Chapter 351 Love, Lies, and Loans

Name:The Omnistore System Author:
Chapter 351 Love, Lies, and Loans

"I'm home..." James said as he entered his apartment in the city center. He had bought this place during his prime as an alchemist, but unfortunately, he had to put it on loan. Repaying it had made his life miserable.

He wouldn't have needed the loan if it weren't for his lover. With a dejected expression, he entered the house and took off his shoes. Soon, hurried footsteps approached, and an excited voice greeted him. "Welcome back, dear."

James turned to see his wife. She was just a bit shorter than him and had a refined beauty with dark purple hair and matching eyes. She wore loose pajamas and a t-shirt, a comfortable outfit that suited her well, making her look like a cute housewife.

She used to be an actress before James married her, a union made possible because of his status as a cultivator and alchemist. But she wasn't the one who had shattered his life. That was another woman, a lover who was also a cultivator. He had fallen for her after he slept with her few times and was even ready to divorce his wife. However, the lover manipulated him, taking loans in his name under the pretense of marriage and then cheating him.

Paying back those loans forced him into even more debt. Determined to put those thoughts aside, James smiled at his wife and said, "Hi, dear. How was your day?"

His wife, Krestel, leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Same as usual, boring," she replied with a gentle smile.

"Did our daughter call?" he asked, smiling tiredly, too exhausted to kiss her back.

"She did. She's doing fine at the academy," Krestel answered. Following him into the living room, she added, "She wants to talk to you. Why don't you call her sometime?"

"I will," James said, sinking into the sofa. "So, what's for dinner? I hope it's something tasty. I'm starving."

Krestel's face lit up with a smile as she turned toward the kitchen. "You're in luck! I made that fire chicken gravy you love so much."

Amy's eyes lit up with excitement. "Where are we gonna go?" she asked eagerly.

"Any place in mind you two would like?" Kevin asked while putting away jars of herbs and other items.

"Somewhere classy and pricey," Sia said with a smirk. Amy chimed in, "And with tasty food, like high-quality steaks or something."

Kevin chuckled at their responses and nodded. "Alright, I know just the place."

Kevin finished tidying up the shop, making sure everything was secure for the night. He glanced at Sia and Amy, who were already gathering their things, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten in the excitement of a night out.

"Let's get going then," Kevin said, leading the way out of the store. He locked the door behind them and they started walking down the bustling street.

With his Omnitokens and over half a million units in earnings, Kevin was feeling wealthy again. Just a bit more, and he could buy a house in the city center with a single payment.

He had also repaid Keyara, having borrowed some money from her for the car down-payment, his trip, and other expenses.

Kevin was considering hiring more staff, especially since he planned to add another facility. He had some candidates in mind, ones he could enjoy himself with like he did with Sia in his makeshift office.

Considering this, Kevin glanced at Amy, recalling that her sister was also jobless. He made a mental note to ask Venice to inquire about her availability. Besides, he wouldn't mind having fun with her too. As for Amy, she wasn't a bad companion either. Despite not making any advances on her yet due to lack of time, he couldn't help but notice her tall and slightly plump figure, reminiscent of her mother's.

'She looked fun to.' Kevin thought to himself as he observed her engaging in conversation. With a determined stride, he moved forward and joined them.