Things are going well at Boss Du's place. Wu Daming is not only able to bend and stretch, but also act decisively. After confirming that there is no way to get the 200,000 yuan back, he simply recognized it and followed the instructions. Boss Du's flattery was followed by a stick, and he warmly climbed up the relationship.

When Su Ruan and the others left, Wu Daming had already called Boss Du a brother.

While driving, Pei Zhiming couldn't help sighing, "This Wu Daming is also a person."

"But from what he looks like, it seems that he really intends to strike while the iron is hot to take advantage of this." Pei Zhiming was a little puzzled, "Shouldn't he clamp his tail now and find a way to cover him up? Where did all this money come from?"

"Probably don't think it's a big deal." Su Ruan snorted, "I have been the emperor for a long time, and I feel that I have everything under control."

Unfortunately, the prelude to his demise has already played.

The public opinion in this era is not as timely as in later generations. Because of this, a major event will be repeatedly chewed on for a long time, and the reporters are very strict in their pursuit of the truth and the truth.

Once they smell the wind, they will definitely dig it upside down.


Pei Zhiming said, "The city criminal investigation team has sent someone to investigate, but the case he is involved in is probably not small, and it will take some time."

Su Ruan thought about it for a while and said with a smile, "It's good, maybe we can ask him for help when we encounter difficulties in marriage.

When they got home, Li Ruolan was already waiting for them, Lu Mingchen sat up straight, restrained laziness, and turned into a masculine soldier in seconds.

Su Ruan couldn't help snickering, Lu Mingchen ignored her at all, and after accepting Li Ruolan's review, he rejected her enthusiastic retention on the grounds of returning to the hospital for reconstruction.

However, Li Ruolan also had a plan, Su Ruan handed him two thermal insulation buckets according to his mother's request, and whispered, "Come on, mother-in-law brand love nutrition meal, after eating it can be effective Alleviate the problem of being afraid of the mother-in-law."

Lu Mingchen:…

Looking at her squeamish appearance, Lu Mingchen couldn't help but tap her foot with a cane, Su Ruan stepped back and smiled, "I can't."

Lu Mingchen glanced at her like a fool, turned his head and got into the car, Su Ruan laughed.

In the end, when she looked back, she saw Li Ruolan looking at her with a smile on her face, Su Ruan couldn't help blushing, thinking about what she just did and couldn't help covering her face, God, how could she do such a childish thing.

Fortunately, Li Ruolan didn't say anything about her, she only cared about the outcome of today's events.

When she heard the amount of the betrothal gift Su Ruan wanted, Li Ruolan was stunned, "How much did you say you asked for?! The Lu family agreed?"


Su Ruan omitted the process of Wu Daming's threat, and only said that because of Lu Mingchen's insistence and her demands for fairness and justice, the Lu family finally agreed.

Li Ruolan smiled happily when she heard Su Ruan want to introduce a blind date to Lin Meixiang and Mr. Lu, "This is a good idea, if they really don't give it, I will handle it for them myself."

Yan Shaoshi immediately offered a candidate, "Mom, the head teacher of the class next door to me just got divorced, and I've been asking around to find a daughter-in-law, but my head is a little bald, but the rest is fine."

Yan Chengru knocked on his head and scolded, "It's none of your business, don't mess around."

Then said to Su Ruan, "With this money as a guarantee, even if they don't care about others, they won't be afraid."

Li Ruolan has already counted up with great interest, "Yes, with this money, refrigerators, color TVs, and washing machines can be added." She asked Su Ruan, "Have you two discussed the matter of the house?"

“Where do you plan to live after you get married?”

"If the Lu family is not ready, I think the newly developed Ping'an community next to it is very good. It is 911 square meters. I went to see it today. In the future, if you have children, it will be enough."

Su Ruan:…

Although she wanted to move out and have her own place as soon as possible, she didn't expect Li Ruolan to be so anxious.

When Li Ruolan took out a piece of red paper from her pocket, Su Ruan knew there was something more urgent.

"I went to find someone today to figure it out. There are a few good days at the end of this year."

How much did you do this morning? !

Li Ruolan pointed to a date in the middle of the red paper and said, "The twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, although this day is a bit rushed, it is more suitable to take advantage of your winter vacation."

"And the new year is the sprint stage of the college entrance examination. When various mock exams come up, there may be conflicts in the days. If you are in school, don't be too public."

Su Ruan couldn't help but said, "Didn't you say you were still observing and observing when you came back yesterday? It's been a day since you arrived, so just observe?"

Li Ruolan looked like "Are you stupid", "How else to observe?"

"The victory of people and martial arts has been solved easily for you, and it has also helped you to ask for so many gifts from the Lu family, not only has the ability but also towards you, this is not enough ?"

Added at the end, "It's still so good."

Speaking of this, she slapped her forehead and said, "By the way, I asked the doctor yesterday. The scar on his face is now applied with medicine, and it can be removed after a long time."

Su Ruan:…

Her mother is really a face control.

However, Li Ruolan's final exclamation made her laugh.

She said, "This means that the Lu family doesn't treat people as treasures, and let us pick them up and miss them. Of course, we must quickly pick them up."

Yan Shaoshi said unconvinced, "My sister was picked up and leaked by him, and the Su family doesn't treat my sister as a treasure."

Li Ruolan remembered the Su family again, "What did they say about giving you all the dowry? Du Xiaohong and Mrs. Su didn't make trouble?"

"The incident of Wu Shengli scared them to death," Su Ruan didn't say anything about Wu Daming's beating, "they couldn't use Wu Shengli to threaten me, so I threatened them, they If I don't promise to let me receive the dowry, I won't promise to get married."

Li Ruolan still reminded, "But you still have to be on guard, they will coax you first, look at it, as long as you get the dowry, Su Wenshan and your grandma will be afraid I want to ask you for something in a different way."

Su Ruan sneered, "Don't worry, they don't have that face."

Told her about her encounter with their plan, "It was all torn on the spot, and I can't give it when they say it."

Li Ruolan's focus was on how they were going to divide up Su Ruan's dowry, and now it exploded again, "God, how can there be such a shameless person in the world, who used the money from selling my daughter to her daughter Son shopping?"

Su Ruan hurried to appease her, "It's all their own dreams, and they can't come true."

"Why is it impossible?" Li Ruolan was a little excited, "I've seen it through this time, don't think Su Wenshan will really stop her."

Don't dare to plan like that!"

The more Li Ruolan thought about it, the more angry she became, "It's because you're smart, you haven't been deceived by him, but if you still think about him, don't you mean you're going to be **** off!"

Su Ruan sighed, Li Ruolan really saw it thoroughly, in her last life, she was not caught by Su Wenshan, even if he wanted to sell her, but in the end she still got married because of her At that time, the passbook he secretly stuffed into her remembered him for the rest of his life, and he never cut ties with him until he died...

Yan Chengcheng Confucianism, "If the Su family does not have any interests now, I am afraid that they will not manage a soft marriage."

Yan Shaoshi has always regarded the Su family as the biggest villain in the world, and said worriedly, "Mom, what if they do something wrong when my sister gets married?"

It's not impossible, and it's not impossible to force a dowry on the wedding day. If it's the other way around, Su Ruan won't give money and won't let you go out or something...

Yan Chengcheng Confucianism, "If we can take over and arrange it, it is best, I am afraid that the Su family will not give it."

"I definitely won't let it." Li Ruolan sneered.

The Su family has always been like this, just like back then, Su Wenshan didn't want Su Ruan at all, just because Li Ruolan wanted him, he insisted on fighting for the custody of Su Ruan, and he almost didn't care if it passed.

Su Ruan's marriage is the same now, even if they don't want to bother, they will never leave it to Li Ruolan.

But Li Ruolan didn't plan to take over this matter, she got up and went to the room to get an iron box out, "Of course, let his Su family do it."

" Ruan Ruan grew up there, although the matter of Wu Shengli has been resolved, it must have some influence on his reputation. A lively wedding in the county town can just stop those Messy mouth, otherwise those people will not know what to say in the future."

"In the future, Ruan Ruan will definitely be given to Su Wenshan, then he has to fulfill his obligations!" Li Ruolan sneered and put the iron box on the coffee table, "I promise he will not dare to have any careless."

Su Ruan saw the stack of remittance vouchers in the iron box, and finally had the opportunity to ask what he always wanted to know, "How much money did you send me in total?"

Speaking of this, Li Ruolan showed signs of anger again, "Before you were six years old, it was ten yuan a month."

Ten yuan was a lot for the past seven years. At that time, Su Wenshan’s own salary was only over thirty.

"It gradually increased after that. Mom guessed that he would definitely be ignorant, so I thought of giving a little more, at least half of it would fall on you." Li Ruolan said angrily, "I really I never imagined that he could be so shameless that he was completely ignorant."

After all, who would have thought that a director of the Education Bureau in Su Wenshan would treat his own daughter so harshly?

He is not short of money, Li Ruolan thinks the worst is that he doesn't ask Su Ruan, and then takes some of the money she sent, and the rest is used by the old lady to raise Su Soft, the result still underestimated the shamelessness and hypocrisy of the Su family.

"You went to junior high school and high school, and your mother's conditions are better. You know that studying is hard, and you give more than 100 yuan every month."

"Then you turned eighteen and thought the little girl was going to dress up..."

Let him spit it out!"

Su Ruan flipped through the thick stack of money order vouchers, suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and she reached out and picked up a passbook under the voucher.

Although all the passbooks look exactly the same, Su Ruan is very, very sure that this is the passbook she married with in her previous life!

When she and Huo Xiangyang got married in the last life, Su Wenshan was not free, and it was all Mrs. Su Zhang Luo. The old lady was too old and had no energy, so Du Xiaohong took the thousand from the Huo family. Eight's dowry buys things according to the dowry list.

The result can be imagined, everything is the worst quality.

In this age, housewives are very fancy about the quality of things, especially the dowry sheets and bedding of the girl's family.

Huo Mu, a shrewd person, estimated at a glance, "This is half the money."

Su Ruan almost couldn't raise her head in Huo's house until she found this passbook in the package she brought over. The huge sum of 3,000 made Huo's mother completely shut her mouth and made her A good start at the Huo family.

She always thought that Su Wenshan was afraid of Du Xiaohong, so she secretly stuffed it to her.

"This..." Li Ruolan saw Su Ruan holding the bankbook in a daze, and smiled, "It's a dowry saved for you, open it and take a look."

Thinking of saving some more for you."

"The dowry is the strength of the girl's family. She has enough strength, and her mother-in-law dare not look down on it." She said this and smiled again, "Who would have thought that my daughter had won such a generous dowry by herself."

Su Ruan couldn't laugh, she suddenly asked Li Ruolan, "What if I always believed in Su Wenshan and refused to recognize you? Isn't this prepared for nothing?"

"How can you prepare for nothing?" Li Ruolan didn't know why Su Ruan asked this silly question, "I'll sneak it to you."

Sighing and saying, "Your temper was really... I wanted to give it to you, but you definitely couldn't ask for it. At that time, I was so angry that I wanted to hit you. But I thought about it and estimated No more chance..."

Su Ruan reached out and hugged Li Ruolan's arm, "I'm sorry, Mom, I was really stupid..."

Li Ruolan rubbed her head and comforted, "There is no way a child can make mistakes. Fortunately, it is not too late. Don't be so stubborn in the future."

Su Ruan buried in her neck and nodded solemnly, "No, I will listen to my mother in the future."

Li Ruolan laughed, rubbed her hair and boasted, "Good baby."

She flipped through the stack of remittance vouchers, "Leave the rest to Mom!"