarantham was to blame. Perhaps they would get theirs when the time came. When the undead marched beneath the sea.

A tower had just zapped a group of fald emerging from the river. They sizzled for a moment before falling back into the river. Theo chuckled, leaning over the wall. The night patrol wasnt that bad. It reminded him of when he wandered off in Terogal, and no one came to bother him. The sound of swamp insects singing their song overshadowed any conversation. Everyone was content to keep their thoughts to quick bursts, rather than drawn-out things.

I cant wait to ride that thing, Rowan said, gesturing into the distance. A streak of light raced in the distance.

Id rather not. Even under the dim light of a torch, she looked pale. That thing is too fast.

Oh, it is. Theo laughed. Throk made me ride that thing. Zipped all the way to Gronro in about a half-hour.

Seriously? Rowan asked. Gods, thats so fast.

Do you remember walking to Rivers when we were kids? Sarisa elbowed her brother, then giggled.

Took us the whole day if we hitched a ride. They made us sleep outside the walls. Just two dirty little urchins.

Tresk shrugged. I dont really remember you two growing up.

Cause your dad kept you cloistered in his shop. Thats why youre so weird. Rowan grinned.

Im not weird. You are.

I really thought we were the last generation of Broken Tuskers. Sarisa had a sad smile on her face. Now look at us. Taking on the world.

Felt like we were taking on the world back then, Rowan said. Do you remember that one time What was Banus dads name? I cant remember.

The old half-ogre farmer? Sarisa asked. I cant remember either.

Anyway, we got into his vegetable garden. The old man always grew vegetables. From the homeland, hed always say. Remember how we stole that ogre pumpkin?

Sarisa grimaced. Do you remember how long I was in bed? Waiting for my arm and leg to heal?

Rowan laughed. Oh, I remember. I had to carry you to the chamber pot so you could

Yep! I remember, too! Sarisa interrupted, clapping a hand over Rowans mouth.

You guys have so many stories, Theo said, shaking his head. Im always thinking about that. How many little stories get lost because we dont write them down.

Feeling homesick? Sarisa asked.

Dont ask him. Tersk scoffed. He had a horrible childhood. Sold into slavery.

It wasnt slavery.

Okay, uh Tresk cleared his throat. His dad died, so his mom signed him up to some super secret military group. They brainwashed him and sent him to be a child soldier.

I was a spy.

A spy that killed people.

Rowan and Sarisa shifted uncomfortably. Theo shook his head.

Thats all done. My world was dying before I was born. We just had a good time while we could. Nothing more. But this world? It has a chance. We have a chance to turn it into something better.

At what cost? Tresk asked. You think Khahar and Fenians plan is gonna work?

It already is. Isnt it? Theyre changing the monitor system.

How far does that go? By the end, were gonna have a totally different system down here on Planet Mortal.

Yeah. The way it was meant to be before the first beings messed everything up.

Sarisa cleared her throat. So, anyway. About that pumpkin