Lu Mingchen went upstairs and saw that the security door was closed. Fortunately, he had not returned the key from Li Ruolan.

When I opened the door and entered the room, I saw Su Ruan holding his quilt expressionlessly and walking to the second bedroom.

Lu Mingchen hurriedly stepped forward. In the past two days, he could not see anything during the day, but when he went to bed at night, Su Ruan was obviously still afraid. Although it was not as serious as the first day, he still had nightmares. How could he let her sleep alone at such a time?

However, Su Ruan's stubborn temper was not a cover, she snorted coldly, "Why? Go on your mission." Then she bypassed him and threw the quilt into the second bedroom.

Make up my mind to be an irrelevant roommate.

Lu Mingchen had a headache, and tried hard to collect the few words that Huang Haiwei had said before to please girls, but he didn't think of a good way, when the door was suddenly knocked, he hurried to open it.

The person who came was Li Ruolan, she came in with a large bag of things, "I saw the jeep driving over from a distance, I guess it was you guys who came back."

Speaking of this, she said angrily, "You guys know how to come back."

She glared at Su Ruan, "School has started for three or four days. Do you know how important this semester is? It's too ignorant."

Su Ruan is a very skilled tool person, "It's Lu Mingchen and the others who have a mission, and he doesn't worry about me coming back alone, so he insists that I wait for him."

Lu Mingchen:…

Lu Mingchen can only pinched his nose to recognize, "Well, it's all my fault."

Fortunately, Li Ruolan is not a person who can't be caught. After saying "it can't be like this in the future", she began to organize the things she brought, "You guys are probably tired all day on the road, so today I will first Just eat and rest early."

"These are dumplings and steamed buns. They should be frozen for two days on the balcony. When Su Ruan goes to school, you can eat it hot at home, Ming Chen."

Can't help but talk about Su Ruan, "Now that the marriage is over, there is no more messy things, give me a review without distractions, nothing is important now that you get into a good university, you know! "

While she was talking, she and Su Ruan put everything on the balcony, Lu Mingchen consciously picked up the rag to wipe the table, left for a few days, and a layer of dust accumulated in the room.

When passing by the door of the kitchen, I vaguely heard Li Ruolan teach Su Ruan, "Why are you arguing with Ming Chen again? Don't think I can't see it..."

He glanced at Su Ruan, who was obediently listening to the instructions in front of Li Ruolan, and suddenly had an idea.

After pondering for a while, she said loudly, "Mom, how much does my quilt weigh?"

"What?" Li Ruolan came out of the kitchen, "Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

Although he asked, he walked over to the master bedroom to look at the quilt.

Su Ruan immediately reacted to what Lu Mingchen wanted to do, and glared angrily, Lu Mingchen pretended not to see it, and explained behind Li Ruolan, "I, a family member of a comrade-in-arms in the south, is coming to join the army, they are over there. It's warm, I don't know how many kilograms of our northern quilt is suitable."

"Look where he lives, if he lives in a building, if there is heating, six or seven pounds is enough, if a bungalow is eight pounds... Huh?"

Li Ruolan walked into the master bedroom and found that there was only one quilt. She looked at Su Ruan suspiciously, and Lu Mingchen immediately looked embarrassed, "Ah, I just forgot, my quilt was covered by Su Ruan. Soft hug and second bed."

Su Ruan put her arms around her chest, looked at Lu Mingchen and sneered, just as she was about to explain, she saw Li Ruolan say with relief, "It seems that I blame you all wrong, so you are all ready to concentrate on your studies. Yes."

She glanced at Lu Mingchen and Su Ruan, "I was worried that you two young people were playing wild outside and didn't want to study."

"That's good, Ming Chen, your postgraduate exam results should come out too." At this point, she calculated, "Is it just these two days? Go to school tomorrow to see Look."

"If you pass the exam, you should concentrate on preparing for the re-examination." She instructed Lu Mingchen earnestly, "Su Ruan is young and a little unstable, you look at her, or else it will be the next year. You go to Yan City for graduate school in half a year, but Su Ruan can't pass the exam, you two are crying."

Su Ruan looked at Lu Mingchen's stiff face but had to obey obediently, and couldn't help laughing "puchi".

Li Ruolan looked at her inexplicably, "What are you laughing at? What did I say wrong, don't think that I can't control you after getting married, let me know that your grades have dropped, and you can go on. Live on campus, just go home on Saturday and Sunday, do you hear?"

Lu Mingchen was afraid that Su Ruan would say that she would go to live on campus tomorrow, so he quickly said, "Mom, don't worry, I will watch her."

Su Ruan smiled even more.

After the explanation, Li Ruolan was ready to leave, "You two have a good rest today, Ming Chen, remember to go to Donglin University tomorrow to check your grades, check your status when you come back, and give me a good start. Review, understand?"

Both of them nodded.

Sending Li Ruolan away, Su Ruan laughed at Lu Mingchen's schadenfreude, then quickly took away his expression and continued to pretend he didn't exist.

Lu Mingchen:…

The suppression of the mother-in-law not only failed, but made Su Ruan even more angry.

But Su Ruan didn't want to eat at the same table with him, so he had to fill a few mouthfuls and go back to the second bedroom, closing the door.

Su Ruan went to the restaurant slowly. While eating dumplings, she stared at the door of the second bedroom and sneered. She made a mistake and didn't even have an explanation. How can she be coaxed?

Until before going to bed, there was no movement in the second bedroom, Su Ruan put down the textbook expressionlessly, thinking, she will not talk to Lu Mingchen for a month! No, she will go to school the day after tomorrow to run a boarding school, and let Lu Mingchen live at home alone!

Thinking like this, she pushed open the bathroom angrily to take a shower, but she couldn't help it.

Lu Mingchen stood in the bathroom and smeared the scar cream in front of the mirror.

He wears only a tight black vest on the upper body, which clearly outlines the beautiful muscle lines of the whole upper body, and the lower body is fitted military pants. More slender, tall and straight, waist and hips.

Su Ruan's eyes glued to it, and then clearly saw his stomach sucking back again.

Su Ruan:…

The tempted nerves were instantly awake, and she bit her lip to keep herself from laughing.

Lu Mingchen looked as if he had just seen her, and carefully applied the scar cream on the scar under her eyes in front of her, and almost wrote "Look at her" on his face. I'll listen to you." These words.

She has used all the beauty tricks, she has no reason not to enjoy this benefit.

After half a minute, Lu Mingchen coughed lightly, "Are you going to take a bath? I'll go out right now." He almost fled.

Su Ruan thought of his red ears, and couldn't help laughing.

When Su Ruan thought that today's contest was over, he found that Lu Mingchen was still very persevering.

Naturally, "The back and legs hurt too much, please help me press it."

Su Ruan sat up and glanced blatantly around his waist and abdomen, "Press your waist and thighs too?"

Lu Mingchen paused and said firmly, "Press!"

Su Ruan inexplicably heard the momentum of breaking the boat, so he patted the position next to him, "Come."

Lu Mingchen seemed to be slightly relieved, for fear that Su Ruan would regret it, he hurriedly lay on the bed and consciously covered his back with the blanket.

Su Ruan pulled off the blanket, "I'm tired and I don't have the strength, so I won't press it across the blanket, okay?"

Lu Mingchen froze for a moment and said, "Okay!"

However, as soon as Su Ruan's hand was on his back, his ears turned red, and she made a gesture to move up to his waist, Lu Mingchen pretended to be dead and didn't move, just the whole Ears are red.

As if the weak and helpless Mei Ji did not dare to resist her tyrant.

Su Ruan felt a lot more at ease, and finally took a look at the upturned buttocks, so she put the blanket on him again and gave him a serious massage.

Even if he didn't say it, she knew that dragging her body that was not yet healthy would definitely not feel good to be curled up in the car for four or five days.

Lu Mingchen also obviously noticed that Su Ruan was serious about helping him relax his muscles, and he couldn't help feeling a trace of guilt in his heart, and said softly, "Sorry. I shouldn't have left without saying hello."

Su Ruan let out a "hmm", and kept her hands moving, and asked, "Why?"

Lu Mingchen paused for a while before speaking in a hoarse voice, "I received news early that morning that my comrades died, so I rushed back to attend the funeral."

Su Ruan knew that Lu Mingchen had a BB machine specially designed to take over the task. Hearing this, he was still hard-hearted and continued to ask, "So what?"

"Is that why you left without saying goodbye?"

Lu Mingchen didn't speak for a long time again, the blush on his ears quickly faded, and he could feel the sullen mood just by looking at the back of his head.

Su Ruan didn't really want to force him, but felt that the opportunity was rare.

Just when she couldn't help but give up, Lu Mingchen finally said, "His child is only three years old, his wife is crying, and his parents..."

Su Ruan vaguely understood what Lu Mingchen was thinking.

This has also become one of Lu Mingchen's knots, he wants to die, but he doesn't want to hurt others.

So he cut off the ties firmly, not only so that he could leave without worry, but also did not want others to feel sad for him.

Su Ruan felt a little distressed for a while, this person actually has a soft heart, but thinking of his actions, and so many people who were heartbroken for him in the past life, he couldn't help but get angry .

Su Ruan curled her fingers quietly, also a little embarrassed.

It's really good elasticity.

Fortunately, her decades of experience are not in vain. Looking at Lu Mingchen's shocked appearance, she didn't realize what she had done, and said angrily, "You I'm worried that if you die, my mother and I will be as sad as your comrade-in-arms' wife and parents, so why don't you just ignore us?"

"You are so funny, you don't want to make us sad, you can choose not to die!"

"Or if you want to die and don't want to make us sad, then why don't you be a badass, the kind of heinous!"

"Guarantee that if you eat peanuts, we will not only not be sad for you, but also applaud and cheer!"

Lu Mingchen was speechless.

Su Ruan's anger really continued, "You chose such a great career and did such a good job, so that everyone respects and likes you, but you are not allowed to care about you, you If you want to be a monk yourself, you have to force others to be as ruthless and unrighteous as you. I think you are bullying people recklessly just because everyone likes you?"

"Or, your leaders, your comrades, the people, so many people in the country can remember you, but we can't, I don't have that qualification, am I?!"

The more she talked, the more angry she became, and she pushed him directly, "Then why are you being so nice to me? Why are you here to save me? What are you doing to coax me now?"

"Go away! I promise to forget you immediately and never see you again."

After saying that, she turned over and covered the quilt to sleep.

After waiting for a while, Lu Mingchen didn't speak, but he didn't leave.

Su Ruan let out a quiet sigh of relief. The knot in her heart for more than 20 years cannot be solved in a few words, but he is willing to say something, and he really cares about her, always a little bit Change.

Thinking of this, Su Ruan got up and turned off the light, leaned over actively, lifted the corner of the quilt to cover him, "Come here if you don't go, I'm afraid."

Lu Mingchen stood up silently and went to the next door.

Su Ruan thought he was in a mood again, and was thinking about what to do when he saw him coming over with the quilt again.

When he shook off the quilt and was about to lie down, Su Ruan became angrier the more he thought about it, and kicked him, "If you say something, you will die!"

Lu Mingchen's movements froze, Su Ruan retracted his feet as if nothing had happened, and curled his toes unconsciously.

Well, my breath is gone.