During a two-and-a-half-hour lunch break at noon, Su Ruan woke up and found that her legs had returned to the state of yesterday.

Out of the dormitory, feeling the sun outside, Zhao Yanyan died of worry, "If the weather is like this every day in our military training, I will become black charcoal."

Su Ruan can only follow the local customs, wear a hat tightly, and cover it with a brim.

If everyone is fresh in the morning, only pain is left in the afternoon.

The first thing to do when the team is complete is to stand in a military position for ten minutes. In Lu Mingchen's words, it is to wake them up first.

In early September, the scorching sun at 2:30 at noon was still powerful. Although Lu Mingchen tried his best to make everyone turn their backs to the sun, Su Ruan could still feel half of his face being tanned, hot , With the tightness of the hat, she felt that her whole person was going to explode.

It's a pity that the weather is so good that a little wind is a luxury.

In the morning, the girls could relax a little, after all, the instructors had nothing to do with them, but when the instructors came in the afternoon, they had a tool in hand.

He said lazily to the girls in the back row, "The mop was removed from the toilet at this time. If you really don't do well, I can only use this to correct you. "

Zhao Yanyan couldn't help screaming in a low voice, "Ah, ah, he is really a devil. He blinded that handsome face!"

Su Ruan said in her heart, yes, and she very much doubted that it was him who gave the instructors the idea of ​​using tools.

In order not to be poked by the mop handle of the toilet, the girls also stood upright.

The body was hot and itchy, so Su Ruan had to stare at the brothers and sisters sitting by the shade of the playground to divert their attention. It was great to be able to eat popsicles, sit and fan.

She is not very demanding, just a little wind.

As I was thinking about it, I felt that the top of my head darkened, the hot sun shining directly on my face disappeared, and then there was a slight wind blowing from the side.

Su Ruan closed her eyes subconsciously and sighed comfortably, only to realize that something was not right.

Yuguang saw Lu Mingchen standing next to her, holding a cardboard I didn't know where, and fanning the wind comfortably.

However, before Su Ruan could feel it twice, he saw him with a wooden stick in one hand and a cardboard in the other hand, fanning the wind and starting to walk around the team, correcting everyone's movements.

Where he walked, the classmates couldn't help holding their breaths, wanting to take some cool breeze, but he walked very fast, it is estimated that few people can rub against them.

Su Ruan stared at the cardboard, who would have thought that one day she would so desire a broken cardboard?

Luckily, Lu Mingchen finally returned to the starting point. He fanned the wind and exhorted, "Stand up straight, there are still five minutes."

"Where is this going? A week later, half an hour of military posture every morning and afternoon is the norm."

Everyone let out a painful sigh.

Lu Mingchen said, "Don't take the opportunity to be lazy, stand up for me! Otherwise, it will be extended for another five minutes."

He shouted like this, but he didn't move any further.

Su Ruan was shrouded in his shadow, feeling the hot air fanning out next to him, and then looking at the other students, he suddenly felt much more comfortable.

Sure enough happiness is compared.

After ten minutes as long as a century, Lu Mingchen walked to the front of the square, reviewed the basic password of standing at attention and resting in the morning, and then began to teach the stop-and-go method.

An hour later, the instructors announced their disbandment and took a fifteen-minute break.

Zhao Yanyan and the others cheered and ran over to the shade of the tree. The space was limited, so they ran over to occupy the land.

Su Ruan limped slowly because of the pain in her leg, and suddenly felt her arm being supported while walking.

She was stunned for a moment, and turned her head to Feng Jingye, "What's wrong with your legs? Do you want to ask the instructor for a leave?"

His tone was very natural, if Su Ruan refused, it would be deliberate, so he smiled, "No."

She also broke free of his hand very naturally, "The sequelae of climbing the Great Wall, just do more activities."

Feng Jingye understood.

The voices of students gasping and whispering have been heard from the opposite side.

Feng Jingye did not hesitate, and took out his small bench from behind the tree to Su Ruan, "You sit first, or you will not be able to get up after a while." What goes away.

Zhao Yanyan was going crazy, she shook Su Ruan's arm and said, "Ah ah ah, Senior Brother Feng helped you and even talked to you!"

Su Ruan said calmly, "Just take care of the junior sister."

Zhao Yanyan suddenly said, "Do you think I will help me if I have a foot seal?"

Another lively Li Juan said, "Then I still fainted, will he..." hug me.

The latter is really embarrassing to say, just leave it to everyone to understand, everyone suddenly pushed and laughed, "Wow, I didn't expect you to be so serious."

Zhang Shishi suddenly said, "Su Ruan, does Senior Brother Feng like you? It's not impossible that you are so beautiful."

Su Ruan raised his chin lazily and motioned everyone to look at the other side, "Zhang Shishi, do you mean Senior Brother Feng is lecherous and obsessive?"

Zhang Shishi choked.

On the opposite side, Feng Jingye was fanning a female voice in the Department of Economics and Management who looked a little uncomfortable.

Li Juan said, "Senior brother Feng is so gentle, he must be very happy to be his girlfriend."

Zhao Yanyan is particularly annoyed with Zhang Shishi now, and impatiently said to her, "If you like Senior Brother Feng, just chase after yourself, and no one laughs at you, what are you doing all the time talking about Su Ruan?"

Su Ruan said, "Yeah, go after you, we will all support you." Without waiting for Zhang Shishi to speak, she continued, "I don't care. I don't like Senior Brother Feng. money."

Zhao Yanyan widened her eyes, "You don't like Senior Brother Feng, so what do you like?"

I don't like anything, but it's definitely not good to say that, Su Ruan said, "I haven't met it yet, but handsome is definitely the first."

She said it magnanimously, and everyone laughed and laughed.

Speaking of which, who doesn't like handsome guys, otherwise why are everyone's eyes on handsome guys?

During military training, everyone is not familiar with it, but it is not just the looks and the temperament.

"Hey, speaking of it, there is also a good-tempered boy in the philosophy department, have you noticed?" Zhao Yanyan asked.

The boy she mentioned was really impressed by several people, Li Juan said, "Is he the tall, thin, white-skinned one?"

"Yes, yes, let me see..." Zhao Yanyan stood up and glanced at the square of the Philosophy Department, "Hey, hey, that's it, in the first row, with a little guy That's what the boy talks about."

The girls all followed the direction she said, and did see a boy with outstanding temperament. He couldn't say handsome in appearance, but it was a very comfortable feeling. His temperament was gentle and clean, full of The bookishness is really striking.

Wang Hong said, "If you want to say handsome, I think our instructors are the most handsome."

Everyone followed her words and turned around, and the instructors were next to the Philosophy Department team.

Su Ruan also looked over, and even looked at Lu Mingchen from a distance, and the other party's eyes were a bit sharp.

Su Ruan was inexplicably guilty for a while, but quickly realized that she had a guilty conscience, isn't she just looking at a handsome guy, what's his business?

Isn't he going to help her check the object?

Zhao Yanyan is still sighing, "Is this still worth thinking about? That must be true, I have never seen a person more handsome than an instructor, but the instructor does not belong to us, let's not do it A realistic fantasy."

I said so, and at the end I couldn't help but say, "Did you say that the instructor is married? It seems that we are about the same age as us, so there should be no targets. After all, there is no chance to meet girls in the army. ."

"I don't know what it feels like to be his girlfriend." Speaking of the way he treated them with the toilet mop pole, "...like a devil, I can't imagine how nice he is to girls."

Su Ruan thought about the wind he fanned her, and couldn't help thinking, in fact... it's okay.

They were looking for handsome guys everywhere, but they didn't know that the instructor was also discussing them.

Instructor Sun looked at them with their necks outstretched and smiled and said, "It must be Ye Zhiwen from the Department of Philosophy." He couldn't help but sigh, "The freshmen are really lively."

The other instructor envied him, "Isn't the square you brought from a lot of foreign language colleges? There are so many beautiful women."

Instructor Sun said, "There are indeed a few pretty girls. I think some boys are already eyeing them. Maybe they will pursue them after military training."

"Is that the girl Feng Jingye helped just now?"

Instructor Sun said, "Don't say it, I think that Feng Jingye is really interested in that girl, otherwise he is a counselor in the Department of Economics and Management, why is he always in charge of the Department of Foreign Languages."

"I see him standing by the side and always looking at the girl."

He turned his head and asked Lu Mingchen, "Lieutenant Colonel Lu, did you notice?"

Lu Mingchen lowered his eyelids and said lightly, "A senior in the third year uses his position to approach girls. Remember to stop it when you see it."

Instructor Sun hesitated for a while, "They are not soldiers, and it is human nature, everyone has a love for beauty, after all, that girl is good-looking and has a very special temperament..."

"We take them one day and be responsible for them. In short, people with ulterior motives are not allowed to approach girls."

Lu Mingchen said, suddenly stood up, everyone was startled, they saw him put the whistle in his mouth and blew, "Assemble!"

The instructors all looked at their watches, there are still three minutes left.

Instructor Sun subconsciously looked at the foreign language department and saw that Feng Jingye was walking towards the girl, Lieutenant Colonel Lu didn't want to prevent them from talking, right?

Zhao Yanyan was shaking Su Ruan's arm excitedly, "Senior brother Feng is here, go and talk to him, thank you for the bench!"

Su Ruan was speechless, but he really wanted to thank others for their help, but before the other party approached, the whistle of assembly rang.

Feng Jingye was also stunned for a moment, Su Ruan could only hurriedly say "Thank you, brother" and ran to the assembled party.

I don't know if it's Su Ruan's illusion, Lu Mingchen's mood doesn't seem to be very good.

I didn't dare to laugh face to face when I stopped turning, except for the sound of him shouting passwords, which was the sound of clothes rubbing when everyone turned.

It won't help her raise her eyes and fan the wind, but instead stands on the other side, far away from her.

Su Ruan wrinkled her nose and didn't care, she had given up guessing what he was thinking, what she liked, it would be better for him to ignore her, so that she could sort out her mood.

After the team turned to training as a whole, they switched to single-row training, and in the end they were called individually.

"Three columns and four rows, turn left! Turn left! Turn back!"

"Two rows and one row, turn back! Turn left! Turn right!"

This kind of single-calling practice is very stressful, Su Ruan silently thinks about her position, and now everyone is standing facing east, she is the last row of the fourth row...

Just thinking about it, I heard Lu Mingchen, who walked behind her, clicked to her, "Four rows and eight rows, turn back!"

Su Ruan's spirit was tense, she quickly turned back as required, and then the tip of her nose was directly attached to a solid chest...

She subconsciously wanted to retreat, and Lu Mingchen above her head said lightly, "Stand still, don't move, you can't retreat under any circumstances on the battlefield."

Then shouted to the classmates behind Su Ruan, "All stand for me, and none of them are allowed to move!"

Su Ruan couldn't help but go crazy, the distance between them was less than ten centimeters, she could almost feel the vibration of his chest when he spoke,

She's pretty sure this guy did it on purpose!