In the darkness before dawn, the person lying on the kang frowned, as if they were not sleeping well.

"Doctor, do you think you can stop giving my daughter medicine?" Father Su Wenshan's voice sounded from the door, seemingly unable to control himself with sadness, "Every time she runs out of medicine, she feels uncomfortable. Great, I really don't want to see her suffer."

"That's right, doctor." Stepmother Du Xiaohong also said, "She's too uncomfortable." She choked up in distress, "We hope she can get rid of it sooner."

"I don't think you want her to get free sooner, you don't want to waste hundreds of thousands of this day?" The loud and ironic voice was her second aunt, Liao Hongmei.

She made a loud voice, as if she was intentionally waking up the people in the ward, "You two, don't pretend to be here, who doesn't know that you guys are eager to die early to inherit her inheritance!"

"Why, people are still thinking about their money before they leave?" The second aunt, Liao Hongmei, said angrily, "This is the family business that Su Ruan earned, even if it's all spent. It's not your turn to be distressed here!"

"Liao Hongmei, don't stir up discord here, it's your own idea," Du Xiaohong, the stepmother who had just been kind, suddenly sharpened and sneered, "Ruanruan is fine, even if she If you really want to divide the inheritance, it has nothing to do with your dime!"

Liao Hongmei sneered, "It has nothing to do with me? I have raised her for 20 years. If my Qingqing hadn't prevented her from marrying into the Lu family, Su Ruan would have had a good life with Mrs. Huo's family. ? You two have long been sold by the old things with black hearts!"

"You stay here all day long, just to stop everyone. Do you think that if you control Su Ruan, you will be able to swallow her inheritance?"

"Don't be ashamed!"

Du Xiaohong cursed angrily, "How can you really confuse black and white, Su Qingqing defends Ruan Ruan from disasters? She clearly saw that the Lu family was rich and from the city, so she robbed Ruan Ruan. Marriage, the one who bullies Ruan Ruan the most is your second room! If you still want to touch Ruan Ruan, let me tell you, there is no door!"

Liao Hongmei was not to be outdone, "Haha, it's a big joke, who is turning black and white, you go out and ask, who in Kaiyun County doesn't know what you have done, Du Xiaohong!"

"I don't care if it's been a day, how good Ruan Ruan's grades were in those days, when I ate the food you made during the college entrance examination, I would vomit and have diarrhea. The old witch is ruined!"

"You spit!"

"You stinky shameless!"

Su Ruan listened with great interest to the dog biting the dog outside the door, but also remembered a lot of old sesame and rotten millet.

Suddenly, a tired but firm voice resembling a lioness guarding her calf sounded, "You all get out of my way! Don't even think about cutting off her medicine when I'm in one day!"

Then the eyes changed, an old man with silver hair and a grief-stricken expression rushed towards her, "Soft, you can't leave your mother..."


Su Ruan woke up abruptly, and found a hard kang under her body, and a vaulted ceiling of blue brick and stucco, she slowly sat up.

There is a 90% new sewing machine on the opposite side of the kang, and there is a row of burgundy cabinets against the back wall.

Picking up the mirror at hand, the girl inside has smooth and firm skin, long black and thick hair, and a pair of peach blossom eyes that are bright and clear.

Su Ruan confirmed for the third time that after closing her eyes on the hospital bed, she was back in her twenties.

"Soft, green, it's all up!" An old lady's voice came from outside the window, "The sun is about to dry the buttocks, and everyone is getting married, so lazy, When you arrive at the in-law's house, be careful to be cleaned up!"

Su Ruan opened the curtains, the old lady Su was combing her hair against the glass, and the red plastic comb passed through the sparse hair. Looking at the middle-aged woman with short hair in the middle of the yard, she cursed,

"Liao Hongmei, are you sweeping the yard or cultivating immortals! Be quick and quick, the Huo family will be here at ten o'clock, so I'm busy today."

By the way, in her last life it was today, she and Huo Xiangyang had a successful blind date, and they married into the Huo family soon after.

In the past life, it was indeed accomplished, and it became the most proud thing in the old lady's life.

After all, who would have thought that Huo Xiangyang, who was heavily in debt, would become the richest man in Donglin Province?

The most important thing is that if a man has money, he will become bad, which is not reflected in Huo Xiangyang. He has been affectionate to Su Ruan for decades, even if Su Ruan has no children in his life, he will Never thought of marrying another.

Mother-in-law is also famous for being reasonable, and it hurts to treat her like a daughter.

Everyone said that she had accumulated great virtues in her past life, so she had such a blessing...


Every time she hears this sentence, Su Ruan finds it funny, how do they know that the so-called affectionate and reasonable are just coaxing her to be a bull and a horse for the Huo family company.

Huo Xiangyang is gentle and considerate, but his gentleness and consideration are not for her alone, even if it is a cat or a dog, as long as he appears pitifully in front of him, he is gentle.

On the contrary, her wife, because "you are the strongest", "you are the most powerful" and "they are different from you", has gradually lost the qualification to enjoy tenderness and consideration.

When she was lying in the hospital bed and had difficulty breathing, her reasonable mother-in-law led her two children to her bed with a look of sadness and shame:

"Ruanruan, don't blame mom, our Huo family can't be defeated, our Huo family's such a big family business is also made by you with one punch and one kick, and someone has to inherit it, right? ?"

"Don't worry, these two children are your sons. After you leave, I will let them throw pots and burn paper for you."

Huo Xiangyang still looks affectionate and guilty, "I'm sorry, Ruan Ruan, they all designed me, my mother wants a grandson when she is old, and the child is innocent... "

"The person I love the most is always you. Even if you are gone, no one will shake your Mrs. Huo's position."

If she could speak, she would definitely scold: Fuck you, it's rare to be an old lady.

Unfortunately, she is speechless, but fortunately there is a lawyer.

Su Ruan recalled that after the lawyer read her will, the whole room of people panicked and collapsed, and Mother Huo even went straight to the past, feeling a lot more relaxed.

They probably forgot that the wealth of the Huo family belonged to her, she built it step by step by herself, and the company was just named Huo surname...

Since it has been installed for a lifetime, it must have a beginning and an end, right? After she died, they should have cried heart-to-heart too.

I think they cried too hard, instead of sending her to Huangquan, they sent her back to the origin.

"Mom, the Huo family came to see Ruan Ruan today, her father won't come back!"

Liao Hongmei's words brought Su Ruan back to her senses. Since there is a chance to return to the starting point, who would go the old way.

The old lady Su said, "The leaders above came to inspect Kaiyun County in the past two days. Ruan Ruan's father is busy. He is not needed for this trivial matter."

The old lady said, "What are you talking about?"

"It's nothing," Liao Hongmei jokingly said, "It looks so soft, her parents are not here, don't people come to the Huo family, thinking it's our family Qingqing."

Su Qingqing is her cousin, a few months younger than her.

Since she was a child, the second aunt always had to let Su Qingqing push her to be happy. She felt that she was a girl whose father didn't care about her mother, and there was no reason to live better than her family, Su Qingqing.

This made Su Qingqing like to compete with her for everything. As long as her things are good, Su Qingqing will always have to take it from her before she can be content.

Su Ruan always wondered why Su Qingqing always stared at her and smashed wool in her last life. Later, she learned that Su Qingqing regarded her as the protagonist in a book, and felt that everything about her was good.

Su Ruan tasted the meaning of Liao Hongmei's words and squinted her eyes, it seems that her life is still the same.

Old Mrs. Su didn't hear it, but she was still furious and pouted, "The dog can't spit out ivory, Qingqing has already settled with the Lu family, what are you talking about! "

In the end, the old lady's words couldn't help but get angry.

There is a reason why the old lady is so angry. Now she has booked the Lu family with Su Qingqing, which was originally the one with Su Ruan.

The Lu family is from the city, the whole family has a job, and the conditions are very good, but Lu Mingchen was injured and paralyzed. , so I went back to the village to find my daughter-in-law.

As a result, when Su Ruan's father Su Wenshan hesitated, Su Qingqing ran to Lu's house first, saying that Su Ruan already had a partner and was about to get married, and she was willing to marry him.

The Lu family suddenly felt that Su Ruan was a paralyzed Lu Mingchen, and deliberately humiliated, so they changed the object of marriage to Su Qingqing, and also said that they wanted to participate in Su Ruan's The wedding forced Su Ruan to marry within two months.

So in order to give Su Qingqing the bottom line, Su Ruan had frequent blind dates during this time, and many crooked melons and jujubes without skin and face came together to try to take advantage, making the old lady angry enough.

It is estimated that she thought of the culprit, and Mrs. Su said loudly at the East House, "Su Qingqing! Hurry up! Why don't you be lazy!"

Turn back to Westinghouse and softened her tone, "Ruanruan, you too, get up and wash your hair, and take care of it today."

Su Ruan folded the quilt and went out, and ran into Su Qingqing who came out of the east room.

To be honest, Su Qingqing is not bad looking, with fair skin, almond eyes, beautiful nose, pure and beautiful, is the appearance of the goddess of first love.

It's just that her movements are always soft and soft, especially when she acts like a spoiled child, it will remind Su Ruan of those girls on the live broadcast platform of later generations who are squeezing their throats and shouting for a reward for their eldest brother. I heard about those anchors Every frown and a smile are specially trained, and they are very popular with men.

Su Qingqing smiled sweetly when she saw Su Ruan, but there was a secret sense of superiority in her eyes, "Sister, good morning."

Su Qingqing's expression froze, embarrassed, she wanted to twirl her hair to cover it up, but she felt empty, and the old lady snorted again, "What are you doing so weird?! Wrestling is stupid, isn't it okay?"

But it turned out that she coiled her hair around the towel in circles on the top of her head. The old lady didn't know her and thought she was acting as a demon again.

Looking at Su Ruan's mocking eyes, Su Qingqing took a deep breath, and she didn't know the old lady at all, and only asked, "Grandma, have you bought any fish? I heard that Huo Xiangyang likes it very much. eat fish."

Su Qingqing was a little anxious, "Oh, why don't you prepare your favorite food when you entertain guests."

The old lady Su said, "Do you know if you follow the host? He hasn't become our son-in-law yet."

Speaking of which, she looked at Su Qingqing suspiciously, "How do you know that Huo Xiangyang likes to eat fish?"

Who didn't know? Not only did he know that when Huo Xiangyang came, at least two fish were served at home, for fear that he would not be able to eat well.

Su Qingqing glanced at Su Ruan, and said casually, "I heard that Huo Xiangyang was a high-ranking man at the time, and many people know his preferences."

Thinking of today's plan, she didn't bother with the old lady, she directly said to Liao Hongmei, "Mom, give me some money, I'll go buy fish."

Liao Hongmei knew that today was about her daughter's life, so she was not stingy, so she went to the house and took the money, "Besides the fish, look at Xiangyang, what else do you like to eat, we bought it together."

Then she turned her head and smiled at the old lady Su who was staring at her, "Mom, Qingqing, isn't this just for being soft? Ren Huo Xiangyang has seen the world in a big city, and he's promising."

The old lady has no doubts, after all, this matter is that the second room has harassed Su Ruan for Su Qingqing's marriage, and it is estimated that they feel bad about it.

Liao Hongmei laughed, "I heard that Huo Xiangyang came back from the south this time, and he has paid off all the debts owed by his wife's illness. In the future, he plans to open his own factory. In the future, you will have a factory manager. Grandson-in-law!"

The old lady finally smiled when she heard this, of course she hoped that her granddaughter would marry well.

If it weren't for the sudden diarrhea during the college entrance examination this year, her family Ruan Ruan would probably be a college student, not to mention her appearance, she would not be able to find a second girl more beautiful than her. .

It would have been best to find a worker in the factory to get married after being admitted to the county steel factory, but suddenly a deer family came up to propose a marriage without any explanation, and the marriage of the two girls in their family was disturbed of mess.

Now Qingqing wants to marry a disabled man and live as a widow, Ruan Ruan is also anxious to get married within two months.

In order to choose a good family for Su Ruan, the old lady was very anxious to get angry during this time, but fortunately Huo Xiangyang appeared.

"It's better for us to be soft-hearted." The old lady Su said with a smile, "I was thinking that this time we were soft-hearted this time, and this time we were wronged, but I didn't expect the Huo family to go all the way from the county. After inquiring, it's not worse than that worker."

Su Qingqing, who went back to the house to remove her hair, heard this, and sneered at the corners of her mouth, good luck? It's just the protagonist.

In this life, she will let them see who is the real good fortune.

Liao Hongmei was also a little unhappy, what the old lady said, it seemed that Su Ruan matched Huo Xiangyang, but in order not to reveal the secret, she still smiled and said, "Isn't it true, Chang Dejun has skills, and although his family is a little poor, he will definitely become prosperous in the future."

"...We can't just look at that kid from the Huo family today, his mother and his sister have to take a good look too. We have to hold on to it later."

Old Mrs. Su's tone was surprised, "You really have the attitude of a mother-in-law today."

Liao Hongmei blinked her eyes with a guilty conscience and said with a smile, "Look at what you said, Ruan Ruan has been raised by her father in our house since she was a child. Her stepmother, Du Xiaohong, is more qualified to be a mother-in-law?"

When I mentioned Su Wenshan's later wife, Du Xiaohong, the old lady felt that the second daughter-in-law was also pleasing to the eye. Besides, this was originally due to Su Ruan's second wife, so she should really pay attention, and said, "Okay! This is today. The mother-in-law will let you be, and give us a soft check!"

Su Ruan took the washbasin and went to the kitchen to scoop up water, and couldn't help laughing. The old lady was accustomed to muddy mud. She was afraid that Liao Hongmei really wanted to be Huo Xiangyang's mother-in-law.

But now she can confirm that not only she, but also Su Qingqing, was reborn in the fall that collided with Su Qingqing a few days ago.

However, it is such a positive attitude now. This is a failure to be a high-ranking general's wife in my previous life. In this life, I plan to become a beautiful and wealthy lady.

It's just that the time of their rebirth was a bit unfortunate. Before they came back, Su Qingqing had just cut off the Lu family's marriage from her, and had already met the elders of the Lu family. down.

Now that Su Qingqing wants to marry Huo Xiangyang again, Su Ruan is a little curious about what she is going to do.