After realizing what she said, Su Ruan couldn't help covering her face.

Lu Mingchen looked at her cautiously, "In the past two years, we have returned to Donglin City to celebrate the New Year, and we should not see the art troupe."

Su Ruan looked at him and softened for a while, "I see, let's eat, I have a strange temper these two days, you don't have to worry too much."

Despite saying this, Lu Mingchen went to the kitchen to make her a glass of **** syrup, "I'll go to the army in a while, you have a good rest today, I'll have someone bring you back at noon. "

"Got it."

Looking at Lu Mingchen's worried look, Su Ruan thought to himself, it really can't be like this, it's okay if you think you're unhappy, and it makes Lu Mingchen feel nervous and uncomfortable.

What did Lu Mingchen do wrong? He was just too handsome and only attracted peach blossoms. Su Ruan calmly took a sip of **** syrup, and it won't be her business in the future.

After lunch, Pei Zhiming came to pick up Su Ruan to the office building, and he proudly asked Political Commissar Wang for credit, "I said that my sister-in-law will definitely bring the boss back! You don't think it's easy. "

Commissar Wang looked at Su Ruan with particularly kind eyes, "Doctor Wen said this is a very good sign."

"Dr. Wen?"

"Yes." Political Commissar Wang said, "This time I have hired a very powerful psychiatrist to treat people's problems in their hearts." There are doctors who specialize in treating people's crankiness."

Su Ruan laughed, and Political Commissar Wang said, "We are also a dead horse as a living horse doctor. We were afraid that we couldn't catch Lu Mingchen, thanks to you."

Su Ruan asked Lu Mingchen to bring her back, of course not for the so-called clarification of rumors, anyway, she is not going to accompany the army, what does it matter what people here think of her?

The main purpose of her bringing him back was to let Lu Mingchen receive psychological treatment, but Political Commissar Wang was worried that Lu Mingchen would resist when he knew about it, after all, that person directly closed himself up when he got emotional. Others can fight and run, but they are afraid that the psychiatrist will not be able to do anything at that time, so Su Ruan will find a way to bring them back.

I just didn't expect it to be so simple, and Political Commissar Wang was once again relieved, "The lunatic is really married to you."

Pei Zhiming pouted, "Political commissar, you should tell Lu Chenming what you said. I heard him say today that our boss is afraid of embarrassment and specially hired his sister-in-law to play."

"I think he just thinks that Nurse Mi is not as good as our sister-in-law. He deliberately mixed the water, Wang political commissar, when the time comes, you will testify to our boss and sister-in-law! You will be mad at him."

Commissar Wang laughed, "I don't care about your business." He said to Su Ruan again, "Just ignore Lu Chenming's words."

"But others are not bad. This time Dr. Wen was invited by him after hearing his cousin's story."

"Although he looked at the sum and Ming Chen, he actually regarded him as a target."

Pei Zhiming was a little surprised, "He actually invited him?"

Su Ruan was not too surprised, after all, in his last life, Master Lu always regarded himself as a confidant and friend of Lu Mingchen.

Just sighed, "It's a good person, but it's a pity that he has a long mouth."

Commissar Wang and Pei Zhiming pondered for a while, and found that what they said was very good. Pei Zhiming was eager to try, obviously preparing to use it in front of him.

"Dr. Wen chatted with him all morning, and I need to chat with you later to see how he can treat this problem in the future." Su Ruan naturally had no problem.

Psychotherapy generally requires the cooperation of family and friends,

Dr. Wen is a young man in his thirties, with a thin body, dressed in summer clothes and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and has an elegant temperament. People relax unconsciously.

Commissar Wang specially found a room for the two of them to chat. Dr. Wen asked Su Ruan and Lu Mingchen's usual work habits and performance as well as things about the Lu family, and finally analyzed,

"From the age of six to eighteen, it is the age for a person to establish his outlook on life and the world, but he should be surrounded by all the abuse and curses of the Lu family."

"From their work style, it can be inferred that in their eyes, everything Lu Mingchen must do is wrong, let alone make mistakes. For ordinary children, small mistakes may be in their mouths will be exaggerated into heinous crimes."

"After a person has been in such an environment for a long time, he will inevitably have the perception that he is not worthy of living in this world. This is the main reason for his world-weariness."

"To be honest, ordinary people might have fallen long ago or stood on the opposite side of society, but Lu Mingchen has a very admirable willpower. Perhaps it was left by his mother or father when he was a child. Some memories, but he's made it to the present."

"But it also makes him very **** himself."

Set up less reasonable logic to make it seem reasonable, and finally tell yourself that there is nothing wrong with it.

"But Lu Mingchen will not, because of the relationship of the Lu family, his slightest mistake will be magnified, making him feel as if he has done heinous and bad things, which will destroy his spirit and life all year round His confidence, so the slightest mistake can easily bring him down."

"And when it comes to beautiful things that make people feel happy, his first reaction is to reject and stay away, feeling that he doesn't deserve it, and will be destroyed sooner or later."

Su Ruan rubbed her hands together, really wishing she could kill the entire Lu family once.

Doctor Wen looked at her and smiled, "It is also fortunate that he chose the profession of a soldier, where he is very good, and his merits will give him self-confidence and make him feel that his existence is meaningful, It's a healing process in itself."

"But the most important thing is you," Dr. Wen said with a smile, "and listening to the symptoms described by Political Commissar Wang, after he married you, he has become much better."

"I chatted with him this morning. Under normal circumstances, his serious self-loathing is not much. I think it's all your credit."

"He is willing to listen to your analysis and opinions, and try to substitute, and he will gradually learn to open himself up in the future."

Su Ruan:…

"I am also willing to try some delicious things. When talking about the food, I can describe the taste in detail. This is a manifestation of his willingness to accept good things, although he is passive for the time being."

The more Su Ruan listened, the more wrong, "So how are we going to cooperate with you to treat him next?"

Doctor Wen smiled and said, "Your method is very good, you can just continue."

Sure enough, so you came to talk to me about loneliness?

As if knowing what she was thinking, Dr. Wen smiled, "Love is the best medicine to heal all psychological wounds. Luckily, Lu Mingchen has found love that can accommodate him."

Su Ruan suspects that he is a liar.

Before leaving, Dr. Wen said, "Miss Su is also a very strong person, but I don't think your heart is lighter than Lu Mingchen's."

Su Ruan asked very actively, "Can you see what it is? Can it be cured?"

Doctor Wen laughed, "When you cure Lu Mingchen, he will cure you too."

Su Ruan said:…

This is definitely a liar. Thinking about Lu Chenming's naivety, it's strange that he can find a reliable person?

Doctor Wen glanced out the window and suddenly said, "But I'll have a fight anyway, and it doesn't seem good to do anything."

"Would you like to cooperate with me for a while?"

Su Ruan was puzzled, and heard the familiar footsteps outside, followed by a knock on the door.

Su Ruan looked at Dr. Wen's abruptly affectionate eyebrows, and thought that her acting skills were really good.

"Come in."

The person who pushed in the door was indeed Lu Mingchen. He was stunned when he saw Dr. Wen, "Doctor Wen, why are you here?"

Doctor Wen smiled and said, "I came to your political commissar, and I happened to meet Miss Su. Later, your political commissar was busy, so we will chat here."

Lu Mingchen didn't think much about it, and said to Su Ruan, "The political commissar said it's fine, let's go home."

Su Ruan nodded, and just got up, when Dr. Wen suddenly said, "I guess the marriage between the two of you is not real, right?"

Su Ruan and Lu Mingchen widened their eyes in displeasure.

Doctor Wen looked at their expressions and smiled, "Looks like I guessed right."

"Do you work together until one party finds someone they like? Or do they separate after the agreement is resolved?"

Looking at Lu Mingchen's vigilant appearance, Dr. Wen smiled, "Don't worry, I won't say it,"

He looked at Su Ruan, "I just want to know, how long is your cooperation? Can I pursue Miss Su?"

Su Ruan looked at Lu Mingchen subconsciously.

But seeing Lu Mingchen walking directly to Su Ruan to block people, he stared at Dr. Wen with a bad expression and said, "I remember you said just now that this is the first time you saw her."

"Yes," said Dr. Wen with a smile, "it was the first time I saw you, and I knew that you were an upright person and should fulfill the agreement seriously."

Lu Mingchen frowned, "No."

Doctor Wen said, "Why not? And I'm just pursuing it. If it's not suitable, I can break up."

Lu Mingchen's phoenix eyes suddenly sharpened, and he said solemnly, "What do you think of her?"

Dr. Wen said, "Of course I want to pursue it as a beautiful and excellent girl."

He introduced himself, "I studied in France for three years. I am a doctor by profession. My family has small assets, and I don't have any bad habits. I still have the qualifications to pursue Miss Su."

Lu Mingchen pursed his lips and thought, "You are too old."

Dr. Wen was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Lu Mingchen to say this reason, he couldn't help laughing, "Captain Lu, you probably don't know that older people are tolerant, Miss Su is like this The little girl should be held in the palm of your hand and loved."

"Slippery tongue." Lu Mingchen was very upset, and dragged Su Ruan out directly, "I don't agree, don't even think about it."

Dr. Wen asked, "In what capacity did Captain Lu disagree?"

Lu Mingchen paused and didn't speak, but he took Su Ruan's hand and walked faster.

Su Ruan looked at his angry back, and the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.

After reaching the quiet place downstairs, Lu Mingchen released Su Ruan's hand, "You can find someone, but that person can't."

Su Ruan's mouth was flattened, and she squinted at him, "What did you say?"

Lu Mingchen thought he was not happy to interfere with him,

She pursed her lips tightly, and insisted with difficulty for a long time, "That person is absolutely not good, although he looks good, but the girl you meet for the first time is unreliable. Not all people who come back from studying abroad are good, I heard that foreign countries are very open, and people are very frivolous!"

Su Ruan said lightly, "So all except him?"

Lu Mingchen was silent for a while, lowered his eyelids and said in a low voice, "You can only be good people."

"Although the agreement is non-interference, we are friends after all..." He seemed to be unable to continue.

Su Ruan laughed angrily, "Then do I have to thank you for keeping me in check?"

Lu Mingchen didn't speak, but he seemed to insist.

Su Ruan really wanted to kick him, but unfortunately he didn't have a place.