Su Ruan was a little curious. It was more than ten years ago when she made a fortune and came to Yan City in her last life. At that time, not many courtyards in Yan City had been demolished. I have never seen a serious private courtyard.

Aunt Fu took her around the shadow wall, and then Su Ruan saw the whole yard.


Aunt Fu sighed and said, "There used to be a yard with two entrances, but there were too many people living in it, and it couldn't be vacated, and Uncle Lin had just returned from the country at that time, just wanted to If you are safe, you just need to go back to this yard."

In Su Ruan's view, this yard is also very rare. You must know that even if the courtyard is not demolished in this era, there are very few single-family houses, just like the two in the front row and the Hutong entrance. Homes are all large courtyards, so crowded that only the aisles are left.

Aunt Fu lived in the east wing by herself. She put away her luggage and took Su Ruan to visit. "At that time, my legs and feet turned out to be a good thing.

Guarding this small courtyard for Lu Mingchen's grandfather until today.

She took a set of keys and opened the main room, "It's all been repainted, but the original house on the ground is so badly damaged that it is more troublesome to replace the bricks."

"The floor can be laid." Su Ruan said.

In order to make life more convenient in such an old house, it must be renovated: at least a heater must be installed. ;

There are also bathrooms, at least in the master bedroom and the second guest bedroom.

In this way, it is a yard for the first entry, and the yard for the second entry cannot be renovated…

Su Ruan's face sank as she thought about it, this is not her yard, why is she so busy.

Since it's different, of course she can't live in Lu Mingchen's yard. After going to the Shanghai market to buy stocks this time to make a fortune, she will start a small business after the college entrance examination in June. Next year and the next year, I can buy a building near the university. Although it is not as spacious as a small yard like this, my house will definitely be more comfortable to live in.

It is inconvenient for him to live.

Thinking of this, Su Ruan is no longer curious about this yard, and after politely following Aunt Fu around, she arranges Aunt Fu and rests early.

I wanted to hire a tricycle to pull it over, saying that Lu Mingchen would pick him up at that time.

In the end, Su Ruan threw the biggest package and ran out, thanks for the inconvenience of communication in this era, otherwise she would have to reveal her stuff immediately.

There are obviously more people at Yanshi Railway Station than in Donglin City. Fortunately, there is plenty of time. Su Ruan queued for more than three hours and was lucky enough to buy a sleeper for the day. ticket.

After more than 20 hours of tossing, she finally arrived at the railway station in Shenshi.

This is a city completely different from the north. There are many young people dressed in bright and fashionable clothes, as well as migrant workers carrying woven bags, Wu Nong's soft words with sweet ears, more It's still the squeaking Shenshi dialect.

Su Ruan looked at the girl walking in front of her with a serious face and couldn't help thinking of herself in her previous life.

Even if I follow Huo Xiangyang, who has traveled far, he is full of fear about the vast and unknown world outside. Can I stay in this place? What will the future look like?

Am I welcome here? Can I have a place in this vast world?

Su Ruan couldn't help but smile, now that she has experienced such a loss countless times, she can deal with everything calmly.

She bought a map of the city directly at the newsstand next to the train station, and followed the above route to the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Stock trading is closed for more than an hour today.

The exchange was very lively, but fortunately there were not many people there.

China's stock market is really hot. After the leader's southern tour in 1992, the current stock exchange has only opened for less than two months, and it is more about treasury bonds and various corporate financial bonds. .

Su Ruan walked over to the stock trading counter. At this time, the stock price was still written on the blackboard, and the daily limit was only 1%.

The current entrusted transaction is divided into one-day entrustment and five-day entrustment. If you entrust, you can wait to buy at the price you like, but for Su Ruan, time is more precious, so he chose the market directly price to buy.

And it's not that she can buy what she wants, she can only buy what she wants to sell.

Su Ruan picked the two stocks she bought in her previous life, plus the Yuyuan stocks that were familiar to later generations, three stocks would not be rejected.

But she came a little late. At three o'clock, the stock market was closed, and she only bought 3,000 yuan of stocks for the time being.

She still opened her backpack and groped them into the hole in the hardcover book. She planned to stay at a nearby hotel and come back tomorrow.

None are empty-handed.

Although I don't remember if it was this time, it's always right to be careful, she is a young girl who is too easy to be targeted.

She quickly found a decent-looking hotel across the street. After checking in, she carefully inserted the doors and windows, and then lay on the bed long and comfortable. In one breath, after two days in a row, she was really exhausted.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, she suddenly heard a familiar "Brother Xiangyang", which woke her up.

Su Ruan was confused, why did she dream of Su Qingqing?

In the end, I heard the other party's voice clearly coming from outside the door, "What a pity, if the train was not delayed, we would definitely be able to buy it today."

Her tone was very distressed, "Now you have to wait a day, and make a day less money."

Huo Xiangyang's tone seemed a little helpless, "Qingqing, what exactly is a stock? Is this thing reliable?"

"This is the money we do business, my mother's shop is waiting for this money to be purchased, in case it loses..."

Su Qingqing said firmly, "Don't worry, you won't lose it! Just listen to me..."

The voices of the two gradually faded away, Su Ruan blinked and wanted to understand the reason.

In their last life, they bought stocks to make money, almost all relatives knew.

After she and Huo Xiangyang got married, Huo's mother suffered a lot of grievances during their honeymoon.

Huo Xiangyang has always been considerate to women, and at that time was very affectionate, so when the two went south to work on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Huo Xiangyang directly changed the schedule and said that he would bring her to apply Play around the city.

Then the two met a professor of economics on the train, and when they saw the news of the opening of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in the newspaper, they took advantage of the situation to talk about the financial history of Shanghai and the leaders. I am very excited and proud of the great significance of the stock given to the chairman of the American Stock Exchange in the past eight years.

However, Huo Xiangyang doesn't pay attention to the leaders and the chairman who can't be named, he pays attention to the vacuum electronics original stock of 100 yuan in 1988, which has risen to 100 yuan in less than three years. Almost 2,000 yuan, and my heart is surging right now.

The two didn't know what original shares were not original shares at all, they just thought they were stocks, so after getting off the bus in Shenshi, Huo Xiangyang took her all the way to Shenshi Exchange, and neither Knowing which to buy, I spent five hundred each for Vacuum Electronics and the stock gifted by the leader.

At that time, Huo Xiangyang said with a smile, "It's just a lottery ticket we bought for marriage. If we make a lot of money, it means that our relationship should be sweet and long-lasting."

Su Ruan asked, "What if you lose?"

Huo Xiangyang's mouth is very sweet, "How can you pay for your daughter-in-law?"

In less than a year, 1,000 directly turned into 8,000. It happened that they had some difficulties in capital turnover. This money solved their urgent needs.

Because of this, Huo Xiangyang also studied stocks for a long time, and he wanted to join when it was the most popular, but because he was too busy with business, others did not apply for the market, and he needed local Citizens who bought subscription cards did not join.

Su Ruan still remembers that when he kept the daily limit, he thumped his chest and regretted not buying it. As a result, just when he was about to enter, the bear market came. Every day, there were news of rich people going bankrupt and committing suicide by jumping off buildings. terrified him again.

But it didn't stop him from bragging everywhere, and he said the most about the two stocks they bought: "At that time, if I bought it half a month earlier and sold it three months later, then the money would be restored. Double it."

Su Qingqing obviously remembered this, so she set out to apply for the market in advance.

Su Ruan can't help frowning, she doesn't care whether Su Qingqing makes money or not, but she really doesn't want to run into them, especially Su Qingqing's bomb that always likes to hurt others and not herself, who knows what stupid things will happen Come.

Like this hotel is not soundproof at all, she shouted in the corridor about buying stocks, for fear that others would not know that she was rich.

But there is only one such exchange in the country at present, the probability of not encountering it is too low…

Su Ruan thought about it, but couldn't help but grit her teeth, she blamed Lu Mingchen, if he was there, where would she need to worry about so many troubles, let him out, it should be Su Qingqing and Huo Xiangyang hide from her.

Lu Mingchen bastard, wait for my mother!

In a training base of the Yanshi Military Region, Pei Zhiming pushed open the door of Lu Mingchen's office sadly, "Boss, you are finished."