In order to prove that he is not divorced and shameless, no, to prove that he is not divorced.

After the wound on Su Ruan's waist was removed, Lu Mingchen took her to Yan City.

The train station during the summer vacation was overcrowded. Although there were not as many trips as in later generations, the station was small and the number of trains was small, so there were more people. This is why Su Ruan did not like to travel far.

She has squeezed too many trains like this in her past life, and the crimes she suffered are almost impossible to describe: pickpockets, molesters, liars and robbers, she has encountered all of them, especially in the 1990s In the beginning, the railway station was the concentration of these criminals, so that I would be stunned to see such a scene in my life.

So every time she goes out, her nerves are tense.

"Look at this box," Lu Mingchen handed a large pushable box to her, carried the other, and then freed up a hand to push away the crowd .

Su Ruan looked up at him, Lu Mingchen only looked ahead and said, "Push the box and go."

Wherever he went, although he could not say he was evasive, he was safe and sound, and inexplicably gave birth to a sense of happiness.

Su Ruan watched two men lift a young girl up and put it directly through the car window. This kind of scene is hard to see in future generations, but it is the norm at this moment.

Lu Mingchen followed her gaze and joked, "Why do you want to play that exciting?"

Su Ruan rolled his eyes, "Hurry up, the car is going."

When the car door is the most numb, all kinds of nylon bags, sacks, and travel bags are crowded at the door with people, and Su Ruan is closely behind. Can't see, can't squeeze in.

Suddenly there was a scream from behind, Su Ruan was startled, and then her back was pressed against a broad chest.

Su Ruan turned around and confirmed that it was Lu Mingchen. There was still a bit of coldness in his eyes, but when he looked down at her, his tone was very reassuring, "It's okay, look ahead."

squeezed into the car.

Because of the shortage of tickets, the two of them only bought two hard seat tickets, fortunately they were by the window.

Lu Mingchen asked her to go in first, put two large bags on the luggage rack, and then sat down beside her. The train whistle sounded, and both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Ruan took out water and a handkerchief from her bag and handed it to Lu Mingchen, "Brother, wipe the sweat first."

Lu Mingchen soaked the handkerchief with water and handed it to Su Ruan, then wiped it at will, then took out a thermos cup from his bag and handed it to her, "Drink something?"

Su Ruan took it over, drinking hot **** candy, and feeling a little more comfortable.

The boy with half-length hair on the opposite side smiled at her, "It's so hot today, are you brothers and sisters? Where are you going?"

Su Ruan smiled and did not speak. This is a habit she developed in her past life. To strangers on the train, she would never answer questions about personal information.

Otherwise you have no idea what useful information will be revealed to the other party.

Though both rows appear to be students.

In the hard-seat box at this moment, there are four people in a row, and eight people are sitting face to face. Except for Su Ruan and Lu Mingchen, the other six people seem to know each other.

Su Ruan listened and realized that they were students of Donglin Academy of Fine Arts. They went to Yan City to travel and sketch together during the summer vacation.

The boy opposite seems to be very interested in Su Ruan and has been talking to her.

However, Su Ruan's spirit is not good, because this time he will stay in Yan City until the winter vacation. Li Ruolan slept with her last night, chatted for almost half the night, and explained piecemeal A bunch of them, and my aunt came in the middle. She got up early this morning to catch the train. Now that she has calmed down, she just wants to sleep.

The people next to Lu Mingchen were quiet, probably because he didn't think he was a good person. Lu Mingchen's appearance and temperament were very intimidating when he was outside.

However, Su Ruan leaned against the window and was half asleep, feeling a little crowded. When she opened her eyes, she found that Lu Mingchen was close to her, and the long-haired girl sitting on the other side of him kept walking towards him. Leaning on her body, Lu Mingchen pushed her head to the other side, and she leaned back again within two minutes.

Su Ruan was instantly unhappy, although trains are popular these days, and romantic relationships, but this is too obvious, and Lu Mingchen is obviously a married man, this girl is not Did you get it straight up?

"Husband." Su Ruan called out, her voice was a little hoarse because she was not sober.

Lu Mingchen reacted for a while before realizing it was calling him, his throat rolled, and he said softly, "What's wrong?"

"Change position, my head hurts when I sleep by the window." Su Ruan stood up and walked out.

Lu Mingchen moved in and sat by the window, Su Ruan rudely fell on his shoulders to sleep, the girl really didn't come over.

Well, I want to take advantage of my baby brother, but there is no way.

Thinking like this, Su Ruan gradually fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, when I opened my eyes, I saw a slightly fat girl opposite her looking at her with envy.

Su Ruan moved lazily, only to realize that something was wrong. She is now almost half lying in Lu Mingchen's arms, presumably to make her sleep more comfortable, he leaned against the window To her, and she was leaning on his chest, no wonder it was so comfortable.

There is also a cool breeze overhead. Su Ruan raised his eyes and saw Lu Mingchen holding a newspaper in his empty hand, fanning her with one or the other.

I guess she sensed her movement and chuckled, "Awake? Quickly wipe your saliva."

Su Ruan sat up quickly, only to realize that Lu Mingchen was lying to her, glared at him, grabbed the newspaper and fanned him twice, "What time is it?"

Lu Mingchen raised his hand and looked at the table below, "At three o'clock in the afternoon, we will be there in four hours."

She slept for almost four hours. Who would have thought that she slept better on the hard seat than when she slept on the hard bed at the beginning of the year.

Lu Mingchen unscrewed the thermos cup again, "Drink some water, I'll go to instant noodles."

Su Ruan shook her head, "I won't eat it, you can eat it." It was hot in the carriage, and she had no appetite.

Lu Mingchen didn't say anything, turned out two packs of instant noodles and ham sausage, got up and went out to make hot water.

After he left, the long-haired boy opposite handed Su Ruan a piece of paper. Su Ruan didn't want it, but he couldn't help but be stunned when he saw the painting on it.

It's her and Lu Mingchen.

And Lu Mingchen leaned against the window and looked down at her, holding a newspaper in his hand to fan her, obviously the scar under his left eye should make people feel terrible, but his eyebrows Gentle, with a smile on his lips.

Su Ruan paused, took the painting, "Thank you."

The boy laughed, "He loves you very much, I wish you all a long life."

Lu Mingchen came over with a lunch box, glanced at the boy vigilantly, and asked Su Ruan, "Who loves you? What?"

Su Ruan folded the painting and said with a smile, "Guess?"

Lu Mingchen couldn't guess, he just looked at the boy on the opposite side with a bad look, when the other side spoke again, he picked up the words without a trace, and ate according to Su Ruan, provoking the students on the opposite side Always snickering.

The train finally arrived at Yanshi at seven o'clock.

"Finally here, my old waist." Su Ruan stretched her lower limbs comfortably, and it was really no joke to stay in the hard seat for seven or eight hours.

Pei Zhiming was already waiting at the door, waving at them excitedly.

"Boss, sister-in-law! Here and here! Haha, sister-in-law, you are finally here!"

Su Ruan laughed, "As for what?"

Pei Zhiming said, "Of course, you are the last trump card of our group."

"Then Lu Chenming can't compare to the boss in anything, just point to marrying his wife this time to win it back, we can let him succeed?! Then we will blow him up!"

Su Ruan was amused, these people are really naive.

It was completely dark when we arrived at the military area.

Registered and checked all Su Ruan's documents, and the jeep drove for a while before arriving at the family area of ​​the military.

The battalion commander and above of the military region will be assigned a house. After applying for the military, the family can be taken over to live together.

However, those at the battalion commander level are all bungalows, the regimental-level cadres’ family buildings and small bungalows, and above the division level are the small second floor or small villas.

So Lu Mingchen also has a house here.

"The boss was supposed to have a family building with two bedrooms and one living room, but he never got married at that time, so he carried forward his style and gave the family building to other married heads. He I want a bungalow."

Su Ruan took a look and felt that he probably never lived in this bungalow.

In the yard, there are four small houses side by side, and the gates are all random wooden fences. Compared with the many small houses built by the left and right families and the vibrant yard, this yard is like a model room.

Su Ruan looked around in each room and wondered, "Why is there only one bed?"

Pei Zhiming patted his head, "Oh, look at my memory, I was cleaning it today, and I forgot to change the bed."

"Today, you will be ready, and tomorrow you will make a bed." After he finished speaking, he winked at Lu Mingchen.

Lu Mingchen gave him a sideways glance, raised his leg and kicked someone, "Go away."

Pei Zhiming rolled away with a smile, Su Ruan drew water to wash himself, and when he came back, Lu Mingchen had already laid the floor next to the single bed.

He raised his chin and pointed to the opposite side and explained, "That's Lu Chenming's house, that guy always likes to stare at me."

This time they originally came to clarify the rumor that there was no divorce. If the other party knew that the two were sleeping in separate beds, he would really be laughed at.

Su Ruan didn't say anything, just went to bed and lay down. Half an hour later, there was an even breathing sound next to him, and Lu Mingchen must be exhausted.

Su Ruan may have slept a lot during the day, but she can't sleep a little now.

It looks good everywhere, even the little belly that rises and falls when breathing is a little cute...

After a while, I forced myself to turn back and sighed a long time, things seemed to be bad...

When the horn sounded in the morning, Su Ruan also opened his eyes immediately, Lu Mingchen had already got up and neatly packed up and went out to wash.

Su Ruan was slowly folding the quilt when she heard a surprised voice from outside, "Ouch, Captain Deer, you are back?! I thought you were going to miss my wedding, sister-in-law. Well, are you here yet?"

Lu Mingchen said lazily, "What do you want to attend at that wedding? Your sister-in-law is still asleep!"

In the stern tone of the last sentence, Su Ruan felt that what Pei Zhiming said about Lu Mingchen's nemesis was probably the opposite.

"Come on, are you asleep or not?" The man said, "The whole hospital heard that you were going to file a divorce report that day, it's okay, you'll be a bachelor for the rest of your life, and everyone won't laugh at you. ."

Lu Mingchen said, "I believe this, after all, you have been a bachelor for so many years, and everyone pity you."

Su Ruan packed up and went out, and saw a tall and handsome young man who was standing at the gate of the opposite courtyard arguing with Lu Mingchen.

Seeing her coming out, the other party was stunned, "Is there really a sister-in-law?"

Su Ruan was also stunned, she finally knew why she heard Lu Chenming's name familiar. Master Lu called, and he had long forgotten his name.

And she clearly remembered that he said that Lu Mingchen and Lu Mingchen were the best confidant brothers, and this tit-for-tat appearance, how much they beautified!