At about eleven o'clock, a mighty group of people appeared at the entrance of Sujiagou Village. It was the other members of the Li family who arrived, three aunts, and several cousins. I couldn't recognize it for a while, but fortunately, I was there to introduce her to her.

After hurriedly recognizing people, Su Mingyue and other close relatives from the Su family also arrived. Mrs. Su called Su Ruan to go out to meet people, and the aunt said, "Hurry up and do your work, Leave us alone."

After speaking, I took a group of people out and started to work directly. After the uncle who was in charge came, there were more delicate work and division of labor.

The older cousins ​​and cousins ​​helped build the shed, and when I was young, I took a few children around.

After Su Ruan poured water tea for the relatives and friends of the Su family, she came out when she saw Su Wenshan and Mrs. Su chatting.

She would rather wash vegetables and listen to gossip with her aunts and daughters-in-law than listen to the slandering of the Li family by the Su family.

The people who helped were very fond of the Li family, and a sister-in-law said, "Su Ruan, your grandma's family is really prosperous."

Sister-in-law Osmanthus smiled while chopping vegetables, "You don't see people doing things, it's unreasonable that such people are not prosperous."

She sighed and said, "I used to hear people say that the family style is good, but this time I saw it. Look at Su Ruan's three uncles, they have business and capacity."

"All those daughters-in-law came to help today."

Someone said, "It's outside, can it still be seen as a joke?"

"That's impossible to say." Sister-in-law Osmanthus stretched her neck and whispered, "On Su Qingqing's wedding day, Du Xiaohong was in the county seat. When did she come back?"

Everyone laughed at once, "Du Xiaohong just came back for dinner, and did you help?"

Sister-in-law Osmanthus added, "Su Mingyue is also an aunt, so what about the couple."

Naturally, she is also a guest, just like today.

Everyone agreed with Sister-in-law Osmanthus, that if you want to really make up for unity, you can wait until tomorrow for a feast and a ceremony.

"No, adults can't see it, and children can't see it? There are more than a dozen large and small, and I think the youngest is only seven or eight years old. close."

While she was talking, Su Mingyue and an aunt from the next room came over. "Ruanruan." Su Mingyue called her.

Su Ruan smiled, "Little aunt."

Su Mingyue sighed, then asked her, "Do your uncles dislike you?"

Su Ruan smiled, glanced at the busy Li family, then looked at Su Mingyue and said with a smile, "Why, if you dislike me, you will help me in a cold weather. Manage the wedding banquet, just carry it in your pocket and be a guest."

Su Mingyue took out her hand from her pocket unconsciously, coughed lightly, and squatted down to help pick up the vegetables.

The aunt in the next room didn't move, she just asked Su Ruan, "Your dowry is really 30,000, but your mother didn't get a cent?"

The implication is that the uncles came for the bride price.

Su Ruan said, "My mother added 3,000 yuan to buy a building for me. The decoration and furniture were all added by my uncles."

Sister-in-law Osmanthus smiled and said, "The uncles and uncles have all added. What is your aunt, Mingyue, going to add something to your niece?"

Su Mingyue couldn't hold it on her face, so she just gave an extra 50 gift to get close, what can I add.

The aunt in the next room should have a good relationship with Su Mingyue, and said, "Isn't your aunt also worried that your Li family will be wronged?"

Su Mingyue hurriedly said, "Yes, it's not just me, since you left, both your father and your grandma have been very uncomfortable."

"Qingqing, that girl also knew it was wrong, she almost fought with the Wu family because of you, so she directly reported the Wu family. Wu Daming heard that she wanted to eat peanuts, and Wu Shengli would never come out in this life. "

You are wronged."

The aunt in the next room continued, "Is she really good to you? Even if your mother is close to you, they have a new son, and your uncles have never met..."

Before she could finish her words, Su Mingfeng's sharp scolding suddenly came from outside the door, "She is a wild bastard, a bastard!"

Then came Yan Shaoshi's angry voice, "Do you scold my sister again?! I'll beat you to death, sir!"

Su Mingfeng's voice was loud, "This is our house, get out of my house with that wild species!"


"You dare to scold my mother, I will kill you!"

Then there was the sound of children fighting, and everyone rushed out when they heard the movement.

When they went out, the older children had already separated the two who were fighting together. There were many Li family members, but it was not a loss when Yan was young. Su Mingfeng was still struggling in the arms of a cousin of his own family. He rushed over and scolded Su Ruan and the Li family in an unclean manner.

Su Wenshan looked at the gazes of the people around him, his face darkened, he stepped forward and grabbed Su Mingfeng's back collar and scolded, "Shut me!"

Yan Chengru also hurried over, still wearing an apron, staring at Yan Shaoshi, "What's going on?"

Yan was wronged when he was young, "Dad, he scolded my sister! The scolding is so ugly!"

"Dad, why do we have a wedding at their house?" He said, and went straight to drag Su Ruan, "Sister, let's go back and do it at our house, why are we here, the yard is broken again It's still far, and grandma and grandpa can't even come."

When Yan Chengru held down Yan Shao, he raised his head and said to Su Wenshan gently, "Director Su, what do you think about this?"

He raised his hand and looked at the table and said, "Actually, it's still too late to change the place. Go to the city to book a few tables and call someone to change the place."

"As for the things in the house, after Ruan Ruan comes back, they are all new, and there is nothing missing."

His tone was gentle and calm, with a negotiable tone, but what he said was tough.

Obviously Su Wenshan did not expect that Yan Chengru would not strike a balance, but instead appeared to seek justice for Su Ruan.

Su Mingyue hurriedly said, "This is just a joke, we have everything ready, why are the children more serious when they are fighting? commonplace."

Yan Chengru looked at her, his tone still gentle, "Will your two children scold each other's wild bastards?"

Su Mingyue was speechless, the aunt in the next room glanced at Su Mingfeng speechlessly, and could only make a round of it, "On the days of soft and happy, we don't have to care about such trivial matters, all It's not worth it to be an ignorant child after preparing so hard for so long."

"Ruan Ruan has to be carried by her brother when she goes out." The original plan was for her son to carry Su Ruan to go out.

Yan Shaoyu stood up. He and Yan Chengru had a similar appearance and temperament, and said with a gentle smile, "My family is soft and not short of brothers."

The cousins ​​and cousins ​​of the Li family all stood forward in an instant, and the faces of the Su family were not very good.

Yan Shaoshi proudly said, "Hmph, there are five more in my grandma's house!"

The atmosphere that was still a bit tense was instantly punctured by his child's words, and everyone laughed.

The onlookers are all pointing and pointing.

Someone said, "Those who don't know think that they are Su Ruan's father and brother."

"The one that Li Ruolan found is really good."

"Hmph, it's more than ten times stronger. The stepfather is all working, the father has his pockets, and it's not funny."

Uncle just heard the news and came out to pretend to reprimand a bunch of children, "What are you doing? Why are you being lazy when you are so busy? Hurry up and work!"

Then he glanced at Su Mingfeng with a vicious expression and said to Yan Shaoshi, "You are so grown up, what do you care about with children? Hurry up and take your sister back."

He said to Su Wenshan, "You should also educate children well when they are young. No matter if they are sisters or not, no one can say that they are educated when they scold the newlyweds at other people's weddings, right?"

Mingming Su Mingfeng and Yan Shaoshi are the same age, but they are standing here, doing things and talking is a world of difference.

Someone sighed, "Mingfeng and Tiantian are really badly taught by Du Xiaohong, you can teach our children well, don't learn Mingfeng."

His daughter-in-law said angrily, "What do you mean, teach your child to be alone? You've done a good job of leaving your hands to the shopkeeper."

Su Wenshan's face was hot, and his eyes gradually became gloomy when he looked at Su Mingfeng. Su Mingfeng seemed to feel something and immediately did not dare to make trouble.

"The older one just now wasn't Li Ruolan's own, right? People live like brothers."

"So the father is a coward, the mother is cowardly, or the soft and soft mother will teach the children, Wenshan's wife is broken..."

Su Wenshan coldly pulled Su Mingfeng out of the crowd, and then said gloomily, "Go back to your mother, you all go to your grandma's house tomorrow, don't come here."

Su Mingfeng looked at Su Wenshan a little scared, "Dad..."

Su Wenshan pushed him, his tone increased, "Go!"

The farce ended like this, Su Mingyue didn't have the face to say anything worried about her bad life at Li's house. On the contrary, many people praised that it was thanks to Su Ruan that he recognized his mother, otherwise Du Xiaohong would have to hold the wedding banquet, and they didn't know what kind of disaster it would be.

The Su family went to the house to stay in despair, and the yard became the home of the Li family.

Yan Shaoshi followed Su Ruan vigilantly, for fear that someone would come over and say something unpleasant to bully Su Ruan.

Su Ruan touched Yan Shaoshi's head and smiled happily.

After lunch, two good friends of Su Ruan also came, Zhao Lili and Malaner, both from the same village.

After the two came, Su Ruan didn't have to work outside, and went to the house to say some private words between girls.

The two asked about Su Ruan's life in the city. They heard that she was envious of having a house, but they were more curious about what kind of person Lu Mingchen was.

Before Su Ruan could say anything, she heard a little commotion outside, Zhao Lili looked around, "Su Qingqing and Huo Xiangyang are here."

She pouted, "They both have faces."

Ma Laner sneered coldly, "Her face is thicker than the city wall, she must be showing off, and she wants to be soft."

Zhao Lili said, "But she is really good at dressing up."

Su Ruan probed and saw that she was wearing a red cheongsam and walked in with Huo Xiangyang's arm.

Huo Xiangyang was wearing an army green trench coat with a tight belt around his waist, making him look slender and slender.

In the eyes of the villagers, this dress is as fashionable and beautiful as a star, which immediately attracted a lot of praise.

Ma Laner frowned and said, "Su Ruan, please pay attention to your partner, Su Qingqing's mother is now saying that your partner is paralyzed and sitting in a wheelchair, and she doesn't know what to do when she stops her relatives. Play."

"I think she's going to have a bad idea."

Zhao Lili said, "Anyway, Su Qingqing is definitely not at ease, you guys be careful."

Su Ruan's eyes swept across the two of them, sneering in his heart, want to suppress Lu Mingchen? It's really overpowering.