Sun Chao keenly sensed the murderous aura of the person on the other side, and hung up the phone without thinking.

Lu Mingchen stared at the phone intently, Zhang Feng felt that his hand holding the phone was about to be burnt, and asked cautiously, "Would you like to call back?"

Lu Mingchen suddenly turned back and started reading.

Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Lu Mingchen's serious study, hesitated, and took out the book.

I haven't read two pages before I hear Lu Mingchen say, "Karaoke, when are you going?"

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment and said, "I probably won't be able to go, I heard that the new one opened on Jiefang Road is very good, I originally made an appointment to go with Sun Chao, he is not there, just go alone It's boring."

Lu Mingchen said, "I'll go."

Zhang Feng thought he was hallucinating, "What did you say?"

Lu Mingchen still put his eyes on the book, but said, "I'll go with you."

Zhang Feng was quite frightened, and looked at Lu Mingchen carefully, "Isn't the bag dropped? Or was it stimulated by something?"

Lu Mingchen ignored him, Zhang Feng thought he was joking, but just after lunch the next day, Lu Mingchen asked him, "When do you leave?"

"Are you really going?" Zhang Feng said in surprise, "I don't know why, but I don't really want to go with you."

Lu Mingchen stared at him without speaking.

"Go, go!" Zhang Feng apologized, "But brother, you have to change your clothes."

Lu Mingchen looked down at the military uniform on his body, turned around and went to the cabinet, turned over a white T-shirt and jeans, and put on it.

Zhang Feng also changed into a floral shirt and black trousers. When he turned his head and saw Lu Mingchen, he could not help whistling, "Follow you, maybe we can have a beautiful encounter today."

Lu Mingchen was noncommittal.

The price of this karaoke on Jiefang Road is not expensive, and it is close to the university town, so after pushing the door in, most of them are young college students.

There is a large color TV in the middle of the hall, a fashionable girl is singing with a microphone, the singing is very cheerful, and many young people are dancing ballroom dancing in the open space in front of the rhythm.

There are tables and booths around, and there are many people sitting here and there, drinking and chatting while enjoying others singing and dancing.

Zhang Feng was already twisting his body with the rhythm with great interest, and Lu Mingchen followed behind him and found an empty table to sit down.

After ordering a few bottles of beer, Zhang Feng couldn't wait to order a song and asked Lu Mingchen, "Are you going? I'll give you some song."

Lu Mingchen shook his head, "Go ahead."

Zhang Feng also felt that he was not a singer, so he stopped caring about him.

Lu Mingchen opened the beer on the table, leaned back in the chair and drank while sweeping through the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

It was Zhang Feng's turn to sing soon, he ordered a Cantonese song, in the eyes of people of this age, Cantonese songs are the most fashionable songs, he is like a real star , holding the microphone and singing and dancing, the atmosphere in the hall was heated up by him for a while.

Cheers, applause and whistles mixed together, stirring people's eardrums and nerves, and almost everyone was laughing.

Zhang Feng put down the microphone in the sound of "Encore" and walked back.

It's not that he doesn't want to sing anymore, but looking at Lu Mingchen, who is isolated from the world, he feels a little scared. It might disappear at some point.

"Would you like to sing a song?" Zhang Feng sat down, "You can also order "Unity is Strength", and I'll go to the bakery for you."

Lu Mingchen shook his head, touched a beer bottle with him, and took a sip to himself, "Don't worry about me, you can sing, it's very good."

Zhang Feng said, "What did I just sing?"

Lu Mingchen was stunned for a moment, unable to answer.

Zhang Feng snorted and said nothing, touched the bottle of wine with him and drank melon seeds with him.

After a while, a few bold girls came over to join them.

Two of them are very beautiful, Zhang Feng happily chats with others, Lu Mingchen still looks like he is boring to everything, occasionally answering a few words out of politeness, not hot.

However, those girls were a little more frustrated and brave, but Zhang Feng also cooperated with them and teased Lu Mingchen to speak.

In the end, Lu Mingchen probably got impatient, put down the bottle of wine, stood up, and said to Zhang Feng, "Go back."

Although it's a pity, Zhang Feng knows that he can't be funny anymore.

Lu Mingchen only felt that his wretched appearance was inconsiderate, he stood up to wait outside, and suddenly caught a familiar voice in the crowd.

Zhang Feng just said goodbye to the girls to catch up, but found that Lu Mingchen suddenly stood still, "What's wrong?"

Lu Mingchen listened for a while, then walked towards a booth in the corner, and then saw five young people, four men and one woman, chatting vigorously, one of them was It was Feng Jingye.

"...Good looking is to take advantage of it." A boy sighed, "Come, come, bet this time, the military training is over, our eldest master Feng can receive a few schoolgirls Confess."

"I bet ten dollars, more than ten."

"This kind of confession is too general, and the obscure one can't be distinguished. Let's count the love letters we receive. I bet ten yuan, at least five."

"Set a deadline, how about two weeks after the military training?"

Several people discussed at length, Feng Jingye didn't speak, he just drank beer from a wine glass while the people in the stands sang.

The girl suddenly said, "Why do I hear that you are pursuing which junior in the English department?"

Someone exclaimed, "Really or not? Feng Jingye, you are actually chasing girls? It must be a rumor."

Feng Jingye turned the wine glass in his hand and smiled, "That girl is quite special."

"Yo! It seems really amazing that Young Master Feng can say such a thing. When will you bring it to us?"

Feng Jingye said, "Wait, wait until I catch up."

"Tsk tsk, Young Master Feng is chasing people, I haven't seen it before."

"But I guess his pursuit is probably to take the initiative to hook his finger at others, and the girl can't wait to give her a hug."

"Then there should be no problem after the military training, right? How about we go to Yuhuatai to eat, I heard that it is Cantonese cuisine, let's try it."

Feng Jingye did not speak, and was obviously confident that he would catch up after the military training.

The girl laughed, "Then the content of our bet should be changed. Bet how long they will be together."

A boy said, "The one I chased by myself should last a little longer. I bet half a year!"

"This has nothing to do with actively chasing or not, it depends on the shelf life of Young Master Feng's love. I bet three months."

"I bet a year."

Several people booed in unison, obviously not believing.

Zhang Feng looked at Lu Mingchen's gloomy face and said, "What's wrong? Do you know these people?"

Those people also seemed to feel something, Feng Jingye turned his head with surprise, "Instructor Lu?"

Lu Mingchen looked at him coldly.

Feng Jingye realized that the other party had obviously overheard their conversation. He looked back at some of his friends and thought about their words carefully. "They're joking."

"Take the girl you like?" Lu Mingchen sneered, "Do they look down on you, or your so-called liking is not worthy of respect at all."

Feng Jingye frowned, "They just don't know Su Ruan yet."

Lu Mingchen didn't bother to tell him more, just warned, "Stay away from Su Ruan."

"I'm afraid it won't work." Feng Jingye also became a little angry, "Even if you know each other, you have no position to interfere with her love life, right?"

"If you're worried about me hurting her, you don't have to, I'm serious about her."

Lu Mingchen looked down at him, "Then your seriousness is too cheap." After that, he ignored him and turned to leave.

Feng Jingye was stunned for a moment, then unconsciously chased after two steps and found that he didn't have much to say.

The girl wondered, "Who is it? Know the girl you are chasing?" She smiled at Feng Jingye's expression, "Aren't you worried that he will give you eye drops?"

believe what others say."

"If you really care about this, it would be too careful."

Feng Jingye felt subtly unhappy when he thought of what Lu Mingchen had just said, "How do you know that she is careful when you haven't seen her? Do you think my eyesight is not good?"

The girl was stunned for a moment, and Feng Jingye suddenly lost his interest in playing, "I won't play anymore, I'll go first."

Leaving a few people look at each other.

Here Lu Mingchen went out to karaoke, Zhang Feng looked at his watch, "It's four o'clock, go back to school?"

Lu Mingchen took a deep breath and said after a while, "I'm going out, you go back first."

Zhang Feng scratched his head suspiciously, Lu Mingchen had already jumped on a bus directly to Yanjing Normal University.

After another day of military training, Su Ruan and her roommates dragged their tired bodies to the water room to fetch water. When they came back, they saw a person who surprised her:

"Su Qingqing?"

Su Qingqing was wearing a long aqua blue floral dress with delicate makeup on her face, standing downstairs in their dormitory looking at her with a smile, "Sister."

Su Ruan was puzzled, she really couldn't think of the reason why Su Qingqing came to her at this time, handed the hot water bottle to Zhao Yanyan and asked her to help bring it back, while she took Su Qingqing out, "It's hard for you I can inquire here."

Su Qingqing smiled, "Sister, you are so good and beautiful, of course it is not difficult to inquire."

She looked Su Ruan up and down, as if confirming something.

Su Ruan was completely invisible, and took her through the dormitory area to the learning forest next to the library.

Learning Forest is a large grove with a small mound at the back. Every day, diligent students get up early to read here, and in the evening, it is a place for couples to meet.

It is a private and convenient place to chat, Su Ruan feels that it is enough to entertain Su Qingqing here.

Su Qingqing didn't seem to mind either, so she sat down on the bench in the woods and said straight to the point, "Sister, do you have Lu Mingchen's contact information?"

Su Ruan never expected her first sentence to be this, "What?"

Su Qingqing said, "I have something important to tell Lu Mingchen, sister, give me his contact information."

Su Ruan was amused by her righteous appearance, "What is the important thing? Tell me, and I will help you convey it."

She said, "Lu Mingchen has a special career. Unless he takes the initiative to contact me, I will not be able to contact him."

Su Qingqing smiled and said, "I can't contact him, or I don't want me to contact him."

Su Ruan is also welcome, "All."

Su Qingqing obviously knew that Su Ruan would not give her the number easily, and explained, "I really have something to look for him, if you are worried, you can come with him, I promise that what I said is nothing To avoid you."

"It's about their deer family."

Su Ruan didn't let go, she didn't believe Su Qingqing's nonsense, "I really can't get in touch."

Su Qingqing sighed and said, "Sister, a lot of things have happened at home in the past six months, the uncle was dismissed, Du Xiaohong was also investigated, and was fired by the procuratorate a few days ago, Su Tiantian didn't go this year. Shengde College, I'm crazy at home, scolding you every day."

"You said, if Du Xiaohong finds a school and sees that her daughter is not in school, but you are enjoying college life here, what do you think she will do?"

Su Ruan sneered, "Does Huo Xiangyang know that you are looking for Lu Mingchen in private? If I guessed correctly, the Huo family has come to Yan City, right? If your mother-in-law knew that you were secretly looking for it. Lu Mingchen, what will happen to her?"

Su Qingqing changed slightly when she thought of Mother Huo. However, she was obviously very determined to find Lu Mingchen, and suddenly said, "Sister, do you know?"

"I'm pregnant."

Su Ruan was stunned for a moment, then looked at her lower abdomen subconsciously, and saw her sitting on the ground while stroking her stomach, "Sister, you said that if I shout here, you will cause trouble, deer As your legal spouse, Ming Chen has to come forward to solve it, right?"

Su Ruan's complexion immediately changed, and she said sharply, "What do you want to do?!"

Su Qingqing thought she was threatening her, and said proudly, "Nothing, I have something to tell Lu Mingchen, as long as you see him once, it doesn't matter if you are by your side the whole time."

"If I can, I don't want to risk the child in my belly, but if you don't agree, I can't help it."

Su Ruan pursed her lips tightly, staring at her lower abdomen, her face gradually pale...

Suddenly a low voice came from behind, "What are you looking for me for?"

Su Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then she was very surprised, "Lu Mingchen!"

She thought she still had to go through some twists and turns, but she didn't expect that it would take no effort to get it like this, which shows that God has eyes.

Su Ruan also looked back in surprise, why is he here?

Looking at Su Ruan's face, Lu Mingchen couldn't help frowning, he stepped forward and almost forcefully helped her to sit down on the bench.

Su Qingqing looked at Lu Mingchen's caring attitude towards Su Ruan, and could not help but grit his teeth secretly, he actually really moved his heart towards Su Ruan.

It's not worth her efforts to catch up to Yan City, otherwise Su Ruan will succeed.

"Lu Mingchen, don't you think Su Ruan really likes you?" Su Qingqing said.

Lu Mingchen and Su Ruan were both stunned for a moment, Su Ruan blinked, Su Qingqing used her child to blackmail her, just to say such a thing?

Su Qingqing glanced at Su Ruan and said to Lu Mingchen with a sneer, "Su Ruan loves Huo Xiangyang, she married you just to take advantage of you."

Su Ruan is really at a loss, what script is Su Qingqing doing?

Lu Mingchen is obviously also confused. He can feel Su Ruan's dislike of Huo Xiangyang even if he doesn't understand it seriously, how can he love Huo Xiangyang.

This is a big joke.

Su Qingqing also knew that Lu Mingchen would not believe it easily, and told him about other things, "You are so smart, have you never suspected Su Ruan's abnormality?"

"She used to like to protect my uncle so much and hated and disliked her mother, but in a short time, she quickly found her mother and quickly ruined my uncle."

"Don't say anything about coincidences, any error in any of these links will not have this effect, it is absolutely impossible to be a coincidence, but not a coincidence, how could she, a girl who has never been out of the county, have this kind of effect. Such a big deal."

"There are still stocks," Su Qingqing stared at Lu Mingchen and asked, "At the beginning of the year, Su Ruan said you were here to help your comrades sell stocks. Is this true? "

Lu Mingchen's expression didn't change, Su Qingqing couldn't see his thoughts and turned to look at Su Ruan, "That stock is actually what you want to buy, right?"

Don't wait for Su Ruan to speak, and continued, "And this." She pointed to the hair tie on her head, "This is called the large intestine hair tie, it is a thing that became popular after many years, But why do you, a little girl who has never been out of the county, do it?"

"Oh, and the matter of Wu Shengli and the Yanjia loan package project, where can a twenty-year-old girl do?"

Su Qingqing looked at Lu Mingchen, "but she did it without hesitation, she firmly believed that she could succeed, do you know why?"

Su Qingqing glanced at Su Ruan, "Because she knows the future."

Su Ruan raised her eyebrows, "So, you also know?"

She wanted to know what Su Qingqing would say about herself.

Su Qingqing obviously had already made the draft, "Yes, I also know that after marrying Huo Xiangyang, I suddenly started dreaming intermittently. I didn't quite understand it at first, and then I found out A lot of everything in the dream is real."

"But there is only one exception." She looked at Su Ruan, "Everything about you has changed."

"You obviously didn't find your mother until you were dying, and you were married to Huo Xiangyang's love, but now everything has changed."

Su Ruan listened without changing her face, Su Qingqing was as eloquent as ever, but she didn't know she suddenly figured out what the purpose of their rebirth was.

Lu Mingchen had obviously never heard such a bizarre story, and was surprised.

Su Qingqing looked at Lu Mingchen, "I didn't understand at first why she and Huo Xiangyang were so loving, but chose to marry you in this life."

"Until I saw everything in my dream, because she knew from the very beginning that your grandfather left you a huge fortune."

"I don't know how she persuaded you, but before meeting her, did you never think about getting married? Because in my dream, you never got married in your life."

Lu Mingchen, who originally listened to it as a joke, was startled when he heard this.

Su Qingqing looked at his expression and couldn't help sneering at Su Ruan. She had always wondered why the cold-blooded Lu Mingchen would protect Su Ruan so much, until she finally confirmed that Su Ruan was also reborn of.

In this way, everything makes sense. Su Ruan must have known something special about Lu Mingchen and moved him by it.

However, her wishful thinking is over, Su Qingqing does not believe that Lu Mingchen, who will report the truth, will like her after knowing the truth!

"I couldn't figure it out when I dreamed about those things recently. She and Huo Xiangyang were so affectionate, but they were so inactive when they went on a blind date. Instead, she chose you who was still paralyzed at the time, which is not her character at all."

"I only realized later that she knew that your grandfather left you a huge amount of property, and you will sacrifice in a few years." Su Qingqing said, "She will be able to make it logical then. Inherit your inheritance of tens of millions, and then bring the money to Huo Xiangyang."

"At that time, Huo Xiangyang had already made a fortune, and she didn't even need to endure hardship with him." Su Qingqing thought of the crime she suffered in the south with Huo Xiangyang for half a year, and had to admire Su Ruan's Careful calculation, much better than her, "She just needs to sit back and enjoy the success from start to finish!"

Su Ruan was stunned when she heard it. She really felt that it was a pity that Su Qingqing didn't want to be a screenwriter.

Su Qingqing ignored Su Ruan. The most important thing for her now is to convince Lu Mingchen that Su Ruan's plan cannot succeed.

In order to increase credibility, Su Qingqing said to Lu Mingchen, "Your grandfather will die at the end of this year, on the third day of November."

"The stocks that Su Ruansheng bought in the market will begin to plummet in February next year."

"You can wait and see if what I say is true!"

If Su Ruan is really the kind of person she thinks, I am afraid that she will soon face Lu Mingchen's revenge and will not be able to do anything.

The script in Su Qingqing's mind has probably progressed to there, she looked at Su Ruan proudly and said, "Su Ruan, don't dream of your spring and autumn dreams, Huo Xiangyang is dedicated, but not It's not that he is devoted to you, you miss him, and the person he loves in his life is me. And..."

Su Qingqing caressed her stomach happily, "We have a child..."

She looked at Su Ruan proudly and sympathetically, "And you can't even give birth to a child."

Su Ruan leaned on the back of the chair without speaking, Su Qingqing consciously poked her sore foot, "Su Ruan, Brother Xiangyang likes children."

"You probably don't know that after you died, he immediately brought back two children, one six-year-old and one eight-year-old, born to him by two women, both of whom were raised very carefully. "

She touched her lower abdomen, "I can give him what you can't give him, so I won't let you destroy our happiness."

Su Qingqing saw Su Ruan staring at her stomach, and she was a little afraid that she would jump over the wall and hurt her child, so she decided to end the conversation quickly, and finally said to Lu Mingchen, "I dreamed about this anyway. , I can't bear you to be deceived, and I want to protect my family, so I'll tell you, you can do it yourself."

"Also," Su Qingqing added some chips to herself before leaving, "If you need to know anything, I can tell you everything I dream of, and you can contact me at any time. ."

Turn around and leave.

Su Ruan suddenly said, "Su Qingqing, if you want to keep this child, you can live in peace recently, and don't pay attention to those women you don't know."

Su Qingqing looked at her vigilantly, "What do you want to do? Let me tell you, if my child has any shortcomings, I will count them on your head."

Su Ruan looked at her sympathetically and stopped talking.

Su Qingqing frowned and left quickly.

Su Ruan leaned against the back of the chair with some strength, her face turned pale, and subconsciously touched her lower abdomen, even after so many years, the heart-piercing pain never disappeared for a moment .

Lu Mingchen sat down beside him, and after a while, he suddenly asked, "In her dream, did your last life have a bad time?"

Su Ruan knew that she couldn't hide it from him, and with Su Qingqing's evidence, she really had a lot of flaws, and she didn't have the energy to make up nonsense at the moment, she broke the jar and said, "Well, it's not good, very not good."

Lu Mingchen was silent, in fact, she could guess, without Li Ruolan, without him, she is a twenty-year-old girl living under the hands of people like Su Wenshan and Du Xiaohong, and Huo Xiangyang, even if I have only met a few times, and I know that he is not a good person...

Lu Mingchen asked again, "When did she say you died?"

"Forty-one years old, it should be considered exhausted. In fact, it is a bit like you, and I have no nostalgia for this world." She looked at Lu Mingchen's greatly changed expression and laughed, "You are worried What, you were already dead when I died."

Speaking of this, I couldn't help sneering, "You are not as good as me, just for your disgusting grandfather's family, sacrificed on the battlefield at the age of 31. It made so many people feel sad and painful for you. ."

Lu Mingchen said hoarsely, "Including you?"

"Me? Only after sacrifice did I get to know you. I just saved my life from the kidnappers. Seeing that I would make money, give me that much money, and ask me to help you support you Brothers and orphans, the credit for exhausting me is also yours."

After saying that, he sighed and stood up, "It's always a good thing to live longer, in this life you just don't die for your grandfather. I also found my mother in advance. If I want to live comfortably, I was so tired in my last life that I never experienced anything.”

"But there is one thing I think your insistence is right. Don't fall in love and don't get married. That thing is sad and terrible, so our cooperation like this is very good."

"Okay, I'll go back first, Su Qingqing, I really don't know where it will explode." She was about to leave when she suddenly grabbed her wrist.

Su Ruan was stunned for a moment, then turned to see Lu Mingchen looking at her deeply, his wrist was pulled with a force, stumbled and fell directly into Lu Mingchen's sturdy arms, being killed Dead hold.