Chapter 54 The Taboo Tango (R-18)

Name:The Omnistore System Author:

"Yep, just like that... Oh, baby... Mama's loving every second of your touch," Maria purred, guiding his finger to massage her firm nipple.

In a whirlwind of peculiar thoughts, Kevin's mind decided to take a walk on the wild side. 'What if I blurted out, "Hey, mom, I'm actually awake!"? Would she suddenly switch to a game of Scrabble?' he mused, contemplating the potential chaos of such an announcement. The realm of possibilities was an intriguing maze.

But hold on for a second! This train of thought was derailing onto tracks he absolutely didn't want to explore. He couldn't possibly entertain the idea of getting frisky with his mom. Nope, not a chance. His internal censor hit the panic button, flashing a neon "Nope" sign as it waved its arms.

Meanwhile, his hands appeared to be experiencing an autonomous uprising. They danced to Maria's commands, obediently executing her every wish. Press here, press there – he was becoming a living, breathing boob massage machine. Her supple mounds yielded under his touch, sending ripples of tactile feedback straight to his brain. Each brush against her erect nipples elicited quivers and sighs, creating a bizarrely sensual symphony.

But the circus wasn't complete without a grand finale. Maria's second hand was now working overtime on her nether regions, setting off a tempo that even a jazz drummer would envy. And if that wasn't enough, her gyrating posterior seemed hell-bent on developing a complex relationship with his nether region. Kevin's own soldier was gearing up for battle, pounding its metaphorical shield in a rhythmic war dance. It was like a ridiculous tug-of-war between his mind and his, well, let's call it his "enthusiastic supporter."

Despite all efforts to resist, Kevin's gaze couldn't help but slide southward, landing squarely on her posterior engaged in that audacious rub-a-dub-dub routine with his eager companion. Her posterior, in all its grandeur, defied the confines of societal norms with a certain je ne sais quoi. There was an undeniable amplitude to it, a captivating sag that made her butt softer than normal.

This wasn't the sculpted derrière you might find on a magazine cover. No, this was the poster child for embracing the joys of life's indulgences – a poster child that had evidently snubbed the trappings of gravity, choosing instead to revel in the softness of its own existence. It was a sight to behold, not for its textbook-perfect symmetry, but for its unabashed uniqueness.

In a world where tautness and firmness often took center stage, her posterior was a rebellious maverick, an unapologetic statement that flaunted its unabashed curves and saggy allure. The rules of the game may have dictated a more conventional narrative, but her posterior had chosen to pen its own chapter, a whimsical tale that left Kevin both bemused and strangely captivated.

While his hand, ignoring his unvoiced plea, her hand tightened its grip around him, pulling their bodies into an even closer embrace. Maria remained blissfully oblivious to his subtle protestations, fully engrossed in her sinful escapade that now teetered on the precipice of climax. Her every gasp and moan were meticulously shared with Kevin as if she were narrating her own ecstasy in real-time.

"Baby, just a little more... Ahhh... mama's almost there... Ahhhh, I am cumming... make mama cum hard.....yeah ahhhh tease her nipples....and make her cum....." she moaned, her words a symphony of fervor. Kevin, caught between a rock and a very squishy place, became an unintentional passenger on this explicit rollercoaster of sensation.

Her fingers, as if choreographers in this exotic ballet, beckoned his participation, guiding his finger to an encore of pinching and teasing her hard nipple, enticing sensations to bloom and cascade.

After a few suspenseful heartbeats of their impromptu duet, Maria found herself teetering on the edge of a climax. Her verbal symphony of moans had transformed into a wordless symphony of sensations. Tongue lolling, eyes eclipsed by pleasure, her supple hips pressed snugly against Kevin's form, each movement an intimate pas de deux with her own desires. As if in poetic surrender, her fingers relinquished their guiding role, leaving Kevin's hands to weave their own enchanting tapestry of touch.

Drawing upon his newfound technique, Kevin embarked on a daring experiment of sensual alchemy. With a deft motion, he beckoned the yin energy from Maria's ample breasts, orchestrating an elegant convergence at her nipple. Skillfully, he traced infinitesimal circles, an intricate dance that united the outer world with her most intimate realms. The result was electrifying – yin energy merging with sensuous reality, her nipple prickling as if it had embarked on a thrilling adventure of its own.

Guided by his instincts, Kevin seamlessly synchronized his rhythm with Maria's crescendo. As her moans painted the air with passion, he felt a jolt of anxiety – his sister's impending arrival was a ticking time bomb in his mind. Fueled by a mixture of determination and urgency, he hatched a plan of action. The crescendo reached its zenith, and Kevin seized the moment, inflicting a calculated pinch on Maria's nipple.n0velUSb.c0m

"Ahhhh!" The exclamation escaped Maria's lips, a fervent crescendo that threatened to awaken the entire household. To mitigate this cacophony, Kevin executed a final flourish, tugging her pinched nipple with just the right touch. The result was a breath-stealing culmination, a symphony of sensations that coursed through Maria's body. Her hips shuddered, her core became a river of sensations.

Her hands, which had been playing their intimate symphony, now clutched at her own flesh, a reflexive response to the overwhelming intensity that rippled through her.

Kevin cast a fleeting glance at his slumbering sister, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as she remained blissfully unaware. His attention then shifted back to their mother, a mixture of emotions swirling within him as he observed her body trembling with the remnants of her fervor. Her chest rose and fell in a rhythm of breaths that mirrored the echoes of her passion, a visual symphony that spoke volumes without words. Her body, glistening with sweat, emitted an unmistakable scent that reached Kevin's senses, tugging at the strings of his penis.

As the intensity of the moment ebbed, Kevin's own movements subsided, his hands finding a resting place upon her breasts. He closed his eyes and acted asleep and patiently awaited for Maria's next response.

which was quite shocking...

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