Lu Mingchen gave such a demonstration, and Head Yu followed closely, standing under the steps and waving at Teacher Han, "Come? I'll carry you too?"

Mr. Han slapped him with a wide smile, and was obviously coaxed by this. Head Yu was very happy to see this, and regardless of her refusal, he walked up to her and bent over to pick her up Bend your legs and run forward.

Lu Mingchen's attitude that he had given up was about to move, Su Ruan was afraid that he would also surprise her, so he ran forward.

After running out, she looked back at Lu Mingchen with a surprised look and couldn't help laughing.

Lu Mingchen couldn't help laughing when he saw her, and strode to catch up, "You don't think you can outrun me."

After he stretched out his long arms, Su Ruan didn't know what was going on, he was dragged back to his side, his head almost hit his shoulder under inertia, and was held down by his big hand , Lu Mingchen couldn't help laughing, "Look, you can't escape my palm."

Su Ruan kicked him angrily and couldn't help laughing.

A group of people went home in such a scuffle.

Su Ruan threw herself on the bed, watched Lu Mingchen come over, raised his leg to trip him, Lu Mingchen reached out and grabbed her ankle in a conditioned reflex.

Su Ruan sat up and couldn't help touching her ankle, which seemed to still have a scorching temperature, causing her cheeks to get hot.

Lu Mingchen's water was hot for more than half an hour, and when he entered the room again, he had a thin layer of water vapor on his body, obviously he had already taken a shower.

He wiped his hair with a towel, but did not look at Su Ruan, "The water is ready, you can also wash."

Because the room was not cleaned up, and the bungalow did not have facilities such as heating, sewer and shower, so they took a bath in the most vacant room in the east, put two large bathtubs to simply rinse, simply It's summer, and if it's winter, I have to go to the bathroom.

However, it is still inconvenient, Su Ruan wipes his arms and thinks about Lu Mingchen's relaxed appearance today, he is obviously very relaxed here, maybe he really should repair the yard and live temporarily It can be settled, but if you live permanently, you need to be convenient and comfortable.

Wrapping a long hair in a towel, Su Ruan changed into loose clothes and went out, and saw Lu Mingchen standing in the yard, squinting and looking at the opposite side.

Su Ruan heard Lu Chenming's voice, "Tsk, this woman's clothes are troublesome to wash." The words were disgusting, but the tone was not too awkward.

Su Ruan followed the reputation and saw that guy was drying a big red dress in the yard, which is what Nurse Mi wore today.

Su Ruan guessed that Nurse Mi was drunk and vomited, but Lu Chenming was diligent.

Seeing Lu Mingchen swept over her new clothes, his eyes fell on the east side, Su Ruan hurriedly stopped, "Stop!"

There is her underwear in the dirty clothes, what is this guy crazy.

Pushing him back to the room, Su Ruan couldn't help laughing and crying, "They are a real husband and wife. What do you compare to others? You are not childish."

Lu Mingchen said, "According to the agreement, I can't let you lose face in front of others."

Su Ruan was stunned for a while, and her excited mood was like pouring cold water over her head, and her head, which was still a mess, was instantly awake.

She suddenly covered her face and smiled, "It's really..." So stupid...

Lu Mingchen looked at her suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Su Ruan wiped her face and smiled, "It's alright, you did a great job! However, I don't need to be so accommodating to me in the future, just talking about loving couples, you don't need to do this. of."

Looking at her smile, Lu Mingchen always felt uncomfortable, "It doesn't matter, it wasn't difficult at all."

"There's no need for that." Su Ruan looked into his eyes and said seriously, "You don't have to be so nice to me in the future, I've already left Donglin City anyway, and I won't go with the army, so you just pay How to live the same life as you used to, don't think about me, for the same reason, me too, I should be busy with my business too."

Lu Mingchen was stunned for a moment, only to feel that his chest was blocked, but Su Ruan seemed to be right.

Su Ruan looked at him, sighed softly, picked up the towel and rolled into the bed, "Okay, I'm exhausted today, I'll go to bed first, good night."

Lu Mingchen stared blankly at Su Ruan's back, how did he feel that she was so far away from him at this moment, which made him a little flustered...

【Brother Mingchen? 】A hand was placed on his chest, and his body became even hotter.

【Do you want water? 】The voice continued to ask, 【Why can't you feed in? 】

Turning over and holding down the person, he pinned to the only source that quenched his thirst and prevented him from running away.

Not enough, not enough... I always feel that I need to swallow all the people in my arms to quench my thirst.

Knowing that the other party started to cry, she should not be allowed to cry, Lu Mingchen finally opened his eyes, and saw Su Ruan almost naked, with two hands clasping broken red The skirt covered her chest, and the crying pear blossoms brought rain: [Lu Mingchen, you want to eat me! ? 】

! !

Lu Mingchen suddenly opened his eyes and saw the boundless darkness, it was a dream…

He tried to calm his breath, raised his hand and looked at the luminous watch on his wrist, it was three in the middle of the night.

Su Ruan, who was next to him, turned over, Lu Mingchen sat up suddenly, and hurried out.

Half-dreaming, Su Ruan was awakened by the shrill noise, touched her side, Lu Mingchen disappeared, she was startled and hurriedly turned on the light, it was a quarter to four in the morning.

There were lights flashing outside, Su Ruan quickly got out of bed and pushed the door out, Lu Mingchen was standing at the door.

The lights are on in the neighbors, and there is a tense atmosphere in the air.

"What happened?" Su Ruan panicked.

Lu Mingchen froze for a moment, turned and walked out, "There is an urgent task."

Su Ruan chased after him, and when he left the hospital, he saw Lu Chenming hugging Nurse Mi tightly, "I'm sorry, I let you have one today. But don't worry, I will give it to you when I come back. Make up for marriage leave."

Leader Yu from the east touched Teacher Han's head with rare tenderness, "It's your hard work at home."

Su Ruan looked at Lu Mingchen and gritted her teeth, "Although we have had our own ways, we are friends anyway, so you plan to leave without saying goodbye to such a big thing?"

Lu Mingchen was wronged, "No, I'm going to tell you."

Su Ruan said, "You lied, you didn't call me when you got up. If I didn't hear anything, would you just leave."

Lu Mingchen didn't know how to explain the fact that he was not on the bed when he received the task, but was washing his pants in the east room, his eyes fell on her face and he remembered that he was not as good as a beast The dream, Adam's apple rolled the raceway, "I really intend to tell you."


Lu Mingchen raised his hand and seemed to want to touch Su Ruan's head, but in the end he just waved, "It's alright, don't worry."

She turned the beads on her wrist, and suddenly laughed at herself, she was really sick.

In the car, Captain Zhang sighed to Lu Chenming, "Your family nurse Mi has been wronged, the first day of marriage."

Lu Chenming also gritted his teeth, "Look, I won't beat them down this time!" He touched Lu Mingchen, "What about you, is your Su Ruan also terrified?"

Lu Mingchen remembered the panic in her eyes just now, and suddenly felt a little anxious in her heart, she should have said a few words to her just now.

The head of Yu sighed, "Don't talk about you, it's been so many years, and my teacher Han is still not used to it."

"It's not easy for them to marry us. I sometimes think that if she just marry someone outside, as long as she doesn't eat, drink, prostitute, and gamble, it's better than marrying us."

"We keep them worried all day long and don't say it, one day suddenly..."

"Ah bah bah bah!" Lu Chenming said angrily, "Can you speak? I'm just married, don't say anything unlucky, I'm going to grow old with my nurse Mi!"

"Besides there is a lunatic deer, can he still make his wife a widow?" Lu Chenming asked Lu Mingchen, "Is that so? Head of the deer?"

Lu Mingchen stared blankly at the front, the temperature in his eyes gradually disappeared, and he lowered his eyelids in silence.

Everyone here looked at each other in dismay, and the military sister-in-law who stayed behind were also difficult to rest.

Sent them away, but Nurse Mi didn't go home, but went directly to Su Ruan's side, "Did your head deer say when to come back?"

The old lady Zhang also came over. She had experienced a lot, and she was not panic at all.

"But don't worry, these tasks are at least three or four times a year."

"I see that my son's expression is alright. It shouldn't be too serious. It is estimated that he will be back in a week or two."

Nurse Mi went directly to the hospital for work the next day. If she really came back from the mission, the hospital would be the first place to receive the news.

Su Ruan thought about it, and packed her luggage to leave.

Lu Mingchen has implemented the cooperation so thoroughly, she is so sticky and outrageous.