Su Ruan came out of the small shop while thinking about the plan for the day after tomorrow, when she suddenly heard a call, "Su Ruan!" The tone was full of fear.

Su Ruan was stunned for a moment, but she turned around and saw Li Ruolan, she should be at home at this time...

Su Ruan was thinking about what happened, and hurried up to meet, "Mom..."

Li Ruolan had already hurried over, almost stumbled and fell when she ran to her, Su Ruan hurriedly supported her, "Mom, what's wrong with you."

Li Ruolan was not only wearing thin clothes, but her hair was also wet.

Su Ruan hurriedly took off her coat, but Li Ruolan grabbed her and looked up and down carefully, "Are you all right? Did that rogue find you?"

It was the exact same words as Su Wenshan, but Su Ruan heard the fear.

Su Ruan also knew that Li Ruolan had actually received news from Kaiyun County, thinking that the matter of Laiwu Shengli was really big enough, and it took only a long time for it to spread to Sujiagou.

"You kid! Why didn't you tell mom that such a big thing happened?" Li Ruolan's eyes suddenly turned red as she spoke, and her voice choked up, "Are you trying to kill mom? ?"

Su Ruan was a little at a loss, "Mom, I'm really fine," she quickly put her clothes on Li Ruolan, and then opened her arms to let her check, "Really, look."

Li Ruolan carefully pulled her arm, opened her sleeves to check, and said, "It's okay, you're okay if you say it's okay?!"

Suddenly he got angry again, gritted his teeth and raised his hand as if he was going to hit her, but in the end, he just patted her backside angrily, "If it weren't for your aunt Hu Tell me, are you planning to keep it a secret forever!"

After saying that, she hugged Su Ruan tightly and tears fell, "You **** child, you scared mother to death."

Su Ruan was a little dazed. At this moment, she suddenly felt that it was wrong for her to handle this matter alone...

"Mom, it's really okay, I really didn't tell you because I didn't think it was necessary."

Li Ruolan cried even more fiercely, "soft..."

"Whether you can solve this kind of thing or not, you have to tell Mommy, even if Mommy can't do anything, I don't want my girl to worry and suffer when I am carefree aware."

"If something happens to you, Mom really can't forgive herself for the rest of her life."

"I'm sorry," Su Ruan felt sour, reached out and hugged her back, "I see, Mom, don't cry."

Li Ruolan hadn't finished comforting her when she heard Yan Shaoshi's voice from a distance, "Mom, sister, is that you?"

Su Ruan responded quickly, "We are here!"

Soon a teenager turned out from the other side of the road, Su Ruan couldn't help laughing when he saw his appearance.

He was wearing a lady's hat on his head, a women's windbreaker that reached his calf, a flashlight in one hand, and a stick in the other...

Seeing Su Ruan was also excited, rushed over to look at her like a little adult, and then he was relieved, "It's fine, it's fine, it scared me to death."

Then looked around sharply, "Where's that rogue? Did he run away?"

Li Ruolan was dumbfounded by him, "What are you doing?"

Yan Shaoshi hurriedly handed the hat and clothes to Li Ruolan, "Mom, your hair is not dry, be careful of catching a cold, and clothes."

Li Ruolan received a call from Aunt Hu just after washing her hair.

Su Ruan helped him to dress Li Ruolan together, Yan Shaoshi comforted her, "Sister, don't be afraid, I will protect you."

"I have a lot of brothers, two fists can't match four hands, then we will put a sack to beat him!"

Su Ruan felt warm in her heart, touched his head and said, "Thank you, but it's alright, that rascal has already run away."

Yan Shaoshi breathed a sigh of relief, "Then tell my dad and my brother quickly so they don't worry, let's go home first."

Li Ruolan hurried to the phone to contact Yan Chengru and Yan Shaoyu respectively.

Su Ruan suddenly had a bad premonition, "Uncle Yan and Brother Yu also know?" Yan Chengru didn't say it, but Yan Shaoyu was at school.

I didn't know until I got home that it wasn't just Yan Chengru and Yan Shaoyu.

Li Ruolan ran to the school when she received the news, Yan Chengru also went out soon, Yan Shao couldn't stay at home, so she directly asked the neighbor aunt to come over to guard the phone at home, in case Su Soft to call home can not answer.

Seeing that Su Ruan arrived home safely, Aunt Liu breathed a long sigh of relief, "It's okay to be okay, but it makes your mother anxious."

Afterwards, Su Ruan saw Li Ruolan sitting on the sofa calling Li Jiajia:

"Well, I found it, I'm fine."

"The school is fine, don't worry."

"I haven't had time to ask. I'll tell you when I'm clear about the question... You and the eldest brother and the second brother."

"The leader will contact you first, in case someone else will be used."

"Okay, I understand, I'll be fine today, you should rest early, it's hard work."

Not long after Li Ruolan made the call, Yan Chengru came in from the door with a chill, and she was greatly relieved to see Su Ruan, "It's good that people are safe, this is not a big deal, you Don't worry too much."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yan Shaoyu also rushed back from school and saw Su Ruan and Yan Chengru with the same expressions, "Yes, don't be afraid, I have a classmate whose father is the municipal party committee. Yes, it can be solved in one sentence, that kind of gangster can only run amuck in Kaiyun County, in the city he is just a rat crossing the street, so don’t worry.”

Su Ruan watched so many people worry about her, and suddenly felt that she had indeed encountered a big thing;

It can be said that the matter is very big, but the problem that is difficult to solve in Su Wenshan's mouth is another understatement from the Yan family and his son, "Don't worry, it's not a big deal."

Su Ruan blinked, a strange emotion suddenly rose from the bottom of her heart, sour and reassuring, the uncontrollable turned into uncontrollable tears pouring out of her eyes...

She didn't understand why she was crying, but she frightened the three men in front of her and was at a loss. Yan Shaoshi cried anxiously, "Mom, Mom, come quickly, my sister is crying!"

Li Ruolan was taken aback, Su Ruan said quickly, "I'm fine, I don't know what's going on, it's inexplicable, I didn't want to cry..."

Li Ruolan hugged her in distress and burst into tears, "I'm sorry Ruan Ran, it's all my mother's fault, my mother made you wronged."

Yan Chengru also sighed, this is a matter of course, but Su Ruan seems to have never felt it... What kind of family is the Su family...

After Su Ruan calmed down, she still felt guilty, "I'm sorry, I thought I could solve it, so I didn't say it. I didn't expect you all to worry about it."

Yan Chengru gently said, "Don't say such things as a family, there are people who can worry about it, it is a kind of happiness."

"How can a person's life be truly stable for a few days? It's not just that you worry about me, and I worry about you. If there is no one to worry about one day, it will be very boring."

Su Ruan suddenly remembered Lu Mingchen and himself in the previous life. They are indeed people who have nothing to worry about, so they have no nostalgia for this world.

Yan Shaoyu also laughed, "Is it possible that something happened to me in the future, you don't plan to worry about me."

Yan Shaoshi immediately joined in the fun, "Yes, sister, you also worry about me."

Li Ruolan immediately pooh pooh, "Children, don't talk nonsense, you have nothing to worry about, you can't say something nice."

Everyone laughed.

Li Ruolan pulled Su Ruan to let her talk about what happened today.

"Your mother just knew that Wu Shengli had done it herself and came to you with your marriage certificate. What's going on? I went to the school to ask and didn't hear anything."

Su Ruan said, "He did come here this morning."

Seeing Li Ruolan's tense expression, she hurriedly said, "I've already cleaned him up, really."

Su Ruan is actually not very good at telling people about this. Whether it is the Su family or the Huo family, they often only look at the results when they stare at her. Su Ruan has never had the desire to share the process with them.

But looking at the concerned faces in front of him, those words that should be said naturally come out.

But what she said was a little cautious, and she did not dare to tell the truth that she was going to confront Wu Daming directly. She only said that she deceived Wu Shengli to loan 200,000 yuan to the disaster area, and then went to let He was interviewed in the newspapers…

Of course I didn't say anything about being almost injured.

"He signed a power of attorney. As long as the Wu family dares to admit the marriage certificate, I can borrow 800,000 by myself..."

Yan Shaoshi clapped his hands and exclaimed, "Wow, sister, you are too good! Now the Wu family must beg you to return their marriage certificate."

He didn't have a deep understanding of life, he didn't hear the thrills, he only knew that Su Ruan had ruthlessly cheated Wu Shengli, and now it was Wu Shengli's turn to beg Su. soft.

Yan Chengru was also shocked by Su Ruan's courage and boldness, "I called a friend from the newspaper just now, and I heard him say with admiration that a policeman donated money to the southern disaster area this afternoon. 200,000 yuan, is it actually Wu Shengli?"

Su Ruan shrank his neck, "It's him."

Yan Shaoyu, who has always been a little talker, laughed haha. Although he is usually calm, he is still young and spirited. Hearing these things Su Ruan did, he couldn't help but feel relieved, "The Wu family probably Regret it to death, you will lose 200,000 yuan if you provoke you once, you should hold the marriage certificate carefully, don't give it to them, unless they take out another 50,000 yuan!"

"Don't be ridiculous." Yan Chengru said something to him, and then said to Su Ruan, "It can't be like this in the future."

Su Ruan said it easily, but it was obviously intertwined. There is also Boss Du who cooperated with her to deceive Wu Shengli, all of which are hidden dangers.

Li Ruolan obviously thought of this as well, and scolded angrily, "God-killed Su family, what did you force my daughter into?"

At the same time, Su Ruan's heart softened into a ball.

In the past life, people used to say that all people care about whether you stand high, fly far or not, and when your performance is not wonderful, only those who truly love you care about whether you hurt or not , is not tired, not afraid.

Yan Chengru also sighed, "Good boy, if you have something in the future, you have to tell the adults. Let's find a way together, no matter how you are better than you alone. Your task now is to study hard."

After saying that, she laughed again, "However, it's really amazing, I can't do it in other words." This is the truth.

He patted Li Ruolan on the head, "It's a blessing for our Yan family to marry your mother. After more than ten years, Yan Jiabai picked up such a powerful girl for me."

He looked at Su Ruan and couldn't understand why Su Wenshan, such a smart, beautiful and resourceful girl, would not cherish her.

He was sure that Su Wenshan would one day regret his treatment of Su Ruan.

Li Ruolan laughed again after being coaxed by Yan Chengru, but she was still worried, "You have made so much money from Wu Shengli, the Wu family is afraid of jumping over the wall, you are living at home these days. "

"You don't need to worry about the latter, Mom and Uncle Yan will find a way."

How about that, she really had to go out in person to negotiate with Wu Daming, but Li Ruolan must not know about this.

Su Ruan blinked and could only tell a small lie, "Mom, uncle, don't worry, Brother Mingchen will handle the rest."

Since the agreement has been signed, this kind of pot can be recited...

"Today, a captain has been following me to protect me, and the donation channel is also given by their chief, don't worry."

Li Ruolan did not relax, but found a new problem, "Lu Mingchen? You still have contact with him? Did he come up with the idea?"

"No, no." Lu Mingchen didn't dare to let Lu Mingchen take the blame. "It was my own idea. He just sent someone to protect me after he knew the news."

"Uh, he also told me a meal, and said that I won't let me take care of the next thing, and he will handle it." Su Ruan said, "He has already reported the matter to the top. ."

Li Ruolan and Yan Chengru were a little relieved when they heard this.

Li Ruolan asked again, "What's the matter with you and him?"

"I heard your Aunt Hu say that Su Wenshan still wanted to marry you to the Lu family, and your grandma started talking about preparing a dowry for you again."

"Su Qingqing hasn't been resolved, right? How come the Lu family still has the face to look for you."

Su Ruan will not hide this matter, "Su Wenshan didn't tell me at all about marrying me into the Lu family, and I only heard what Brother Mingchen said today."

"What?!" Li Ruolan raised her eyebrows, "Su Wenshan is trying to sell you!"

Thinking of what happened today, she was furious, "Tell me the truth, did he use force to win you?"

"Well," Su Ruan said, "he said that only by marrying into the Lu family can get rid of Wu Shengli."

"Okay, very good!" Li Ruolan held her head angrily, "Su Wenshan, you are his daughter, this person, this person can really betray anything for himself."

Su Ruan quickly comforted her, "Don't be angry, I'm not his daughter, Mom, don't say that."

Li Ruolan was amused by her again, but she was still indignant, "I think if he didn't get any benefits from the Wu family, he would really be able to marry you to Wu Shengli this time."

When she first met Su Ruan, her daughter could see through it at a very young age, and she began to plan to marry Lu Mingchen. She held Su Ruan's hand and said "If you think about marrying Lu Mingchen because of this matter, you don't have to. In the past, mom was worried that he was your father. If he is unbearable, you will be looked down upon, and in the end the Su family will take anger on you. ."

"Now we're not afraid anymore," Li Ruolan said viciously, thinking that Su Wenshan had made her girl suffer so much, "and the previous alimony, Mom has been thinking about this for a long time. This time it happens that the new and old accounts will be calculated with him! I promise that he will no longer dare to attack you in the future."

"You just have to study hard."

Su Ruan couldn't explain the complicated situation between her and Lu Mingchen to Li Ruolan, and after thinking about it, she could only shyly say, "Brother Mingchen and I have already discussed this matter. …”

Li Ruolan blinked and said cautiously, "Do you like him?"

Su Ruan felt that she should put on a shy expression, but this acting was a bit difficult, so she could only bow her head and not speak.

Li Ruolan was in a complicated mood, and carefully advised, "Then you can actually fall in love first, wait until you finish your studies, or consider getting married after graduating from college."

Su Ruan said, "Su Wenshan is going to talk to the Lu family about my marriage the day after tomorrow."

Li Ruolan froze for a moment, "In such a hurry?"

Su Ruan nodded, "The Lu family is eager to get back Grandpa Lu Mingchen's things."

Li Ruolan thought about it for a long time before she remembered the reason why Su Ruan told her that the Lu family was in a hurry to tell Lu Mingchen their daughter-in-law, she said in surprise, "Is that thing true?"

She always thought it was Lu Mingchen's nonsense in order to play the Lu family.

Su Ruan nodded, "Really."

"Su Wenshan also knows." Li Ruolan thought thoughtfully, "So he won't hesitate to force you to marry the Lu family."

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing when Li Ruolan could think of the grievances she suffered for everything. Seeing her looking like she was going to be angry again, Su Ruan quickly said, "So I didn't tell him that I cleaned up the martial arts. Victory thing."

Li Ruolan was thinking about the Su Lu family's bullying of Su Ruan, but she didn't realize that the two things had anything to do with it, she just said angrily, "So what?"

"So I plan to tell them about it the day after tomorrow when they talk about marriage."

Li Ruolan finally turned her head and suddenly asked, "Is the Lu family also begging you to marry?"

Su Ruan smiled, "Yeah, because Brother Mingchen told them I had to, or they wouldn't marry."

"Both of them have to beg me, Mom, what a chance." Su Ruan rolled up his sleeves, "We can make a big deal."

Li Ruolan thought for a while, and then confirmed, "You get a certificate first when you get married, and then he recovers. You continue to study, right?"

Su Ruan nodded, "Of course, I have to go to university."

"He also wears his legs, will it be better in the future?"

Su Ruan said, "Mmmm."

Li Ruolan was still worried, "No, I'll see Lu Mingchen tomorrow."

Su Ruan nodded habitually, "Um... eh?"

"Well, he will recover tomorrow, and he has to prepare to talk about the marriage the day after tomorrow. Should we wait for us to talk about the marriage and come back?"

Li Ruolan said, "What nonsense are you talking about, before talking about the marriage, the mother-in-law hasn't seen the son-in-law, is it like a word?"

"I'll see what he thinks, and then I can talk to the Lu family and the Su family," Li Ruolan gears up, "I won't peel off their skin this time, my surname is not Li. , dare to bully my daughter."

Su Ruan:…

She never had a crush on Li Ruolan, so she could only call Lu Mingchen late at night: "Brother Mingchen, would you like to find out how to please your mother-in-law?"

Lu Mingchen, who had no mother since he was a child, was abused by his uncle and aunt, and could not get along with middle-aged women at all:…

"My mom is going to see you tomorrow."

Lu Mingchen: ! !

"Well, I said I wanted to marry you because you loved me so much."

Lu Mingchen: ? ? ?

He finally said, "Why don't you love me?"

Su Ruan said, "Last time in front of Political Commissar Wang, did I express my love for you? This time it's your turn to say."

"And, in front of my mother, you love me more than I love you."

Lu Mingchen:…

So is it his turn one at a time, or is Su Ruan just for face?

"By the way, and the matter of Wu Shengli, you helped me too."

Lu Mingchen was expressionless, "Speak at once."

"Well, I think my mother wants to talk about marriage for me the day after tomorrow, please stop it."

She wants to see Wu Daming, don't scare her mother to death, she must kill this matter first.

Su Ruan couldn't help but get distracted in class on Saturday morning, and didn't know how Lu Mingchen would deal with her mother.

After class at noon, he ran to call the hospital. When Pei Zhiming answered the call, his tone was full of surprise, "Wow, sister-in-law, the boss has changed! It's scary."

Su Ruan was taken aback, "What's the situation?"

"A completely sunny and decent young man, if it weren't for his face, which is hard to find in the world, I would have thought that he was out of pocket."

Su Ruan couldn't imagine Lu Mingchen's sunny and upright appearance, and couldn't help asking, "Where's my mother? How are they getting along?"

"The boss invites auntie to dinner." Pei Zhiming said, "Don't worry, I have passed all my brother-in-law's experience in dealing with my mother to the boss. There is absolutely no problem."

Su Ruan raised her eyebrows, "Has he asked you to make up lessons?"

"No, I called at midnight, and he came early in the morning."

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing, um, she's quite serious and responsible.

As soon as school was over in the afternoon, Su Ruan ran directly to the house, and when she entered the door, she saw Li Ruolan cooking in a very good mood, and smiled at her, "It is said that three years old look old, Ming Chen is a good boy ."

Yan Shaoshi poked her head out of the room to dismantle her stage, "You went out today and said that it may not be good if you are young..."

Li Ruolan glared at him, "Have you finished your homework, do you want to be beaten?"

Yan Shaoshi made a face and retracted his head, and Li Ruolan said to Su Ruan, "Tomorrow, you should go to the Su family and the Lu family to discuss the terms."

"When the talk comes back, let's talk about other things. Anyway, if we really want to get married, it will take some time. Let's observe and observe carefully."

Su Ruan couldn't help but wonder what Lu Mingchen did, which made her mother feel so relieved all of a sudden.

When she saw Lu Mingchen the next morning, Su Ruan immediately understood.

The family was having a lively meal at that time. Yan Shaoyu went out early in the morning to buy fried dough sticks and eggs and came back.

Yan Shaoyu put the egg in front of Su Ruan, and answered Yan Shao, "Whoever eats 100 percent before every game."

He said to Su Ruan again, "Take a good omen, I wish you a great victory today."

Su Ruan laughed, the ritual sense that she used to feel bored, now seems to really fill her body with strength.

When the meal was about to finish, the sound of the car engine came from downstairs, and the curious baby immediately ran to the window to take a look, and cried, "Wow, a jeep is in our building. Down."

Li Ruolan said, "Did Ming Chen come?"

Yan Shaoshi exclaimed in amazement, "Ah, what a handsome brother soldier."

Li Ruolan immediately affirmed: "It's Mingchen, hurry up, his legs and feet are inconvenient, don't let him go upstairs."

Su Ruan paused for a while, and always felt that Li Ruolan liked Lu Mingchen, probably because of his appearance.

When I went downstairs to meet people, I realized I was wrong, and my appearance accounted for half of it at most.


Inexplicably more sacred and inviolable, Su Ruan finally knew why Pei Zhiming called on the phone yesterday and did not dare to recognize it. This kind of righteous man is really a man who makes people feel at ease when they see it. Is that some crazy Lu Mingchen?

It feels like all the bad guys will be invisible in front of him, uh, although this is the case, he was obviously more like a bad guy than a bad guy before.

And the pair of crutches. Usually when he was sloppy, the pair of crutches seemed to be a decoration in his hands; however, he looked upright now, and the crutches under his arm let him Adds a half-point battle-damaged temperament...

Li Ruolan suddenly felt distressed, "Why get out of the car and let Xiao Pei call, it's not that aunt doesn't know your situation."

"It's fine." Lu Mingchen's voice was low and gentle, "The doctor told me to walk more, saying it would be good."

"Then also pay attention, Ruan Ruan, take care of Dian Mingchen today."

Su Ruan:…

Didn't you say that you still need to observe and observe, what's the matter with this attitude towards your son-in-law?