Su Qingqing was startled when she heard Han Cheng's voice because of her guilty conscience at first.

When she turned her head and saw Liao Hongmei's smiling face, she immediately realized that the captain of the city's criminal investigation team suddenly appeared at Su's house, it must be for her.

This is a huge face, as for the lie she told? Anyway, Captain Han is afraid that he won't have time to deal with these people.

She glanced at Su Ruan, got up reservedly and went out, "Captain Han."

Su Wenshan and Mrs. Su had heard the news and ran over, Su Wenshan said in surprise, "Captain Han, why are you free? It's really a miss."

Han Cheng is an old criminal policeman in his forties, but his temperament is very easy-going, "Director Su, I came here uninvited and disturbed."

Liao Hongmei said attentively, "Is Captain Han here to find us Qingqing? Is there anything else that needs her cooperation?"

Han Cheng said, "No, this time is a private matter."

Talking here, my niece is getting married today, and the family is a little chaotic."

Han Cheng refused her guidance and said with a smile, "I came to see Comrade Su Ruan specially today."

The Su family's faces flashed with surprise, Su Qingqing blurted out, "Captain Han knows my cousin?"

Han Cheng smiled, "Of course I know."

Li Ruolan has already lifted the curtain to invite people into the room, "Captain Han, please come in quickly, I didn't expect you to come here."

Han Cheng smiled and said, "I was supposed to go to the head of the deer. This is not the case here, so I came here first and counted as a front stop for them."

His eyes fell on Su Ruan and smiled, "This is Comrade Su Ruan, I have long admired his name."

Su Ruan said with a smile, "to each other, I have always heard Brother Mingchen mention you."

Everyone looked at them in surprise. Captain Han's attitude towards Su Ruan was obviously much closer than Su Qingqing.

Su Wenshan couldn't help but say, "Captain Han, you and my daughter..."

Han Cheng was surprised, "You don't know?"

"Speaking of the arrest of Wu Daming, your daughter is the most important thing. It is a blessing for Director Su to have such a brave and resourceful daughter!"

Su Wenshan could only put on a smirk with pride.

Everyone looked at each other, all looked at Su Qingqing, Su Ruan was the first, then Su Qingqing...

Liao Hongmei hurriedly said, "That, Team Han, is Wu Daming who was reported by our Qingqing, why is it Su Ruan..."

Han Cheng glanced at Su Qingqing, but did not hesitate to praise, "Yes, Comrade Su Qingqing also provided us with valuable clues."

"However, Comrade Su Ruan deserves the most credit for this matter." He smiled, "If it wasn't for Captain Lu who was worried about her safety and went to investigate Wu Shengli, we wouldn't have found Wu Daming. A big tumor."

This sentence he said a little teasing, "such a beautiful bride, no wonder the head of the deer is so nervous."

Su Ruan made a coy look, "Captain Han is joking."

Someone understood, "So it is Wu Daming who is the soft object to check first for Su Ruan?"

Han Cheng said with a smile, "Yes, but the investigation went smoothly thanks to Comrade Su Ruan."

"If it weren't for her outstanding ingenuity, Wu Shengli donated 200,000 yuan, attracting reporters from major media to come to Kaiyun County, forcing Wu Daming to hide the evidence everywhere but revealing the truth, we would not have How to solve the case so quickly."

Everyone was shocked, "It turned out that Su Ruan asked Wu Shengli to donate 200,000?" They really didn't know anything about this.

Someone concluded, "So, Lu Mingchen found someone from the city criminal investigation team to investigate Wu Daming, and Su Ruan deceived Wu Shengli to donate 200,000 yuan, which led the reporter to Kaiyun County. , Su Qingqing just picked up ready-made ones and asked reporters to report them, not Wu Daming who she brought down at all?"

Han Cheng was stunned for a moment, "Comrade Su Qingqing brought down Wu Daming?"

But this is the biggest ridicule, telling that Su Qingqing and Liao Hongmei are stupid and ignorant.

Liao Hongmei was not convinced, "Here, Captain Han, what are you laughing at, don't we have meritorious service?"

He couldn't help laughing and said, "We started investigating the Wu family when Wu Shengli was eyeing Comrade Su Ruan. It is not ruled out that the desperados have not been found yet, you said that you brought down Wu Daming, if those people believe it, they will be revenge."

Although it was a serious persuasion, the words also expressed the meaning of "quickly stop talking nonsense", and many people showed a mocking expression.

Ma Laner deliberately said, "Su Ruan, you two have done such a big thing, why don't you say anything, we don't know."

Su Ruan glanced at Su Qingqing and said with a smile, "What's there to say, Wu Daming is a lot of harm to others, we just started to protect ourselves."

"It is Captain Han and the comrades of the city criminal investigation team who really eradicated the cancer of Wu Daming. They have been busy day and night for several months. How can we talk about taking credit."

When she said this, the eyes of everyone looking at Liao Hongmei and her daughter were full of ridicule and contempt.

No, Lu Mingchen and Su Ruan did such a big thing and didn't say anything, Su Qingqing took advantage of other people's east wind and reported it, and it became Kaiyun County The big hero, what about the criminal police who investigate the case day and night?

What's even more funny is that they are still working hard for Su Ruan, forcing others to forgive, thinking about the grievances Su Ruan suffered before, people are really desperate.

Unfortunately, not only there is no ground drill, but Zhao Lili still remembers her grudge. Seeing Han Cheng's kindness, she summoned the courage to ask, "Captain Han, just now Su Qingqing said that the clues she gave you belong to the case handling. Confidential, won't you tell me?"

The Korean team was stunned for a moment, "What can't you say? There's nothing you can't say?"

A cousin of the Li family exposed her with a smile, "No matter how close she is to Wu Shengli, she knows very little, so there is nothing she can't say."

There is a meaningful interface from the fastest sister-in-law, "I'm afraid you can't tell us..."

Not only Huo Xiangyang, but Su Wenshan and Mrs. Su all looked at Su Qingqing in amazement. After all, they had all seen Su Qingqing's boldness and shamelessness, and whether Wu Shengli had a deeper contact with them Not really sure.

Su Qingqing bit her lower lip, her face turned white with anger, but because Han Cheng dared to say anything, she could only hold Huo Xiangyang's hand tightly and was greatly wronged "Brother Xiangyang, don't you understand me?"

Huo Xiangyang didn't know what to think, and his brows were slightly loose.

Liao Hongmei saw that something was wrong, so she thought to change the subject quickly, just when she heard the sound of firecrackers in the distance, she immediately said, "Is it coming to pick up the relatives!"

Everyone listened attentively, and sure enough they heard the cheers of the children, "The groom is here, the groom is here!"

"It's really coming!" Liao Hongmei hurriedly grabbed Su Qingqing and Huo Xiangyang to go out, and all the people in the room rushed out to look in the direction of the village entrance.

The fence in the yard is low, standing on the steps of the door, you can see a car coming from a distance, the villagers and children who love to join in the fun all run over there.

Liao Hongmei walked to the gate of the yard and shouted at the young man and the children who were planning to make trouble for the groom, "You guys take it easy for a while!"

"The groom is in a wheelchair, but I can't stand your toss!"

Suddenly there were ignorant children calling "paralyzed groom", "wheelchair groom" and the like.

Li Ruolan glanced at Liao Hongmei coldly.

From yesterday to today, the Li family has been bullying them, and Su Ruan is not enough to bully her daughter. !

As the sound of firecrackers approached, the figure of the team gradually became clear.

The people in the village made a sensation: "God, how many cars are here? Six!"

"The Lu family is indeed rich, and Su Ruan is married."

To have a car these days is very respectable. Su Qingqing found six motorcycles a week ago to pick up her relatives and was envied.

On the way into the village now, an army green jeep starts, followed by four cars, and finally a shed truck...

Liao Hongmei said yin and yang, "This is not enough for six cars, so I got a truck to fill up the number?"

When I got down, the window of the second car was lowered, and someone sprinkled candy outside.

The children squealed with joy.

Liao Hongmei made up her mind to suppress Su Ruan for a while, and immediately greeted with a smile, "Hey, where are the people who stopped the relatives? You guys are quicker!"

"There is no size on the wedding day, so there is a rare opportunity to take advantage of the head of the group. If you miss this village, you will not have this store!"

"You can't let ten dollars in red envelopes per person! Captain Lu has money."

Some very egregious things bully people to take advantage of.

Usually people who know in the village will find someone to stop them, and the Li family is not familiar with Sujiagou. Now Liao Hongmei, the main family, has spoken again, and suddenly there are several idle gangsters in the village carrying it Two long benches stood in the middle of the road. Ten yuan, even if there was no ten yuan, three yuan per person would be enough for them to eat out and play twice. Of course, such a good opportunity should not be missed.

There are also people around frowning and scolding, "These wicked things, don't go too far!"

And which sentence did she say wrong?

Thinking of this, she pretended to say to Huo Xiangyang who was following, "Xiangyang, hurry up, you are also a bridegroom just now, help me in the past, Ming Chen is your brother-in-law anyway, Take care!"

Huo Xiangyang tidied up his clothes subconsciously, and after thinking about it, he should fasten the buttons of his clothes and re-tie his belt.

The photo is just a posed shot, a good posture can make you look good, but not necessarily now, no matter how handsome a person in a wheelchair is, can he be more attractive than a healthy person?

Zhao Lili in the room was furious when she heard the words, "Su Qingqing's mother is really as disgusting as she is! How come you are also her own niece, are you so disgusting? !"

Ma Laner said worriedly, "We have to be careful when we go out in a while, that Su Guma especially likes to take advantage of the bride and the little girl."

Yan Shaoshi said angrily, "Don't worry, sister, we will definitely protect you. Big brother and cousins ​​have all gone to help, and my brother-in-law will definitely not be embarrassed."

Su Ruan was not in a hurry at all. She lay by the window and looked at the bustling excitement outside.

Her eyes fell on Su Qingqing, and the corners of her lips twitched, "Since you remember to eat and not to fight, then you can fight once and for all."

The people who accompanied Su Ruan in the room were appeased by her calmness. They stretched their necks and looked out curiously, but they were also prepared that Lu Mingchen, who had inconvenient legs and feet, would suffer.

The nerds over there have begun to shout, "Either step over us, or get a red envelope of ten yuan per person!"

This requirement is obviously to bully the groom so that he can't walk.

The brothers and sisters of the Li family were about to step forward, and Huo Xiangyang walked over with a cigarette in his hand, looking like he was about to clear the siege, "Brother..."

The leprechauns thought they were going to give money, with a smile on their faces, "Of course, we're talking! Ten yuan per person, let you go to marry your daughter-in-law immediately!"

The baby-faced youth smiled when he heard the words, and suddenly said loudly, "Brothers, get off the bus! Assemble!"

The moment he finished speaking, the doors of the three cars behind suddenly opened neatly and uniformly, and four pine green figures emerged from each car.

The truck in the back is even more exaggerated, jumping down a dozen in a series of hula la, all of them are vigorous.

Where have the villagers seen this battle, they suddenly exclaimed, and the bold sister-in-law and daughter-in-law began to exclaim and cheer.

Twenty-five or six people jokingly ran forward, the most unknown situation got out of the truck, "What's going on? Where's my sister-in-law?"

"I'm blocking my relatives." Pei Zhiming pointed to the yard of the Su family dozens of meters away, "Brothers, sister-in-law is right in front!"

He pointed to a few leprechauns in front of the car, "Accept your sister-in-law's first mission and step over them!"

"If any of you can't do it, so that our boss can't receive his wife, you're finished!"

His command was fast, he acted faster, those scorpions were still watching the fun, and twenty or so brave young men rushed in front of him...

Press the shoulders and take off. Before Huo Xiangyang could realize what was going on, he felt a figure stride over his head, and he wanted to move with a confused look, but then The next person pressed him on the shoulder...

The onlookers pointed at them and laughed, "It's time! I finally met someone to treat them."

Liao Hongmei's face was ashen, Su Qingqing was also furious, and hurried over to arrange Huo Xiangyang's clothes, "Brother Xiangyang!"

The jeep just started, Lu Mingchen put his elbows on the window to support his face, and the moment he passed them, he let out a chuckle.

Su Qingqing gritted her back teeth, Huo Xiangyang looked at him angrily, but he could only see Lu Mingchen's lazy back of his head.

Su Qingqing wanted to say something to Huo Xiangyang, but he threw his hand away and hurriedly got behind the crowd.

These soldiers didn't get in the car after they got off, and they were directly arranged in two teams to **** the cars.

The jeep drove in with a few cars behind, and stopped at the gate of Su's house.

The people in the back also ran up and ran up, surrounded the car, waiting to see the mysterious groom.

Liao Hongmei was so angry that her lungs were about to explode, and she said loudly, "Get out of the way, the groom needs to get out of the wheelchair! Xiangyang, come and help! Don't let it fall! "

No matter how powerful it is, it is not a cripple!

Su Qingqing dragged Huo Xiangyang forward as well, staring at the back door of the jeep, as if seeing the embarrassed Lu Mingchen would make them save their face and save a city.

Finally, the rear door was opened, but before everyone could wait for the wheelchair, they saw a long leg stepped straight down, shiny leather shoes, and close-fitting military pants.

It was just right, facing Liao Hongmei and Su Qingqing.

Su Qingqing widened her eyes in shock and blurted out, "How is that possible?!"

Lu Mingchen held the belt with one hand and tidied up the brim of his hat with the other, and then swept the three people in front of him lazily, focusing on Huo Xiangyang's clothes. With a tsk, he stepped into the yard, and the soldiers behind him consciously followed him to clear the way.

It just sucks.

There was another uproar in the yard:

"Isn't it paralyzed? Where is the paralysis? Who is talking nonsense?"

"Liao Hongmei said that Su Ruan is going to marry a paralytic..."

"Don't believe her words in the future, except for hurting people, every truth I think Su Qingqing is like her."

"The big thing is the character. I used to think that she likes to compare. Today, I look at it, and it is completely unseemly. This is too vicious..."

Liao Hongmei's face was pale, she turned her head and wanted to leave, Li Ruolan said loudly on the steps, "Oh, her second aunt, what happened to your daughter and son-in-law? Your son-in-law's clothes are wrinkled, why? It's like that leprosy Su Gema, let him change it quickly, it won't be easy to see."

The aunt said with a serious face, "No, I don't think their mother and daughter are looking very well, so it's not that they are uncomfortable, or you should go back to the house and rest, and don't Come out and meet people."

The family of three finally hid back in the East Room, and this time they didn't have the face to make trouble.

In the room, Zhao Lili and Ma Laner's excited hands clapped red and jumped high on the ground.

"God, Su Ruan, your partner is so handsome, ah ah!"

Su Ruan looked at Lu Mingchen's legs with a smile on his face, which was really a big surprise.

Li Ruolan can be considered proud, smiling from ear to ear, complimenting Lu Mingchen, "Well, really spirited." She was about to let people in.

Yan Shaoshi said loudly, "Mom, you are stupid, you want to stop your relatives! You can't let them in like this!"

But after the incident just now, no one dared to go on the Su family's side. In the end, the cousins ​​and cousins ​​of the Li family who were calling to protect Lu Mingchen blocked the door.

However, the other party is not only numerous and powerful, but also has both civil and military skills. The various problems and difficult movements required by the cousins ​​of the Li family were easily resolved by them.

The villagers cheered and the yard was more lively than ever.

In the end, Pei Zhiming quickly stepped forward and put a red envelope in Yan Shaoshi and a few children's hands and set them aside, and the large army finally broke through the door.

Su Ruan looked at Lu Mingchen standing in front of her and couldn't help showing a big smile. Sure enough, Lu Mingchen stood up even more handsome, her eyes swept across his waist , eyes bright.

Lu Mingchen was stunned when he saw her expression, until he was awakened by the other party's explicit eyes, showing disgust, but he couldn't stop laughing after a second.

He also raised his eyebrows at Su Ruan, as if to say, well done.

Su Ruan grinned and gave him a thumbs up. It was very good, and it earned her face too much.

The soldiers who rushed in behind looked at her curiously, exclaimed in amazement, and excitedly called "sister-in-law."

"I believe it, she is indeed the most beautiful sister-in-law!"

Su Ruan smiled, "Why so many people."

Pei Zhiming said, "I was on vacation to see my sister-in-law, but the car couldn't fit, so I had to get a truck to pull it over."

Su Ruan laughed.

With these people around, I would have thought that the most difficult part of finding shoes would be easily cracked. Who let there be a few scouts here, just relying on Zhao Lili and their expressions and eyes to find the hidden place Red shoes in a box.

Lu Mingchen bent over to put it on for her, and the two went to the main room together to serve tea to the elders.

When Su Ruan walked beside Lu Mingchen, he realized that there seemed to be fine sweat on his temples.

He paused for a while, then took his arm calmly, Lu Mingchen's body was slightly stiff, and there were coaxing sounds around, Lu Mingchen looked down at Su Ruan, and slowly let go With some strength on her, Su Ruan firmly supported him and continued to move forward.

After the tea changed, the aunt brought peanuts, red dates and lotus seeds to the two of them to eat, meaning to give birth to a precious son early.

The two of them were eating a bowl each, and an aunt joked, "Ruan Ruan, your family Ruan Ruan is definitely a blessing, I think next year will be able to give birth to a big fat boy."

Beside her, her sister-in-law said, "You know this again?"

"Why don't you know?" My aunt tapped Lu Mingchen's chin, and her tone was very firm, "Look at how upturned your **** is! A man's upturned buttocks take care of giving birth to a son!"

Su Ruan almost sprayed.

Lu Mingchen, who was next to him, was choked and coughed continuously.

The aunt hurriedly cheered him up, and the aunts around him laughed even more joyfully, as if watching the newcomer be embarrassed and shy was their greatest pleasure.

The deafening sound of firecrackers finally sounded outside, and the aunt said, "Okay, the auspicious time is here, it's time to go out!"

Li Ruolan's eyes blushed instantly, and she couldn't help but hug Su Ruan and cry.

Su Ruan was saddened by her crying, hugged her back and choked, "Mom."

Yan Shaoyu went out with Su Ruan on his back, and whispered while walking on the road, "Ruanruan, I'm really happy to have a sister like you."

"In the future, not only the Li family, but also the Yan family will be your support. You must think about your family."

Su Ruan burst into tears, "Thank you, brother."

Thank you for accepting me gently, thank you for letting me know that there is still warmth in this world that I can rely on…