The evidence is conclusive, in front of Li Meihua and so many aunts and wives in the village, Su Wenshan's face couldn't stick with super glue.

But because of this, he seems to want to break the jar and lose the money.

After 18 years, when they were greedy, they didn't feel much for a month or two. At most, they wanted to improve their lives and occasionally surprise, but when they took it out at one time, they almost had to pay With all the savings at home, how could it not be distressed.

On the surface, it was Du Xiaohong.

Li Ruolan did not go back to the city with Su Ruan and Lu's family that day, but stayed in Kaiyun County with Zhuang Siyuan, and went directly to the dormitory of the government unit the next day to block the door of Su Wenshan, and Du Xiaohong immediately sprinkled It's a shame to roll, the decency of civil servants in the past is completely gone, anyway, she won't take the money out even if she dies.

According to her statement, Su Wenshan's reputation has been ruined anyway, everyone knows what's going on, the money won't change anything, why should it be given.

Su Tiantian cried once because she couldn't buy a piano last time. If the money is given out, whether her daughter can continue to study at Shengde High School next year has become a problem.

She directly threatened Li Ruolan, "Don't think that Su Ruan can't do anything to her after she gets married, she won't make me feel better, and I won't make her feel better!"

I won't be able to go to college this year!"

Li Ruolan's face turned cold, "So my daughter's diarrhea in the college entrance examination this year is also your fault, right?"

Du Xiaohong didn't recognize her, but she has acted recklessly for so many years, she is not a person who can hide things, her eyes are bright and happy.

Li Ruolan's chest was full of anger, and she gritted her teeth, "Okay, you can do whatever you want."

"I'm not the only one who has a daughter, my junior sister is in Shengde High School, I have already inquired about Su Tiantian." She sneered when she said this, "I don't study and follow other people's bosses all day long. My son runs behind his ass, and serves as a servant girl who runs errands for dozens of dollars and pours tea for others. I am quite happy to be.

"But I think her business ability is a bit poor, then I will suggest to my junior sister to let her clean the bedroom, classroom, toilet, go to the cafeteria to help with cooking, etc. Most of the children in Shengde High School are I want to go abroad, it's very delicate, Su Tiantian is just right."

"After practicing, maybe the boss's son thinks he can take it home to be a nanny? It just so happens that he doesn't need to take piano lessons."

Du Xiaohong's eyes were splitting, "You dare!?"

Li Ruolan thought for a while, "This is really not very good, why is Su Tiantian also our soft half-sister, our soft sister is still a bit too cheap to be a nanny, not as good as me Send her abroad."

She stared straight at Du Xiaohong, "Did she bring up the matter of studying abroad with you when she came back this time?"

"Shengde High School can send children abroad at the age of 16 or 17. I know the process. I can send her abroad." She smiled grimly, "I will send her out!"

This going abroad is obviously not the kind of going abroad that Chinese people admire.

Du Xiaohong screamed subconsciously, "What are you doing?"

Li Ruolan continued to laugh, "abroad is very open, young people like to smoke drugs together, and girls who get pregnant at the age of fifteen or sixteen abound. Oh, by the way, you may not know that abortion abroad is a If you break the law, you will have to give birth if you are pregnant."

Du Xiaohong rushed over to fight Li Ruolan desperately, "Li Ruolan, you dare!"

Li Ruolan picked up the bag and swung it over, "You can try it, I dare not, you may not be familiar with me, my daughter used to respect her father, I want to give my daughter respect Just let you be at ease."

Ghost, "I, Li Ruolan, swear, that Su Tiantian will be returned tenfold and one hundredfold!"

Du Xiaohong was completely frightened.

But the last straw that overwhelmed Su Wenshan was Zhuang Siyuan's words.

"Su Wenshan, you should be glad that Ruan Ruan is your daughter." Zhuang Siyuan didn't help Li Ruolan fight, she lit a cigarette leisurely, her eyes were full of amorous feelings, but what she said made Su Wenshan directly changed face.

"When she was eight years old and you didn't send her to school on time, were you caught and almost expelled from the county first high school for a style issue?"

Su Wenshan thought of something, with a look of surprise, "It's you?"

"Yes, it's me." Zhuang Siyuan said, "I don't need my old man to speak, it's just a matter of my words."

"In the end, you can survive without any danger, but you can continue to enter the Education Bureau after staying in high school for two more years, not because you are lucky, but because Su Ruan can't have a father who does nothing."

"It's the same now. For her 20 years as your parent, I won't make you look too ugly."

"But you'd better remember that she is your talisman. If she is not good, I can let you play it completely. I don't need my old man to shoot."

Su Wenshan of course knew that what she said was true. After all, he used to have it at his fingertips. He would always pay attention to the promotion of Father Zhuang unconsciously, and he had already experienced Zhuang Siyuan's revenge.

Get rid of his position, but it's just a word from Father Zhuang.

Su Wenshan did not dare to allow Du Xiaohong to make trouble again.

When the money was given out, Du Xiaohong was really crying, and her voice was louder than that of the uncle who was watching the door downstairs.

She probably didn't understand how things got to this point.

She had planned to make a lot of money in Su Ruan's marriage since the Lu family proposed marriage, but now she didn't make any money, instead she gave away all the family's savings.

People in the yard watched the whole process, and some people sighed, "I can't think of Ruan Ruan's mother being so hard-hearted, why would I have to follow her mother and children earlier and suffer so many years of grievances."

Li Meihua doesn't know what to say anymore. She has seen a lot of conscience-less things, but the Su family is considered to be the best.

"These people don't spare any blessings, don't need much care, as long as they have a little conscience, they should fulfill their responsibilities. Su Ruan is an excellent college student at this moment. A rich and promising son-in-law."

"No, what do you think he's planning, his mother sent so much money, and they are not short of money, it's really self-inflicted and can't live."

"Or don't ask for it at all. If you ask for it, treat it harshly. Are you sick?"

Someone snorted, "Retaliation, it's disgusting to do things."

"So, people still have to have a conscience when they do things. It really deserves this kind of trouble."

Su Ruan was already in school when these things happened, and it was Yan Shaoshi who relayed it to her, and at the end he said happily, "Sister, they will never dare to bullying you!"

Yan Shaoyu bought braised pork and came back to celebrate that night. Although Li Ruolan had not yet arrived home, it did not prevent them from toasting her bravery.

Li Ruolan kept accumulating power for a long time, and the effect of the thunder strike was naturally significant, and then naturally intervened in Su Ruan's marriage.

To the outside world, Su Ruan felt that the 20 years of upbringing should not be forgotten, so the wedding was still held by the Su family.

People who knew the inside story in Sujiagou and Kaiyun County always praised Su Ruan for benevolence and righteousness.

And everyone knew that when booking a restaurant and buying a dowry, it was in the name of the Su family, but in fact it was all paid for by Li Ruolan.

Su Wenshan only paid back the 11,500 yuan on the remittance slip. He didn't mention what Li Ruolan gave Su Ruan.

Li Ruolan wouldn't cover it up for him, and said actively, "Forget it, it's just you who worked hard for me to raise my daughter and reward you."

"After all, Su Ruan also spent a thousand dollars on food and water, didn't she?"

The embarrassed Su Wenshan couldn't raise his head for a few days, but he really ran out of money.

However, after Li Ruolan took over the preparations for Su Ruan's wedding, Su Ruan felt that all her free time was squeezed to the extreme.

The Su family and the Lu family don't have to worry about her at all. In addition to the 20,000 betrothal gifts given by the Lu family, Li Ruolan also added the more than 10,000 yuan given by Su Wenshan. I can't work out my mind at all.

It was the first time that Su Ruan knew that marriage was so complicated.

In her past life, her wedding preparations were very simple. She remembered that Mrs. Su prepared a few sets of quilts for her, and then went to buy clothes with Huo Xiangyang, and took two photos before marriage. Finish.

The people of the Su family were not busy except preparing the banquet two days before her wedding.

But now, almost everyone in the Yan family and Li family is busy because of her marriage, especially Li Ruolan is like a spinning top.

Every day lunch is replaced by Yan Chengru, Su Ruan only sees Li Ruolan in matters related to her marriage.

For example, choosing a house.

Because of the money that Su Wenshan repaid, Li Ruolan took great care of the house in the adjacent Ping'an community.

Obviously they do not agree with their plan to rent a house and get married, "If you don't have money, that's fine, since you have, of course you have to have a place of your own, otherwise you won't have a sense of belonging, and you always feel like you're not floating. You can leave anytime."

Su Ruan suddenly thought of Lu Mingchen, he needed ties and a sense of belonging.

Li Ruolan is still talking, "Besides, the house can't be run there, don't you ever come back?"

"Okay, buy it."

The largest comprehensive shopping mall in Lin City.

Ping'an Community seems to have been demolished and rebuilt with matching high-end residences.

In this way, this house is quite profitable to buy.

So at noon, the two went to see the room.

Because the public stall is small, the actual use area is actually quite large, and the layout is naturally not as reasonable as later generations, but it is already a good apartment type in this era.

Li Ruolan set up the house with the sales office, and talked about the decoration, "Since you don't live often, you don't need to buy electrical appliances, those that are not frequently used are easy to break, and you don't need to buy good furniture. Yes, almost."

"Your eldest uncle is a carpenter. You can see if you want to buy ready-made ones, or ask your uncle to make them."

Su Ruan's heart moved, she didn't like the current five-drawer combination cabinets or anything. It is better to ask my uncle to customize the whole house for a house of more than 60 square meters. Anyway, she can draw drawings.

"But you still have to discuss it with Ming Chen, it's better if both of you like it." Li Ruolan said, "Now start the decoration, it will be almost finished in a month or two, just in time for your wedding. ."

Speaking of this, Li Ruolan pouted, "The Lu family is so anxious that they really want you to get married tomorrow, just use this reason to delay them."

"Your dowry has to be spent on the surface, or else you'll have to find excuses to ask you for money every day when you get married."

"I asked your uncle to go to the building materials city this afternoon to have a look, and come back with the pamphlet for floor tiles and furniture. You can bring it over to discuss with Ming Chen on Sunday."

"Once your uncle contacts the decoration team, it can be installed immediately."

"Oh, by the way, I made an appointment for you at the photo studio. You guys go to take wedding photos this weekend. When the time comes, we can discuss it by the way, and the matter is correct." She said and sighed again, " Hurry up and make an appointment to save your study distraction, and getting married during school still has some impact."

Su Ruan said, "Don't worry, I have the foundation, I will do today's papers."

"That's good, Mom will decide everything that Mom can decide for you. You should be less distracted. If you can't, let Ming Chen worry more about it."

"Oh, I also want a cheongsam." Li Ruolan said, "Didn't you say you like a cheongsam? Your aunt Siyuan prepared a few pieces according to your size. You can take a look at it after school tomorrow at noon. If it's not suitable, you can change it. Maybe you can wear it for wedding photos on the weekend."

When Li Ruolan chose a wedding dress for her before, Su Ruan said she wanted to wear a cheongsam.

Under the education of Mrs. Su when she was young, she hated the word vixen very much. On the contrary, her appearance belongs to the charming and gorgeous style, so she tried her best to dress up in sobriety.

Later, she married into the Huo family, and Huo's mother even asked her to be virtuous at home. When doing business with Huo Xiangyang, she was very busy every day, and she never thought about dressing up.

It wasn't until later that she made the company bigger and bigger, and hired a stylist for some decent appearances. Only then did she find that she was very suitable for wearing cheongsam.

Later, she met many excellent women, and she slowly began to learn to please herself. Seeing more and more beautiful and elegant women in the mirror always made her feel happy.

So when Li Ruolan talked about taking wedding photos, she first thought of cheongsam, and Lu Mingchen's military uniform was just right. There were not so many tricks in the photo studios of this era, they were all suits and wedding dresses of various colors .

I didn't expect Zhuang Siyuan to make clothes, so she promised to make some beautiful ones for her.

Speaking of this, Aunt Zhuang is also a strange woman. In this era of advocating iron rice bowls, she gave up the road that her parents paved for her, and went directly to the sea to do business, which can be called deviant.

But obviously she loves her career very much and has a first-class aesthetic. Su Ruan likes all the three cheongsams she prepared.

So Zhuang Siyuan waved her hand, "Just as a wedding gift for you, wrap it all up."

Su Ruan is not polite. Now she has learned to accept gifts from others. As for return, she started in the clothing business in her previous life, and she can always help Zhuang Siyuan.

Su Ruan called the hospital after school on Saturday afternoon to remind Lu Mingchen that Zhou Tian went to take a wedding photo, but Lu Mingchen didn't answer the phone, and Huang Haiwei hesitated when he spoke.

Su Ruan wondered, "Where's Brother Mingchen? What's wrong?"

Huang Haiwei paused for a while, and his tone was a little empty, "It's okay, the boss's aunt and Lu Mingwei and his wife have come to see him, he can't leave now, I'll help you tell the boss in a while. "

Su Ruan said nothing, hung up the phone and ran to the hospital.

The third floor of Lu Mingchen's house are people who have been hospitalized for a long time and are relatively clean.

So as soon as Su Ruan went up to the third floor, he heard the vague commotion in Lu Mingchen's ward, and when he approached, he could hear the woman's malicious accusation, "Did I say something wrong?!"

"Your parents and your mother were killed by you, and your father died on your birthday. If it weren't for you, your mother's body wouldn't be so fragile!"

"Your grandparents and uncle and third uncle we kindly raised you, how can I feel sorry for you, you want to beat us like this, are you worthy of your underground parents?"

Su Ruan saw a middle-aged woman with a plump figure at a glance, it was Lu Mingchen's aunt Lu Caixia.

Beside her stood a young man and woman, probably Lu Mingwei and his daughter-in-law Meng Yingying.

The three surrounded Lu Mingchen in the middle, looking condescendingly, as if interrogating a prisoner.

After Lu Caixia finished speaking, Lu Mingwei continued, "Mingchen, you are indeed going too far. Your mother was sick back then..."

He didn't finish his words, and no one could see what was going on. Lu Mingchen, who had been sitting listlessly in a wheelchair, suddenly struck Lu Mingwei by the neck. pressed on the armrest of his wheelchair.

Meng Yingying screamed in horror, "You, what are you doing?! Let him go!"

Lu Mingchen didn't let go, there was no expression on his face, but the corners of his mouth were flattened, and the ends of his eyes were completely drooping.

Meng Yingying was about to scream again, Lu Mingchen raised his eyelids and glanced at her, the screaming in Meng Yingying's throat stopped abruptly as if she was startled by something.

, rushed to the rescue.

However, Lu Mingchen didn't seem to feel her strength, so he brushed her away with his free hand, stretched his long arm, grabbed the white porcelain cup on the small table, and his eyes fell on the deer On Caixia, it seems that it is appropriate to measure where to hit first.

Lu Caixia was frightened and hid at the door, "Lu, Lu Mingchen, you lunatic, let go of Mingwei!"

Meng Yingying held Lu Mingchen's wrist while crying incoherently, "Help, he is going to kill, he is going to die, Lu Mingchen, let him go! You are killing, You devil..."

When Lu Caixia huddled in the corner, she finally noticed Su Ruan who was standing at the door, she was refreshed, and suddenly said loudly, "Mad, your partner is here!"

Lu Mingchen paused for a while, raised his eyelids and glanced at Su Ruan, and after a while, as if seeing an irrelevant stranger, he continued to tighten the strength in his hands, and asked casually Lu Mingwei, "What did you just want from me?"

Lu Mingwei was choked at the neck and couldn't speak at all, his face was turning purple, he struggled desperately, but he couldn't escape Lu Mingchen's iron pincer-like big hand.

Meng Yingying saw that her husband was breathing more and less, so she quickly answered for him, "No, no, the house ring, we don't want anything, let go of Mingwei."

Lu Mingchen chuckled, "Oh? That's the choice to kill, right?"

Meng Yingying nodded desperately, but Lu Mingchen raised the corners of his mouth badly, "If you say you want it, you don't want it, I don't have multiple choice questions here."

Meng Yingying was frightened by his madness, and her face was full of tears, "Lu Mingchen, I beg you." Then she turned to Lu Caixia for help, "Little aunt! Hurry up, Mingwei dying."

What can Lu Caixia do? She could only shout at him, "Lu Mingchen, your partner is frightened by you, don't let go of Mingwei, you frighten her away and no one will marry you, then you can take everything No!"

Su Ruan suddenly closed the door of the ward, picked up the narrow-necked white porcelain vase next to her hand, and walked straight to Lu Caixia, Lu Caixia saw her face was not good, and she shrank to the corner of the wall in fright, " You, what are you going to do?"

Su Ruan turned her head and asked Lu Mingchen, "Where do you want to smash? Is it okay to smash your head?"

Lu Mingchen was stunned for a moment, and Lu Caixia cried out in horror, "What do you want to do? Are you crazy?"

Su Ruan said nothing, picked up the vase and smashed it down again. In Lu Caixia's screams, the vase brushed her head and hit the hard wall next to it, shattering directly. Cracked, the flying fragments crossed Lu Caixia's cheek, and two bloodstains appeared in an instant.

Lu Caixia touched the blood on her face and cried out in panic, "Mad, you are a pair of lunatics."

"Thank you for your compliment," Su Ruan's tone was as casual as Lu Mingchen's, "Where is this going?"

She held up the remaining piece of porcelain in her hand and pressed it against Lu Caixia's face, "I want all the dowry gifts, Mr. Lu personally nodded and agreed to give them, he is obliged to hold the wedding for you, and I am also obliged to do it for Lu Mingchen."

"If you feel unconvinced, ask Mr. Lu to come and tell me that your aunt who married outside doesn't even have the right to speak, so what are you talking about here?"

Saying that, put down the tile and shouted angrily, "Go away!"

The nurse who heard the movement rushed over and was startled when she saw the whole place, "What's wrong?"

Su Ruan sneered, "It's alright, it's alright, we accidentally break it, we will pay for it."

Sending the nurse away, Su Ruan walked to Lu Mingchen and sat down.

Lu Mingchen ignored her and just leaned on the wheelchair, as if he didn't even breathe, as if he wanted to completely disconnect from the world.

Su Ruan took a broom and came over to clean up the mess, and said, "This porcelain bottle was broken for you, should you pay for it? I have no money now."

Lu Mingchen still didn't move, he said after a while, "Our cooperation agreement can be terminated at any time, right?"

It was still a lazy tone, but Su Ruan still felt his indifference, as if all the closeness and tacit understanding had been cut off by him.

"It's right to say so." Su Ruan put down his broom and stood in front of him, "But I think the agreement has been signed. It's better to cooperate for at least two years?"

She regretted, "I should have written a minimum deadline at that time, otherwise you would think about quitting at any time, and then I would be ashamed to death."

Lu Mingchen said lazily, "Who told you not to write it?"

Su Ruan sighed, "Isn't this afraid that I will scare you away by writing it?"

"Where can I find such a suitable partner? Of course, I will deceive people first."

Lu Mingchen said expressionlessly, "Cheating marriage."

Su Ruan could hear the resentment inside, and couldn't help but be surprised, "How can you say that to me, obviously you agreed."

You lied to me and I agreed.

Su Ruan didn't know what Lu Mingchen was thinking, so he tugged at him, and discussed in a good voice, "Brother, this contract has been signed, if you really want to terminate the agreement, it will take two days. New year, otherwise I would be really embarrassed."

"I was scolding him in front of Huo Xiangyang two days ago, but it was abandoned in a blink of an eye. Believe it or not, he will come to see my jokes and harass me right away?"

Seeing that Lu Mingchen didn't speak, she wondered, "Or maybe I didn't behave well enough?"

She rolled up her sleeves, "How about you make a plan for me, I'll go back and practice well, and I'll do my best next time."

Lu Mingchen finally looked at her, "Is there a next time?"

"Why not?" Su Ruan said in surprise, "Our contract is very clear, in front of outsiders, one person must support the other person unconditionally."

"Next time the Lu family dares to bully you, of course I will continue to fight alongside you!"

She raised a smiling face and asked for clothes with a smile, "How about it, I did a good job just now? Your sister-in-law almost **** her pants."

Lu Mingchen still had no extra expression, Su Ruan rolled his eyes, and suddenly made a hiss.

Lu Mingchen watched her play, and as a result saw a slender and white hand stretched out in front of him, with a long blood opening on it, which was obviously drawn when the porcelain bottle shattered .

Lu Mingchen's expression froze.

Su Ruan said, "It hurts."

Lu Mingchen said loudly, "Huang Haiwei!"


"Go get the iodophor and gauze!"

A smile flashed in Su Ruan's eyes, and he suddenly mastered the skill of acting like a spoiled child.

She possessed herself and looked at Lu Mingchen, "Brother, I supported you today, and tomorrow it's your turn to support me."

Lu Mingchen took the things that Huang Haiwei handed over, and hesitantly looked at the little tender hand in front of him, who was a circle smaller than him.

I heard Su Ruan bluntly tell Huang Haiwei, "Do you have your boss's medal with you?"

"Tomorrow, I will prepare two spiritual uniforms for him." He did not forget to add, "A belt, wide or narrow."

Lu Mingchen:…