6.6 - Epic Plus

Name:The Newt and Demon Author:
6.6 - Epic Plus

Theo didn’t think he would ever get used to Drogramath’s realm. It was confusing enough to stand on verdant ground, looking over a forest of trees and reagents that towered up to the glass dome. But he could see the other domes in the distance, floating like massive, round vials in the distance. The lord of the realm had invited him to discuss this latest discovery. To the alchemist’s surprise, it wasn’t an invitation to chide him.

“You’ve grown up seeing reagents in a different light.” Drogramath almost seemed lazy in his own realm. When Theo saw the spectral projection of him, the figure on the other end was always angry. Not here, though. Not within the heart of the potioneer’s power. “You’re not born from a true brood. That much is true. Dronon are wanderers by nature.”

“What’s the highest level any other Drogramathi brood has gotten?”

Drogramath turned. His strong features turned sour, but he nodded. “Not far past Level 30. Did you know that some of your feelings bleed through the realms? Especially after taking Drogramath Dedication.”

“I was... moderately aware.”

Drogramath paused for long moments. “If you doubt the course you’ve been set on, remember this. The only time a dronon—no matter what brood—made it past Level 30 was before the Second Ascension War.”

There were factors that Theo understood about that problem. Things got rough after that level, depending on how a person had built themselves. Something about gaining more power set folks on a path of self-destruction. Sulvan was an excellent example of one that had maintained most of their senses. Although he was a zealot, he kept it together. Most others that had retained their mind had done so thanks to strong convictions. Fenian’s plot of revenge kept him going for all those years, pushing for the death of King Karasan.

Theo owed his sanity to three factors. The Tara’hek, his Wisdom potion, and Drogramath. The higher an attribute that affected the mind got, the more a person fell away from their true self. What the god was trying to say was simple enough. It echoed through the minds of most people. Especially those who had ascended to the higher planes of existence. The system was broken. Every facet set in the intricate setting of reality was designed for a cycle. Construction and destruction happened as a fact of life. Cities could be built in days. People could ascend to unspeakable realms of power within a month. Putting aside the psychological effects, this resulted in absolute destruction.

“Zalaban is a good example,” Drogramath said, taking Theo’s silence for contemplation. “The mortals got it in their minds to change the system themselves. To remove that cycle of destruction. Zalab City was on the coast of what is now Gardreth.”

“The dead kingdom Gardreth?” Theo asked, laughing to himself. “There’s a joke in there somewhere.”

“A portent, more like. Yes, they gained some mastery over seed cores. But the price was absolute. When the kingdom became an island, Balkor sprung into action.”

Theo hesitated. He didn’t know what the opinion of the Demonic Pantheon was on Balkor. He knew everyone hated the red dronon, Zagmon, as he embodied bloodshed. But Balkor’s powers weren’t nefarious on their own. Undeath was an element. Just like wind, water, holy, and so on. It was a piece of reality that couldn’t be denied.

“And what was Balkor’s plan?”

“To end it all. Purge the entire planet so that something could start again. He did it the wrong way, but tilted the heavens enough to give Khahar a start.”

“His plan would have never worked. Because we’re missing pieces, right?”

Drogramath laughed, clapping a powerful hand over Theo’s shoulder. “Don’t mewl at me like some sniveling boy. You know there are missing pieces. You’re the one that’s going to get them back.”

Theo cleared his throat. He had never been shy about getting his hands dirty. He had never shirked whatever duty was thrust on his shoulders, even when he wasn’t given enough information. But this was a step far in a direction. Even Drogramath was confident he could do it.

“I’m just surprised Khahar hasn’t come to shut us up,” Theo said.

“Might have something to do with that,” Drogramath said, gesturing to the shimmering field of black aura around them. “Or he’s feeling nice today.”

“I choose the second option. Was I right about the reagents?”

Drogramath shrugged. “Maybe.”

“You don’t know, do you?”

“Nope. I only designed the first stage of alchemy by hand. I let the system figure out the rest.”

“But you could reference it somehow. Pull up a screen. Flip through the pages to give me a hint.”

Drogramath smiled. Then shrugged. “Don’t disappoint me now, Theo. Not when things are just getting interesting.”

The demon god seemed more interested in history than alchemy today. Which was weird, considering the endless sprawl of reagents in those glass orbs. Theo decided to ask him about the history of the southlands. But that history was much like the other parts of the continent. With some interesting twists. Zalaban was considered the last great empire by some people. The truth was Tarantham, the home of the elves, had endured since the First Ascension War. Scholars disagreed if they were one continuous nation, considering their cannibalistic nature. Drogramath didn’t have an opinion.

[Alchemy Ingredient]


The root of a Spiny Swamp Thistle.


Infused with intense energy from Tero’gal and Drogramath

Fast Growth Cycle

Exceptionally pure sample


[Healing] [Regeneration] [Flourish]

As expected, the Research upgrade revealed a bit of information. The sample he had before him was ‘exceptionally pure,’ which could only mean that each property would produce a high-quality sample. This wasn’t something Theo could check in the system unless he brought it to his workshop. But there were signs on the plant itself that would give it away. It was bigger than most other roots that he had collected. The gnarled sections of the root were straight and thick, while the smaller roots shooting out of the main body seemed hearty.

Theo tested between his two samples, pressing a mundane iron knife against each. When he touched the flat of the blade against the inferior sample, almost nothing happened. There was a slight sizzle, but nothing more. He only tapped the second sample with the blade for a moment, but got a series of small explosions that drove the knife away. The alchemist almost lost his grip on it.

It was easy to push the Dreamwalk further than it wanted to go. With Tresk’s authority, Theo forced it to allow him further testing. In moments, he generated a sample of a potion that would have been created with the root. He felt the edges of the Dreamwalk object. But it ceded to him, as he had created many samples of the Greater Healing Potion. A decent sample of the Greater Healing Potion would restore 175 health. That was at ‘good’ quality. The one created with the new root was different.

[Greater Healing Potion]



Created by: Theo Spencer

Grade: Good Quality


Drogramath (Middling Bond)

A healing potion. Drink to restore health.


Instantly restores 250 health points.

That was curious. Three things had changed with the potion. It went from Rare to Epic... With a plus after the ‘epic’ part. Theo had never seen that on a potion, and had to wonder what it meant. But the amount of health it restored increased by a staggering amount. To go from 175 to 250 was like jumping a tier in potions. He had never seen the grade of a potion increase the effectiveness that much, unless it was going from poor to perfect.

Theo was certain this potion would rival the next tier, all because he generated it with superior ingredients. That led to questions. Once again, he thought back to the way Drogramath organized his world. No farms, just wild reagents growing everywhere. It was nice having greenhouses with everything he needed. But something told him this plant couldn’t be replicated in those. The only way to create the best potions on the planet, he needed nature’s help.

“A most curious turn of events,” Theo said, pursing his lips and nodding.