Chapter 358 Watch with me (R-18)

Name:The Omnistore System Author:
Chapter 358 Watch with me (R-18)

"Because you don't treat her as family," Kevin stated, causing Chloe to furrow her brows in confusion, though a glimmer of realization began to dawn in her mind. Kevin pressed on, determined to shed light on the matter. "Firstly, your father cheated on her, and both you and Amy knew about it but didn't intervene..."

Chloe looked offended and opened her mouth to defend herself, but Kevin raised his hand to stop her mid-sentence. "Stop," he interjected firmly, his palm outstretched. "Let me finish. It's because it's a matter for adults, and there's little you can do about it..."

Chloe nodded with a hint of sadness, prompting Kevin to continue. "You can, you know. You can talk to her, at least help her around the house. She comes home after driving the bus for hours, and you don't even greet her. How could she feel like part of the family?"

Chloe remained silent, causing Kevin to inwardly smile with satisfaction. With a feigned reassuring smile, he went on. "Families help each other out. They do things to make each other happy. Sometimes they make mistakes that upset or anger each other, but they try to fix them, even if they weren't the ones who made the mistake. You can make it right, or at least change things, or if not that, then just try to bring a little happiness to the person who's been hurt by it."

But she never asked me to make her happy..." Chloe muttered, causing Kevin to stare at her dumbfoundedly.

"You're so childish. How can she ask when you don't even talk to her? And it's hard for parents to ask their children, especially if they're acting as bitchy as you," Kevin remarked bluntly. Chloe fell into an even deeper silence upon hearing this, but after a moment, she looked up at him and asked, "How do you make her happy?"

Before Kevin could respond, Chloe continued, not giving him a chance to speak. "Other than using that disgusting thing?" she remarked, pointing at the noticeable bulge in his underwear with her eyes.

Kevin felt a sting of offense at her words, referring to his precious tool of pleasure as disgusting. "Hey, it's not disgusting. This is the most delicious thing. If you had a taste of it, ask your mother if you doubt," he retorted defensively. Fôllôw new stories at

He leaned back on the sofa and continued, "I remember it made her quite happy."

Chloe fell silent. Her mother had mentioned Kevin offering her a job, but she had refused out of anger, not wanting her mother to rely on another man. Now, though, it didn't seem so bad.

"What do you want in exchange?" she asked.

"Who said I want something in exchange for helping you?" Kevin asked with feigned surprise.

Chloe glared at him. "Don't act innocent. The only reason you helped Venice is because she's sleeping with you. You wouldn't care if she lived or died otherwise. So just tell me what you want in exchange for giving me a job at your store." Her expression turned stern as she continued, "But don't expect I'll do anything like having sex or anything that involves me touching your dick."

"Fucking your mother is enough for me to give you a job, so you don't have to do anything else," Kevin said, amused by her offer but rejecting it.

Chloe shook her head, looking angry. "No, I don't want her to sleep with you for my sake. If you need more girls to have sex with, I can introduce you to some."

Kevin's amusement grew as he saw how far she was willing to go. Wanting to push her limits a bit more, he said, "You've put me in quite the predicament. You don't want to owe me, you can't have sex with me, and you won't even touch my dick. What should I make you do, then? I don't have a shortage of women to fuck." He stared at her with a smile, hoping she'd offer something else. When she just stared back, he grinned widely and said, "Well, the only thing I want from you is to have sex with me, but since you won't, I won't force you. How about you watch me do it or watch it with me when I tell you?"