Su Ruan heard Song Xiaozhen's words and couldn't help but look at Yan Shaoyu, what kind of vision does her brother have?

Yan Shaoyu also seemed to be completely disappointed with Song Xiaozhen, and frowned, "This is my own business, and it has nothing to do with you."

Song Xiaozhen widened her eyes, "Yan Shaoyu, what do you mean?"

Song Xiaozhen's friends also felt that what she said was a bit too much, and quickly said, "Xiaozhen, isn't Shaoyu also for you?"

"Your mother wants such a high betrothal gift, if he works step by step, how can he possibly get it." The best friend spoke fairly, and obviously felt that the betrothal gift that Song Xiaozhen wanted was outrageous, and seriously suggested, " Let's have a good talk with you two."

Do you want money or a decent job.

Song Xiaozhen's face showed hesitation and struggle, as if Yan Shaoyu's future was really up to her.

Su Ruan rolled her eyes secretly, and said to Yan Shaoyu, "Brother, I invite you to eat western food, I went to apply for the market this time and ate steak twice, although it was a bit expensive, But it was delicious."

"Oh, that's right." She took out a watch box, "This, I brought you a present, see if you like it or not."

Yan Shaoyu opened the watch box, a black dial with a calculator, and a heavy personality, it should look good when a man wears it.

Gao Qiang exclaimed, "Card East Europe? Imported goods."

Yan Shaoyu really liked it, but after hearing this, he hesitated, "This is too expensive."

Su Ruan glanced at Song Xiaozhen, "It's not worth anything, it's only two or three thousand. I'm a countryman, and I'm definitely not as good as a gift from a city person."

Song Xiaozhen suddenly exploded and said to Su Ruan, "What do you mean?"

Su Ruan looked puzzled, "What do I mean?" She suddenly said, "Do you dislike the cheap food and gifts I bought my brother?"

"I'm sorry, I'm too shabby as a countryman, and it's polluting your eyes, why don't you invite me?" She said seriously, "A noble college student like you probably eats steak. I’ve already vomited, so let’s eat sea cucumber and abalone? That should match your identity.”

"That's not right. With such a noble status, how can you eat what farmers and fishermen handle? It's too cheap," Su Ruan quickly apologized, "You must have grown up drinking wind and dew, Really offensive."

Song Xiaozhen obviously did not expect Su Ruan to be so eloquent, her eyes were red with anger, she stared at Yan Shaoyu and said, "Yan Shaoyu, you just let him bully me like this?"

Yan Shaoyu said lightly, "You bullied her first, Song Xiaozhen. I think we made it clear last time. Now it's my personal matter, and you don't need to worry about it."

Song Xiaozhen said incredulously, "You really broke up with me!?"

Gao Qiang hurriedly came up to persuade him when he heard the words, "Oh, Shaoyu, don't be impulsive, such a beautiful girlfriend is still a college student. If it were me, I would wake up laughing."

He looked envious, "I don't think it's about the dowry? Xiaozhen, it's Xiaozhen, such an excellent and beautiful girl is worth 58,000 yuan. Break up with this."

Su Ruan glanced at him.

And Song Xiaozhen, who was a little shaken because Yan Shaoyu said coldly about breaking up, listened to Gao Qiang's words and looked at Su Ruan's arrogant appearance, and suddenly felt that she had suffered greatly Aggrieved, tears fell.

She wiped her tears, "Could it be that my parents carefully nurtured me once, and finally I am not as good as a country girl? Have you ever thought about it for me?"

Yan Shaoyu couldn't help but said, "What about you, have you considered it for me?"

Song Xiaozhen was even more aggrieved, "Am I not thinking about you enough? Isn't what I want from your home? If I wasn't thinking about you, why would I do these things that I hate? ."

Obviously it didn't make sense, Yan Shaoyu didn't want to show this embarrassment in front of so many friends, he just said lightly: "I still don't think we are suitable, that's it."

After he finished speaking, he brought Su Ruan out.

Seeing Yan Shaoyu's gloomy expression, Su Ruan couldn't help asking, "Brother, you really like her."

Yan Shaoyu smiled bitterly, "She is not like this when she is in love."

Song Xiaozhen is one of the most beautiful women in Donglin University. She can dress up and has excellent grades. She is also active in various club activities and has many suitors, but she is arrogant and has high vision. None of the four have boyfriends.

For beautiful women, most people have a natural favorable impression, and Yan Shaoyu is no exception.

She was almost hit by a basketball when she was passing by the playground last semester. Yan Shaoyu sprained her foot to save her. Song Xiaozhen insisted on accompanying him to the hospital every week to change his dressings, and the two of them went a step further development of.

It can only be said that love and marriage are two completely different things.

When they were in love, the two talked about their academic and future aspirations, and fully displayed their advantages. Song Xiaozhen likes the sunshine and snow, and Yan Shaoyu is also very insightful in this regard. They hardly discussed the mundane affairs of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

Yan Shaoyu sighed, "Can money really make such a big difference in a person?"

Su Ruan is not surprised, she has seen many such people in her past life.

"Did his family have bad conditions when he was in high school?"

"Well, the family is only supported by his mother, his father is idle all day, either playing mahjong or drinking and bragging. When I was at the same table, every time I bought stationery for him, I would buy it for him one."

Su Ruan is clear, some people will be grateful if you help them, but there are also many people who have low self-esteem and will think that they are compassion and charity after being helped, but they will feel resentment.

I just hid myself for life."

Yan Shaoyu tasted this sentence and smiled, "You are right."

Su Ruan was curious, "Are you really doing the project for Song Xiaozhen?"

Yan Shaoyu scratched his head embarrassedly, "At the beginning, it was a little bit, they all said that poor and humble couples are sad, I thought that if she had enough money, she would not be so arguing and caring. "

"It's just that we talked twice and found that she has been comparing and listening to her mother. She is afraid of disturbing the family in the future."

He still remembers the situation in the family when his father and his mother were not divorced, so he cherishes the stable and happy family atmosphere now, Song Xiaozhen's mother who is a troublemaker will never do .

"But now I mainly don't want to live a life that sees the end at a glance." Yan Shaoyu said, "Although my life is very stable like my parents, but if something happens, I am afraid that I will still be controlled by others. ."

Su Ruan laughed, Yan Shaoyu looked steady, but he was still young and vigorous, obviously stimulated by the appearance of Gao Qiang.

"It's just that my parents won't agree."

In this era, most people think like Song Xiaozhen, that the iron rice bowl of the public is the best choice.

It is not easy to convince Yan Chengru and Li Ruolan.

Yan Shaoyu looked at Su Ruan, and after experiencing the incident of Wu Shengli, he realized that his sister was very unusual in speaking and doing things. The cousins ​​are all down-to-earth people, even if the cousins ​​of the Yan family don't talk about it, after thinking about it, Su Ruan is the only person he can discuss.

Su Ruan did not directly give him advice, but analyzed it carefully, "In fact, each has its own advantages, regardless of extreme situations, generally speaking, the assigned work is stable and peaceful, but like you just assigned If you go to the workplace, unless you are a talented person, you will usually have to do chores for a few years first, and the future life will be like Uncle Yan and my mother, which is actually not bad."

"If you go out to work and start a company, you will be very tired, inexperienced, and you will suffer a lot. If you lose your family, you may suffer."

Su Ruan looked at Yan Shaoyu and smiled, "But if you make it, the rewards will be great, not just money, but also connections, experience, and mental cultivation. It's something you can really get when you're tired."

Yan Shaoyu thoughtful, Su Ruan added, "But I think the twenties are the most affordable age in life, you can fight hard, and there is a way out."

"Are you a college student, afraid of not finding a job in the future?"

Yan Shaoyu's mood suddenly brightened, "I'll think about it again, thank you." He smiled, "Your sister really found a treasure in our family."

Su Ruan clasped his fists and said, "To each other."

Yan Shaoyu smiled.

"But that high-strength, brother, you should approach it with caution."

Yan Shaoyu sighed, "Don't worry, I know."

However, this is not something that Yan Shaoyu can do without looking for Gao Qiang.

On the weekend a week later, Su Ruan and Lu Mingchen went to Yan's house to pickle salted duck eggs.

The second cousin of the uncle's house raises ducks and delivered more than 80 duck eggs yesterday. Li Ruolan asked Su Ruan to come over and learn how to pickle salted duck eggs.

The living and cooking skills of this era are all passed down from generation to generation. Li Ruolan felt that Su Ruan would leave Donglin City with Lu Mingchen in the future, so she took the opportunity to teach her various skills.

Su Ruan also arrested Lu Mingchen, and while Lu Mingchen, Yan Chengru and Yan Shao went outside to find soil, she couldn't help but said to Li Ruolan, "Mom, In the future, you can teach him how to cook and improve the food for me, I have been eating steamed dumplings and fish ball soup for a week."

People like Lu Mingchen who have no material desires naturally can't cook. Both of them are married. .

Lu Mingchen doesn't let Su Ruan cook, but he knows three things himself, millet porridge, dumplings and fish ball soup.

Even if he made dumpling fillings in different ways, it would still be dumplings. After a week, Su Ruan was going crazy, but Ren Lu Mingchen made it for her seriously, and she didn't what to say.

Li Ruolan couldn't help laughing, "Ming Chen also has to review, just go to the vegetable market every morning to buy fresh vegetables, and buy a fresh fish every two days to make fish **** for you ."

"When he buys fresh vegetables, he will fry them!" Su Ruan said, "He seems to think that all the vegetables in the world can be made into dumpling fillings, you know what that potato dumpling tastes like. ?"

"The potatoes are chopped and steamed, and the dough is wrapped in mashed potatoes. I should save two of them for you to taste."

Li Ruolan frowned and laughed again, "Don't others eat the same thing?"

Of course Lu Mingchen eats it. Su Ruan suspects that he can swallow everything except what he cannot eat.

Su Ruan made up her mind to teach Lu Mingchen two dishes this weekend, otherwise she will really be forced to live on campus, and the school cafeteria is better than home.

While they were talking, Lu Mingchen and Yan Chengru also came back from digging soil, followed by an angry Yan Shaoyu.

Yan Shaoyu has a gentle and calm personality, and it is rare for everyone to see him so angry.

Li Ruolan asked, "What's wrong?"

Yan Shaoyu said angrily, "Uncle Fugui said that Gao Qiang went to him."

Knowing that he has project information in his hand, it is not difficult to ask around him, but this look is too disgusting.

Li Ruolan also frowned, although they did not agree with Yan Shaoyu's project, but being bullied by others is another matter.

Su Ruan raised her eyebrows and said, "What did Uncle Fugui say?"

Yan Shaoyu said, "Uncle Fugui wants to work with our family, but he is not the only one who knows that leg. He said that looking at the appearance of high strength and wealth, the project is probably going to Cut off."

"I will go to Uncle Fugui tomorrow to ask about the situation." He looked at Su Ruan, "If it can be done, will you participate in this matter?"

Su Ruan nodded, "Of course."

Lu Mingchen glanced at Su Ruan with a determined face. If he remembered correctly, she seemed to have bought stocks with all the money. How is she going to get involved?

Why do I always feel that she is going to do something big again.