Chapter 85 The Newcomer - Part 3

85 The Newcomer - Part 3

Things got quiet after Lyrika's statement. A short while after she said it, she turned and just carried on walking. Ameril did so as well, but as she did, it looked like she was in deep thought.

Philly, having said everything she wanted to, and somewhat getting an answer from Lyrika about Olivia's, now lack thereof harem, she continued walking without another word.

Olivia was just silent as she didn't know what to say after that. She did however know that she and Lyrika needed a talk to discuss what their relationship was.


After a few hours of this, they finally reached Teagan's village. It was all hustle and bustle as before and it felt good to be back.

Rolling up to the main gate they entered with their permits, and Ameril paid for her own before Olivia could offer to pay for her. Granted she had forgotten for a moment everything Ameril had said about having earned her own money before leaving.

Back in the safety of the village, they headed over to the inn they had been staying at and brought some grub. All of them were famished, Ameril even more so as she hadn't had anything since breakfast, since she was thrown into a carriage not long after.

As they ate, they did so mostly in silence. Ameril and Lyrika looked over at each other with a bit of a scowl every now and then.

Not wanting the mood to be so aggressive, and not really sure how to deal with it, Olivia decided to throw a cat among the wolves.

Well in this case, it was more like a Zentora.


When Olivia brought it out to show Ameril, seeing it gave her a little bit of a startle, but she soon began to swoon once it looked up and mewled at her.

"Ahhh, it's adorable. What's it's name?"

"We...still haven't thought of one. None of us could decide, and then we headed off to save you."

"I still don't understand why you won't go with Spike." Philly brought up.

"Spike?" Was the confused response from Ameril.

"Just...don't listen to her." Turning to Philly, Olivia repeated what she had said several times, "We are not naming it Spike."

Philly just shrugged as she went back to finish off her stew.

"What about naming it based on what it's like? We already know how adorable it is. Yes, we do. Yes, we do." Ameril said as she held the Zentora in her hands holding and cradling it against her bosom, an act that made Olivia blush a little as she watched.

Getting over that, Olivia then smiled as she saw how happy she was from just playing with their possibly 'very dangerous in the future' companion.

"Its parents were deadly. But we think they left it because it was too weak. The runt of the litter so to speak."

It also helped to sum up how the whole group had got together, so it worked on that front to. Ameril was lucky to have been found by Olivia before she was sexually assaulted. Lyrika was lucky to have run into her in the vast forest. And Philly was lucky that she was found by Olivia before she was sold by the bandits.

For Olivia, a part of her felt she was unlucky to have ended up in this world. But, as time went on, while this world was dangerous, the relationships she had been forming made her feel a lot more lucky to have come here.

But enough of dwelling on the past. With the name decided, they all leaned over the Zentora and spoke its name. To which, the Zentora, now Felixia, responded by not really caring.

Well, no one said it would be easy to train a Zentora.


Once their meal was digested and they all had their fill from playing with Felixia, they headed out and into the village. Ameril only having seen the town she grew up in was enthused to see what the village had to offer. More so given it was a beast-kin village.

It's not like she had never seen a beast-kin. Several did visit and a few even lived in the town. But here she was surrounded by nothing but beast-kin.

They decided to take Ameril all around the village and show her the sights. It was even done in such a way that Ameril remained out in front of the group with the others trailing. How they managed to be great guides while being at the back was quite an achievement.

She was very enthusiastic about seeing everything it had to offer, but she made sure to keep herself in check and not just sprint around everything. This was her first real time outside of the town she grew up in. Even though the village had much less to offer, compared to it, she still found it to be enthralling and managed to find new and exciting experiences within it.

She looked around all the shops, seeing what they had to offer and how it differed from her town. The main thing that she found was that there were a lot of hand-crafted objects. By this, she didn't mean that in the town, things were mass-produced, but stuff was done by hand here. That sort of technology didn't exist yet. What she was referring to was the variety and the volume of handcrafted items.

With everyone in Teagan's village working pretty much all day, it was to be expected. No one's job lasted the whole day. People had to close up shops as people went to eat their dinner. It eventually gets too dark to be able to work on any of the farmland. And even the people that went around lighting up the town only had to work for so long to do it. So, this begged the question of what they all did when their jobs were over, especially when none of them seemed to stop working.

They worked on other projects. Some helped with maintenance around the houses. Others provide services to other members of the village. There was a lot that could be done that wasn't considered their main job. But the one that most people did was just create stuff with what they had to hand in order to sell it.

Of which it was clear to see in the market that they found that had been set up in the village square since they had been gone.

Looking around, a massive variety was being sold. Produce, meat, weapons, leather, handcrafted items, it was endless.

This is why they all ended up excited to peruse what was being sold when they saw it, Ameril's excitement seemingly having been infectious.

But...that excitement was put on hold when they saw the Chief of the village running towards them.

"Girls. We have a big problem."

Hi All, I hope you liked the next chapter.

We finally have a name for the Zentora. It took a while, but its name works with what happened to it, and also has the Fantasy zing it needs to work in the world. Now, the only question is what problem it is that they will be facing.

Please let me know your thoughts on the chapter.


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