Su Ruan always remembered that there would be turmoil in the Yan family in the past two years, so Gao Qiang's expression made her unconsciously vigilant.

The only thing that can hit the Yan family can't get up for a few years is the contracted project.

There are three possibilities for compensation for this kind of project, one is force majeure natural disaster; the other is poor management; the third is the most common extortion or construction site accident.

Su Ruan opened a clothing store in Donglin City for two years in his last life. It can be confirmed that there has been no natural disaster in Donglin City in the past two years, and management problems do not exist, so the most likely remaining The third.

Su Ruan didn't hide it, he told Gao Qiang and Yan Shaoyu's grievances again, and then said, "I think he looks very unwilling, for fear of causing us bad things."

Yan Shaoyu frowned.

Li Fugui nodded and said, "That kid is not particular about his work, maybe it's possible, don't have to worry about it, invite those gangsters to smoke and drink, encourage a few words, those gangsters as long as they can If you want money, you must come, so let's be on guard."

"It would be easy to solve the problem if it was simply a ruffian," Su Ruan paid attention to another thing, "The safety of the workers on the construction site, uncles, pay attention, wear safety helmets, and the other is the machine. So please ask Master to overhaul everything."

Li Fugui said, "It costs 200 to ask a master once. Those machines are all well-tuned, and they have been used for so long."

Su Ruan said solemnly, "Uncle, if the hooligans are extorting money, we can solve it with a little money, but once the machine moves and hurts people, it will be serious injury in the lightest, and death in the seriousness."

Li Fugui was stunned by her, "Is that kid so brave?"

Su Ruan also felt that Gao Qiang should not be so bold, but she was used to being cautious, "Check all of them, don't miss any."

After the solemn explanation, Su Ruan smiled again, "Of course, our money is not wasted." She said to Yan Shaoyu, "Brother, go to the highway bureau and ask them for it. Some construction site safety operation propaganda content, it is said that we need to standardize construction site operation."

Previously, Su Ruan asked Yan Shaoyu to take the handle of Lu's satisfaction, and asked the other party to help introduce several persons in charge of the Highway Bureau and project bidding. When the project is completed next year, Yan Shaoyu's company With all the qualifications, you can directly bypass the legs of President Zheng and directly bid for the project.

During this project, you can get in touch more when you have something to do, and it is also a means to maintain the relationship.

Like Su Ruan said, this kind of project propaganda actually has some regulations in the government, but the contractors at the moment have no culture, and few of them are actually implemented. It takes more labor , materials and energy, the subcontractors naturally save as much as they can.

If Yan Shaoyu's project can actively cooperate, the person in charge will naturally be happy.

Yan Shaoyu also figured this out, and said, "I'll do it right away."

This is not a big deal, Yan Shaoyu did it very quickly, and when he came back, he brought Su Ruan a message, "Lu Satisfaction was reported, and now he is suspended for investigation."

Su Ruan was a little surprised, Lu Satisfaction was reported? That's Lu Mingchen's move.

Thinking of this, she suddenly thought that Lu Mingchen hadn't called her for a long time, and she had to try to ask about the Lu family when she called him next time.

The idea came to me, and the next day I received a call from Political Commissar Wang.

Su Ruan realized that Lu Mingchen had been wrong for more than two months, "What's going on? How can it be wrong?"

Commissar Wang was also at a loss, "I don't know, and from April to early June, it was normal for a few days, and I couldn't guess the reason at all."

Su Ruan had some clues, she tried hard to recall the time and process of the fall of the Lu family in her previous life.

However, she doesn't have much useful information. After she married Huo Xiangyang in her last life, she was busy doing business to make money, and because she was angry, she didn't have much contact with the Su family, so she didn't know until she returned to Kaiyun County this year. The arrogant Lu family fell almost overnight, only knowing that the time was in the middle of the year.

The eldest and third child of the Lu family were reported to have given bribes and took bribes to take up their positions. It seems that the old man Lu suffered a stroke because of this stimulation and died before he passed away, but the old lady still lived for more than ten years. , but was treated harshly by the big house and the third house of the Lu family, and had a miserable life.

Su Qingqing once said that Lu Mingchen did all these things, so he was in such a long emotional state that he might have something to do with the Lu family.

Su Ruan didn't think it was so simple to report. If he simply chose to report, the evidence Lu Mingchen received before would be enough to bring the Lu family down and return to the countryside, instead of waiting until now.

What is Lu Mingchen going to do? Su Ruan vaguely felt that this was the biggest knot in his heart, just like the last time he just ran away willfully, but this time he has kept her secret for so long, apparently making up his mind to distance herself from her and return to their original status.

This time should be the biggest reason for his self-destruction in his previous life. Never leave him alone!

Lu Mingchen, where are you?

Su Ruan thought hard about where to find Lu Mingchen, and suddenly stopped.

The figure she saw at the school gate after the college entrance examination that day! At that time, she thought she was wrong, but now she thinks it may really be Lu Mingchen.

He still cares about her, and if he wants to deal with the deer family, he must be watching the deer family!

Su Ruan thought about it again and again, and went to Lu's house alone the next day. I don't know if I can get some clues from here, but I have to try. Anyway, she can't let Lu Mingchen face this matter alone .


Su Ruan didn't have time to speak, when she was young, she caught up out of breath, "Sister!"

The deer behind him chased after him and cursed, "I'll tell you Su Ruan! If I'm having a hard time, don't do that project! Just wait for me!"

Su Ruan didn't have the heart to listen to the threat of the grasshopper in the autumn, and only followed Yan Shaoshi to the construction site, but did not see the gloomy eyes flashing in Lu Changhe's eyes behind him...

When Su Ruan arrived at the construction site, he found that the workers were all pointing at the road roller. It seemed that there was no trouble, and he was slightly relieved.

"What's wrong?"

"There is a problem with the road roller." Uncle San frowned, "The vibration and steering wheel are not right. When the master started it just now, it was running crooked. Fortunately, there is no one around. Look at the road there..."

Su Ruan looked in the direction he pointed, and saw that a subgrade was obviously dented, showing how strong the earthquake was.

Li Fugui said, "I really told you to look for it. If this is opened, this section will have to be rebuilt."

Su Ruan frowned, always feeling that things were not so simple.

"It's all set." Su Ruan didn't want to create panic for everyone. "All machines should be debugged before use. Workers should not approach until the driver is sure of safety."

"Then, let's build a few more sheds for everyone, don't take the shade around the equipment, understand?"

The road roller was out of control just now, but it taught everyone a lesson. If people were around at that time, they would be injured if they didn't die.

The debugging master came down and said, "I locked the total lock. In the future, non-professionals should not touch these things. If they are wrong, they are very dangerous."

Li Fugui and Uncle San hurriedly nodded, just as they were about to educate the workers, they saw a group of people suddenly rushing towards them.

It's the gangsters and rogues in the nearby village, there are more than 20 people in the mighty.

"Good guy, this is the person Gao Qiang found." Li Fugui immediately greeted the workers to pick up the guy, not for fighting, but mainly because of his momentum.

When the project started, Yan Shaoyu had managed the village leaders and these bastards, and it was obvious that the recruits were not good.

The rogue headed by them stood in front of them, shaking his legs and accusing directly, "We lost four chickens in our village, some children see that you stole it!"

He pointed at Li Fugui and said, "Hand over it, otherwise you won't do this work!"

Li Fugui laughed angrily, "If you want to eat chicken, you don't need to steal it? Just tell me who asked you to come here! The wife deserved to run away with someone!"

These people don't have any civilized words, and they rushed up to beat people without a word, and Li Fugui naturally took people to fight back.

Su Ruan hurriedly asked Yan Shao to call the police. It was obviously impossible to stop her, not to mention whether the workers would listen to her. Let's all stick to each other.

Because of the warning from the master just now, the workers said loudly, "Be disturbed! You will die!"

Su Ruan noticed that the man seemed to be well prepared and pressed the start button in an orderly manner. At this time, there were all people around, not only the rogues in the village, but also the workers.

In the blink of an eye, Su Ruan suddenly understood that the other party not only wanted the workers to have an accident on the construction site, but also the gang of rogues in the village.

The casualties of the workers are already terrifying enough, plus those ruffians, the people in the village will never let them go…

If the master did not lock the master lock when he came down just now, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Su Ruan and Uncle San looked at each other and saw the fear in each other's eyes. Who the **** was targeting Yan Jia?

Gao Qiang is inferior and jealous of Yan Shaoyu, but he can't make such a careful and terrifying game.

"The police are coming!" Someone suddenly shouted, and the gangsters panicked, especially the thin man who climbed up the road roller, who didn't turn on the machine for a long time. run.

Su Ruan hurriedly said, "Stop them! Don't let them run away!" With such a vicious plan, she must catch the mastermind behind it, otherwise she will not be able to sleep well in the future.

The workers can be considered proud, even if they beat these rogue policemen, they have to face them, and now they are crowded into a crowd.

Seeing that the skinny man was about to run out, Su Ruan immediately stepped forward to help block people.

However, just as she approached the crowd, there was an angry shout from far and near, "Su Ruan! Don't go over!"

It's Lu Mingchen!

The sound of golden stones hitting each other.

Su Ruan still felt a pain in her lower back, and then she felt blood oozing out...

"Su Ruan!" Lu Mingchen's voice was terrified, he came to him almost instantly, and hugged her.

The fighting crowd also saw the blood dripping from the hem of her clothes, and fled in panic, "Ahhhh! Killed! Killed!"

Su Ruan raised her head to look at Lu Mingchen, who was anxious, and grabbed his collar, "I caught you!"