Su Ruan heard Su Wenshan's BB machine ringing for a long time, and she actually wanted to know how they would force her to marry the Lu family.

Fortunately, time was pressing, they were all in a hurry, Su Ruan didn't wait long.

After packing up, Su Wenshan wanted to take her and Mrs. Su to the restaurant on the grounds of celebration.

Old Mrs. Su felt distressed, "Why do you spend so much money, you can eat several meals at home with this table."

Su Wenshan said with a smile, "It's a practice for Ruan Ruan, and Ruan Ruan hasn't been in a restaurant." Speaking of which, he whispered to Su Ruan, "Just the three of us , no one else to bring."

Every time he talks like this, Su Ruan must be as well-behaved as possible.

Old Mrs. Su was also very happy for Su Ruan, "Look, your dad really loves you the most."

Su Ruan was noncommittal, she was no longer the little fool who would be deceived.

When the three arrived at the county seat, Su Wenshan took them straight to the Jianguo Hotel. Mrs. Su said, "Let's go to the Xiaowa Restaurant next door. This restaurant is expensive and not delicious."

Jianguo Hotel is a former state-run hotel. It looks stylish, but it's not really affordable. It looks decent when entertaining foreign guests. Better tasting Xiaowa restaurant.

Su Wenshan said, "It's more formal here, Ruan Ruan is going to study soon, let's have a luxury today."

Su Ruan looked around and seemed to be here.

After the three of them were seated, the old lady was reluctant and only ordered the cheapest green vegetable. Su Wenshan pushed the menu in front of Su Ruan.

Su Ruan unceremoniously ordered a braised pork, a teriyaki chicken and a steamed fish.

The waiter listened with a wide-eyed smile, "Director Su is very big."

Su Wenshan pursed the corners of his mouth tightly so as not to show his dissatisfaction. This time, his salary for a week was gone again.

The old lady hurriedly persuaded, "Ruan Ruan, you don't need to order so much, we can't eat it, little girl, don't want the chicken and fish."

Su Ruan held down the old lady and said kindly and considerately, "Grandma, although Dad didn't bring Tiantian and Mingfeng, we don't eat alone."

"These can't be eaten, let Dad pack them back for Tiantian and Mingfeng to eat."

Su Wenshan:…

If he dares to pack these back and let Du Xiaohong know that Tiantian and Mingfeng eat Su Ruan's leftovers, don't think about peace at home.

The old lady said with relief, "We are still soft and sensible, and we will marry to my husband's family..."

"Cough!" Su Wenshan interrupted the old lady's nagging, "Mom, what nonsense are you talking about." The old lady just couldn't hold her breath.

Then hurriedly told the waiter, "She ordered everything just now, and hurry up and serve it to us."

After I finished speaking, I felt a pain in the flesh again, and my eyes drifted to the door involuntarily. I couldn't let Su Ruan tossed like this again. Enough for a semester's living expenses.

It is better to be obedient and obedient as before.

Su Ruan also held his chin and waited slowly, but wanted to see what great tricks they had.

In fact, she can guess some direction, like her current youthful age, can coerce her, in addition to reading, marriage is a major life event.

However, when Su Qingqing came in with a person from the door of the hotel, Su Ruan's face was still uncontrollably cold.

She always knew that Su Qingqing was stupid and self-righteous, but she still underestimated the viciousness of the other party.

Su Qingqing clearly aimed at them as soon as she entered the door, but now she said with a surprised expression, "Sister, uncle, grandma, are you here too? What a coincidence."

Su Wenshan frowned indiscernibly when he saw the second-rate man following Su Qingqing.

This person is called Wu Shengli, he is not tall, his skin is dark, he also eats with a big shoulder and a round belly, and his facial features are ordinary. Holding a rogue temperament conference, he will definitely come out on top.

And he is not an ordinary hooligan. His uncle is the director of the Kaiyun County Gong Security Bureau. Because he only has two daughters, he regards Wu Shengli as his own son.

Wu Shengli was ignorant and ignorant. After graduating from junior high school, he was suspended in the Gong Security Bureau. He was domineering in the county and dressed in the skin of a public official.

Wu Shengli himself showed off everywhere.

Anyway, a serious girl in Kaiyun County can't wait to hide away when she sees him, and Su Qingqing even goes out to the restaurant with her...

Su Wenshan turned sideways to block Su Ruan's explicit gaze, "Qingqing, how do you know victory?"

Before Su Qingqing could speak, Wu Shengli said attentively to Su Wenshan, "Uncle Su, I also happened to meet Qingqing on the road, so I helped her. But you are polite and insist on inviting me to dinner."

While talking, he skillfully took out a good cigarette from his pocket and handed it to Su Wenshan, took a step aside and fixed his eyes on Su Ruanse, "This is Su Qingqing The elder sister Su Ruan, I heard that you are going to go to college?"

Listening to this, it is obvious that Su Qingqing introduced her to him.

Su Ruan turned the beads on his wrist, and lowered his eyes to cover the coldness in his eyes. Everyone in the county knew that Wu Shengli was determined to marry a college student as his daughter-in-law.

In his last life, he once forced a girl to death.

In the 1980s and 1990s, when the supervision was not perfect, there were filth and filth in a small county like this, and all kinds of emperors were like feudal society, and it was an unimaginable darkness for later generations.

It's good that nothing happens, but once something happens, ordinary people will face certain "privileged classes", and they will simply say that every day should not be used, and the ground will not work.

Wu Shengli is one of the "privileged" people. He relied on his uncle's arrogance and domineering.

First, and second, they must be literate, and they must be college students.

The reason is that she is decent and reasonable, and she can educate her son well in the future.

How can a beautiful and excellent college student like him, let alone a college student, as long as he is a serious girl.

But Wu Shengli doesn't need to be admired, he is enough.

The girl he was eyeing in his last life was called Zhao Xiuxiu.

Zhao Xiuxiu's family background is average, but she is beautiful and excellent, and was admitted to Donglin Normal University.

Wu Shengli has been entangled for a long time, and the other party never pays attention. In addition, he is away from school, so Wu Shengli can't do anything to the little girl for a while.

But during the summer vacation of the sophomore year, Wu Shengli went directly to the Zhao family with a betrothal gift of 2,000 yuan and a marriage certificate, saying that he was already the son-in-law of the Zhao family.

The Zhao family was stunned by this absurdity, and of course they would not admit it, but Wu Shengli took out the genuine marriage certificate, put down the dowry, and informed the Zhao family that they were going to hold a decent wedding.

The Zhao family panicked and begged for help. The Public Security Bureau should not say anything. From the street to the ZF office, everyone said that the marriage certificate was true. This matter belongs to the conflict between husband and wife, and there is no way to solve it.

After Zhao’s family pleaded for nothing in Kaiyun County, Zhao’s father was about to go to the city to call the police.

However, as soon as I got on the bus, Wu Shengli was arrested by Wu Shengli in a police car, saying that the Zhao family had received a betrothal gift from the Wu family, but now they do not admit it. Sentencing.

The Zhao family seemed to be falling down, but there was nothing to do. Wu Shengli used this to coerce and almost forced Zhao Xiuxiu with a marriage certificate. In this era, there is no such thing as a strong woman in marriage. , As long as you hold that marriage certificate, Wu Shengli will do everything right and right.

Besides, Father Zhao is still in prison...

Zhao Xiuxiu tried her best to escape from Kaiyun County and went to school, but she didn't want Wu Shengli to chase after him, laughing that she could run away, the monk couldn't run away from the temple, he had to take an oath of sovereignty at the school and exercise her husband's rights .

The teachers and students of Donglin University were angry and made this incident a big deal, which attracted social attention. The Kaiyun County Public Prosecution and Law System ushered in a major purge, Wu Daming was shot, and Wu Shengli was sentenced...

But so what, that beautiful girl who was supposed to have a bright future is no longer alive.

That was three or four years later. Now the Wu family is still domineering in Kaiyun County, and Wu Shengli is still looking for excellent college students' wives everywhere.

So Su Qingqing brought Wu Shengli to her at this moment.

She wants Su Ruan to be as desperate as Zhao Xiuxiu, so Su Ruan can only choose between Lu Mingchen and Wu Shengli.

In contrast, of course, I can only choose Lu Mingchen. The paralyzed man is better than being forced by hooligans. At least the Lu family belongs to the city and can have a decent job and life.

Then the positions of Su Ruan and Su Wenshan are reversed. It will no longer be Su Wenshan forcing Su Ruan to marry the Lu family, but Su Ruan begging for Su Wenshan to help her marry into the Lu family.

At that time, it will be up to Su Wenshan to ask the Lu family any conditions...

Besides, Su Qingqing did more than that... Su Ruan narrowed her eyes dangerously.

Su Qingqing had personally experienced Lu Mingchen's resistance to marriage in her previous life, so she believes that even if Su Ruan chooses Lu Mingchen between Wu Shengli and Lu Mingchen, she will be defeated by Lu Mingchen in the end Chen refused.

Su Ruan still can't escape the situation of being entangled by Wu Shengli...

"Uncle Su, your daughter is really beautiful." Wu Shengli's eyes were like sticky reptiles sticking to Su Ruan's face, "Why haven't I seen it before."

Su Wenshan also wanted to understand Su Qingqing's meaning at this moment, and he felt a little anger in his heart. He really didn't expect Su Qingqing to use such a trick.

He wanted to force Su Ruan to bow her head and make her obedient, but he did not practice in this way. No matter what, Su Ruan was also his own daughter, and being entangled by Wu Shengli, what good could he do? ?

He didn't intend to join forces with people like Wu Daming.

Su Wenshan once again blocked Wu Shengli's sight, "She has been studying, and she is in school all day, so of course you can't see her."

Wu Shengli didn't seem to see Su Wenshan's cold face, he was a second-rate, he had no self-cultivation to speak of, and he didn't hide his thoughts at all, and continued to smile without skin and face, "It's good to read , I like literate girls the most, and my son will be able to follow suit in the future..."

Su Wenshan knew that he couldn't be polite to this kind of person, so he said to Su Qingqing directly, "Qingqing, didn't you invite Victory to dinner, hurry up and go."

Just as the waiter here is serving the food, Wu Shengli smiled, "Where can I invite the girl's family to treat you, Uncle Su, I invited you to this table."

Then put one hand in his pocket and the other shook his leg, raised his chin and dragged the waiter, "Take Director Su's table to my account."

The waiter dared not speak out. Obviously, this one was often "bookkeeping".

Seeing that he actually pulled up the stool to sit beside her, Su Ruan got up directly and said without pretense, "I'll go back to pack first, you can eat."

Wu Shengli also stood up, "Where do you want to go back, I have a motorcycle, I will send it to you."

Su Wenshan stopped him, "You're treating yourself to a guest, why don't you have some food? The house is not far away, so she walked back by herself." Then she motioned Su Ruan to leave quickly.

Su Ruan looked at Su Qingqing, "Qingqing, thank this comrade Wu well, I'll go to Huo Xiangyang first to catch up."

Su Qingqing's face changed, she raised her head and bumped into Su Ruan's icy eyes, she saw her slightly attached to her ear and whispered, "You say, if Huo Xiangyang knew that I was defeated by Wu Shengli Persecution, will you marry me directly?"

Su Qingqing was shocked, she just wanted to force Su Ruan to choose between Lu Mingchen and Wu Shengli, but she forgot there was another Huo Xiangyang!

Usually Su Ruan is arrogant and disdains Huo's family after knowing that Huo Xiangyang is having an affair with her, but in the face of Wu Shengli and Lu Mingchen, Huo Xiangyang is definitely the best choice!

This is impossible, but Su Ruan patted her on the shoulder and turned to leave, Su Qingqing immediately wanted to catch up, but was held down by Su Wenshan, "Since you invited Victory, you should be good It would be disrespectful to leave at this time after eating with others."

Wu Shengli also said, "Yes, your host is gone, what should I do, stay here, tell me more about your sister..."

Su Qingqing was held down and couldn't walk, she just felt like she was sitting on pins and needles, and Su Ruan didn't break her promise, she went straight to Huo's house after leaving the restaurant.

Before she didn't want to have the same knowledge as Su Qingqing, the other party's vision and way of life were destined to be low, and it just so happened that she didn't want to have any more entanglements with the Huo family, so she went along with the flow, and she also saved some time and energy, Wouldn't it be better to do something more meaningful?

The better she lives, the brighter she is, which is the best revenge for Su Qingqing's pink eye.

I just didn't expect that her indifference was actually weak in the eyes of Su Qingqing, so she wouldn't mind showing her fangs.

Want to see her jokes? She first turned her Su Qingqing into a joke