The appearance of a Fu aunt seemed to make all the previous filth disappear.

When the old lady Su was leaving, she changed her resentful attitude on the phone before, and didn't mind Su Ruan's indifference, took her hand and sighed, "I know you blame you Dad, he has indeed been pushed by Du Xiaohong over the years to become more and more outrageous."

Drop it, you said it in a few words."

"It's you, if grandma doesn't let you take the exam during the college entrance examination, do you hate me?"

"You think about it." The old lady Su sighed too much, "But then again, there is no overnight feud between the father and the daughter, and you are going to get married soon. Go back in two days It's good for your father to admit his mistake, and the father and daughter just talk about it."

"It will be someone else's house in the future, even if you want to make trouble with your father, you won't have a chance."

"Your dad regrets this time too," said this, the old lady's eyes were red, "he didn't expect to force you into this, if he had known you would have been frightened like that, He tried his best to deal with it for you..."

She believed that Mrs. Su really felt sorry for her at this moment. Maybe Su Wenshan really regretted for her for a moment or two without any interests. It was precisely because of these accidental Sincerely, she had nowhere to turn to in her previous life, and she always held on tightly and couldn't let go.

Because they are the closest people to her.

She has no one but them.

Unfortunately, she is no longer the helpless Su Ruan at the age of twenty.

Now she is very clear that this is the cunning of the Su family, relying on the so-called blood kinship, as long as you really give a little affection, the subsequent demands and hurts can become a matter of course.

Like now, they found out that she had something they could ask for, so they felt sorry for the pain she had suffered. Last time, the contradiction that almost tore her face, they also used the sentence "There is no overnight stay between father and daughter." hatred" is easily whitewashed.

Afterwards, it will naturally be the tolerance and love of the true feelings.

Su Ruan reached out and touched the key hanging around her neck. It was given to her by Yan Shao, because the new key at home was not very easy to use, so Yan Shao insisted on changing it with her.

I also solemnly conducted a handover ceremony with her.

Su Ruan couldn't help laughing at the scene of the little boy hanging the key around her neck with a serious face.

Looking at the distressed look on the old lady's face, she found that the things she longed for when she was young suddenly became dull.

As soon as he entered the ward, Lu Mingchen looked over, not with the usual casual look, but with a careful look.

She touched her face, "What's wrong?"

Lu Mingchen said, "Nothing" and handed her the peeled banana in his hand.

Aunt Fu, who was sitting next to her, suddenly laughed, "I said that I didn't eat it after peeling it for a long time. It turned out to be waiting for the object."

She has completely changed her face, like a loving elder, and sighed, "I still remember my little sister wrote a letter and said that when Mingchen was a child, whether he liked people, or To comfort people, they are all stuffed to eat."

"I didn't expect to grow so big and still not change."

Su Ruan paused, and suddenly remembered the two toffees that Lu Mingchen gave her when they went to the Brilliant Hotel that day. At that time, he thought he was bored, but now he thinks about it, is it to comfort her?

Although Su Ruan felt that she didn't need to be comforted, she still took a bite and said with a smile, "Thank you brother Mingchen, what would I do without you."

Lu Mingchen looked at her exaggerated expression and ignored her, so he simply lowered his head and peeled the oranges to eat.

Aunt Fu looked at them, a face full of ravines smiling like flowers.

"I thought I was going to scare you, but I didn't have time to say hello."

Su Ruan shook her head, "My mother reminded me." And she didn't feel the maliciousness of the other party.

"That's good," Aunt Fu smiled, "Speaking of this time, thanks to your mother."

And said angrily, "Mingchen is also true. When encountering such a thing, I don't know how to contact me. If it wasn't for Su Ruan's mother, I didn't know you were going to get married."

"You don't plan to tell me if you won't get married."

Lu Mingchen was helpless, "How come, isn't this the marriage report that hasn't been filed yet?"

"And then, I made a marriage report and asked the Lu family to despise your wedding?"

Lu Mingchen said, "I can solve it myself."

"How to solve it?" Aunt Fu asked, "Oral threat or persecution?"

"This is a major event in your life. How can they do it well for you if they are unwilling."

Su Ruan smiled and said, "So Aunt Fu is still very good. As soon as she came out, they all fell asleep immediately."

Aunt Fu laughed, "People like them who see money, have to hang like this."

"Okay, you can prepare to get married at ease, and leave the rest to me, this old bone, and keep it for you to do it decently."

Aunt Fu really did what she said. Within two days, Su Ruan received a call from the Su family, saying that she would be asked to go back on the weekend, and the Lu family would officially come to propose marriage.

The main content of the marriage proposal is actually that the two families sit and have a meal together, and the most important thing is to discuss the details of the wedding such as the wedding date and dowry.

Li Ruolan already had a draft of these things. Since Lu Mingchen made the marriage report, she was like a chicken blood. Every day she was free to study the wedding, and she thought about all the big and small things. over and over.

So from the beginning of the Lu family's proposal, she was ready to formally participate.

The mother and daughter got on the bus to Kaiyun County, Li Ruolan was still very excited, "I went to the photo studio to see it today, the popular wedding photos are quite good, and we will settle down after the discussion tomorrow. After that, you and Ming Chen will also take a photo, Ming Chen looks good, you two will definitely look good in the photo."

Su Ruan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You should think about how to deal with the Su family first. It's hard for Mrs. Su to scold you."

Speaking of this, Su Ruan frowned, "Actually, I don't care where the wedding is held. If it's too troublesome, you can just take over it all."

"Speak like a child." Li Ruolan said, "Your wedding can only be held at Su's house."

"Eliminating the impact of Wu Shengli's incident is actually second, and the most important thing is your reputation."

"After all, it is a fact that Su Wenshan and Mrs. Su raised you, and no one can deny it."

Calling you an ungrateful white-eyed wolf."

"And whether it's out of face or out of revenge, the Su family will definitely not let it go easily. When the time comes, it will ruin your reputation, so it's better to just admit it."

Li Ruolan sneered, "If Su Wenshan wants to play a loving father, let him play it well. I don't agree with him if he doesn't act like me!"

Su Ruan knew that Li Ruolan acted carefully, so she no longer worried. On the contrary, thinking that Li Ruolan would help her arrange the marriage after tomorrow, she felt a lot more stable.

It feels so good to have a mother.

After arriving in Kaiyun County, Su Ruan and Li Ruolan separated, Li Ruolan went to find a hotel to live in, to prepare for tomorrow's affairs, Su Ruan went directly back to Sujiagou.

The yard of the Su family was busy, and Mrs. Su was instructing her daughter Su Mingyue to clean the glass. Su Mingyue's husband Zhao Li was sweeping the yard, apparently to welcome the Lu family tomorrow. Prepare.

Seeing Su Ruan, Mrs. Su hurried to greet her, "Why did you come back so early? Your father said he would pick you up at the station after work."

Su Ruan said, "Some political review materials need to be stamped."

Old Mrs. Su smiled when she heard the words, "Everything has started to hand in the materials? Isn't that how you can get the marriage certificate soon?"

Su Ruan perfunctory, "I don't know."

A head suddenly appeared on the top of the wall, "Softness came back?"

It was Sister-in-law of Osmanthus who heard the movement next door, but Su Ruan was used to it and greeted with a smile.

Sister-in-law Osmanthus went straight to the topic, "Ruan Ruan, you made an order with the Lu family? The betrothal gift really costs 19,800!"

I don’t blame Sister-in-law Osmanthus for being surprised. In 1990, the custom of the bride price in Kaiyun County was 1,880, and there were many people who couldn’t get it out. Su Ruan suddenly increased it tenfold. , how can you not be envious.

But before she answered, Sister-in-law Osmanthus asked excitedly, "Your father drove your stepmother and younger siblings back to Du's house, did you quarrel over your dowry? How much does Du Xiaohong plan to keep?"

Du Xiaohong and Su Tiantian were kicked out? Su Ruan thought about it but was not too surprised, it was something Su Wenshan could do.

Seeing the expectant look of Sister-in-law Osmanthus, Su Ruan said with a smile, "13,000 yuan to buy a piano for Su Tiantian, 2,000 yuan to pay Su Mingfeng to study classes, and the rest to buy things for me ?"

Sister Osmanthus had a toothache expression on her face, "God, it's too dark, can your dad agree?"

Old Mrs. Su's face changed, and just as she was about to speak, she heard Su Ruan say, "Well, my dad doesn't agree."

In the end, before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she heard Su Ruan continue, "My dad said buy a piano and give me the rest."

Sister-in-law of Osmanthus: ... "What's the difference between what Du Xiaohong said?"

The old lady Su said helplessly, "Ruanruan, what nonsense are you talking about." She said to Sister-in-law Osmanthus, "She's joking, we don't want any penny, let her bring go back."

Look how nice it sounds.

But I heard Sister-in-law Osmanthus laughing, "Old lady, don't be joking, if you want to cover up your son, say something decent."

Su Ruan laughed, and gave a thumbs up to Sister-in-law Osmanthus, "Sister-in-law is very discerning."

The old lady is gassy.