Huang Haiwei and Hao Dan took Lu Mingchen's silence as embarrassment, and Pei Zhiming thought so at first, but he knew the real reason for Lu Mingchen and Su Ruan's marriage, so he stopped him The two continued to joke.

Almost everyone who had followed him knew this state, and the car was suddenly quiet.

When the troops arrived, Huang Haiwei and Hao Dan consciously made excuses to leave, while Pei Zhiming silently followed behind Lu Mingchen.

He thought Lu Mingchen would go directly to the office, but he still went to the finance department.

Lu Mingchen received the allowance and handed the money to Pei Zhiming, "Remit to Su Ruan..."

Pei Zhiming frowned, "Boss, didn't you report to Political Commissar Wang today and go back tomorrow?"

Lu Mingchen didn't know what to think, and kicked the money into his pocket again, "Forget it."


This made Pei Zhiming quietly relieved. Although he did not touch the secret hidden in Lu Mingchen's heart, the last dispute with Political Commissar Wang also made him understand that Lu Mingchen Behind the free and uninhibited, in fact, is not concerned about the world.

Now I still remember to save money for Su Ruan, at least it proves that he has a bond.

When he returned to Lu Mingchen's office, Pei Zhiming observed his expression and said cautiously, "Boss, are you worried about the cooperation agreement with your sister-in-law?"

Lu Mingchen sat on the chair sullenly and did not speak as if he hadn't heard, Pei Zhiming smiled, "The relationship between people is inherently changeable, how many people from friends to spouse."

"The sister-in-law may not have the heart at the time, but you look so good, didn't Huang Haiwei say that the sister-in-law likes your face and body? You definitely have the possibility of further development."

"A man can't let a girl take the initiative, right?"

Lu Mingchen's eyes drooped down.

Pei Zhiming:…

What's going on? Why does Lu Mingchen's symptoms get worse the more he mentions Su Ruan?

Pei Zhiming was completely confused, but he didn't dare to talk nonsense any more.

Commissar Wang said that it would be better to leave him alone at such a time, but if he said something wrong, he was afraid of blowing up people directly. Still vivid.

The only exception for so many years is Su Ruan. When Su Ruan is there, Lu Mingchen can always get out of his emotions quickly.

Seeing him this time, Pei Zhiming can also clearly feel the changes in Lu Mingchen, and obviously has a fresh popularity, and now that popularity seems to be driven by some vicious beast Biting the tail, swallowed a little bit.

Pei Zhiming felt that it was urgent to call Su Ruan.

However, just as he was about to go out, Lu Mingchen's voice came lazily, "Don't call Su Ruan, she has the college entrance examination in two months, don't disturb her , I'll tell her myself tomorrow."

Listening to him thinking about the follow-up arrangements, Pei Zhiming relaxed a little.

The office door was closed, Lu Mingchen stared at the wall and began to be in a daze. After a while, he leaned over to pick up the phone on the table and dialed the number from the BB machine.

A hoarse voice came out, "Boss."

Lu Mingchen said lightly, "Lu Changhe went to see a doctor today?"

"Well." the other side said, "He went to see him secretly, the coronary heart disease is much more serious than before, the diameter of the canal cavity has decreased by 71%, the doctor suggested surgery, but I don't think he seems to be Dare to let the family know."

Lu Mingchen grinned, showing an expression that he didn't know whether to laugh or ridicule, "Of course he doesn't dare, and of course what he has done will prevent others from doing it..."

"Boss..." didn't know what to say.

"So he decided to treat conservatively?"

"It's not sure yet, but I think the dosage has been increased, and I try to keep exercising, but he can't walk more than two kilometers, and he is prone to angina."

"Well, I see, keep watching for me, thank you."

"Medicine..." The woman lying on the bed had white lips, she stretched out her hand in the direction of the wooden box, and called weakly, "Give me the medicine..."

But the person in front of the wooden box who was supposed to take the medicine didn't seem to hear:

"Sure enough, they told this woman to hide, but it's really a pair of mourning stars. The second child gave her so much money! Give her two yuan a month and call us poor every day!"

"Ah? This! Look at the old man! Oh my God, there's this good thing!"

The pale and closed eyes only stared at him when they took their last breath, full of unwillingness and worry...

Lu Mingchen opened his eyes suddenly, it was pitch black outside, he stared blankly at the ceiling as if he had no idea of ​​the passage of time.

After some time, he became a little awake, leaned over to turn on the lamp on the table, and took out a thick medical book from the drawer. From the slightly scrolled pages, it can be seen that he has turned over Many times, he turned to a certain page skillfully, and Lu Mingchen looked at it for a long time.

Then picked up the phone and dialed.

Maybe it was because of the late night, there was no one there to pick up, Lu Mingchen continued to fight until he was picked up.

"Hello?" Mr. Lu's hoarse voice came, and the lingering fear of being awakened, "Who is it, what's the matter?"

He obviously thought there was something urgent, at the Lu family, he wanted to control everything, or he had to control everything.

Lu Mingchen smiled lightly, with a ghostly tone, "Lu Changhe, do you believe in retribution?"

"Who are you?!" The old man Lu suddenly shuddered and breathed quickly, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

"You have to believe in retribution." Lu Mingchen giggled, and in the middle of the night, it sounded weird and infiltrating, "It will definitely come, you must wait."

"Lu Mingchen?" Mr. Lu seemed to finally hear his voice, "What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Do you not want to be a soldier?"

Lu Mingchen has hung up the phone.

The old man Lu looked at the number with no caller ID and felt heart palpitations for a while, and the boy really remembered, remembered...

Pei Zhiming, who was worried about Lu Mingchen, pushed open the door of the office early in the morning, and saw the other party sitting on the chair sullenly, still in the same posture he left yesterday.

"Boss," he called.

Seeing Lu Mingchen open his eyes, the ends of his eyes are scarlet, but his eyes are clear, and he really didn't sleep all night, Pei Zhiming didn't dare to say anything, just smiled, "Boss, let's go eat , there are steamed dumplings in the cafeteria today."

Steamed dumplings? Lu Mingchen unconsciously thought of Su Ruan eating dumplings in pain, he couldn't help laughing, this is probably what Su Ruan hates most now.

After this thought flashed by, Lu Mingchen suddenly felt that steamed dumplings were not very tasty, "Don't go."

Pei Zhiming was stunned for a moment, and said perseveringly, "What about fried dough sticks?"

You Tiao? Thinking of the fried dough sticks that Su Ruan specially made for him before parting, Lu Mingchen stood up, "You sticks are fine, but you need eggs."

Pei Zhiming remembers that this is what everyone in the Li family has to eat before the exam.

Lu Mingchen stayed in the army, this time he called Su Ruan to report his whereabouts.

Told Political Commissar Wang that Su Ruan was going to take the college entrance examination soon, but when he went home, it would affect her reviewing. Political Commissar Wang could not say anything, but he clearly felt that Lu Mingchen had returned to the state before marriage .

He became the "crazy god" that people respected and feared.

But he has a phone call with Su Ruan every week, and it coincides with Su Ruan preparing for the college entrance examination, and political commissar Wang is not easy to act rashly.

Su Ruan really didn't notice anything. She had some doubts at first because Lu Mingchen didn't come back suddenly, but Lu Mingchen called back in a completely normal tone, and even talked to her about himself The gossip, saying that the nurses in the hospital thought that he was a bachelor all his life and so on, which made Su Ruan laugh.

She didn't think about it any more, after all, the Lu family who could stimulate Lu Mingchen are still living with their tails between their tails.

Others can't even care about it. Because of her loan of 150,000 yuan, the project that Yan Shaoyu has contracted is no longer his own project.

She went directly from a gold pimple to a debt collector in the former Li Village, and her uncles and cousins ​​were all anxious for her.

Li Ruolan and Yan Chengru are no longer struggling with whether Yan Shaoyu should contract the project or go to the work unit assigned by the school, but urge him to keep an eye on the project every day.

After all, with a loan of 150,000 yuan, according to the current salary level, Yan Shaoyu has to work step by step, and he will not be able to earn it for 20 years without eating or drinking.

Accounting and cashier and other technical positions in engineering, Li Ruolan and Yan Chengru used their contacts to inquire about reliable and experienced people.

, so that no one dares to be lazy.

Cousins ​​even more, they will come to the construction site to help when they are free. Naturally, they don’t need any wages for a day and a half. They expect the project to make money, and Su Ruan quickly repays the loan.

Su Ruan was down-to-earth and at ease. She recalled the time when the Lu family was defeated in her previous life, and after giving the handle of Lu's satisfaction to Yan Shaoyu to be fully squeezed, she began to concentrate on reviewing.

Going to college is the first thing she really wants to do in her life, and naturally she has to go all out.

The busy time passed quickly, almost in the blink of an eye, it was the eve of the Su Ruan college entrance examination.

Li Ruolan has completely moved in and lived with her, helping her with nutrition, correcting exam papers, and supervising her work and rest. become happy.

Even if Li Ruolan put a wet towel on her face to wake her up at 5:00 in the morning, she felt happy, and this year she also became a national treasure.

Lu Mingchen also called back, "How is the review? Sorry, I can't accompany you."

"Well, I understand, I like the remittance slip very much." Su Ruan smiled, "You remember to eat fried dough sticks and eggs tomorrow, even if you cheer me on, maybe you can contribute to me. A ten."

Lu Mingchen laughed, "Then I'll eat a hundred sticks for you."

Su Ruan also smiled, "That's okay, between the score and you, I still choose you to live well."

Lu Mingchen paused for a while, then suddenly asked, "Have you decided what major you want to apply for? What do you want to do in the future?"

Su Ruan was surprised that Lu Mingchen was curious about her future plans. Does this mean that his heart is getting smaller and smaller and he is willing to think about the future?

This made her a little happy, "My wish is to live freely."

"I want to go to university, graduate school, doctorate, and become a university professor in the future!"

This is the career she most envied in her last life.

The shop that first sold clothes was next to Donglin University. Whenever she was exhausted, she looked at the university professors she came and went. She didn't need to work, she had winter and summer vacations, and she had a lot of free time. Doing what you love to do, even on a bike is more respectable than a businessman who drives.

But later, her life became more and more difficult, she was exhausted almost every day, even envy and fantasy became a luxury, and finally died of exhaustion in her forties.

So in this life, she will live a comfortable life with Li Ruolan and the people she loves.

Don't worry about the day."

The bodyguard company and military factory still have to open, but with the experience of the previous life, this life will not be so tired.

"Lu Mingchen, just wait and drink spicy food with me!"

Lu Mingchen's tone was very gentle, "Then come on, I believe your dream will come true."