Su Ruan didn't think about Song Xiaozhen anymore, since it was her idea, she would come to her sooner or later.

Although everyone was a little uncomfortable on the first day of the new year, everyone was in good spirits early on the second day of the new year.

The custom in Donglin City is to return to her parents' home on the second day of the new year, so Su Ruan rubbed Li Ruolan again, and the whole family went to Li Village happily.

The grandmother's house is more lively than the last time I came here, the girls married by the uncles also came back with the uncles, and the sisters-in-law who were busy with the shop before, they entertained them back to their parents' home today My aunts, they all go back to their parents’ home in the sixth grade.

It is also a rule established by the former Li Village for so many years.

Su Ruan visually estimated that grandma's kindergarten had expanded to almost ten, and each of the little Doudings held small snacks in their small hands and raised an innocent smile, infecting everyone.

Xiao Zaoer, who was rescued by Lu Mingchen last time, seemed to remember him, and ran over after seeing them. Chen's legs raised his head and smiled at him, calling him "Uncle" in a milky voice.

The second cousin, not far away, smiled, "This guy knows how to look for good-looking people at a young age, and whoever looks good likes to hug his legs."

Su Ruan looked down at the chubby little cute baby, she just said, the Li family must have a face control gene, and the next generation is probably on Xiao Zaoer.

Get out of the way and let me clean up for a while."

Su Ruan and the others entered the room, and they saw two tables in the hall, one table where men played mahjong and Kan Dashan, another table where older children played poker, and women sat on the kang Chat with grandma.

But Grandma Li is now full of disgust, "Noisy headache, soft, Xiaolu come over quickly, let Grandma take a good look."

The eldest cousin pretended to be jealous, "Grandma now has a treasure in her heart, and she starts to dislike us."

Grandma glanced at her, "I have treasured you for more than 30 years, shouldn't you dislike it?"

"Now it's time for Ruan Ran and Xiao Lu." Speaking of which, the old lady pretended to be sad and sighed, "I want to treasure you all, but who is it? There is only one heart, and it can only take turns."

"However," she took Lu Mingchen's hand, and she smiled blindly, "As handsome as Xiaolu, you don't need a wheel."

My brother-in-law, what should I do with my sister Ruan Ruan?"

Grandma snorted lightly, with an expression of "you bad guy", "You stop lying to me."

"One heart, four rooms!" She said proudly, "Ruanruan and Xiaolu now occupy two, and the remaining two depend on your performance. Anyway, there is definitely no troublemaker like you. ."

Turn around and complain to Su Ruan, "I was very bad when I was young, I'm going to be annoyed by him!"

Everyone laughed, and some people were surprised, "Grandma, do you know that there are four rooms in the heart?"

The old lady said proudly, "Look at me, grandma knows everything."

The third cousin smiled, "I told my grandma."

At ten, I still love to learn.

Several eldest grandsons all came to offer treasures when they heard the words, and they wanted to be the other two treasures of the old lady, and they made everyone laugh.

There were three tables for lunch this time.

When my cousin-in-law and cousin-in-law fired three pots at the same time, I understood why the kitchen of my uncle's house was so big.

In this way, a meal will be served in less than half an hour.

Grandma Li laughed while eating, "The more you scramble for everything, the less you get, the more you let go."

"So no matter how much work you do, everyone rushes to do it, but you don't have much; no matter how little delicious food you eat, everyone lets you eat and you can eat it all, you know."

Su Ruan slammed this sentence, and suddenly felt that the old lady had great wisdom. Looking at the group of half-aged teenagers at the third table, all nodding and being taught, I probably understood that the Li family could be like this The cause of harmony and unity.

After dinner, the young people and half-aged teenagers took turns to wash the pots and dishes, and the people who were just busy sat down to chat and rest.

Su Ruan watched Lu Mingchen sit beside the third uncle and listened to them lazily. He couldn't help laughing in his heart. Grandma's house is really a good medicine to cure negative emotions.

In fact, if you listen carefully, there is nothing unusual about it, it is all about planning for the new year.

"...The policy has been decided. The road next to our village needs to be repaired. Once the road is repaired, our village will definitely be better."

"Let's not talk about it later, I don't know if Mao Jiadong can contract this project." The third uncle looked forward to it, "If it is contracted, I will follow him as a small foreman, and I will be able to do it within a year. If I earn three or five thousand, my Xiaowei won't have to worry too much about getting married this year."

When the children get married, they almost have to pay for the money once they get home, and maybe they will need to borrow money.

As he was talking, a man came in outside the door. He was not tall, but he had a strong physique. He had a fierce look and a rough voice.

"You just contract the project, and you can get 100,000 yuan a year. You won't have to worry about marrying 10 daughters-in-law for Xiaowei."

The third uncle laughed and scolded, "Let's play the ball, why don't you marry your son three daughters-in-law? Didn't you make a lot of money with Mao Jiadong last year?"

Everyone they know calls people to say hello, Fugui brother, Fugui uncle.

After a round of responses, they smiled at Su Ruan and Lu Mingchen, "This is your golden niece and son-in-law? I belong to your fourth grandfather, you should Call me uncle."

Su Ruan:…

Lu Mingchen also looked at her and couldn't help laughing. Her nickname, Jin Gudou, is expected to take root in Li Village.

After greeting them, Li Fugui answered the third uncle, "Don't mention it, Mao Heizi's grandson is full on his own, and our partner only took the money after tearing his face. It's enough, he didn't dare to owe the wages of those workers, and he didn't dare to owe them in this village, and the people from other places only paid half of the money, and there was no limit to the dark hearts."

too many migrant workers.

"I'll tell you the truth," Li Fugui continued to persuade Li Sunyong, "Then you can package the project. I know the leg that holds the project, and I can pack it for you."

Generally, this kind of project is tendered by the government, and those who have access are called legs. These legs get the project and then subcontract to different people to do it. These people who take the project are the contractors. foreman.

Foreign contractors and coal bosses are synonymous with famous upstarts in later generations, and they can indeed make a lot of money.

Li Fugui and the third uncle analyzed the feasibility, "This project really needs a foundation, someone knows the technology, and we don't worry about the workers. After successful annual acceptance, you can get 170,000 or 80,000 yuan, and at least 100,000 yuan!"

Uncle San didn't waver at all, "You also said that it would cost 70,000 to 80,000 yuan, so where did I get so much money?"

"Why not?" Li Fugui said, "I will partner with you, I can come up with 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, but you guys can't make up 30,000 to 50,000 yuan?"

"I know your family's rules. If you borrow money at that time, can you just repay it with interest?" He said, and glanced at Su Ruan, "The family also earns a little bit of money. , no one can lose."

He said and sighed, "If I had brothers and relatives like your family, I would do the work myself, but unfortunately for my brothers, when they were rich, their brothers and sisters called My dear, when you want to use them, one by one hides faster than a rabbit."

The third uncle still shook his head, "My family can't make up that much, don't look at all the stalls, but it takes money to press the goods, and there is also turnover money, the children eat, drink and go to school. What, the days are all tight."

Uncle Fugui hates iron not turning into steel, "How do you know if you don't ask?"

He turned to look at Su Ruan, "Ruan Ruan, it's called Ruan Ruan, if you put the money in your hand, you will die. If you lend it to your uncle, you can get a few thousand dollars more in the next year. , how appropriate."

"Your uncle can't cheat you, can't you?" Looking at Lu Mingchen again, "Isn't this uncle still a powerful officer? He has killed people. Mao Heizi's grandson doesn't have to be afraid of balls. He is."

Su Ruan immediately paid attention to Lu Mingchen's expression, and found that it was a little bad. He seemed to be very taboo when others said the word "kill".

Grandma Li responded very quickly, and immediately scolded, "I said you stinky **** came to me on the second day of the new year, and you dared to beat our soft ideas!"

"Don't listen to those rumors, they just got married, where can I have money, I don't have that much money for so many children to be filial."

, it's all settled for everyone, it's not a dowry, the allowance and bonus of your grandson-in-law alone are 60,000 to 70,000 yuan, and everyone in the village knows that."

"I heard what the daughter-in-law said, 80% of Ruan Ruan's wife's idea of ​​making this money, just according to their propaganda method, more people know, Ruan Ruan and you The family is afraid that they will not be able to live in peace, so it is better to invest in the project, anyway, the money is spent, they can’t calculate if they want to calculate, right?”

"Bah!" Grandma Li scolded, "So you're going to figure it out first?"

Li Fugui is not annoyed, "How can I call this a calculation, isn't this just the right job?"

"I'll just say something before others," he looked at Su Ruan and said, "You should also think about it, with your grandma, no one dares to make you suffer, this job is really Yes, after the village, there is no such shop."

Su Ruan was thoughtful, in her opinion, Li Fugui is really not a calculation, doing business is looking for funds and connections, knowing that she has funds, so she came to her to cooperate, And it's not just empty white teeth saying that there is a big business, and after taking the money, you will pay it back.

Although there are some hidden thoughts, the overall project and plan are clear.

For the Li family and her, it is indeed a good opportunity.

She knows very well that in the next 30 years, the infrastructure construction of China will develop rapidly. The first is the road, and then the real estate, highway, railway...

Su Ruan is not only thinking about this project, but also the Li family and the Yan family.

She couldn't help but look at Yan Shaoyu, and she saw his serious expression.

Yan Shaoyu majored in architecture, and combined with the Yanjia construction group company in his previous life, Su Ruan felt that even without her, the Li family also won this project in his previous life, but It may not be the third uncle who dominates, but Yan Shaoyu.

However, she also remembered that in her previous life, Yan Shao mentioned that in the early 1990s, their family had experienced several years of hardships and turmoil. I wonder if it was related to this matter.

Seeing Su Ruan thinking, Li Fugui smiled and said, "Let's discuss it, anyway, if you really want to talk, you can't find someone until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. After all, it's a lot of money, think about it carefully. Always right."

After Li Fugui left, everyone in the Li family could not help thinking and discussing with each other.

Grandma suddenly became serious when she saw this, "What Goudaner said, it's not wrong to put aside his thoughts about soft money, but there is one thing,"

She looked at Su Ruan, "Grandma has said it many times, and now I'll say it again, as the old saying goes, 'relatives don't share wealth, and they don't come.'"

Her tone was a little stern, "You can have a good relationship with each other, but if you don't want to break up your family and money in the future, you can count the money clearly."

"IOUs that should be paid, and interest that should be charged, don't teach me those things that relatives don't care about, understand?"

Baby Knot grabbed Lu Mingchen's hand and said, "Good boy, if the family really does business, you don't have to worry about it."

She snorted arrogantly, "I know that the People's Liberation Army only cares about affairs in the army, and you haven't changed careers, you can't control the outside world, and you can't make mistakes."

"You just have to lead the troops to kill the devils." She said with relief, "Your great grandfather also killed the devils, and our family is now considered a successor."

Lu Mingchen looked at the wrinkled, dry hand that was holding him. It was only half the size of his own, and he could break free with a single effort, but in fact he felt that he The whole person was held hostage by the old lady, and she couldn't move at all.

Yan Shaoshi shouted over there, "Grandma, there are no more devils now!"

Grandma Li rolled her eyes, "I'm not old-fashioned! The devil is a metaphor, a metaphor! You're still in school, and you don't even understand this."

"All the people your brother-in-law has to deal with are devils," she snorted when she said this, "It's a good thing that there are no devils now, if there are, the people in the Lu family are afraid they are devils The lackeys, your brother-in-law can directly shoot them, and it's their turn to bully us?"

Lu Mingchen's fingers curled up uncontrollably, looked up at the old lady, those eyes that were half-covered by sagging eyelids seemed to know everything and could tolerate everything, let him Subconsciously want to avoid, but there is nowhere to escape.

Boss Lu was reminded by the old lady, "There is something about wealth and honor. The Lu family is afraid that they have a bad idea. They preach soft and rich everywhere, and I don't know what they want to do."

Grandma Li was proud, "I knew you couldn't guess."

The aunt cooperated, "Our mother must know."

"That's right." Grandma Li said, "They do this to make our family turn their backs on money."

" Ruan Ruan just recognized her, everyone is thinking about her money, can Ruan Ruan feel comfortable? Ruan Ruan is uncomfortable, and of course other people are also uncomfortable, wouldn't the relationship collapse? "

"Ruan Ruan has already torn apart with the Su family, and then cut off the relationship with our Li family, so Ruan Ruan is left alone and can let them handle it?"

Grandma Li said proudly, "She is like our Li family and their Lu family, she only has money in her eyes."

Second aunt suddenly realized, "No wonder the soft money is so clear, if you only talk about the rich, everyone has no idea, but the source and the way are clearly explained, it is not easy to attract people's attention. "

Su Ruan suddenly thought of Song Xiaozhen, Song Xiaozhen can calculate her dowry so clearly, obviously someone has clearly told her where the money came from...

She looked at Yan Shaoyu subconsciously, and saw Yan Shaoyu just happened to look over, she obviously wanted to understand this from his expression.

It turned out to be the Lu family, not only wanted to break up the Li family, but if Yan Shaoyu didn't let go of Song Xiaozhen, Li Ruolan would be far away.

It's a good idea.

Grandma said to Su Ruan again, "You are young and thin-skinned. If you are not sure about money matters, ask your mother. If your mother is not sure, come to Grandma!"

"Grandma will call the shots for you!" She snorted when she said this, "It's Grandma's treasure, no one can mess with them."

Although she used a joking tone, she could feel it was true.

It was very strange, Su Ruan had an inexplicable confidence in her heart, as if she could be fearless in the face of anything.

She couldn't help leaning on the old lady's shoulder, and for the first time in decades, she really showed her weakness, "Well, grandma will be my big backer in the future."

Grandma clapped her hand.

"Wow, the snow outside is so heavy!" Yan Shaoshi suddenly said.

It was only then that everyone noticed that the small snowflakes had turned into large snowflakes, and there was already a thin layer of snow in the yard.

The half-aged children ran out. Su Ruan also pulled Lu Mingchen together and stood in the heavy snow. Su Ruan turned his head to look at Lu Mingchen, his eyebrows finally stretched, the corners of his lips were smiling, and he noticed her gaze, "What's wrong?"

Su Ruan was about to speak when she saw Lu Mingchen suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her, Su Ruan fell into his arms uncontrollably, and out of the corner of his eye saw a snowball, which was just from her Fly over where you stand.

When I looked back, I saw Yan Shao, picked up a snowball and looked at her with a laugh, and threw it at her again.

Su Ruan was of course not to be outdone, and immediately ran to the snowdrift by the wall to grab a handful of snow to fight back, and finally hit the fourth cousin who passed through the middle.

As we all know, one of the principles of snowball fights is: all enemies except yourself.

After a while, the whole yard was only divided into enemy and mine snowballs flying around, and the adults had to trot to avoid it.

Three- and four-year-old Xiaodouding were screaming and running around in the flying snowballs, ran a few steps and fell, got up tremblingly and continued to run, Liang's brothers and sisters picked it up to block the robbery, which caused the elders in the house to yell at him.

However, the kid who was robbed didn't feel bullied at all, and laughed more joyfully.

Su Ruan, as my grandmother's favorite, still has some advantages. There are several cousins ​​who help her, but she can't beat the boys, and her hands are freezing, so she hurriedly shouted, "Brother Mingchen , get me the gloves!"

I don't care after shouting, and join the battle soon.

Seeing Yan Shaoshi roll over, she turned her head and ran towards Lu Mingchen who gave her gloves, "Brother Mingchen, help!"

In the end, the scurrying little Zaoer was in front of her, and when she saw her running over, the little guy screamed and ran towards Lu Mingchen, "Uncle!"

So when Su Ruan ran up to Lu Mingchen, because of this little guy, Lu Mingchen couldn't stabilize, and the two fell on the snow together.

The second rule of snowball fight: Don't fall, if you fall, hold your head and protect your vitals.

Su Ruan looked back at the brothers and sisters who were approaching with a grinning smile, quickly put the hat of the padded jacket on his head, jumped up abruptly, and covered Lu Mingchen's face together .

Lu Mingchen, who was about to get up, was bullied by Su Ruan, and his eyes were suddenly dark, and then he noticed something soft rubbing his face.

Su Ruan also noticed something was wrong, hehe smiled and tried to fool him, struggling to get up.

However, the people behind them buried them excitedly, and there was no chance at all.

In the end, she can only be with Lu Mingchen, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, in a small world surrounded by big hats, their every breath is intertwined, Rao is The old aunt in her core couldn't help blushing and heartbeat, so scared that she couldn't breathe.

Suddenly, accompanied by a milky and excited laughter, her head was heavy, solid... um, gnawed on a certain ear.

Also, which child is dancing on her head?

Su Ruan turned her head sideways with difficulty, hung down on the side of his neck, and breathed carefully, "Brother, it's up to you! I can't get up!"

Lu Mingchen didn't move at first, she was about to urge, when she felt a hand on her waist, and then overturned her...

Yes, it knocked her over...

Su Ruan turned his head in shock, and saw that when Yan Shaoshi didn't stop, a snow fell directly on Lu Mingchen's face.

Yes! Su Ruan cursed secretly, and by the way rolled angrily on the soft belly under her head. When she was overturned, the little guy lying on her head was naturally not spared, and now she turned it into her pillow. , was crushed by Su Ruan and giggled happily, it was Xiao Zao'er.

But thanks to this little guy, those people stopped burying her.

Yan Shaoshi also protected Lu Mingchen, "Stop it! Don't throw it away, it's all on your face, and my brother-in-law's face is red from freezing!"

"Sure enough, it's here." A familiar voice sounded, Su Ruan stood up suddenly, and saw Lu Caixia standing at the door.

Su Ruan frowned when she saw the woman and child standing beside her.

The woman has already rushed towards Lu Mingchen, "Captain Lu, I can find you to pull..."