Su Ruan made a big move at the market, not to mention Lu Chenming and Nurse Mi, Aunt Fu next to him was stunned for a while, obviously he never expected Su Ruan to be so brave go out.

But I don't know that this is a basic skill that Su Ruan has cultivated in his previous life, and the effect is of course obvious.

The price of the hair tie is the same as when she was in Donglin City. The basic hair tie is one yuan and two, and the embellished one is five yuan.

The earrings are divided into three pieces, five pieces and eight pieces, and the necklaces are all ten pieces.

Su Ruan's unique skills of combing her hair, combing her hair and matching jewelry, more and more people onlookers, and many people pay, Aunt Fu can't even collect the money, and sells glue next to it The eldest brother watched for a while and couldn't help but said, "Give us one piece and five for my daughter."

Su Ruan laughed, "Then leave me a bottle of glue."

"Su Ruan?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Su Ruan raised her head and said in surprise, "Nurse Mi?" His eyes fell on Lu Chenming who was following him for a while, "You guys have come back from your mission?"

Lu Chenming said proudly, "In order to meet my nurse Mi, I came back early, and Lu Lunatic estimates that it will take two days."

Nurse Mi nurtured him with her elbow and said to Su Ruan, "Don't listen to him, your head deer has a different task than his."

Su Ruan asked, "Is there no danger?"

Lu Chenming said firmly, "Don't worry, there's no problem."

Su Ruan relaxed a lot, "Thank you."

There were more and more people in front of the stall, Su Ruan gave Nurse Mi two hair ties, and then she couldn't talk about it, Nurse Mi pulled Lu Chenming to say goodbye.

Lu Chenming left with a puzzled face, "Isn't she going to college? Why is she setting up a stall here?"

"No, doesn't she care about lunatic deer? She still wants to set up a stall here."

Nurse Mi gave him a sideways look, "Does it mean that you are worried about waiting at home like Teacher Han all day restless?"

"Then do you think I don't care about you either! I still go to work every day."

"How come?" Lu Chenming said and felt distressed again, "Just go to work, what are you doing so hard?"

Nurse Mi sighed, "Do you think I think about it? I don't always think about it when I'm busy, otherwise it will be too torturous." She looked back at Su Ruan, "I guess she Same thing."

Lu Chenming said guiltily, "Sorry, I made you worry, I'll accompany you to sleep well after shopping."

Nurse Mi took his arm sweetly.

Su Ruan's mind is all about money at the moment, this kind of crowd flow is not covered. When the stall closed in the afternoon, they had sold more than 1,500 hair hoops, earrings and necklaces. Also sold half.

After returning home, Aunt Fu counted the money, Su Ruan checked the remaining materials, and went directly to the cloth village to approve a dozen pieces of cloth.

When I entered the door, I saw Aunt Fu's eyes bright, "It sold for more than 1,000 yuan. If we buy cloth and elastic bands, the cost will be less than 200, right?"

Su Ruan moved the cloth into the room, "So this business can be done very well, and the rest is probably not enough to sell tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so I will make a little more."

Aunt Fu also came to help. Although the cost of large pieces of cloth is higher, it is much more efficient than the rag head, until the two of them made more than 200 tapes before going to bed decorated.

At half past eight, Aunt Fu went to rest and Su Ruan continued.

Aunt Fu woke up at five o'clock the next day and was shocked to see Su Ruan still stepping on the sewing machine, "Have you been busy all night?"

Su Ruan also seemed to realize that the sky was bright.

Aunt Fu said, "Don't do this in the future. There are big episodes like this every month, but they're not in Wei Village. Besides, there are also small episodes every three or five times, so there's no need to fight like this."

Su Ruan smiled, "I just couldn't sleep, so I stayed up until this point."

Aunt Fu did not doubt, after all, she made seven or eight hundred dollars in four or five days, so it is normal to be excited.

The number of people at the rally on the second day was less than that on the first day, but there were more people at Su Ruan's booth, some of whom were repeat customers, and some who saw that others bought it and thought it looked good specially found.

Many people buy ten or eight, and Su Ruan will be a little cheaper. A woman asked, "How much cheaper can you buy if I buy two hundred?"

Su Ruan's heart moved, but she didn't reply at the moment, she just called the woman, "It's hard to say at the moment, I'll go back and calculate, if you take more, I can give you a low price, We can talk in a few days."

If you can wholesale, there will be an additional sales channel, of course Su Ruan will not refuse.

Until the stall closed in the afternoon, their more than 2,000 hair ties and jewelry were all sold out, leaving only a few hundred hair ties, obviously not enough to sell on the third day.

After returning home, Su Ruan was thinking of making another batch, but suddenly received a call from Nurse Mi, "Su Ruan, come to the hospital! Your head deer, they are back!"

Su Ruan's face changed greatly, and Aunt Fu was frightened, "What's wrong? Did something happen? Injured? Is it serious?"

Su Ruan shook her head, and Nurse Mi hurriedly hung up the phone. She seemed to hear someone calling for rescue. Thinking of this, she panicked.

Aunt Fu had trouble with her legs and feet, so she hurriedly said, "You go first! I'll wait for your call at home. If you need anything, call me and I'll take it there!"

Su Ruan really couldn't care less and ran to the hospital.

hurriedly ran into the hospital gate, and met Nurse Mi head-on, Nurse Mi was startled when she saw her, "What's wrong?"

Su Ruan tried her best to calm her breath and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with Lu Mingchen? Where is the injury?"

Nurse Mi realized that she had misunderstood, and hurriedly said, "He is not injured."

Su Ruan was stunned for a moment, and Nurse Mi said a little embarrassedly, "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't make it clear, he wasn't injured, it was his comrade who was seriously injured, and he sent his comrade here."

"I just thought you should be in a hurry to see him, so I took the time to let you know."

"I just heard Political Commissar Wang say that he doesn't have a long rest period and will continue to do his tasks tomorrow."

"You hurry up and see him now, or you don't know when the next meeting will be."

Su Ruan let go when he heard that he was not hurt, but at this time he didn't want to see him very much.

But Nurse Mi had already taken her to an office on the top floor.


Su Ruan thanked Nurse Mi for her kindness, but planned to leave when she left.

Unexpectedly, she heard her name when she turned around.

"Lu Mingchen, when you did such a dangerous thing, did you ever think about Comrade Xiao Su?" Political Commissar Wang's tone was full of anger.

"People are always afraid at home, you don't say that you will complete the task well, come back quickly, and dare to go deep into the enemy camp, this time you are lucky, in case you have three strengths and two weaknesses, Comrade Xiao Su is still like that Young, what do you want her to do?"

"Have you not seen Zhao Lei's appearance, his wife's appearance? Do you want Comrade Su to be like that?"

Commissar Wang suddenly paused and said hesitantly, "You don't think that you will die at any time, so you don't need that kind of thing that people care about?"

After a while of silence, Lu Mingchen's low voice came, "No."

"Better not!" Political commissar Wang warned, "Otherwise I will ask you to divorce Comrade Xiao Su, don't harm other good girls, take five hours, hurry up and meet people. "

Listening to the other party's appearance, Su Ruan hurriedly dodged and hid in the opposite room.

After Political Commissar Wang left, Su Ruan thought about it, and instead of letting Lu Mingchen run around, he might as well say hello.

When I walked to the door, I heard Pei Zhiming sigh, "Boss, don't blame yourself, if you didn't make a quick decision, Zhao Lei would not only lose his legs, and Political Commissar Wang would also feel bad for us."

He seemed to want to liven up the atmosphere and said with a smile, "Boss, miss my sister-in-law, go back and have a look."

"Speaking of which, how is your progress, boss? Is your sister-in-law tempted? Is the agreement about to be torn up?"

Lu Mingchen warned in a deep voice, "Pei Zhiming."


Pei Zhiming should have been frightened by his seriousness and did not speak any more.

Lu Mingchen also continued to be silent.

Su Ruan outside the door smiled silently, turned and left silently.

After going downstairs, she first called Aunt Fu to tell the other party that it was a misunderstanding, and then went to Nurse Mi, she was going to see Zhao Lei, who was the apprentice she found for Aunt Fu, I only thought of him a few days ago, but I didn't expect to meet him so soon.

"A leg was directly blown off." Nurse Mi sighed, "I will definitely be discharged from the army now. I heard from our family Chenming that this man is bold and careful, and is a good soldier. It's a pity..."

Su Ruan was surprised that although Zhao Lei looked like a big man in the north in her impression, he was very timid.

Su Ruan looked at the man lying on the bed through the glass window of the ICU. There was gauze all over his body, and many bloodstains oozing out. The left leg and knee were gone.

Su Ruan only felt that her chest was blocked and she couldn't breathe. It was seven years later when she saw him. At that time, he was on crutches, and the visual impact was not so great.

Nurse Mi, who was used to seeing these, couldn't help but sighed, and gestured to Su Ruan to the woman sitting on the chair next to her, "Zhao Lei's lover, Sister-in-law Xiaocao."

The woman named Xiaocao is very thin, the kind of malnourished thin, and her face is very haggard.

But she remembered that Zhao Lei was a bachelor and never mentioned his wife. Did he remarry after his disability?

Su Ruan didn't know what to say, no matter whether she would leave Zhao Lei or not, Su Ruan could feel her real grief at this moment.

At this time, she didn't have any relatives by her side. Su Ruan was thinking about how to talk, when she found that the blood on the woman's face quickly faded, and the whole face was as pale as paper, she was startled, " Sister-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Cao also covered her stomach in panic, " child..."

Su Ruan's face changed greatly after she realized what she meant, especially when she saw the blood dripping from her body, she felt cold all over, "You, don't move..."

Her voice was not much louder than Xiaocao's, as if her throat was blocked by something, and she made an airy sound, "Don't move..."

Su Ruan forced herself to stand up and stumbled to call the doctor, "Doctor!" The voice forced out of her throat was a bit shrill, "Save the child—"

It shocked many people and finally caught the attention of the medical staff.

Lu Mingchen, who was going downstairs, suddenly changed his face, and Pei Zhiming ran down, "What's wrong?"

I was shocked when I saw Su Ruan standing in the corridor, "Sister-in-law, you are..."

Saw Su Ruan's face was pale and almost transparent, leaning against the wall and crumbling, as if she would fall down at any time.